*ruins ur childhood*
*ruins ur childhood*
Never had any Xbox console, and none of my friends did either. Heard those were pretty bad, though, from my time on GameFAQs.
I got an original 360 for Christmas and I still have it and it has never had a red ring of death.
>xbox 360
>Xbox 360
fuck off underage newfag
Imagine growing up on 7th generation consoles, now that would be retarded, haha.
I've owned sony + nintendo + PC as a combo my entire life more or less.
I had ONE PERIOD when i owned a 360, it was the period in time where 360 were the de facto fighting game machine "standard".
I played RDR and every single fighting game ever released in that period, and owned stick for it too.
That entire period was the worst in my entire life.
Nothing good was happening to me, ever, everything i tried was going wrong.
Eventually, microsoft made it incredibly complicated to delete your xbox live subscription, a completely dick move, and that was the alst straw for me.
I sold everything, got a PS3, went back to weeb games and tried Demon's Souls, fell in love with it.
Never looked back since.
Based on this pic, are y'all Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer? I'm a based Zoomer (Born 98).
Early Millenial, though I enjoyed many of the things from late gen x in my childhood
>7th gen
Holy shit, do I feel bad for you.
Sorry to tell y'all but those who grew up with 7th gen are now the majority of the internet
These are just ironic boomer posts, like this thread
Stop posting this thread every night faggot, your bait is getting stale.
Xbox is garbage, literally any xbox that exists gets a red ring
dude how fucking old are you people that a console released in '05 wasn't part of your youth? I was fucking 15 when that shit came out
The 360 came out almost 14 years ago.
15 is not childhood.
dreamcast ruined my childhood it failed so hard I jumped to PC and never got a console ever again
as a zoomer, i can guarantee that only the pushing 40 one is a shitpost
my friends and I took apart our xboxes and replaced the thermal paste to fix the RROD, get rekt scrub
um yeah, it is
Barely recognize any of that videogame garbage because I was a PCchad since day one.
Needs the 500 doom and unreal clones to honor the early early 90a
>entering hundreds of lines of code with a controller just to see laras pale boobies in TR3
LARP harder faggot RROD was broken soldering because Microsoft trusted chink labor to use quality solder not thermal paste you dumb nigger
>360 gets red ring of death
>send it in and repaired for free
>get it back
>it happens again
>they cover it one more time
>get it back
>it happens again
>they refuse to fix it again
My first 360 experience in a nutshell.
literally no
children are children
teenagers are teenagers
um, no sweetie.
I'm posting a board filled with underage.
>MOBAs are now considered part of people's childhoods
Y'all. Zoomers are the vast majority of the internet now. You're getting old. Twitter posts like "2000-2004 BORN GANG RISE UP" get like 500k likes and retweets these days.
oh no, time exists, you surprised me
this is the only really good post in the thread, it is pretty sad that so many will not remember a time before games were shipped unfinished, padded with overpriced DLC, shilled with paid online, and also unceremoniously crapped out on a conveyor belt every year or so. Those are the trends we've decried for years, and some will just never really understand. I guess it is the way of the world though.
and yet everyone in the thread is mocking OP
>mocking OP
more like seething that time exists
In 2007 when i was 17 no one gave ME shit for being "underage". No one gave me shit for starting video games with an original gameboy. It really is just your gen m8.
Go back there.
>post thread about game
>lol sneed page 10 dead
>post retarded obvious bait
>300 replies quoting the exact same thing
2005 was 14 years ago user. We're getting old
Actually, people shit on Game Boy, NES, and plenty of other now-venerated consoles in their time, you just weren't online at the time.
>xbox 360
>lol sneed page 10 dead
>red ring'd on my birthday
neo-nu/v/ is unable to form their own thoughts
No they didn't. Not to the degree when in 2007 if i made a SNES or PS1 childhood thread or whatever that entire thread would post "UHH CHILDHOOD?!"
average age back then was a lot younger
Doesn't mean they shouldn't fuck off.
we wont lol
People born in 2000 are 19.
people talk like this?
>Those first gen PS1's that wouldn't read a disc unless you turned it upside down.
Anyone remember those days?
>people who were only just barely cognitively developed enough to play the 360 at release are now old enough to post on Yea Forums.
thats the problem. this demographic is full of worthless faggots that ruined game shit for everyone else
For years, Millennials constantly ranted about how things like iCarly, Justin Bieber, Ben 10, Hannah Montana, casual fps, etc. was the downfall into shit era. Now the Zoomers who grew up in the downfall shit era have grown up and come onto forums in droves and Millennials are tearing their hair dealing out with this demographic replacement.
mine's still kicking
Is 7th gen "childhood" now?
reminder that people who were 5 years old when x360 came out can now legitimely post here
>tearing their hair out
You just get called an underage and told to fuck off for having shit opinions. There is no "dealing with" you are being bullied rofl.
I feel bad for the kids that grew up with the 360 generation. Imagine not knowing what gaming was like without cut content DLC, season passes, microtransactions, and weekly game breaking patches.
Cani post now
I had mine repaired via Microsoft and it came back way louder than before
>*saves you're childhood*
>based Zoomer
who here /toweltrick/?
Xbox never recovered from this. It's a shame cause I really loved the original Xbox.
core millenial - early zoomer
but I got a ton of stuff late and only saw maybe half of anything from any of them.
also FUCK zoomers
>be home at mothers place during easter
>she want to view some old DVD
>no DVD player
>she still have my Xbox 360 and walk away laying around
>plug it in
>start the DVD
>she ask me to move it
>start sweating furiously
Should have used the PS2.
>get Halo 3 on release night
>come home
>put it in my 360
>get RRoD
Finish the fight, my ass
core millennial, born in '96
>tfw mon did not let me oven my xbox
I was a teen, nearly a legal adult when this shit started to happen. Should I still even be coming here anymore?