Who here “bought Mortal Kombat 11 but hopes it flops anyways”?

Who here “bought Mortal Kombat 11 but hopes it flops anyways”?
Sorry but I couldn’t miss out. MK is my all time favorite game series. I’m not strong enough. I do hope it flops so NetherRealm understands they can’t pull their greedy tricks anymore. They need to be reminded who buys their games.
Inb4 “hurr sure normies will buy it anyway!”
Yeah, Battlefield and FUCKING STAR WARS!!! have waaaay more normie appeal, yet look how badly they sold (compared to their previous entries) Injustice 2 sold way less than MKX and I’m sure this will sell less than IJ2

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Get some fucking taste holy shit.

Eat shit faggot. What’s your favorite series?

>MK is my all time favorite game series
Why are you doing this to yourself user.

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A fool and his money give rise to historical revisionists and fetishist closet racist estrogents

>One mediocre entry in a series devalues the entire series as a whole
This is the same site that felates RE2 on a daily bases right? Get fucked

>these guys obviously aren't trying to cater to me, a fan who has played MK since NES
>I will give them money anyway because I am a cuck who has no awareness or self control
>I hope this game flops haha

Can you explain why you like the series to me? I dont get it.
The story is hot garbage by now and as a fighting game it is very incompetent compared to other similar fighters like Killer Instinct. The only saving grace is that the graphics are nice, as long as no face gets animated.

Pretty much this. OP I mean it this time
PLEASE kill yourself.

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better fighting games exist

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buying things solely because of brand is genuinely fucking retarded, see SUPREME and Funko Pops

Never played an MK until this one, holy shit why do you people like these games?

>literally 4 buttons in 4 directions with only predetermined combos. No freedom.
>a block button
>Input timings are very strick so you have to commit every time you attack instead of reacting to block
>a fucking block button
>on top of short input windows, most motions are half circle motions, so you barely have time to do them if you want to use them in a combo

Complete waste of money, will be dead in 2 weeks. I see why MK is never at EVO after a year.

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It’s fun. I’m not a fighting game “fan” by any means. I am it’s intended demographic. A fighter for people who aren’t into fighting games. (I do love Smash Bros but “tHATs noT A FIghTiNG GaME” It’s not as deep or technical as SF of Tekken but I don’t want it to be. I love the characters, the lore is interesting to me and the story, pre MKX was great. Of course the MK is nothing without its’ gore. I don’t know why but I love that MK is the only series that lets me brutally dispatch beautiful women in the most horrifying, painful, gruesome ways.

>MK is my all time favorite game serie

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Don’t know shit about fighting games. Why is a block button so bad in a fighter?

You are worth less than lint stuck in my ball's pubes you fucking sack of shit.

Every other 2D fighter has you hold back to block, so anyone who plays a different 2D fighter will get hit by a lot of shit because they hold back thinking they are safe.

because it's unnecessary and stupid, just like change stance button.
Btw injustass doesn't have block button

>buys mortal kombat full price
Good job wasting your money. Mortal Kombat games are worth at most $5.

You’re retarded because it does kek.

Did it sell really poorly, what's with these reverse psychology posts?

I only played first one briefly, did they add it in 2nd?

Yeah. I think you’re right. Those retards didn’t add a block button on the first one because they thought it would of changed the mechanics in a good way. You had to back away from the hits instead.

Fighting games haven't evolved in decades and it's just boring now.



I don't play fighting games, why am i even in this thread?

Dude, I like Mortal Kombat too, but there have been WAY more than just one mediocre entry in the series.

I'm not really a fan of fighting games. This just looks like mk9 and mk10 anyways. I hope you enjoy it, though.