what did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
He means the game is quite different what was originally shown last year.
Downgraded, Next gen consoles not as powerful as they expected
Monkey Paw Effect.
Yea Forums wished that is looked different, so they made it look EVEN WORSE
If just hope they don't cave in to tranny demands. Couldn't give two fucks about it being too bright for cyberpunk just don't let the fucking trannies push you around.
The management saw the trailer and said "this I doesn't look like gta change it"
Dumbed down even further because some normies in a testing group didn't understand it.
Permanent night mode for Cuck Runner faggots and Over-The-Shoulder (or, moron's back blocks third of the screen as I like to call it) camera mode for walking simulator fans
how can someone not understand an FPS
People are dumb.
any chance we might get 3rd person?
Dumbed down and downgraded.
why do people insist in playing something they clearly dont know how to play and demand devs to make it easier and/or more accessible to them just to drop it three days later and never touch the game again
i dont get it, bros...
Because the marketing hypes it up as the next big thing and every casul gaymer wants a taste.
Collect X Cyber Pelts
I wish I was a mare
Imagine being hyped for this. Poor fucks
even if you drop it one day later, they still have your money
I can't even imagine, it already seemed insanely downgraded in its gameplay video from last year from its initial teaser/reveal trailer.
Getting close to an hour. Good for you!
In the interview he said basically "what we shown last year was just a very small fragment of the entire game, so there are still many things we didn't shown yet and there are things we are still working on, trying to make the game better, so I would say the game does look pretty different from the gameplay last year".
what was it
He means that the tech demo mockups can't be translated into a game.
No shit. It'll be a mediocre shooter with not half the expected features.
>Alright guys. Good news. We can finally tell you what game you've been working on. You know that trailer we just showed off at E3? That's the game you're going to make! Release date is one year from now. Get started. The clock is ticking!
What if someone who disagrees with your own artistic imposition isn't automatically some sort of PC bully?
Didn't this actually happened before?
I forgot what game, it was some shitty shooter mctooter.
Dude it's CDPR. they're SJW as fuck.
it means it's in dev hell just like tw3.
Well that hardly matters if what they make is another open world clone.
Hopefully they removed the sun
anthem? ea changed the name before the reveal even though bioware had shirts printed up
>what did they mean by this?
They're lying.
It's like you forgot their pre-Witcher 2 and 3 hype mongering just for half their promises to turn out false.
whens this shit coming out
i know cdpr shills are lurking
Main girl is black now
Nah it was literally someone releasing a announcement/trailer made using a renderer and the dev team had to somehow translate it to a gameplay.
I found a different one, but i think Overkill's walking dead can be included to this.
Calling it now it'll be delayed until 2023
rumor says Halloween this year
Maybe they got rid of the sun and added rain and neon.
>talks like an SJW
>acts like an SJW
>looks like an SJW
You're too prejudiced goy, it's just a reasonable person!
This. i hope they made it sunnier
they meant they had to censor everything to cater to sony's draconian policies
How many generations of 1080p 30 FPS can they have?
Based cdpr!
>night city
>more sun than CA
What did they meant by this?
>Q: What games have inspired you in the development of Cyberpunk 2077?
>A: For my part, personally, Vampire Bloodlines, I do not know if you've heard of him. In terms of what is a RPG in the first person and the way in which its non-linearity is built in the gameplay and dialogue, so this one of course. We are all players and we enjoy different genres but as a personal question I would say Vampire Bloodlines. Specifically because it is the perfect example of a first person game and RPG that I personally enjoyed. And I would also say the Deus Ex franchise, especially the original Deus Ex. This one had a great impact on me as a developer and player back when I played it for the first time many years ago. And what I really liked about that game was completing the missions in many ways. It was not only based on dialogue decisions, since you also had the things that were on the map and its different points of entry that allowed you to get into buildings, as well as elements that opened different paths in history. In short, both Vampire Bloodlines and Deus Ex are my two biggest inspirations.
Yeah I'm thinking we're good
Night City Santos
There is no way this game is going to live up to the hype
Ah nice
Q1 2020
They'll add more quest markers and less choices.
me likey
CGI teaser looked like CGI teaser and gameplay looked like gameplay? Truly unexpected.
Hmm, cyber drowners(tm), gotta be.
Infinite. Next generation console becomes 2x as powerful in the time it takes for graphics tech to become 4x more performance intensive and for graphical expectations to become 8x higher, and developers have no choice but to have low resolution and low framerate because nothing can look as good as it did last year. Nevermind the fact that last year it ran like shit. It needs to look better so that we can continue complaining about it running like shit.
Also its gonna have a better looking and gameplay at night to fuck sunposters
Only on PS4 day 1 patch of 20 gigs bro.
its in the fucking name...
I hope you're proud of this post
Hopefully January 2020 to meme porpuoses.
I don't get this meme. Is it that everyone who played Cyberpunk 2020 were stereotypical pen&paper basement dwellers who were by definition always out of the sun and thus imagined that they game they were playing took place entirely in darkness? Just because you couldn't see the sun in 2020 due to the game literally not having graphics doesn't mean that it was never daytime.
This. Consoles are infinitely cucked.
This, i hate being lost. Like, bitch i need to Tweet stuff while playing this game.
People mostly associate cyberpunk with Blade Runner which sets up the visual expectation. Though iirc 2020 had the setting as heavily polluted, cloudy and rainy as well.
Why do you take the word of a random retard on the internet seriously?
It might if the nigger dude game maker they are consulting can write interesting stories related to the cyberpunk world.
Games change during development who knew?
>How many generations of 1080p 30 FPS can they have?
Last generation had very few native 1080p games. The consoles could output 1080p but internally they were running a lower native resolution, same deal as the PS4 Pro it outputs at 4K but most games run at around 1440p. That being said I expect nothing to change next gen they continue pushing better visuals while chasing higher resolutions when they could easily have every game running at 60FPS. You can't market framerates to normalfags like you can visuals.
>disabled quest markers and minimap in witcher
>got lost on my way to the quest and stumbled over a different quest
>for the first time I felt like I was actually exploring
>find the actual quest I was looking for and finish that
>"well that was nice"
>accept new quest
>"There's a monster in the forrest. Kill it. Yeah, I saw it right in the forrest"
>open map
>village surrounded by 5 different forrests, all several square miles large
>Activate quest markers again.
Well, I had actual fun with Witcher for 20 minutes. Then it was back to question mark laundry list and full self driving horses.
Why is the director of Dragon Quest talking Cyberpunk?
The executive bitch better be exactly the same, god I'd love to eat her asshole.
>gameplay looked like gameplay
It looked like an scripted event that wasn't running on a console and wouldn't be able to.
Expect another downgrade like Witcher 3 had.
maybe killzone 2? that PS3 trailer?
I really hope you can sell out to the corporates for massive amounts of money, a great penthouse and her magna cum laude pussy while the city continues to rot and all your former friends waste their lives cursing your name trying to make ends meet in the hellhole that your inaction has created.
My thoughts exactly, couldn't have said it better myself. Fuck ideals, acquire credits and the best mods.
Eh, in polish standards.
Which means, by western standards they are practically nazis
Um no shitlord, corporations are evil you'll join the diversity resistance and YOU WILL LIKE IT.
all the women have been made ugly and covered up to appease sony
>Is it that everyone who played Cyberpunk 2020
>implying any Yea Forumszoomer was even alive when the rpg was relevant
I played it in 1992 and I am fuckin ancient. But yeah, our night city was always dark, illuminated by neon shit and full of smog unsurprisingly because Blade Runner and Escape from New York were a thing still.
probably this. people on twitter decided we're not allowed to have nudity in the game and sony cant accommodate them fast enough.
Cyberpunk 2077 is a current gen game
>ditched first person camera for 3rd person Witcher 3 style camera
>added more LGBTBBQ+ characters, people of color, and sentences including the word "woke"
>added radio/map towers
>changed all important characters to women
At least 2 or 3 more. The switch just came out and looks like pc graphics from 2002
and the witcher 3 still forced nvidia to drop a new card just to be able to run 60 fps on ultra at 1080p
You realize that creating a 48 minute scripted event is harder to do than a simple demo? Hell, you could argue that a non-playable demo IS a scripted event.
Obviously it's downgraded, there's not a single game that's shown gameplay that hasn't downgraded their visuals in someway to fit Consoles.
what a fucking retard
I'm slightly relieved, actually.
switch graphics look like late PS3 graphics, but with like a layer of blur on it. like, ps2 graphics are low res, but sharp, you can see edges and polygons, switch graphics look like PS3 graphics but with that fake anti aliasing effect that just blurs every edge to hell and back so you don't notice the jaggies.
like blowing up a picture that's a small size. all the important shit is there, the eyes, nose, mouth, hair, but you can't make out small shit like pupils or details in clothing
It is no longer a FPSRPG based on the talsorian games idea of a 80's cyberpunk future but is now a hero based area shooter featuring thicc ass corporate hunnies in form fitting latex.
Night city is named after Richard Night.
I think the Dishonored thing is a bad example though because the paths upstairs really are guarded quite tightly. People weren't avoiding going upstairs because a guard told them to, they were avoiding it because the guard is in the way and the only way past him is to use extremely conspicuous black magic in a highly crowded area guarded by music box overseers. Unless you happen to be playing as a time stopper and can activate the power on the cellar stairs out of everyone's sight.
I can't wait to be a loyal servant of corpomommy
You can do it more than likely, you do it in the boardgame so i don't see why you can't do it here.
uh wrong sweaty, the corps bought out the diversity resistance now drink this corporate sponsored cola substitute and smile for the camera my little anachist because i'm turning you into a product.
Less choices even more GTA style missions.
You can immediately blink up to the 2nd floor from pretty much anywhere outside the house. Most players are brainless retards and the state of big budget gaming represents this perfectly
and he's named after the time of day
You're insane.
Hope they dropped the first person -meme and made it third person instead.
Imagine if you got dommed by the corporate lady in game haha
has there been one yet?
That may be, the city however was named after Richard Night, and the cyberpunk 2020 material does say there is sun (as well as acid rain.)
Imagine domming the corporate lady in game
>missing the whole point of the sun setting
oh no, they won't make a generic 24/7 raining city full of fog
If you actually read the interview you can tell the title is just clickbait. Also >Vampire Bloodlines.
I'm cool.
that isn't going to happen, she probably as a cybercock bigger than your railgun.
Ah, the Anthem approach.
Good way to kill all souls in your dev team.
that makes it even better
Maybe they focused on bioengineered catgirls haha
Yes, technology is decades behind where it should be. Console games look nice on a 40 inch TV screen, but the moment you play a modern video game on a computer display, you notice you need to polish that shit immensely to make it look good up close, and that costs a ton of resources hardware can barely handle without getting hot as shit.
They got pretty butthurt about the backlash regarding the downgrade last time, so surely it's not something like that again.
lol nigger consoles are the reason we're so behind now.
i like CDPR and i am excited for Cyberpunk 2077 but even i know that what we will see at E3 will be downgraded to fuck.
It's over-the-shoulder and competitive online multiplayer now
It looks "nice" on TV because it's blurred the fuck out and input delay is nearing maximum unnoticeable delay.
Compare how responsive were games on old CTR TVs and on new stretched LCDs.
You can't fit what was shown on that last trailer on predicted PS5 parts.
To make it work they will radically cut shit all around or use tricks so no one will notice until we get the game.
Trannies are cyberpunk as fuck though
I just hope the way levels work won't be too ass.
Enemies 10 levels above you needing to be hit 50 times to die, while enemies 10 levels below you die in two hits just isn't very fun.
bottom left screen youtu.be
imagine caring at all about this game
Except cutting your dick off to be a woman is not a stupid idea if you can get a functional industrial grade cunt.
IRL you just become a cunt
The game is not IRL so you're agreeing with me
Yes, but being bullied by cunts that are often mentioned in cyberpunk setting will not make the product more cyberpunk.
Haha no, what you'll see at E3 will not even be part of the game.
I won't be happy until there is a mod that makes it sunny at all times.
We did it bros, we got neon soaked rainy nights in. Guess we'll know what they mean for sure at E3.
It didn't look great to begin with, even the release version of witcher 3 looked better then it.
It just reflects their progress, retard.
Wouldn't it be very easy to become a tranny in cyberpunk though through body mods and shit? I'm pretty sure someone posted shit like that for 2020 where you could be a fucking furry or clown.
Now you're just not making any sense to me
>Sir, we need to make it an authentic cyberpunk setting for the fans that like that
>But can we make the game for a wider audience, to make more money for the investors and advertisers?
>But sir, we'll have to dumb it down and turn it into a cheap GTA clone...
>Yeah yeah whatever, I need that 4th yacht, these retards will eat this shit up anyway
They gave it a more traditional cyberpunk aesthetic for you whiny faggots.
But they are still gonna fuck up the cyberpunk themes.
>VTMB and Deus Ex
Okay not gonna lie that's encouraging to see, but I'm still staying on the fence.
That´s what literally happened with Anthem. The whole team squandered about for 4 years then some suit demanded that they´d show him something, so they cobbled together that E3 trailer and with that finally found out what game they´re making.
Hopefully this will be the first one.
Of fucking course VTMB and Deus Ex were the inspirations for a first-person RPG.
hopefully nothing too retarded, just new additions, asset remanagement...
can we still trust cdprojekt these days? after all the new hirings?
>authentic cyberpunk setting
This wtf bros why can't I play as K and be a real human bean
God i hope it gets downgraded hard, i want to be able to run it on my Pentium 4 :)
Not interested in Genderpunk anymore. I didn't buy or play Witcher 3 after the downgrade fiasco and they certainly aren't doing themselves any PR favors with this game either. I'm not starving enough for a cyberpunk setting that I'm willing to sell myself short and pretend this is the best thing to ever happen to the genre.
because it has 2 genders? the fuck is the matter with some of you retards
>downgrade fiasco
>didn't even try it
Fuck off, your opinion is shit
I just wanna run around with Truma team.
truth be told, i think the game ganna be amazing and like the direction that it's going.
Really don't know why everyone so angry about the sun being up?
Also if this game does really well then the cyberpunk genre may make a comeback, would like to see a shadowrun game that not a overhead turn based rpg, or hell maybe a ghost in the shell rpg.
>You can't know it was downgraded if you didn't play it!
Look at this retard
>Really don't know why everyone so angry about the sun being up?
if the entire game isnt literally the two blade runner movies back to front im not buying anything from cdprojekt ever again.
>Also if this game does really well then the cyberpunk genre may make a comeback
It already came back and immediately went back into hibernation as soon as people realized we're already living in a cyberpunk dystopia just without the flying cars and neon everywhere.
Why did redditors make the same shitpost over and over and over again?
There are tons of rumors and ex-employee reports about utter chaos in the CDPR office. It is no surprise this game is stuck in development hell.
>Really don't know why everyone so angry about the sun being up?
retards who never watched the fifth element
>Guys we are living in a cyberpunk world! Except we're missing everything cyberpunk!
>But we got neon! Which has been in use for a hundred years!
i think you need to rewatch the fifth element.
5 sec google shows it has day and night time and i bet the game will have both day and night.
>the game will have both day and night
yes the game will have both day and night
Augmentations are as much part of cyberpunk as constant darkness. Often depicted but not necessary.
Yeah that user is also saying Fifth element had day and night. He's calling the people who are mad about the sun retards who never watched fifth element (a cyberpunk film where there is daylight)
Not him, but we are officially in cyberpunk world when we have augmented limbs that are as good as, or better than their organic counterparts.
We got all the bad things about Cyberpunk but none of the good.
Dumfaggot. Robotics is cyberpunk. Darkness is not.
oh is see, i mistaken anons post.
Dystopian oppressive society exists in more genres than just cyberpunk you dumb cunt.
It's going to be massivest flop of the century. Despite desperate shilling by witcher fans.
Original rule book priced "miniature mobile phone" as 5 times more expensive than spine implants.
Without net access.
That future is now.
We don't have spine implants you retarded faggot. Surgery costs ten times more than a shitty iphone.
Fifth Element is a Space Opera Film......
You are one dumb nigger, you know that?
haters said the same thing about witcher 3
i heard that one before and i didn't listen
>No argument after being BTFO
Yep, typical of you kiddies that think bladerunner is the only cyberpunk
>inb4 wikipedia is not a reliable source.
ahahaha Yea Forums should be given a monkeys paw as punishment every year
>Fifth Element has literally the same setting as blade runner minus hunting human like robots
>N-no! It's not cyberpunk!
>Really don't know why everyone so angry about the sun being up?
a staple of cyberpunk is the big dense skyscrapers putting the streets and lower areas into a psuedo permanent night. For some, a cyberpunk game without that aesthetic isnt really cyberpunk.
No, that's not a staple at all. The most major cyberpunk works feature sunlight.
name them
>Fifth Element has literally the same setting as blade runner minus hunting human like robots
>>N-no! It's not cyberpunk!
So I guess
Mass Effect and Star Wars are cyberpunk RIGHT?
XCOM 2 and System Shock 2 is a good example of Cyberpunk.
Fifth Element is literally a 90s version of Star Wars. It's a Space Opera film.
Before witcher 3 they havent made anything worth praising.
blade runner isn't cyberpunk, you fucking idiot
how many time do we need to bring up Gibson's shit so you understand that blade runner is a fucking neo-noir film albeit a great one
there was a conflation between neo-noir aesthetic and cyberpunk, but cyberpunk isn't defined by visual elements
>cyberpunk isn't defined by visual elements
yes it is
sure sun shill
Blade runner to an extent gave some inspiration for other cyberpunk series though user.
Probably significant UI overhaul, graphical touch-ups in some parts but an overall downgrade for consoles (and PC to an extent) and some changes to the mechanics.
You should try fighting for something you believe in
> cyberpunk77 is in development hell
Basically what he says
>Mass Effect.
Mass Effect had some cyberpunk (to an extent).
>Fifth Element is literally a 90s version of Star Wars. It's a Space Opera film.
it did inspire a lot of cyberpunk visual design
but the stories and themes were still very different, and since visual are only secondary attributes to what was mostly a literature genre visuals are not important to define weither or not a cultural objet is cyberpunk or not. only time and knowledge of the story of cyberpunk 2077 will tell us if it's a cyberpunk game.
That would require actual effort on CDPR's part. So no.
They're there to tell a story.
I agree
>all these tards arguing over nothing
>He jumps in a thread.
Yea Forums has a monkeys paw wedged up its ass.
Don't trust anything in the entertainment industry user.
You need to be at least 18 to post here.
i wouldn't get up my hopes for super complex entangled diverging pathways of choices.....
i trust cdprojekt because they are kinda like valve
only the people way on the top who founded the company have a final say without leaving much room for meddling
Being the quest director which is one of the roles that diversity termites aim for, I'll say the termites burrowed in and nested.
Just keep it low and remember that they are not your friends. Even those with good intentions in the company can be swayed forcefully or not.
I hope not, it looked like a PS3 game in the gameplay video
The reactions to it being a generic shooter rattled them and they made changes
If you read the article, it’s literally
>we fine tuned and added a bunch of new systems that drastically alter moment-to-moment gameplay
Last I checked star wars isn't about a dying earth kek
Games are constantly changing during development. We've seen this before.
I know blade runner isn't cyberpunk, but to argue against these kiddies that's how you gotta do it.
You think faggots that post in this thread read the article? Hahaha I know it's depressing
Just one of those pretentious catch-all statements that devs always say.
This, I want to be able to make it to the top while tramping everybody on the way up.
It fits the cyberpunk theme perfectly. It would be best if you can go full circle and in the end you're giving orders to another cyberpunk aiming to make the big leagues.
it was already irredeemable garbage so making it worse doesnt change anything
Most games on current gen struggle to keep 30fps so at least another few, were going to start seeing 4k 30fps before 1080p 60fps through
This makes me somewhat hopeful the game wont be shit
did they add cirilla or not
>Judging by the success of a recent kickstarter for "Subverse", we decided to add a more indepth romance options, especially for the corporate line.
We are going to business suit mummy, bros...
Mike is only a consultant, he has his own company to run who are currently working on the Cyberpunk Red tabletop game so it's unlikely he's contibuted much beyond answering questions and making clarifications for developers
>Storm, no fog
>Calm with fog
I am /pol/ af but in a dystopian american future traps definitely should be represented
This is depressing.
>He doesn't want cyberpunk to be maximum degeneracy
Sort of defeats the point
>All those threads dedicated to anons discussing what job they were gonna take and how their in-game day-to-day would play out
>Game details revealed
>Three jobs, no impact on story/gameplay, they're just a Red/Blue/Green\Alchemy\Signs\Combat skill tree
Can't wait for Destiny 2077
Did you expect it to have a job system like space station 13.
Where you'd be doing concerts as a rocker boy and solving crime as a policeman?
I certainly wasn't, no.
That'd be like an RPG.
CDPR just has shitty combat with completely separate narrative garbage.
Who is expecting them to suddenly make a video game, other than the rash of delusion fanboys whose threads have all but died out since the leaked audio.
>another deluded cdrone
It's a racing game now
Well to be fair the big thing about the teaser was that they said they wanted the game to look as graphically good as it by the time it was made, they didn't account for how shit the PS4 and X1 would be really.
God, I fucking wish.
third person camera?
Trannies are literally cyberpunk lore.
kys /pol/tard
Confirmed NPC playing a game filled with NPC's
>Gets told can't go upstairs
>obeys the command like a good NPC
No wonder modern games are so fucking shit with "playtesters" like them.
This. They want the easy money from console sales
I`m not a trap myself though
why would I?
Vagina boys and dickgirls are canon in the Cyberpunk 20xx series.
Get used to it.
They'll be in the game as modifications. There is full nudity and same sex romances and one night stands.
Get over it.
It's not that they don't want to go upstairs, but it's VERY difficult to do it if you're inside the house since it requires using magic right in front of everyone. That's why you have to think outside the box by walking out the door and Blinking to the second story.
It's like when you call a bald person "curly"
I wonder how many quests will involve going on hikes through preserved national parks. I bet we'll get to use cool tech like bow and arrow for hunting and a magnifying glass to make campfires.
at least compare similar weather effects.
I bet you think nier automata is good
What is up with the complete irrational hatred of this game?
People are assuming things about it that were never shown or said.
>doesn't look 1 to 1 like blade runner
24/7 nights
It shows that the tessellation is gone retard
Why do people tell lies on the internet?
Not him but I do recall reading about something regarding that. There was some significant internal discord for a while. No idea if things are better as of today.
You, yes you. I like you.
It was FromSofts turn!
>Blame devs for your bullshit
The irony is that Night City is literally California.
Didn't play it.
Demo was a piece of shit.
Platinum is overrated.
Nice projection, though. Can't defend your own game so you just shit on other ones.
CDPR can't design video games. They're hacks, and apparently slave owners.
>Friendship is magic aah ah aaaaaaah
You mean the hoopla about the fired employees?
Come on man.
>Didn't play it but it's a piece of shit
What did he mean by this?
Does anyone have the Tabletop Game Manual book.
They read Yea Forums memes and now you have permanent night, rain, and have to buy oxygen cans every 10 minutes or die of smog. Also visibility is restricted to Silent Hill levels on account of pollution
I highly doubt zoomers have any clue what Cyberpunk 2020 is
What about the people that did like what they saw? The only viable criticism you could have of the gameplay trailer were the few placeholder asset buildings you could see in the distance. Sunfags are just shitposters who know damn well there'll be night and day, then it was too much/not enough smog, then city was too dystopian/not dystopian enough etc.
Gen 9 is basically Vega 56 7nm for Google stadia and navi 14tflop for ps5
Xboner will probably have a 15tflop big navi
Gpu development has stalled we won't soo much faster gpus than a 2080 ti and Vega 7nm for years next gen gpus + half gen refresh for consoles in 202x
>we want the Witcher 3 audience
>Cyberpunk 2020
You have the book?
It means that the demo was not literally a vertical slice like some morons had expected. Like, "why did they have sex without me consenting" sort of brainlets. RPGs going mainstream has killed them.
>It means that the demo was not literally a vertical slice.
So the game shit.
no I don't GM
Vertical slice no longer means the thing you tried to demonstrate with that pic. Sure a demo of Half-Life Opposing Force may have been just parts of levels from the middle of the campaign, but in modern AAA, "vertical slice" means a haphazardly thrown together proof of concept that is a mostly functional but very volatile collection of all of the aspects that the developers managed to get working long enough to demonstrate it in an extremely tightly controlled manner.
It's unfathomable to be into video games but have this as one of your bigger concerns
My point was that the demo was not a vertical slice, and demo's nowadays rarely are. It's when people say things like "why didn't I get the choice to ignore the mission" or something when watching the demo that demonstrates their lack of critical thinking. The 2077 demo is a pot of mechanics and highlights expected throughout the game condensed into a brief 50 minutes, not an actual 50 minute segment of the game. The fact that the average person doesn't even understand this is why RPGs don't work for the mainstream.
it's always consoles holding us down, fuck this
the user he replied to said "people are dumb", its hard to come by a 3 word phrase that holds more truth than that one
No wonder games are such shit lately this reminds of that experiment of the red line at a museum they told people with just a sign to please only walk along the red line and it happened to be far away from all the exhibits so you couldn't see them well people still followed the line all the way through
Probably this. didnt the demo run on a 8700k and 2 1080ti's are 1080p 30 fps or something?
Get fucked PC tard. I'm buying consoles for life, especially if it means cucking the likes of you
Its worrying how many people disagreed with this
They took personal responsibility.
>I would like to reference to one of the previous questions and that is that our game is mainly an RPG, then an FPS second. This way, the gameplay in Cyberpunk offers a variety of ways to complete the missions and I think this is the biggest difference because it not only affects the shooter side, but also how to incorporate this aspect in your way of playing through the title. And we have a good amount of mechanics that are based on this concept which we have not yet shown, so stay tuned.
>In addition to this we are working on bringing good and fun combat mechanics and I think we have a wide range of weapons that will make our game stand out. If you remember in the previous demo that there were smart rifles and this is something that I have not seen often in the modern shooters. Also, I think that in terms of gameplay we have some ideas and things that are not ready yet and that we are trying to implement, because they will be very good.”
Would you describe the gunplay in Cyberpunk 2077 as realistic or something more arcade?
>I think it would be something in between, because it is an RPG first and we have statistics, damage and so on. And as you know, enemies also have stats, then it is not super realistic World War II title where a one shot means death but I would say that it does not reach the level of arcade like the examples you have described (In this case they were Borderlands and Bulletstorm). Here you still need to cover yourself, you can not just jump and avoid enemies. Although there are ways to play the title in this way using for example the melee weapon we saw last year, the katana. And if you move in this direction you will achieve a more arcade style for your character. In short, I would say it would be something in between.
Pic as relevant as ever.
That makes sense. You can't sell a role playing game to normie tards by actually showcasing RPG gameplay. You can't spend any time doing the downtime management, you can only show the "real stuff" and that's what modern vertical slice shit is for. Lying to the stupid and gullible.
I love how it just grabs two with one foot.
And how would you propose it works? Scaled leveling?
Fuck off
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