How is League of Legends still relevant long after the MOBA fad died out?
What did they do right?
How is League of Legends still relevant long after the MOBA fad died out?
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Sunk cost fallacy
The game is fucking painful to play, Ive been playing for 8 years and I can safely say I have never had any real fun for the last 6 or 7
e-girls and weebs on twitch
Why do you play it then? You aren't getting your money back whether you play it or not
Pretty sure China and Korea are keeping the game alive at this point.
it objectively isn't
deepest lore
I play maybe one game a month if that but I am on that shit pronto every time there's a new story or something
Dota 2 dabbing on the mass grave that is League of Legends!
constant updates, for better or worse. plus community engagement etc.
I don't know
I guess because my friends still play and I'm attached to some of the characters
Not defending LoL but Dota 2 has even fewer players than LoL does and half of them are just playing auto chess
>entire game's lore thrown in the trash with no replacement explanation even 6 years later
>all its holes and dead references (summoners, etc) never filled in
>everything constantly retconned so no lore feels like it matters or will stay in place
>deepest lore
What did he mean by this?
Dota doesn't hemorrhage players or kill it's competitive scene.
A corpse can't bleed
And we don't know if LoL does either because they don't share player numbers.
It did once, but League does that every season.
I'm glad I separated myself from both of those garbage ass time sinks.
uuh aah let daddy taste ;))) lurps lurps spruits
>>>we don't know
They're not even hiding that they're dramatically losing money, all their competitive venues in every region that isn't Korea has been downgraded and all their talents are getting slashed. They could only fly their English production and casters to do Finals live
>Basically, Riot decided that the entire English broadcast for Worlds 2018 will take place in LA instead of South Korea. Vedius cited the cost of flying an entire production team out to Korea and doing a show, saying it would be cheaper to do the entire thing from Los Angeles.
They've lost $1,000,000,000 in REVENUE in a year. Think about how fucking BAD THAT IS.
Constant changes, additions and updates. I dropped it when I realised riot was anti fun if you found out a new way to play a champ.
It's hardly surprising. S8 was the WORST balanced season to date with 3-4 champions standing so fucking head and shoulders the rest of the cast (which is closing in on like 140 champs) it was a joke, plus the game became a fortnite tier twitch reaction shit with instagibs everywhere
And S9 seems to be a rerun with Aatrox, Irelia and Akali STILL hogging like 90% of the already stretched thin balance team work.
Half of it is making good waifus (and some cool male characters I guess), and the other half is propping up their esports scene with more and more microtransactions.
None of that is player numbers
I love teemo but I hate league of legends
> Beat the F2P rush and got most of the MOBA base
> Sunk-cost fallacy
> Has both universal fapbait (Lux, Akali, Miss Fortune) and characters actually worth a damn (Tahm Kench, Jhin, Kled)
>Spoils the base with skins and events
> Isn't full of overcomplicated BS (You can get away with climbing as a one-trick)
If Riot ever got their shit together and made a compendium instead of just selling one skin, they could wipe their asses with Gabenbucks for years
I really hate past few years LoL turned out into full chink game.
OoOoooo Ching chong Ling long Ting tong?
Sunk cost fallacy and rigged matchmaking made to make you become an addict.
t. D1 support main
based, this game isn't for you, the playerbase all think like this and are trash at it, go play fighting games or other solo games.
People who talk shit on your very economical and very efficient build (becuase they don't understand) and then you check their items and they're actually DOGSHETT
uninstalling MOBA was SUCH A GOOD DECISION
ah yes
Sunk cost fallacy
The only good thing to come out of it are the shortstacks
>proving my point
Nothing. Its just really hard to stop playing it.
It isn't really, just uninstall it and don't install it again. Once you realize that Assfaggots just isn't fun it's very easy to quit.
So league is dead because it dropped from the 1st most profitable PC game in the world to the 3rd, while dota is "dabbing on it's corpse" while not even being top 10.
Ok bro.
Gee user maybe there's actually a lot of people who genuinely like the game and weren't just playing it as a fad, no matter how hard it makes Yea Forums shit it's pants in anger.
Nah, that couldn't be it. We can always make up SOME excuse for why it's actually dead and nobody likes it, even though people keep playing it.
Like that. Good job man league BTFO once again.
Nothing besides addiction and sunken cost fallacy.
Thank fucking god I managed to get myself perma b&
It's still going because they somehow haven't killed it yet. It's more so what they didn't get wrong. Dynamic queue and adc item rework being their only major fuck ups so far.
Is it?
Isn't it going to be btfo for the 9th time in a row by TI's pricepool?
gooks and women
How are you supposed to learn the game if it gets overhauled every season
Time to post cute Yordles!
>same shitty forced lane/team comp meta for 8 years straight
for your sake, never play dota
Only thing that gets overhauled each season is jungle.
Laners just should learn match-ups and how to farm, thats all.
What does pricepool have to do with player numbers?
I almost only play Aram these days with a friend and its the most fun I had in years playing League
It really is the reason, though. There are far more people who hate games like this and WoW and keep playing than people who actually enjoy either game.
The only reason why they still play them is because it's the only games they play with certain groups of friends that they enjoy spending time with, or yes, sunken cost fallacy.
It doesn't though, it's always the same exact 1/1/2/jungle shit
it's a fun game. constant updates. ranked mode drafting phase is(was?) miles better than dota. decent balance (outside 10 op picks) + no hard counters means you can play what you want and be competitive. waifus. esport scene is enjoyable to follow (i still prefer big dota's tournaments tho)
I stopped playing after S5 since I was getting bored after a couple years of playing it non-stop, but I'll always be glad that Lulu and Ahri were champions.
>They've lost $1,000,000,000 in REVENUE in a year. Think about how fucking BAD THAT IS.
It's not that bad when you made 14 billion.
Veigar has soft ears!
Dellusional retards. LoL had it's lowest revenue since 2014, and that was before the game had paid lootboxes and keys. A 700 million loss in 2018 for a game that made 2.1 billion the previous year is an enormous blow. Dota unironically has maybe a dozen people at valve working on it and makes hundreds of millions. Riot aggressively expanded in the early 2010's, and now has hundreds if not thousands of employees across multiple offices worldwide to manage ONE(1) game. Their operating costs are probably through the roof, and their dying esports platform, which they too put too much money into, is a huge loss for them as well. Not to mention the lawsuits for Riot employees farting in female coworker's faces.
I enjoy the game with friends but solo queue is just a dice roll on who has better teammates once you make it to around diamond 3.
I don't like a lot of the enforced meta bullshit and reworking old champions instead of simply making new ones. I had a lot of fun with full AP nunu with the predator keystone before they reworked him. :(
Maybe every character feels pretty unique? I used to try to play every champion back then, while for the last years I only play Mordekaiser. Even just using Mordekaiser, I have fun. And I just KNOW that's just 1/120 of the actual game's potential, since I could stop using Morde (no reason to) and use I don't know Nasus or Anivia and I'd get a pretty different feel to my games. Uniqueness and the characters are realyl cool too. Mordekaiser has its fans, and I can see how Teemo, Kayle and Urgot have theirs.
>Every other champion gets gutted/reworked when they have a "cancerous" playstyle people don't like to play against
>Riven and Pantheon untouched since season 2
What the fuck did they mean by this
No one's arguing League isn't dying, but Dota 2 is comparatively dead. Saying anything otherwise is just coping.
>Maybe every character feels pretty unique?
That's wrong though
I quit because there no real sense of personal skill anymore. The matchmaking system skews the teams so heavily that one side is a always a complete blowout. My average diamond game always had one or two people going 0/8 on one side. It was just a coinflip if you win.
The player base is full of frustrated virgins and mentally ill retards that are more interested in being tilted than playing to win
Normies are retarded
I solved that easily just got myself permabanned on purpose one drunk night
I dont regret anything
Game is shit, best part is the girls. That said I still remember way back when a team basically played fucking ARAM with Heimerdinger in a championship match and won. I still have that whole video saved, its so fun to watch, especially with the host Pastrytime losing his shit over Heimerdinger.
>let the game build a streamer base of ALL the top streamers being hyper screaming manbabies
>wow our community reall is shit, weird
Dota has steady playerbase of around 1 milion players monthly. Dota chess is played by around 200k people, but those numbers are bloated for sure. game's getting a revival after recent patches, it's gonna be eventually more alive during TI season. We dont even know how many Chinese players there are on their own client. So, Dota may have less players than LOL, but they are staying here for some time.
>played since open beta and never went past gold 4
98% normal game playrate reporting in, just cash in on my skin in 10 games then dab out
imagine playing a game and being obligated to treat it like a job and attempt to single handendly win the game, keep up the fake positivity and dont tell people to kill themself because at the end of the day its a rng team mate coin flip
but faggots and reddit will tell you otherwise
Pantheon's annoying as fuck and has one of the most cancerous lane phases in the entire game. He's all target shots, he's literally impossible to fuck up his playstyle. I never said he was "strong" but I know you dumb faggot meta slaves only think picks are strong based on whether or not professional players playing in a 5v5 premade environment pick. Champions with roaming ults are actually strong as fuck in solo queue, he's a chinese boosting favorite. Why do you think dopa still picks TF all the time even though the champion is shit and never picked in pro play?
Also, having one or two players being 0/8 shouldn't determine the outcome of the entire game so heavily. Ideally they would lose duels but still contribute enough to teamfights fine enough.
It's a flaw of the game if 1 or 2 black sheep ruin the entire thing.
But LoL was re-designed to be the videogame equivalent of breakfast. The devs don't intend to fix what I said because if you lose, so be it, just go play another game lol
Veigar Is cute!
Even reddit hates lol/dota, it's that bad
Dota 2's playerbase is staying strong and TI8 was a huge success
I don't know what are you basing this shit on
because it has none lmao
I literally don’t even play the game anymore but I still tune in to watch champions korea when i have the time
LCK is really fun because of its casters. Reminds me a lot of tastosis
Dota is a streamerbait game like all esports and despite this it always has 1/4 the viewership of league
>Why do you think dopa still picks TF all the time even though the champion is shit and never picked in pro play?
because he want to dab on the enemy team
It's fun, at least in EUW we insult the enemy and they insult back and somehow it ends with friendly chatter, NA always has some drama to cry upon so maybe that's why people say is shit on the internet
The only stream worth a damn was the international and it always had great numbers, literally no one cares about streamers otherwise
name another multiplayer game that I can play with my 3 friends that isn't an fps
Yeah keep coping.
it was never relevant
Co-op pvp like league, Co-op PvE or fight among your friends?
Rocket League
Slap City
100% Orange Juice
>hurrr its not a team deathmatch like my retard game where everyone has overpowered target shot abilities and nobody takes mechanical skill to play
ADHD zoomer leave
co-op pvp
all shit
just few more months bros
I think it's cool that Dota maintains 900k-1m players a month.
>Also, having one or two players being 0/8 shouldn't determine the outcome of the entire game so heavily
No they shouldn't.
>Ideally they would lose duels but still contribute enough to teamfights fine enough.
No, this is fucking awful design. If you are a worthless cunt and get curb stomped you should be punished for it. Tanks in a PvP game were a mistake.
They gutted Wukong, his Q does 0 fucki g damage now
Tanks outdamage him
Fuck league
>Minecraft Servers
Is a start, there are online fighting games but those are mostly 2vs2, not 4vs4 for the squad. There is MMOs, recently 4 of my friends sartred one named Soul worker, no idea how it is but it seems they like'it.
Also Maybe Conan Exile or ARK can work.
people feel attached to the game because their accounts have over $1000 of RP purchases and it's given them stockholm syndrome/sunk cost fallacy
Idk about you but I still call people out for their mistakes. I actually want to get banned so I can stop playing.
I can't believe you actually defend "30 minutes of farming and someone getting caught once, finishing the game". Don't you dare call anyone a zoomer when only zoomers are playing this shit now, you fucking faggot retard.
i know for a fact you're a faggot that never did any kind of sports
install smite and never look back.
You'll start to actually have fun again.
But LATAM still plague bronze-gold
>permabanned for wrongthink
Oh... the things I've said in DotA
one word m8.
Big Tits.
Sona, MF, Ahri, Morgana, pretty much every female champ has big juicy melons and good skins, also Zoe is CUTE! and the male champs arent bad if youre into that sort of thing.
>tfw being able to freely talk shit in games
I pity zoomers and future zoomers who will literally never know what it's like to be able to talk shit and have fun in games.
I tried playing smite but then i sat there and thought to myself "do i really wanna learn another fucking moba?"
So just quit it altogether and started playing pokemon. Had fun with heartgold and decided to run through all of them
It's not really that hard to learn.
try out some gods in every role and find out what you want to play.
If you don't want to learn conquest, you could start out in Joust or Siege like me.
But once you get good and know most-all the gods and how they work, it's an immensely fun game.
wtf are you doing you clown. contact spp and delete your account. make a new one for casual arams or when the addiction itch hits to hard.
rest of the time condition your brain out of the game with other game genres.
do you even know whtat an investor is you retard ?
>What did they do right?
Nothing other than tits. Millions of flies happily eat shit without a care in the world.