Do you regret all that time you spent playing games?
Do you regret all that time you spent playing games?
Left: Soul
Right: Soulless
Nope not gonna pretend I have the discipline to gain any sort of worthwhile skill
I am on Yea Forums after all
I don't want to survive by drawing furry porn commissions.
Time enjoy wasted is not a wasted time.
What's up with all the midlife crisis threads on Yea Forums lately?
Sort of, yeah
>Time enjoy wasted is not a wasted time.
big cope
i'm a shit programmer i don't even want to open up my old code from 10 years ago
Well I'm sorry you feel this way user.
How much would you ahve to draw in those six years?
I regret all the time I've spent on anything.
Not really that much. You can achieve that in less than three if you grind your fundies and do finished pieces from time to time
you don't need to try so hard being contrarian to fit it
>nd do finished pieces from time to time
What's that mean?
Best way to grind fundies? I see people say that one guy but all his art books look like magazine ads from the 60s.
I regret all my time I don't spend playing video games honestly. Real life is so shitty. It exists for us to try and escape it.
It's a meme you don't have to take everything serious to fit in
I've had multiple people do it in about a year and a half while tutoring them.
Anyone hate this guys art looks like what a Dad that just bought a mustang would think is cool.
Video games aren't the problem, they're just something I enjoy. The problem is my lack of interest in trying to improve myself in more "meaningful" hobbies like art, editing, writing etc. because I feel I lack the long term motivation to keep improving at it and would likely give up within a week out of not really having a specific direction with it.
The only thing I've ever done out of personal interest that took long term motivation is lose weight, and that's only because it's extremely straight forward and simple to do so (eat less and better, exercise more), and there are very clearly defined metrics for how well you're doing at it (numerical value of your weight).
I would actually like to have a more meaningful hobby alongside video games, one that allows me to create or at least contribute to creation (in fact my biggest personal discomfort is that feeling of a lack of value to others) but I have no specific subjects or fields of interest to do so in and even if I did, none of them have clearly defined progression because learning things isn't like that.
DIY projects or learning handyman skills sounds like it would be up your alley
Get into stock trading
got any pics?
How do you decide to turor people? Can I pay?
Biggest meme of all time.
>flaws give soul
yes we get it but the meme has been ran into the ground sadly
Try programming/coding? It's very straight-forward.
Damn whoever drew this really improved
Right is really good
the website is 16 years old so most of its users are going into their 30s
>10 years and still a shit programmer
That's an achievement in itself
dont kid yourself
if you didnt play games, you would have just watched tv or wasted your time in some other way
take up carpentry. you can sell the shit you make.
>implying website age correlate with users age
Nice b8
it literally does zoomer, you think the "you're here forever" meme is JUST a meme?
lol no you cant
no one buys that shit these days
t. i know two carpenters and they live on welfare
Well at least they have video games to numb the pain, I know a few guys who didn't survive midlife crisis and drank themselves to death.
>most of its users
Here is your problem.
It's not true, since "most" users will be around 2007 at first, and 2016 later. 2016 one will be ever bigger one base.
So, it's literally zoomer website with some of doomers and some of boomers.
This is the absolute worst advice. Taking up the trades is bullshit. The only worthwhile trade is plumbing.
>Spend 20 hours (about 3-4 work days) building something
>Sell it for $20
Drawing is way better, people will pay you $20 a pop to do a porn commission that takes 3 hours
Ruined my life. By the time I realized how important and enjoyable things like athletics/sports and relations with other people are it was too late.
Ex-Plumber here, HVAC and Electrical Work is also fine. But plumbing is very fast consistent work because people are fucking slackjawed when it comes to house maintenance.
The fundamentals of drawing haven't changed in the last couple hundred years so Loomis remains as good a resource as any and it's free. Find something that gives you motivation and provides at least a little guidance. That's all you need if you just want to improve as a hobby.
Not so far. Video games are fun, and socializing sucks.
I went to /ic/ because Yea Forums told me too after I showed them my shitty anime drawing and now they are making me draw bald men's
You fucking lied to me Yea Forums
so if hypothetically I wanted to start to draw, what would be a good tutorial/course to learn the basics?
you can make way more than $20 for 3 hours of work with drawing
$20 is for absolute beginner shit
most artists make $50+ for 20-30 minute sketches
Only poorfags have regrets, prove me wrong.
Before you get the right to draw ugu anime girls you need to become a master artist. Jokes aside fundamentals are critical. Ide wager hard cash that a man doing actual study and the like for 6 months would be 10x better then your average deviant artist in 5 years.
Yep, i remember when i was there. Now am drawing terrible inaccurate anatomy, it only goes up from here.
Not really. Any time you spend in this world where you truly enjoyed yourself is time well spent. There are excesses. Maybe don't be strung out on heroin until you die, but playing video games? I think it's okay.
I love video games. I hate to brag but I am good at video games. Why not embrace what you love?
Lots of games are social. Lots of games teach you something you didn't know. You make new friends and discover new things. Why regret that?
dont bother going to /ic/, it's full of failed artists
Spent all of high school in my room without talking to anyone. I just got high and wasted while playing games all day. Was a nervous wreck. Senior year I got convinced to try football and I realized how fun it was. My biggest regret not starting earlier. Didn't have any experience to play in college
I'm trying an anime book as soon as /ic/ get distracted
>MDRs are gay looking rifles
>dagger in what looks like it should be a pistol holster despite having a fucking katana already
>bandages on forearm because her BDU sleeves don't reach down far enough to protect from a thorny bush
>fucking Nike pants
>obligatory weeb belts
Somehow I like it anyway
These books are boring and dry, and not fun, and are like 50 years old but they're full of golden knowledge for drawing the human figure.
This is some good photoshop stuff
Kind of, actually. Since I'm still shit at them even though all I do is play them all day. But then I remember I can't do anything right no matter how much time I put into.
As an ancient /ic/ fag, yeah, because the successful ones leave after they get success. There have been enough guys who made it there though.
Why do you regret it anons?
Most anime drawing books are trash. But do draw stuff for fun. Ive heard many a tale of people who picked up loomis studied hard then quit after 2 weeks because they made it into to much work. So stick with the fundys but have some fun as well.
whos the qt
thanks bruh
those are some sad saggy looking tits she got. Could probably fit most of it in my mouth.
Why waste your time on drawing?
Blooks are cute. Cute!
The point of the exercise is to give you something you can make with the technique that actually looks like something. Good motivation, but kind of for people who've never drawn anything in their life.
You can always end it with a bang anons, just don't forget to stream it and post a link on
It is/was the only thing I am/was naturally good at and made me feel validated.
Sounds like a pretty sad life.
I remember drawing non-stop when I was 15 to 19, I made great progress from my shitty figures to easily draw the human figure every single day. Then my mother died, my brother was kidnapped, my gf cheated on me with my best friend, and all life went to shit. 11 years later and I'm still on this hollow life. I still want to draw, but is so hard to just get up and do anything at all.
Hopefully the last year has been better, and I'm not thinking about killing myself every single hour like other times. I mean, I got to see Rose with elf ears. Life is still worth it for these little surprises.
>Lines on paper forming recognizable objects
>Not art
Discipline is a habit. While gaining the skill you gain discipline.
>when anime is superior to modern western cartoons in everyway and manga outsells comics even in the US
sorry kid but all those calarts graduates and SJWs fucking destroyed your industry
>manga outsells comics even in the US
Really? Who the fuck buys manga.
No, should I?
Why should I?
this, I want to thrive by drawing furry porn commissions
What would you not consider a waste of time?
This is only true if you have talent and creativity. If you desired to draw you would be doing it already anyway. Any idiot cannot start "grinding" out drawing and expect anything remotely close to OP
People looking for entertaining products.
its mostly my hero academia, which is deliciously ironic, that japanese capeshit surpasses western capeshit
I have talent I'm just lazy.
>People looking for entertaining products.
You can read them online for free and more series and sooner... literally every western manga community openly tolerates scanlating.
Manga isn't quite as popular as capeshit yet because the MCU exists, but as far as books go, Manga sell way more these days.
I love how much I improved but it hasn't been too much honestly. I don't draw as much as I should because I'm a lazy fucker and I hate college.
Right now I dropped it and I'm getting a part-time job to have mroe time to draw. I wanna do it full time one day.
The only two things in my life that I regret wasting time on is 1. Politics and B. Fighting games made after the mid-90's
well at least he can do backgrounds well.
I know as someone whos garbage at drawing, I've heard that I need to learn how to draw shapes. Is there a book for learning this?
I like your drawings, post more.
Buy me SFV
Go pick up Nicolaides.
I'm 36, user. Get used to this fag hole.
If you're gonna try to swindle him into doing some meme shit at least make him draw. As long as libido exists so too will there be horny people willing to slap down cash for porn.
It's more art than anything the west can shit out.
The sticky is good, but other than that it's the epitome of a crab bucket.
No, not really
based ojisan
>falling for the /ic/ loomis meme
There are tons of new material out there whose contents doesn't double as an autobiography.
Nielsen Bookscan doesn't count single issue sales or sales from local comic shops.
I mostly draw memes for /vg/ but I get some comissions from time to time. If you even been to the SCP, Risk of Rain, For Honor or League of Legends you probably seen something mine.
I'd regret it if I was capable of long-term effort and applying myself to something else than maladaptive daydreaming.
>anime is better than anything the west can make
You children need to be thoroughly educated.
I dont know if I actually have hobbies or not. Everything I've tried to learn, I don't know if I actually like it just for the enjoyment of doing it, or if I'm doing it to become skilled and gain admiration from others.
I hate this feeling.
And those same horny rich fucks need cabinets to keep their porn in
The difference is that western tards are adverse to putting any real effort, when consumers would eat shit when they tell them too.
>le mozart meme
you do realise "classical" music was the equivalent of top 40 pop trash in the day?
its true though
>western tards are adverse to putting any real effort
He says while defending a medium that has done nothing but animated on 3s for the past half century.
Hey, remember that one really embarrassing thing you did? That time you were the king of cringe and humiliated yourself in front of everyone?
It never happened
Only you remember it because while important to you, nobody else remembers what some random kid did in the 3rd grade
So if you, the only one who remembers it, decides it didn't happen, nobody can ever disprove it
You're welcome
I didn't even play video games, I spent a good third of my life on this board.
>The difference is that western tards are adverse to putting any real effort
Makes me thing.
playing video games unironically made me a better person
I've never been good at anything, despite sinking thousands of hours into those things, and that includes video games.
I'm just kind of a worthless dumbass who at his best is totally average.
Only above-average thing about me is my weight.
nigger did i mention anything about anime?
Not in the least. My time spent gaming is the largest chunk of my good memories.
Nah, I think you need to be educated yourself. Your standards for art and it's specific era are that of a pretentious fool who stares at a Petrus or a Bosch painting all day just to feel "immersed" without any real reason and shames others who dare to have a fun style.
I have the opposite problem of picking things up instantly, but I have literally zero dedication and drop everything I do within a week.
>flopped harder than a fat guy in a pool
there's no getting back from their shit based diets.
For the most part no since it's the main thing that has probably kept me going so far.
No, I'm open to everything even including anime.
But I never say one genre is objectively better than the entirety of the western world, that's ridiculous.
so i have you to blame for the huge wave of ror2 oc. thanks a lot i love you
a man can start drawing in their 50s and be a total master in his 70s, it is never too late to start a new skill
I fell for the drawing meme and nobody wants to commission me. Its a fucking useless hobby unless if youre drawing furry or /d/ fetishes. I regret not using that time to learn dropshipping t-shirts instead.
>muh sales
>lazy as shit
>still develop as an artist
The hard repeated training in drawing is a fucking joke. It’s more about thinking smart and knowing the right techniques rather than muscle memory.
There's other dedicated drawfags but yeah proud to be part of the bunch.
I play videogames and I still draw.
No regrets.
and post a drawing
How do you even sell drawings or doujins?
are you allowed to draw anything or is copyright going to fuck me?
I'm still beginner tier and people commission me decently often for their MMO characters and whatnot. Gotta advertise yourself
I'M NOT FUCKING AROUND is my favorite
As long as you're not gonna try to peddle mickey mouse getting raped as a genuine Disney product no one really gives a fuck.
If you are willing to cheat it's easy without any training. Can't draw perspective? np hit up blender and 3d pose your character. Can't into art? Use assets make a collage and blend it together. Congrats on your new painting.
The skill floor has been utterly destroyed by software solutions.
how do you advertise yourself? i posted lots on /aco/ comm thread and nobody is taking the bait.
No but I'd regret wasting time learning to draw anime garbage, especially when Japanese countries outsource most of their anime related jobs to biscuitheads for pennies on the dollar and Western trash like OP can't even hope to compete in the job market.
i gave up on drawing, i gave up on women, i gave up on friendships, i gave up on myself and i gave up on happiness
it's been like 1 year and a half since i last posted on Yea Forums
Holy shit please post the I'm not fucking around one, I need it.
the point is, fucktard.
Is that a film like where they actually tried is largely ignored by the majority of western consumers, due to them being conditioned to only enjoy low tier garbage.
The retarded Minions movie made more than Kubo. And that was made by a company dedicated to pouring as minimal funds work into their movies.
Yes user, I'm sure it was your decision to "give up" on all those things and you weren't left behind because everyone thought you were such an insufferable, miserable pile of shit.
Truly a man of culture and esteem.
I have many skills that my home life gave me no room to practice. It was either sit on my ass playing games, reading, studying.
i want to learn how to draw really surreal and fucked up shit, where should i start?
>sales don't matter
No, because I only play them with my friends and bond and have good times with them as a result.
also fuck you there's plenty of time in between to draw and I'm getting decent at it
Learn how to draw really well and than intentionally fuck it up.
The majority of game developers and artists were good at nothing but really loved to sink hours into video games. Some of those people even just bullshitted something and it worked.
Kojima left college, everyone criticized him for that and said he was wasting time on games, including his colleagues and when he joined Konami, he was made fun of for not having experience compared to other coders.
Iwatani literally created Pac-Man when he was eating Pizza and saw other people just playing arcade games in a restaurant.
Game Freak had only a few developers at the time Red/Blue was released.
The FX Chip was literally an asspull promise made by a bunch of young developers from England.
My point is, there's no shame in video games as a career option. I'm sure if people on Yea Forums realized, a bunch of people who aren't "good at anything" can try and get together and make something. Video games to me is like the cheat career. Not to sound "deep" and over-dramatic, but video games is another dimension that's great in story telling.
>drew every day for a year
>never really improved
>concerned I've got some disorder that's fucked with my fine motor skills
Maybe I'll try drawing again when I'm a NEET
Study and research artists from the Surrealism movement in the 1920s.
You always have the choice produce thrash for mass market or quality for niche. Just a matter if you chase money or personal gratification.
These are all outliers.
It's like saying tech is cheat career and using millionaire/billionaire founders as examples.
Actually forget the whole '1920's' part. Surrealism lasted a long-ass time as you could probably tell from the filename.
There's nothing I could regret more than just being alive in a general sense, so any regret after that is like, nothing.
kubo was also just a bad movie regardless of how much heart, labor, and overall effort was expended upon its production
Is Loomis and drawabox a good starting point? Not sure where I should start.
I am drawing since I was 8
I didn't draw for 4 years and am 27 now
My drawing Never really improved
Still problems with proportion
Nah, I only regret specific games like MGSV. I've wasted way more of my life bullshitting around on the internet than anything else anyway.
I regret all the time I have been alive.
I think you misunderstand me. Video games aren't my career, NOTHING is my career.
>stop drawing anime
>stop getting followers
>Just a matter if you chase money or personal gratification.
Biggest meme in the game right now, you'll end up homeless and no one will ever see your niche works, but hey at least you've got your personal gratification right?~~
dunno, probably both
>19 years of drawing
>for that
I tried taking up drawing for some time in the past but I just don't enjoy it much. Sitting down and drawing is never enjoyable for me. Finishing something and having it look ok or better than the previous is a pretty good feeling, but if you don't enjoy the whole process it's just torture.
I dropped it and am doing other stuff now.
Cute face but the body could use some work, no offense
>try to git gud at art
>befriend lots of artists along the way
>no reason to git gud any more because I can just ask for shit I want
anyone else know this feel
Can't they still sue? I mean it's obviously mickey and Donald.
I tried to get back into drawing and painting, but damn, I cannot commit to a schedule.
Kinda. I've always wanted to learn how to animate and draw but I'm never know where to start.
>reading a drawing manual for beginners
>tells me to read another book in order to understand the specific aspect being covered
>doesn't even tell me which book, just to find a "good one"
I was really getting into drawing every day but all this sidetracking got me off course
Well I mean, maybe I'm using the wrong wording, but my point is not entirely wrong. I find it fascinating that people on Yea Forums and by extension, /g/, Yea Forums, /3/, etc haven't gotten together in some interest of video games or maybe they have and I don't know it. There's a lot of good talent here.
No, because I don't know what else I'd actually be doing. I COULD be doing a lot but lord knows I wouldn't be doing it for long.
Kill me
I will never be able to draw the cute girls I alway wanted
People are alive with 20+ years spending making shit in niches. It exists and it works. Your opinion is a meme.
Time is for sure the main issue. When I am actually inspired to draw or make music I am usual at work. Then I get home and I am like fuck that shit.
Draw it again until its right
Why would you want to get into games vs anything else?
They're complex to make and require a set of wide and disparate skills to make.
The odds of being next Toby Fox are vanishingly small.
Hey, that one is preaty good.
no but i regret having a bf
Yeah they could, but unless it's popular enough they just won't care. Most companies have better things to do than sue people making stupid shit.
This one is pretty fine, just commit to studying anatomy
Yeah but the body is copied from a pros work
You can see the face proportion is fucked up
Unironically. The left looks like something a kid had fun drawing. Right looks cringey with all the brand worship. A Supreme and Nike logo? Seems like something a nigger would ask to include.
No. If anything, my current approach to video games and the fact that I'm burned out on most vidya is the direct result of me spending most of my adolescence playing all kinds of shit to death.
The natural repercussion of this is that in five or so years I probably won't be playing any vidya at all, or just niche ones.
I don't even want to learn to draw, i just want to work on a computer without distracting my self, non internet work it's fine, but the moment i touch a PC i can't get myself to concentrate, help, all university works must be done on PC.
How where
I am too dumb
>befriend lots of artists
imagine the smell
you can tell the artist is mexican/south american because of their absolutely terrible fucking taste
the whole akira brand worship shit is so awful and this is coming from someone who owns an akira tshirt and the original jacket kaneda's was modeled after
I wouldn't mind the nike logo alone though it would be a fun understated detail
You could just block websites that aren't productive.
Both those are fine just keep at it and diversify with other good materials as well. Check out the /ic/ sticky for more shit.
post your art and you'll find a few
talk to them
join their discords and telegram groups and twitter circlejerks and whatnot
artists have other artist friends
Well, because I'm not interested in anything else, I'm interested in video games. I've been called a fool for that but I'm sad that people don't understand how thrilling they are. It's worth the contribution and it has many art styles that appeal and maybe suitable for an upcoming developer. I don't really want to be the next "Toby Fox". I like some of his art, don't get me wrong, but being the "next" someone is silly.
he really got gud
I was relatively talented at drawing and I'm still not awful, but I haven't improved since high school.
>like 3 years
One of my problems is that I was always too embarassed to draw girls or anime style stuff, but that's what I want to draw now and I just get discouraged when I try to draw a cute girl and it's abysmal compared to most of my other stuff.
Look at my unfinished art.
>come home from cs class in the evening
>feeling the existential dread
>think back to when i wanted to be an artist
>i used to think i had a purpose
>"maybe i shouldn't quit art ? Maybe i should try again ?"
>suddenly feel pumped as shit
>draw and paint for hours every day
>constantly excited from thinking about art
>i love it but it's stressing me the fuck out
>i stop one week later after having failed a painting
art is completely draining
i love it but i hate it
There's IRL groups if you draw with your hand, ask shop keepers they might know something, join a discord, if you post your art there might be people talking to you or you can start interacting with other artists. Just get up and talk to people man, what's the worst they will do to an account you can delete any time you want.?
Whoever did this must have really worked pretty hard
He improved a lot quite quickly
Lmao, I've got a family member who went to school for a bachelors of animation or some shit, and he's still trash, despite graduating about 5 years ago. Lazy bastard
user if you are still here I wanna get into digital drawing could you recommended me a tablet/Program to use. Also any books/Fundamental guides would be appreciated sorry for asking for so much. But I enjoy your work.
not him but xp-pen and huion have really well-priced beginner pads
I don't wanna meme but even if it's obviously not the same thing, bottom left is full of soul while bottom right looks like every environment piece that the guys who went to Feng Zhu paint.
What are some good hobbies?
Is drawing too hard? I'm worried I'll drop it since I won't be progressing fast enough. Is /ic/ unironically a good place to start?
Maybe I should just make models or something to fill my creative urge....................
Not in the slightest.
I really want to have an art squire that I pass my skills on to. I want to help them grow with advice, critique, redlines, and encouragement.
The only problem is most artists skittish, unstable, and unreliable.
Xp-pen are top tier and chip af
May is the best looking to my eye.
I hope you can go back to drawing some day.
August is CUTE.
god I hate these new generation illustrators heavily influenced by anime and manga. its cultural appropriation, and a sign of losing the pride of western culture.
Not to bash the guy because there is definite talent there but the later ones rely just way to much on digital medial. a lot of blending, lighting effects etc etc that could not be done in a regular medium as well. Aug-Nov seem to strike the right balance, But December goes almost completely digital. all the air brushing/smear and other stuff just seems off putting. Its like watching bad cgi. Again I am not knocking his skills just the tools he is using to get the job done.
Be mentally deranged.
That's fucking rad. Like tapping into some unknown talent you didn't know you had a knack for.
and I don't regret vidya but I do regret not practicing more guitar, music theory and shit like that. Or unironically learning to code or learning japanese.
Only works if your niche is actually good and you know how to market it.
user teach me your ways, show me thine skills. I am no artist by any stretch of the imagination so I am the perfect pupil. Let us walk the path of shitty Animu waifus together, Create porn, make a go fund me and become rich.
Krita is photoshop for free. Much better for drawing compared to gimp. No idea about the stylus market though, still running with a intuos4 for a good decade now.
There are tons online or study human proportions yourself by analyzing IRL pictures. Doing it for loli is dangerous though.
Mediocre drawfag with 5 years under my belt here, ask me anything
I'm the guy. I use a Huion GT-185, used a generic wacom tablet for 6 years before that. I do everythying in Phosothop, altho I tried SAI and can say the pen sensivity there is miles better.
My advice are the 1/2/5 min pose exercise drawing and jsut draw something everyday, even if it's jsut 20min. Also NEVER stop a drawing because you think it's not good enough, try to finish whatever level you're on (sketch, lineart, coloring, etc) and move on. Every failed drawing is a step closer to a good one.
pick me, what kind of daily time comittment?
Well two responses for the same product told to me by strangers on a chinase video game thread about art are enough glowing reviews for me.
why bother having serious talent and skills when you can make something people find fun instead and still succeed?
full color stuff is usually going to cost you 8 to 12 hours so spend that much per day on drawing.
>niche has to exist, cant randomly create one
>you have to be good at it
not true, garbage is often sold at premium prices because the degenerates don't get better alternatives.
No, this is soul and soulless.
>garbage is often sold at premium prices
most garbage artists usually make dosh because they're big in popularity. CWC sells his drawings for $100 per pop. he doesnt even draw fetish or furry shit
Jesus. What do you do to make sure this doesn't happen?
Do you even know what your memeing anymore?
No because I've still been learning Japanese and improving my health in between since I have more than one hour a day when not playing games. Learning to draw on top of that would've been nice though so I could make the degenerate porn I want because no one else is doing it.
>Man I want to eat right now
>Instead of getting garbage fast food or milk from my fridge I'll play video games to distract myself.
I've lost seventy pounds so far and have started to make massive gains from just excercising regularly.
Any tablet is fine, but i really recommend you buying a full on display tablet, a cheap chinese is fine. Don't have to be Cintiq.
draw once a day so you keep your talents sharp
I'm amateurish at making 8-bit shit, but I really want to reach 32 bit one day. This is what I randomly imagined.
dont take deviantart comments seriously
I mean i got 1k followers now so it's not all that bad, still long way from top tier artists though