My gamedev progress

I'm going to start to upload gameplay of my games, from the first ones I made around 2014 using fucking game maker.
The goal is to reach 2019, so you can see the progress.

if anyone is interested in sorting by year.
2013: 2013
2014: 2014&src=typd
2015: 2015&src=typd

Attached: Captura de pantalla de 2019-04-22 22-13-39.png (1026x626, 855K)

Other urls found in this thread: beta/Aurelio's Game/Sounds/mamerto dead.wav

>Captura de pantalla

Attached: 1550700662156.jpg (960x540, 118K)


Dont really like furshit, i'll pass, no thanks nigger

he's a forced meme on hispachan, there's not other furshit there.

not sure you can call that "progess"... are you mentally disabled? because your games are still as shitty as they were at the beggining


>pixel sprites when everything else is 3d
>those ugly ass trees you probably did yourself judging by their abysmal quality
>stock photo for background
You'll never make it.

this was my latest shit back in march.
compared to this, there's progress.

I'm still improving.

Ah I remember you from the 8ch thread, you're the guy who wanted to do some sort of farming battle game.
I'm the other Colombian.
How's your game going?

is that place still alive?

Attached: [PuyaSubs!] Comic girls - 05 [720p][94CE354B] (00:03:19.575) 0001.png (1280x720, 1020K)

I find your political beliefs questionable

yes, hispa came back.

I generally post on the colombian board there, they know me as jamundi.

you have no talent, maybe you should try something else... like cleaning floors at the nearest restaurant for example

>hispa came back.
was it gone? I haven't been there in years, it was shithole when I left, I can't imagine the current state, /col/ used to be facebook tier, but I remember when they started to meme Aurelio.

my goal is to make a cave story in three years.

I'll do it.
I just need more practice.

It was down like eight months so the comunity had to go to 8ch/hisparefugio.

ah I went once there, it wasn't too bad, anyway I might be mistaken you but didn't your game involved some kind of Colombian typical girl and farming or something like that?


>making a cave story in 2019
yeah... it will be a success

do u mean this one?

If I make it, I'll be happy, it would be a big milestone for myself.

So, yeah, it will be a sucess, I'm sure It will be one.


>it will be a sucess, I'm sure It will be one.
You're too confident.

both are awful. kill yourself

a good game will always be sucessfull.



Sorry I was mistaking you for somebody else, but anyway, I remember you from /g/, you made a thread last year.

I even made a comment.

Anyway, good luck with your game user.

where did you find that oohaaaaawo sound

>a good game
yeah... that's the problem, he's incapable of making such thing

Thanks, my goal is to keep improving.

I have a cheap microphone.

I'm improving.

I just need more practice, I'll get better and improve.

give me the mp3 of that sound effect please beta/Aurelio's Game/Sounds/mamerto dead.wav

you should focus on sound design, that shit is top notch



this is for you :3


>Aurelio Cheveroni
Why the fuck would you choose him as a character? Tickle some nostalgia fags?

Im also Colombian, not into game making and probably never will, but i fucking hate this country trying to get on the bandwagon of someone successfull.

I remember reading a news about some guy being the "first Colombian" to have a game released on the Playstation Network, something about a chameleon i believe and it was so shitty jesus christ and they were all proud of him, like what the actual fuck. If you're gonna make a game, don't be a bitch for recognition on this country.

I love South American games and will buy any games from there

There's a literal logo on hispachan there bro.
Is a meme.

I just want to be the colombian ZUN and hope japs make animes about my games.


>and hope japs make animes about my games
Delusional af

kys shill

to the moon got an anime.

>this one game out of thousands of games got an anime so that means my terrible third-world game will get one too
The delusion is strong with this one lmao


japanese studios only care if they can make money off my ideas.


there's dozens off animes of western works.

boy Yea Forums sure has been getting awfully """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""ethnic"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" over the last few years. i wish you the best of luck in your endeavors but can you please fuck off to your containment shithole

Blanco de mierda

Fuck off shill

You didn't use sage you dumb motherfucker, you also reek of newfag

Yea Forums will never make something this based.

going to sleep, see ya.


Attached: untitled.png (400x400, 48K)

Yea Forums has always had a lot of ethnic anons

user, I seriously hope you can achieve your dreams, I really do
but this is not the way

>unironically using the """""""""word"""""""" based to describe your work

>Wanting some chink do anime
>Instead of doing it yourself
>But hurr durr they draw better than me

They also do games better than you yet you're pushing your shit game around here.

Just make your own waifus if that's what your dick wants.

>implying I'm not learning to draw wifus and do 2D animations

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