Would you play a game made by these four?

Would you play a game made by these four?

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Fuck no, why would a game need 4 directors?

No, it would be a shitshow. These guys seem like they are the types to produce something good when they have control. I just don't see having all of them in one place working out.

Do you mean Smash Bros?

>the absolute nightmare that would be a story written by Hideo Kojima and Suda51

No but I would like to drop a dirty bomb on whatever building they're working in

Yes. Just to see what an absolute jumbled frankenstein of the stories and ideas 4 "creative geniuses" it would end up

Too many cooks - you can't have 4 different men directing a single game. Even if you tried to divide the workload and have different people in-charge of different aspects of the game, Sakurai and Kojima are fanatic about having strict control and oversight of every aspect of their games (I don't know enough about Suda51 or Kamiya's approach to development, but I imagine it's similar). I can't imagine that they'd work well together if collaborating on a single project.

Remove Kojima and we're good.

>By these 4
There are clearly 6 people.
Stop saying that every Asian looks the same.

game made by that may egos would never make it past concept


> Blocks your Path

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Suda doesn't have a character in smash

Fuck yes. Just trying to imagine what shitstorm they would concoct is fun enough.

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Change Suda51 with Taro and you get the most bizarre masterpiece ever.

Kamiya hasn't directed a (released) game since Wonderful 101, and Travis Strikes Again was the first game Suda had directed in years

Here we go again


>changing suda at all
if anything, just keep adding more people

I think all of them are too stylistically different for me to enjoy the end product somehow.

>implying Suda wouldn't layer on the bizarre

Remove Kojima and that D4/Deadly Premonition guy, bring in Shinji Mikami.

>Suda51 with a Kojima sized budget

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Deadly Premonition man isn't there though

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don't remove people, just add Swery and Mikami to the game

I figured having 2 directors more known for their stories and writing they would have butting heads and Shinji has worked with Suda before on killer7 and shadows of the damned. Seems like it'd make for a smoother development and not spend 10 years of fucking nothing.

>4 hacks working together to create the ultimate disappointment

i only see 1 dev
can you guess who?

Mikami and Suda need to work together one last time to make Kurayami a reality. After The Evil Within's DLC and Travis Strikes Again it's clear they still have some feelings left for it.

Sakurai games are shit.


Kojima is friends with everyone aren't there pics of him with Nomura and Taro?

My thoughts exactly. Plus they just seem to get along well. Shinji immediately noticed and called out Suda's shit on not writing his own scripts at one point.

What the fuck was Sakurai doing at Kojima's studio? He's the most reclusive of the bunch, even more so than From's Miyazaki. Kojima is a social media slut, he loves to share everything so it's kind of odd. Maybe he was invited.

not yet he doesn't


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Just give me Sakurai and Itsuno

Sakurai and Kojima are legitimately friends. It's kind of a famous story how Snake was put in Brawl because Kojima's son told his father to ask Sakurai to put him in Smash.

I thought Kojima's son hates Metal Gear.

It doesn't really matter to me. I love this shit. So many of the japanese developers and creatives in general are in the same circles, and at least friendly acquaintances with one another. It's a fantastic change of pace to the garbage we have with western devs spouting and doing nothing of any actual value. Everything is business and politics here.

How far gone do you have to be to say this.

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Ask Bioware

yeah, but when he was a little kid who loved Smash 64, Kojima was like "what if I got MY character in the game" and he was like "YEAH DO IT" or maybe Kojima did it so his son would finally like him and his work because "WHOA MY DAD'S CHARACTER WAS GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE GAME I LIKE?!?!?!"

have each oversee one point in the design and maybe give the others some veto power
Suda would be art direction, kamiya would be gameplay, kojima would write and sakurai would pick up the slack
For a real ride Sakurai does gameplay, kamiya does art, Suda writes with Kojima picking up

>play a game
Where do you think you are?