Have you ever had a game make you do a complete 180 on your opinion of a character from your initial perception of them?

Have you ever had a game make you do a complete 180 on your opinion of a character from your initial perception of them?

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Other urls found in this thread:


No because the design is the most important thing about a character and that's not going to change no matter how much time you invest into the game.

The entire cast of battleborn


Holy fuck I completely forgot that even existed

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You mean you've never after more time rethought your opinion on something? You immediately come to the objective best opinion about everything you encounter?

>ywn experience the 'Off the Hook' reveal ever again

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>remember the initial Squid Sisters reveal
>Jesus WTF is this cringey shit Nintendo enjoy your dead 300k selling game
>fast forward to today
>Splatoon has not 1 but 2 fictional bands getting Miku style holoconcerts

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I remember being in a Summer class right before it was about to start and getting hella excited over new Splatoon content. Feels like so long ago and yet it wasn't.

It's been almost two years. And will probably be another two years or longer until we get Splatoon 3

This fucking image is fucking PERFECT.
I dunno why I love gremlin Pearl so much.

I'm a contrarian and decided Pearl would be my favorite idol right from the get go.
Glad to see people ended up warming up to her in the end.

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Octo Expansion did so much for both Marina and Pearl but especially Pearl. I'm dreading seeing them go for their inevitable replacements in the next game.

Honestly, this is the one. I thought you all were memeing, but it really happened.

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I really REALLY want to see what foul mouthed punk rock Pearl was like.

How were they revealed? Did they have a Splatoon 1 event?

Gremlin Pearl is indeed an aesthetic alright.

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We will experience something similar in the next game.
how would you react if one of them turn out to be male?

I always liked pearl but it was marina that I had to warm up to. I don't like the way her expressions make her look like she's constantly wincing. It was the closeup shots of her during the opening conversations that made it for me

Also as a kid I hated Zangief and now he's far and way my favorite world warrior

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This was a segment in one of the Directs. If I recall correctly, the Testfire this time was a Splatfest they did pre-release. People were also freaking the fuck out because Marina was an Octopus living in Inkling society, which was previously unheard of.


Japan is bonkers for this shit

Didn't quite like pearl at first but and fanart (not the gremlin kind) made me love her as much if not more than Marina

>like Callie
>Marie is the most popular, wins the splatfest
>this no doubt was the catalyst to making Callie the antagonist of Spla2
>like Pearl
>Marina is the most popular, no contest
please bintendo, I can't do this again for spla3. I'm not strong enough

Nah there’s no way they’re gonna repeat the same shit for Splatoon 3.
Marina and Pearl are definitely gonna be recruited as Agent 5 and 6. While the new idols take over.

Nah, what they'll actually end up doing is Off the Hook vs the Squid Sisters with the losers getting pushed into obscurity for Splat3

Cecille in Arc Rise Fantasia
I thought she was gonna be some annoying ass token loli. Ended up being one of the best characters in the game. One of the most grounded ones too and had some awesome character progression. Plus she fought with gauntlets. Fists of Justice, bitch.

Yeah Pearl definitely one of everyone's hearts.

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thanks i hate it

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Remember when Marina was a bitch and they had to change her dialogue?

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SS are still popular in Japan right?

I sure am looking forward to yet more Squid Sisters wank

Hans in Kingdom Come.

Post cute Veemos, I want to start a folder

Treehouse translation fucked her personality up.
In the Japanese version she’s timid and shy most of the time. Also another detail I like is that Marina (and the octoling girl, boy and octopus) all speak in a very formal way that denotes someone being new to the language. Some of her dialogue is also written in katakana.
Treehouse gave the amiibo octos broken English instead.

god I like how the side characters all showed that they were at least a little different than the standard jrpg cast of stereotypes

The whole cast in general were great. Everyone had their strong and weak points and lil quirks that made them different. And lots of characters had great progression like Niko.

Except Ryfia. She is the perfect waif.

Sorry but I liked Pearl the most before it was cool.

RIP 10ever OTH, if the SS Legion gets called into action, an undead army of loyal waifufags will commit a new Nagasaki.

>the character of the character is less important than the design of the character
nigger what


Are the Japs still as autistic over the SS as they used to be?


that statement makes sense. what's the confusion? If a character looks cool, I like them. I could give a shit about their personality

That's completely fucking retarded, though. What sort of shallow moron do you have to be to completely discard a character because you don't like their design?

the japs will definitely push out off the hook for the squids if it came to that. Think about it you got japanese waifus vs western influenced rap and dj duo and one of them is a black, it's surprising they lasted this long.

>start off TWEWY hating his emo ass
>actually becomes a total bro throughout the game
>is now one of my favorite vidya characters
Funny how that works.

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I only wish Adele went less full murderqueen, Alf's entire party was pretty sad in general

Octo daughter best daughter.

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Raiden except it wasn’t a 180, more like a 30 because I liked him in MGS2 and 4

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>tfw I had given up

Thanks user

Pearl's design is fucking weird. Is doesn't look terrible in artwork, actually looks good in fanart that doesn't even change anything about her, but it looks like absolute trash in-game.

It's always just been the forehead when on a 3D model. Saw a ton of edits that lengthened her bangs a bit and she instantly looks much better.

Pearl was always based, OE just made it clearer.

I'd have been here sooner but vidya.

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I'm savin em all

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Don't you do it.

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I wonder if they'll let us play Octos from the start in Splat3.

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It'd be kind of a dick move if you couldn't.

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>8 and 3
>Pearl and Marina

OE really tossed some bones to the yurigoggles crowd

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Depends on the artist.

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The worst level in the entire fucking expansion. Girl Power wasn't shit compared to this.

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Almost all of the official art depicts Woomy as the canon Agent 3, plus the vast majority of players have it that way as well. Not that it's technically "canon" one way or the other but I imgaine the vast majority of players went with it as well. Not to mention that Woomy and Veemo are vastly superiror to their male counterparts.

Vintage octo

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vroom vroom.

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Is there even that much art to begin with? 3 was female on the initial trailer and I don't have much else to go on. I think all the male 3 art comes from this right here, which personally I really like. I'm not sure if there are statistics for how people like to portray them.

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I do like Agent 4 being a canon bob-cut dork woomy, though. It's endearing.

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My bad. It was actually a Splatoon thread.

It is now, unless someone cares to take this in a different direction.

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This image makes me want the shops in Splatoon 3 be actual places you can go into a browse in instead of just entrances to menu screens.

Splatoon needs more world-building in general. They've had 2 games to get the basics down, I want more shit involving the settings, other species, and possibly a base game single player that isn't a glorified tutorial.

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The creators seem super invested in the world, so I remain optimistic.

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Pearl swearing like a sailor being canon is one of the best parts of Octo Expansion, and one big reason why I slightly regret the E rating.

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It's probably shit they would explore in a spin-off. These are the guys who make the Animal Crossing games so something similar to that should up their alley once AC Switch releases. If it all.

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I want a cute squid daughter!

I have little faith Splat3 will be on the Switch, but I hope so

>have always felt weirld paternal towards my woomy

Maybe it's just me getting older. Turning 31 this year.

You can have her. I got everything I need right here.

I wouldn't say Splatoon 3 being on Switch is too unlikely, but it's going to have to be a very long time until we see it. It depends on how long the Switch lasts.

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Maybe Switch will last longer than we expect with the supposed Pro model coming. I just want AC to hurry up and come out, both because I love AC and also so they can get back to work on Splatoon stuff.

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I expect Switch to last for a long time. They've got a shitload of essential franchises that still need Switch installments, it keeps selling like hotcakes, and as far as anyone knows there isn't a 3DS successor planned since Switch is technically a handheld.

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Earliest I'd predict is 2021 for Splat3m but probably 2022.

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A 4-5 year gap sounds ideal to me. It would have a lot to live up to, though. Between how much people love the game and how well received Octo Expansion was, the bar's pretty high.

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Wish there could've been at least another piece of single player DLC.

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I swear they better not just do "HURR OCTAVIO ATTACKED AGAIN DURR" for the next game

harechads where you at

Here. I loved listening to Pearl wanting to option the movie rights for her fanfiction.

Trust me this time to the idols (woomy and weyo) will be the baddies

I know everyone hated it but I can get why it happened. They had to scramble to put their big hit new franchise on a system that people actually wanted to buy. Sure, there are a lot of reused assets but they still had their work cut out for them and the single player wasn't going to be a priority for a game made explicitly for online.

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I wanted to bring Iso Papa with me to the surface, damn it.

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I mean yeah I get it, but like you said before they've set the bar way too high with OE to go back to the basic bitch regular campaigns. I personally like the theory that corporate facist Mr. Grizz might end up being the villain for the next game.

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I'm still wondering if he'll end up being an actual bear that survived the mammalian extinction or if it's an unseen sea creature playing up the bear image to hide his true nature.

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It makes me wonder how much land there actually is left on the planet. Surely Inkopolis isn't literally the only city in the world.

There's still just so much lore and world we need to see of Splatoon's world. I'm kind of frustrated we only know of one species' past time for children.

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I'm new to splatoon so sorry if I get things wrong but there are probably other cities but I think they're very isolationistic. There's probably a salmonid City and Grizz and his crew are basically boogeymen or something there

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I know the reality will probably pale in comparison to the way I imagine it, but it usually does.

I don't know about salmonid cities but from the Grizzco manuals it's been inferred that they definitely have some sort of culture among themselves. They've even been known to trade weaponry between the octarian armies.

It happens all the time in franchises with endless lore potential. I'll just be happy to get anything new.

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Pearl is the Arya Stark of anime

>winning by outskilling the other
Is there a better feel ?

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>tfw Splatoon SoL anime never ever

The manga exists

Isn't it like really childish tho

>they announced an anime
>it was just motion manga panels
What the hell were they thinking?

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and it's trash, the only "good" thing it does is teaching jap kids how to play better

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>jerk off to all sorts of degenerate shit
>never once jerked it to Woomy or Veemo

They're too precious

I wish splatoon had more social features. Like chat rooms and shit and basically emulate what squid internet would be like, i imagine it to be a lot like late 90s early 2000s internet. Also having a little squid apartment to design amd bring friends over too would be fun. The inkopolis square or whatever i wish was real time interaction with squidkids running around into shops or lobbies instead of npc's milling about. Tbh if they made the while out of game experience a little more mmolite it would be rad.

Squid Sisters still >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Off the Hook

This is all I want out of Splat3, the world to feel more alive and lived in.

Not musically at this point at least.

Veemo is the best thing to ever happen to me.

>Splatoon 3 just simulates what my life was like in the late 90s and '00s
I couldn't ask for anything better.

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I want to breed Marina so bad

Marina is for Pearl.

Bet your goddamn ass.
Beli initially appealed to me but then I realised she was shit and low tier.

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I want to 3 way make out with them

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I'm making decent progress on my folder, thanks VeemoAnon

It's what I do.

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>five hour old splatoon thread
>no jtveemo posting
for shame

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Remember when the amiibo gave her explosive diarrhea?

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Marina's ink on the amiibo is green though.

I loved Pearl the moment she appeared since she reminded me of my daughter when she was 8. Short, massive forehead and "unique" face, just like me.

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>will never buy my octo baby her own octopot to chill out in
It hurts.

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once I found out that Pearl was older than Marina I turned away from her and started beating the fuck outta my dick to her every day for nearly 2 weeks

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>will never be able to headpat your daughter after a long day of Turf Wars

End it lads

>those early days where they were still drawn with outfits from the official renders

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But if I end it, how can I save more pictures of the perfect girl?

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Yes, "ink" can get that color on certain diets.

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Nigga you gay.

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There's an image I haven't seen posted in some time.

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First Few hours of the game
>Sigh...JRPG pretty boy protagonist #128192102
By the end of the Game
>Holy shit a JRPG protagonist that actually has balls

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Based Yuri pretty much shattered my expectations too. Fucking murdering dudes instead of playing games.

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I love Splatoon's art direction and worldbuilding so much I just wish I actually liked... playing the game.

Octo Expansion was pretty good but didn't last me too long

Sorry to hear that, user. I fucking love playing this game, I love every single about it. Every time we get something new like art, weapons, gear or anything else I light up.

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this, i wasn't expecting to like Yuri as much as i did initially.

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I love Callie!

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Ponytail veemo makes my heart melt.

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I guess it's just hard for me to stick with a multiplayer focused game unless it has a progression system that really makes me feel like I'm defining my style.

Splatoon progression has too much randomness and the stats I like don't always match the looks I like so it's not very addictive to me.

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Yeah, there really isn't too much to individualize yourself but personally I find that to be a plus. So many games have these million little factors to customize about yourself, I find it refreshing to just have a stats to worry about and your weapon. If your favorite clothes having shit bonuses bothers you, you could try the Splatnet app. There's always gear with different abilities there.

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It's true, you know.

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I didn't play the game and I have to say I hate Pearls design since I saw it. But based on posts I read here and there about her I have to admit may be completely wrong. Too bad I'm poor and will never have money for a Switch.

That sucks, she's pretty based and has a great role in the DLC.

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From mary sue to 100% waifu.

I hated her in her intro missions but her supports are great.

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>Fat Marina

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>that one guy in my friends list that changed his icon to veemo
He is my sweet soul brother. Sweet, sweet s-s-s-sweet soul brother.

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the jew or FERobin

Fuck it guys, at first I wanted Octolings as echo fighters, but if fucking Isabelle manages to be a unique character despite having very nuanced variations outside of her specials, then Octolings have waay enough potential to be their own DLC fighter

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The potential is definitely there but who knows if Nintendo deems them worthy enough to have that much effort put into them. There's dozens of actual Splatoon weapons to work into a moveset but I don't think they've quite hit Isabelle levels of popularity to justify it.

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I just wanna an Oct Expansion stage + music desu
Would agent 8 be the default rather than the causal octos people post? I mean, the amiibos are based on agent 8 clothes after all. I’m still sad we haven’t got the outfit as gear option.

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I imagine the stage would be the final battle on top of the giant statue. Agent 8 seems like the obvious pick but I think they might go with the casual clothes that appeared in the first trailer. It's probably a bit more family friendly, even if they give no fucks about sexual content in general. I think someone said it was jap exclusive but they might've been fucking with me

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Tbh splatoon 2 rep was more than needed, one hairstyle per gender is fucking piss poor for what is suposed to be a "fashionable specie"

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Now I want to play Salmon Run again

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there's a game about that, sort of

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It's the best mode in the game.

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Probably cuz it looks off without the tight leather mini skirt/pants.
also, splatoon is the only franchise I can think of where the male outfit is almost as skimpy as the girl one.

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Her concert model looks fine

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they could've just removed one of the alts and replaced it by the main splatoon 2 inklings. they already have the outfit + hair ready but it's for a mii costume instead.

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Be honest. Do you ship them?

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I just want some more insight on the octarian society in general.

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Can't say I'm much of a shipper.

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>actual princess Pearl
Now thats cute

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squib pearl is adorable

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They always struck me as absolute besties

>salmon run in an hour
Aw yesh.

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>because the design is the most important thing about a character
What a horrible opinion

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>the design is the most important thing about a character

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>tfw content updates ending in a few months
>tfw no more splatfests soon

I wish I got the game earlier, participated in more splatfests. I didn't get into splatoon until a friend bought me the game as a birthday present. It's honestly one of my favorite games.

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>main story of 1 & 2
>haha octo people are silly man
>the burden of 10,007 octo kids are on your shoulders, if you fail, you let all their lives go to waste and the world gets blown up

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Octos do not deserve love.

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Just another reason it was the tits.

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Only once.

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and if they really wanted to they could've gone much darker with it

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agent3F and agent8F is the best shipping pair

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You fucking patrician

Pearl was always a cute

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was it explained why these two had the same symbol in their hats? the other octo DJ had nothing of that sort.

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>tfw normally don't like yuri but make an exception for this

Attached: __inkling_and_octoling_splatoon_2_octo_expansion_and_etc_drawn_by_yknzv__ce76ccf9b3d404ed4f2e3b7e5f9 (694x839, 141K)

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Must be an octoling culture thing.

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I want a non-DJ octoling musician for once. all the ones we had so far are DJs it got boring pretty quickly.

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I thought the males in splatoon were unpopular.
it's nice to see male 3 having a decent amount of art, not sure if that applies to the rest though.

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y-yeah...>tfw I've actually started looking for good fics of them

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No, they're good friends

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Veemo gf

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My desire for my little veemo to hug eclipses all known units of measurement known to mankind.

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This is a decent start, at least.

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That's a smug veemo

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You guys take care of this last stretch, I need to go get my day started. I hope this helped out your veemo folder a bit, user.

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What the fuck? I don't even watch SNL, Youtube, you piece of shit. I wanted to post this.

tortoisebros been real quiet after all that smack they have talking.

>that nasty fucking green colored ketchup
now that's a blast from the past

think she ever did hard drugs?

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