reply with stages
RIP Aqua stage.
where da arenas
3 Minutes
2 Stocks
Custom Stages ONLY
Items on Low
Pass 111
Please try to limit any troublesome stages. Things with rotating round floors that may hinder some character's recoveries and general troll stages. I can't really enforce it but let's see how it goes. I also can't keep this one up for as long as usual,
where the trap stages at?
posted this last thread. its a moon cradle
If I wasn't lagging I would make one.
I guess I'm calling it a night.
It was all the way to top four last I checked. RIP
>both my stages made it, feels good man
any good ideas for a danganronpa stage?
With how huge it had gotten I'm honestly amazed it stayed up as long as it did
>Missed DM Kanna and ZSSxDH stages
I hope you're having fun guys
they deleted my lucario butt stage ヾ(`ヘ´)ノ゙
picture of the stage ?
thanks bro, good jack off
King Bob-omb wanders around the top knocking people back with his bumper-hands, cannon rotates, cannonball rolls down and respawns.
Made a few changes since this pic was taken, mostly aesthetic but I also made the bottom platform much thinner and put a ring of lava around the cannonball, which looks less accurate but makes it do damage instead of just rolling right over you without even pushing you. From playing it a little bit it seems like the damage might be way too much though, so good chance I'll end up ditching that aspect.
uh oh...............
Posting shit electroplankton again lel
Fun Pyra boob stage . Looks better in game
This one has the rare distinction among my stages of actually being kind of fun to play on.
they havent told me my Kanna stage was banned yet. this one? or has someone made an actually good one?
id: SF62HQWS
Got an arena up right now
3 Stock 8 Mins
No items but i can put them on if folks want
Pass: 2241
Now this is a lewd I can get behind.
Looking for arena open to lewd maps
love that king bob omb
does the ball make the stage lag? every time I experiment with using gravity objects the stage lags to hell
Alright, finally uploaded it. Had to fix some issues with clipping and whatnot but it's done.
Oops there goes my other Aqua stage too I guess.
>begrudgingly going to bed now
>can't stop thinking about the rare lewds I might miss
damnit, this shit is too fun
took a 6 hour break from this madness, did I miss anything cool?
Is there a trick to fill the very top space of the background?
I thought it was impossible but I came across a Pac-Man stage that had covered the entire background. The very top was covered by the furthest back BG layer, the rest was covered by the regular BG layer.
A+ music choice
Yharnam, hit the limit before I could add and Amygdala hand with teleporter shenanigans
ID: L8H28
pass: 1111
Random customs only
Damn bro
What's the closest song you guys can think of to go with a Bianco Hills stage?
Feels so good to snag these lewd stages before they get taken down. Feels addictive.
thanks my dude.
Hasn't for me offline, but I don't have online so none of my stages are tested for online play and I'm sure once I do it's going to be a massive issue.
3 spots open
Good music choice
every fucking thread
I was referring to another Kanna, but this one is still cute.
keep fighting the good fight aquabro
Both Aqua asses got nuked.
it's still there and i love it. any plans on making more stages?
I still got clipped inside of it, and got trapped.
Really? What mode? Was it a ledge glitch? If you can let me know, I'll try and fix it. I tested it with 2 players and 4 players and I haven't had that happen
Fupoo showed off Roll's cunny on stream earlier today.
You can get caught in between the cheeks at the top and clip inside fairly easily, still a based stage though god bless you for making these
Your style is really cute.
What happened to the stage from the last thread where a boot is kicking The Cheat?
Did that dude ever post a code?
Did he put a code in that stream
what character did you play as by chance?
heck, thank you. I didn't think I could do much with smash stages but I surprised even myself with the drawing capabilities of the mode
Great Deku tree, let me know what you think
low effort colored version I made of xodus' titty ankha
How do you get canons to rotate/move. I've yet to figure that one out.
Wow this is really cool, nice
the switch has a built in screenshot button asshole
this Greninja stage is really cool
Any ridiculously trolly stages?
Or Persona 4 themed?
Shilling my professor chaos
Can I have you color my next one?
You have discord? Also what did you use to do this?
I'm here, and I can upload it now. Just a minute
i keep losing connection right as a match finishes godfuckin damn
Welp, atleast I got them both in time. R.I.P.
can we get some fat cat ass too?
Are you making up new ones or is it the same stage you made before?
Eruption Dodging, ID: 7Y4PC97N
Please check out my other stages
pic unrelated
Well i plan on filling this whole page sooo...
(Probably won't have that done tonight tho, sorry)
Hex anal is shit, Gonna delete
sure, you can add me. I'm Jose#9801
>my stage didn't make it
Oh... That's fine I suppose.
>Probably won't have that done tonight tho, sorry
take all the time you need
There was a great looking P4 TV one last thread, but it played badly because of wind currents :(
Golden Girl's a cutie
Dobson get out of here
Reposting my Kaiji stage. Although the one other Kaiji stage is much more clever
this skirt stage is low-key brilliant
>mii fighters encouraged
I did it as Mario just in the test stage option before I downloaded
Here you go: 4SJDJN5X
I had to test a few different respawning heights
Strong Badia stage is 5LJX3TWD, SB Mii is J9JWDNXT
hope you guys liked that corin stage :)
Gimme ID.
>he doesn't like Miis
Those "outlines" are passthrough platforms. You can just fall through them and into the cracks (heh) created by the two circles. You would need to put something solid covering the crack, which may mean recreating the butt over top of said solid object.
god wii u gunner is so hot
haha yeah I tried it out for myself but like in actual battles it'll take a bit of effort to purposefully go there. I updated the stage eitherway with a fix and I could upload it if it's a big enough deal. It'll just have a tacky extra line over the area.
Did jannies delete much in the past two threads? I dont know wether to use the fireden or the regular 4ch archives.
sauce, I love me some mii gunner
Will never get the Ashley stage.
I'd use fireden just in case, but I feel like its been running kinda shit lately
Its not a big deal anyways, if anything it gives a better view mid-match
Again thanks for the stage man, doing gods work
Should have play tested this before uploading the first time, but I'm retarded. Stage is based off of the Gohdan boss from Wind Waker.
I haven't noticed much deleting if any.
Yandex got you covered. Toss it in there
They deleted mostly furry shit so if you're into that...
I want to but i should take a break. these things like take all my time off when i could do actual drawing ya know?
but you can follow me because i'll probably be building stages more than playing actual smash from now on lol.
Not a problem. More than happy to work on some fun stages like this.
I know that feel
I at least got the aqua stages
Hey look this stage again, with non grabbable ledges as requested by some of you! ID: 5L3W5BDB
yup, i have ya followed. i'll be lookin' forward to your stages.
Nice, but Practice foreshortening
game crashes again sorry fellas. back in a sec
is that supposed to be cum on her ass?
Sent friend request
Tried having a shine to it, can delete if its bothering you
thanks user
3 Minutes
2 Stocks
Custom Stages ONLY
Items on Low
Pass 111
Please try to limit any troublesome stages. Things with rotating round floors that may hinder some character's recoveries and general troll stages.
What do you guys think about items in my arenas? I think they are fun but should they be turned off or slightly increased?
thicc gunner stage when
not bothering me, I was actually hoping it was cum
Custom stages 3 stock 2:30 min
PS 117
Items on mid. I don't know why people would want to play on unbalanced stages without items.
God damn making stairs that aren't a fucking nightmare to walk on is proving really difficult, but I'm making progress on a Killer 7 stage. I was thinking of doing a Mother 2/Earthbound Magicant stage, would you guys like to see Ness's magicant or the Kraken fight on the boat/in the Sea of Eden?
this is literally just a general
Guess I'll shill mine one last time for tonight. As usual, let me know if you have any problems or suggestions.
I don't want to look like I'm being pushy. I don't really play with anyone here, but I'm somewhat proud of it.
Here's a mob psycho stage i made
First one I feel good about - kraken tentacles rise up every so often
It finally happened
Null that, closed
Play it cool.
it's not showing up for me, what's yours?
noted. Will do that when I make arenas tomorrow
Here are the two I've made so far!
Thanks mates, I think I'll use the regular archives then.
Which stage was it?
Whiny user that yelled about the platforms here. She's now perfect.
anybody have latest pics of ZZS x DH? Missed out on downloading those stages
>14 days
check the archive its been posted like 8 times
Just realised a pink oval can work for blushing, is it really worth uploading it for the millionth time?
Uploading Fireball Island after making a few changes to it
After a short bit the sides of Vul-kar open up to let loose some lava "marbles" to smack into opponents and fall down the sides of the stage or down the middle. The bridge in the middle tilts back and forth as well.
The oval kinda makes it look like a mouth, keep the zig-zag shape but make it pink
oh shit is this based on that old ass board game?
I think it looks way better. I'd also make the red falling "curtain" black if possible, but that's up to you
that looks fun
Personally prefer the red zigzag, looks more old school and the lightning shape fits Pika.
the red zig zag is fine, the pink being unique to the heart is nice and it would save you uplading it again, risking a ban, just for a colour change, save another upload for a significant change
There were 4 emails before that one
My Snowdin map, my Isabelle x Pichu stage, my Asriel ass stage, my bowser Jr ass stage, and my Lucario ass stage have all been removed, the Lucario one was the straw that broke the camel's back
Might as well post the rest of my stages too
Hell yeah it is
I'm gonna guess that stage we just played with the 2 girls stroking the dick is already deleted?
theres no way to copy shapes or draw something then flip/mirror it is there?
that would help so fucking much, being able to mirror a shape would be a godsend for making stages symmetrical
Yeah Monokumas button, flat stage red raised button. Animated Monokuma in the background. Have the hammer swing down on the button in set intervals?
I'm not sure if this is possible, sorry. I've played on custom stages but I havent tried the mode myself desu.
Hope you're keeping your stages neutral, Yea Forums
why do I never see the good stages
Can someone post that stage from castelvania with the skeleton pixel art?
Here ID: 410QXJ26
Both are unfortunately not possible to my knowledge
The skeleton was edited in but here: CSYT0DQG
Those were the Mii Gunners weren't they?
Fixed a small error now best pokegirl should be good to go
Okay, and how do I get that to my phone?
please make more pokemon asses stages
Nice. Shocked you haven't gotten banned yet.
>that tfw when you reach the shape limit with your background and have no choice but to make your stage Final Destination
take a screen shot next time and show us
The Kraken Fight seems more interesting than another Magicant. If you need ideas, you could have the stage on a boat, with the Kraken rising up from the waters. The fire the Kraken breathes could be made of Lava.
As for the song, either "The Keeper of the Lake" from Hey! Pikmin or "Filled with Hope" from Steel Diver could work.
any pics?
twitter or a microSD card
cross posting from Yea Forums
make a pichu ass stage
make the background the battlefield
Same, hopefully the cover up works, have yet to see someone else do it, but it does ruin previews, which makes it harder to share
please no furry shit
>mfw I didnt save the Aqua stage
I want to recreate if but I'm afraid it will look like shit.
please no anime shit
I'm debating if I want to do the first ship kraken fight or the Sea of Eden kraken fights because I could have extra krakens plus Ness's nightmare in that one. I really wish the Kraken battle theme was in smash, it's one of my favorite earthbound songs.
have a go at it user, maybe you can make it lag less.
Finally available
reminder furry shit is bad taste
Definitely worth a try, building stages can be fun
>laggy aqua's ass stage twice in a row
what an absolute pleb
Shilling some stages that my friend made since he won't take my advice and post this shit himself.
can you imagine? Yea Forums running something into the ground?
At least all my miis and my sfw stages are still there
Some examples:
1MT0HT1S (Asriel sprite art stage)
7M5YWFYJ (Hotland stage)
M3J0JBCH (Virgin Mii)
9NQ4TLWR (Chad Mii)
S7B047MC (Cloud's stock icon)
G70L82Q6 (Sakurai Mii)
>Want to play casual matches
>Make server as casual as possible
>Tryhards still swarm and ruin all the fun
tell him the slowpoke one is now my favourite stage
nah man, every furry i talked to was insane, and you probably are too. you furry fags will say anything and bark like dogs.
Wrong image
Is the other kaiji stage a giant pachinko board with wind effects everywhere?
Im gonna play with friends tomorrow and a teacher, so i guess i’ll have to get rid of this one i got a few threads ago
Pretty kitty is nice
>Isabelle x Pichu stage
Why didn't I know about this
>every furry i talked to was insane
So... none?
>be shit at smash
>whine and blame "tryhards" when you lose
>while also claiming to be a "casual" that by definition doesn't care about winning or losing
ignore that anime fag
I'll give it a try but don't expect a good job. I'll post my results tomorrow around this hour.
But that lewd hat kid is rare now. It's gone
sounds good.
Fuck you degenerate animefag.
That's probably a dude Lucario, so it's shit. But still, where's the fucking tail?
She summoning her inner pillar man powers
When I posted the preview image I got a 3 day ban so i couldn't post the ID
He says "Thank you random stranger" from his room.
You can backup your smash save on nintendo's server, delete the stage and then download the save file to get the stage back
Remember. Less circles and curved lines, more use of small straight lines when making shapes. Think low-poly.
I know
now tell him id suck his dick
i made this not for Yea Forums but for a good pac-man player and fellow smash brothers fan
Time for Nintendo to disable cloud saves for smash
>Stuck in Ready To Fight screen.
"Uhh... no thanks, dude."
It's rare but it doesn't look necessarily very fun to play on.
I've got the 4 Zero Suit Samus stages but I'm considering deleting one of the ones that doesn't play very well just to have space.
fuckin aquas ass again switch your damn stage
I'm betting someone has the Aqua stage selected instead of random. The Joker maybe?
like it man
join my room, we have hookers and cupcakes
id: HBBQ7
pass: 1111
Fucking beat me to it, goddamn
that looks fuckin amazing
Bianco Hills!
Took forever but I got the Windmill to fully function, you can ride it to the very top and still be in the blast zone and on-screen
aqua fag change your gay ass stage
Please turn off your aqua stage
3 stocks 3 minutes medium items 8 slots
Pacthony Mantano here
lol you could make the big bar striped with pink and light blue to clue people in more.
just a big fuckin himiko face and call it "nyeh"
WHOA, source me on that villager stage, man! Gimme the codes I crave!
i dont know why it picked that mii gunner stage again, its doin that glitch prolly
From what I remember, it was just Final Destination with hat kid in the background and the Greater than symbol at the side
The Sea of Eden would be a cooler stage, though the stage capacity might limit your creativity. Here are some ideas I have:
>The stage background could be the Find Mii background
>You can make the purple water out of Paper
>Those weird pillars could be ice (with splotches of other materials if the capacity allows it)
My 2 attempts at making stages
how do i stop a stage from being selected as random? i don't really want to delete that stage since you can't get it anymore.
Glad I grabbed this stage before it got deleted
I just got the game and I've never joined an arena before. How does it work?
>Ridley wins by encapturment.
That's it, sorry for shitty phone quality
its prolly doin that glitch where the same stage keeps getting selected, just reselect a different custom stage
Amazing as always dude.
Very detailed and a fun mechanic.
Windmill windmill for the land
someone tried making a pyra version of the aqua stage
it looks great and not to ruin your parade but i think if you make the platforms on the windmill separate you can give them their own path and have them not rotate, so you can always stand on them like in sunshine
might get real finicky to pll that off in stage maker though, but like i said it still looks fantastic
>nintendo puts a dedicated button on the fucking controller for taking and uploading pictures
>there's even an option to take custom pictures within the game itself
>this fuck STILL takes pictures of his screen with his fucking phone
It's Hefty, it's a stage that was created early on and deleted. Don't think any recreations are up which is a shame because it's a pretty fun stage.
Same. It's crazy to play on other stages that were clearly inspired by it. I remember seeing an Isabelle version.
Remember when the stage builder was an easy way to hack your Wii? That's how I did mine and in Brawl it was such garbage that hacking was all it was good for.
>Mewtwo getting knotted by Duck Hunt Dog
I got better at optimization and updated my Bramble stage to be bramblier. [spoilers]I have a 8 player version too that's basically identical to my original version on my profile if you care about that.[/spoilers][spoilers]and a work in progress Okami stage I don't wanna screen cap yet [/spoilers]
dont bully him :(
at least the code is visible
not him but its easier to transfer/post pictures off your phone than to get them off your switches SD card, onto pc, then post them
Welp got an email from Nintendo and a stage deleted. I guess it's better than a ban, they must have a strike system or something since they didn't punish me for this first violation
Thanks a lot! I was really worried I wouldn't be able to fit the whole thing on screen
I spent almost an entire hour trying to get it to work that way so the only platforms where the ends of the fan blades but it's practically impossible. No matter what I did, or how I approached it the paths would keep moving in places I didn't want them to on separate elements. Because each platform needs it's own path since they're disconnected I had to make each one have the exact same movement pattern and it was just a nightmare. I don't know if it's even possible to pull something like that off, I tried it for over half an hour. I think this is the best I can get with the Builder limitations
Damn I suck
That looks a lot better than most other Facing Worlds, and playable too.
Awwwwwwwww fuck.
Thanks for the ideas man, I was struggling to figure out what to make the background and water. I'm starting work on it now.
Oh it's not a map. In an arena battle right now a Mewtwo was stuck against a wall in a map and Duck Hunt Dog brought him from 0% to 200% because he was stuck by his jab. Sorry for the confusion
Join the arena with the room code and password provided. Once you're in there are 4 places to place your token. Fight, Character Select, Stage Select and Spectator. All pretty self explanatory.
If you're going join one of these arenas please set your stage selection to to Random Custom Stages. Just download a couple quality ones from this thread if you don't have any people get pissed off if you just come in with the default stages.
oh, i just checked and it still shows up in search results. the email said it was deleted, though?
i explained the mystery of the missing tail, i couldn't find anywhere to put it without looking either strange or distracting. let's say it's curled around to her front.
One of the most well done lewd stages
Been trying to do the Xen from Half Life and Wario's house from WarioWare but I'm not too satisfied with how they're turning out. Not sure if I'll finish them today.
you can upload them the internet from the fucking switch itself! don't defend this behavior!
why would you even spend the effort to make a stage and show to us if you can't be bothered to take 10 extra fucking seconds to make a proper picture so we can actually see the stage instead of a god damn blurry mess? is that how you want people to see your stage? is this how you live your life? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU??
>all of that mess trying to get it to work
ah right, yeah fuck that, in my head i thought you could assign them to the same path but you're right they'd need their own and fuck that.
ignore me, your stage is still utter quality
Oh, no worries, thanks for clarifying
Thanks, its my first "real" stage so I wanted it to be at least decent.
Do you have to join a cue to fight?
what stage got deleted?
chill, as long as you can see the code and get a rough idea of what the stage looks like who cares, if it takes 10 seconds to make the picture, then id argue its as quick to put the code in and look at the stage yourself
Thank you! Yeah, I still don't fucking understand how the grids work to be honest with you
Each one of the platforms, I made sure I started the Circle grid on the EXACT same center pixel of each one, then made sure each of the four circular pathlines where on top of each other, they all had the same speed, settings, and such, you would think that would mean they'd move in the same pathway in a circular motion but they just went all over the damn place. It's baffling. You have my sympathies if you try making something like that cause I have no idea how it's possible
anyone got a image of that steel diver stage?
You join the lobby, and from there, you can either choose to join the Waiting Area which will put you in the ring when there's room, or you can sit in the spectator stands to simply watch.
Cry harder faggots I'm gonna keep doing this now just to piss everyone off
Beyond Good and Evil?
He might get b& before he can finish it
Downloaded it anyway
This one, I figured her being clothed would help keep it safe but I guess not
Alright thanks friend.
ID 445KS
PASS 422
Glad I downloaded it when I did
Feel Good Inc.
Yeah, but while you're cuing you can spectate the current match if you were cuing before it started.
Generally we've been having lobbies with 6 or 8 players, free for all, 3 minutes 2 stock, bottom two leave. So even if you're losing you'll only have to wait 6 minutes at most between matches and you'll be able to see others do custom stage fights while you wait.
bless lucii
But nah, Nintendo would've most definitely taken that down. Not enough clothing imo.
It looked better in my head
>people on Yea Forums unironically use Twitter
Fucking zoomers.
Heres my 3rd stage btw
you can't spectate if you change your stage and if you're winning you can't change without having to wait
this is why no one ever changes it
I think it looks great user. Please post ID once you're finished
This isabell stage is it still available the one with the path in the middle
Shygal stage is gone
I'm at the shape limit
Do her clothes come off?
I’ll repost my mechazawa
oh dude looks sweet, ill try it now and give you a yeah!
got any more stages senpai? keep em comin
Another user, can verify that she's actually just the entire stage and not even a part of the background. no her clothes do not come off.
Nah but she is fucking huge.
that was fast then too
It popped up a 2nd time so I took a screenshot.
That's why you're supposed to select Random Custom Stage so you don't have to worry about reselecting a stage every round.
I also go Random Character for variety. I join the cue and never leave it because I don't have to. Highly recommend it if you have a decent understanding of every character.
Aww, was this taken down already?
I think they're coming down on our lewds finally
RIP people posting them in the future
I have a mighty need
I like the Xen so far. Put down a set of portals from one island to the other.
jesus fucking christ hnnng
probably the first time a lewd stage has actually aroused me
Private sharing when?
To think something like this is gone now
stop readying up when 4 people aren't in the stage you dumb niggers
Wow, that's quite something.
I assume both hands move which makes it even better.
I think so too, that Aqua was up for literally days but this one's only been up a few hours and already got hit, they must be cracking down
the worst stage in smash brothers
, here! Made another dinky one!
say it aint so bros, it's deleted... isn't it then...
yeah, they're getting quicker and quicker. it's spooky
Good idea, user. Thanks!
Sounds hot, sliding in there.
Rest of the stage sucks but those mafia goons are great.
Hey guys i'm closing the arena after this match. It's getting late. See you guys tomorrow
I have no clue if its actually gone or not but its safe to assume something like that wasnt safe for long
Yeah, just looking at my Yeah! list there seems to have been a pretty massive purge.
Things usually took a while to come down but now I'm down to two stages that could be considered lewd. An Ankha ass stage and an menstruating Ayanami Rei stage I found sorting by date that seems to have flown under the radar(only has 6 Yeahs).
god nintendo just give us private sharing maybe we wouldn't be publicly uploading lewds then
Dare I even ask for that rei stage
if you yeah lewd stages you're part of the problem
Reminds me of another stage...
You can't actually attach a gear to the cannon itself, but you can attach a bit of terrain to the cannon and rotate that, kind of like the wheels on a reall cannon
just doublechecking but for the anons who got the 14 day ban, is that just from uploading or is it all online stuff?
You know you don't have to be a desperate needy horny faggot if you don't want to.
I don't think Nintendo wants to host our porn on their servers regardless of how private it is.
Surprised I'm not the only person who made this one.
Holy shit amazing idea! You did a great job with his helmet
This is why we need homebrewfags to figure out save editing for Smash
Then someone can just make a homebrew app that serves as a stage browser and can add them to your save
prof you are a laggy fuck
Thanks! I really wanted to make the platforms move but I just didn't have enough space left.
Can you guys say what region the arena is so other don't join next time
fucking this
please announce what region youre currently fucking in when youre hosting a room
>implying that not everyone else is doing it and Nintendo is going to find it anyway
As soon as people have the code people are going to give things a Yeah!, you can't stop them. The only way to keep it secret is never tell the code. Part of the reason a bunch of creators aren't uploading and just sharing them in private arenas.
>That one lobby where this stage I made was glitched and was picked 6 times in a row with more and more ppl leaving
I'm so sorry ):
There's other I saw earlier today, but your version ain't so bad
>Unlisted content uploading, only allows viewing by ID
>Share to friends, not uploaded to servers
>Make stages save to SD card like Brawl
Sorry amigo, no online. No sharing fun games with friends for me.
Post this again, I shall. Video game related, it is not.
since all the arenas are full i made one
PW: 1
Who? I can't find that art anywhere
Exactly, that's what the future of all this is.
Shouldn't be too hard to implement.
Yall can say you kicked me so I don't think I DCed and rejoin you know
I really need to test my stages more before I upload them
People have said that leaving and rejoining the lobby helps fix that. If the lobby is quiet enough you should be able to rejoin without issue.
Oh so you could actually fall from that Nigger stage
Lucii, from BLARGEN69.
On top of that, they impose a 99 stage limit which includes stages you've made. I can't believe i've seen retards defend this shit by saying you don't need that many, but anyone who's played games with custom content knows you're going to be saving a lot.
Updated stage
Free-handing without a stylus is agony... I wanted to etch in the manga title in pic-related, but couldn't because of the size limit.
If you could save stages to SD card, then you could upload a bomb to hack into the switch like with brawl stage editor
Looks cool, is it any fun to play on? Lower room looks like it would turn into a total shitshow, but maybe a fun shitshow.
Pretty cool stage, my dude.
Hell I've already made almost 50 of them myself, combine that with the ones I want downloaded it's a nightmare imagining the juggling I'm going to have to do deciding what to delete and what to keep once I reach the cap. They need to fix this badly. I don't even understand why there's a cap to it, it should be your own choice how you want to fill your system's storage or not.
I hit the cap on Miis I made months ago before they even started the live service and DLC costumes and they still haven't increased that which worries me
well it looks like my first ankha stage got taken down so the second one will more than likely follow. Only had the two so I'm not sure if I'll get hit with a ban or not. Only thing I can think of is to make a new NNID on the switch, give nintendo their 4 bucks and continue making new stages until that account gets banned. Here's hoping we get private uploads in the future.
As if the Switch isn't exploited enough already
i think that each game on the switch has a max save file size.
That is damn impressive regardless of how playable it is.
In general it seems Nintendo just underestimated how much we would use the thing.
Hopefully Sakurai hits the cap soon so he realizes they should patch it. He's clearly invested in the stage editor having posted that Chrono Trigger Dragon Tank on twitter.
spent about 90 minutes on this
Anyone has ID for this? Looks pretty cool, found it on the archive with no replies
That's really cool! I love that you approached it from a side angle and actually let you fight inside the Dungeon itself. The way you made it makes me think of an old walkthrough style map drawing of the dungeon layout which is awesome
I did the Deku Tree too a couple days ago
...I thought they were arm-wrestling when I saw it earlier tonight.
Nice, any chance you're the same user who made the cool but barely playable looking Holy Diver a few threads back?
So has someone made this yet? Thats the only one that makes sense
stage sharing when
Sorry I couldn't join in the voice chat im you don't want my drunk ranting and violent coughing
At first I thought that was a pichu giving the root to duck hunt. I'm guessing it's just a chunky duck hunt?
Someone make this a stage. These have all been amazing so far. I can't fucking wait for Mario Maker 2 to see what people do. If I had the talent to draw like some of the people here, I'd make stages too
is it a cubby duck hunt?
or does a part fall away to show genitals?
also is it M or F?
>No ID
Post the ID as soon as it's done, I like how it's looking so far.
that is is. based on my favourite DHD image
lots of piccolo dicks but I don't think anyone's done the rocks alone
Literally just played on it
This is the worst of all. I spend more time trying to figure out which stages to delete than actually getting new ones. I've probably gotten the "You cannot save any more stages." notification over 20 times now.
I know it may ruin some stages, but having the first layer fall due to gravity and having it cover up the preview is working for my stages so far
m...muh dick...
will you upload it?
That Wario house stage is looking sick, keep up the good work user.
pls help
I would, but I don't know what else to add. I feel like it needs something in the air, but that doesn't feel appropriate for the Advance Wars theming I was going off of.
Wow that stage is super impressive, I will download tomorrow and checkout your others possibly!
im trying my had at a lewd stage and not sure on wording but whats the general preference for camel toe shape?
like if the pose is legs spread like in a lot of lewd stages, I suppose it depends on clothing but still asking
Wow a ton of lewd stages got axed. I'm super glad they don't delete things that you downloaded already. Got everything I wanted aside from some never evers and things that got uploaded day 1
Gibbs post that torture dance stage pls
It works temporarily but they still get it long term.
The 1000IQ Ecchi stage where the girl's skirt drops as soon as it loads got taken down.
Could you make the doors go down at some point? This is the best hazard stage I've seen, but the fact that the hazard never stops makes things a bit much.
2 is not a camel toe
Thank god peter griffin isn’t so fat on the right side
Thanks anons i had fun my internet is kinda dying now
gib ID
PASS 422
Damn, well one of my stages had just enough capacity to where I could just put a huge rectangle on the first layer, and preview just looks like a giant ass square stage, sure it looks ugly, but it may keep it concealed a little longer
I don't have it
How quickly does Nintendo take down the stages? I want to share a bunch of lewds. Like 7 or 9 but I want to get them all uploaded and codes posted before the ban/take down.
All lewd arena still has space fellows
I just remembered you can use the app to look at stages.
anybody know if you 'download' them from the app it will keep them there even if theyre taken down?
I doubt it but worth the try.
yeah i know, thought id ask what people like since I've seen a mix of both on these stages
i prefer 1 anyway so im prolly gonna default to that
Macbeth, ran out of space before i could make background shit scroll past Hanna-Barbara style.
I'm gonna make a new lewd arena fuck this stage glitch.
I think that just puts them in a separate area you then download from your switch, not sure though, I cant seem to find any real way to search for ids or damn near anything in the app
Not sure, but you should probably do it now when its a not super active time of the day.
Thanks for the games! Ganondorf heading out, hope you have a good night.
Lewd Arena Reopened
>7 or 9
please make more thic doggy cunts
just search every user in that fight. don't forget it's possible they downloaded it from someone else.
if i had to guess, i'd say it's gum. i don't see this stage though. either it's not uploaded or deleted.
ffff deleted
Draw some bombers in the sky you can stand on. Maybe make some tanks facing each other in the center. You can also try drawing a big HQ in the middle front or something.
You guys like? ;)
idk but let me make a thread about it, seems great
my arena is still up
PW: 1
Damn, what a slut.
Make it a stage
And yes
God i WISH you could zoom in more in stage builder, my god. also why does holding a shape so you can slowly move it tell the builder to grab all other shapes near it, its infuriating
arena glicthes at picking stages
sorry bout the disconnect there
Please don't be that type of guy user. Are you gonna publish it or not?
you could try the switch's built in zoom if you have 8.0
its an arena glitch and i didn't pick it. happens in every arena
I'm inclined to suggest that anyone here with those stages downloaded should take screenshots in their entirety, and at angles with photoshopped grids if possible. That way, some anons can remake those stages themselves if need be.
Oh, I probably will. after tomorrow. I got an online playdate with my buddy and it'll be awkward if I'm banned for some reason and can't attend
though, I feel like the level should be more interesting than it currently is. the playable area is just thighs and belly. there's at least a couple of edges to grab onto.
What are the best stages here for actual playing?
Any non-lewd arenas open? I wanna beta test my map.
holy shit user i could kiss you, i didnt know this was a feature, thanks
question for the enthusiasts here, do stages that you download stay even after they get deleted?
no prob, best of luck on your map,
i made one! despite i don't have a pic you can have the ID:62BJ8B9c
find out for yourself bro
if you saved them for yourself then you keep them even if they are removed from online
nvm i'm retarded, should've read the rest of the thread first
don't actually have the game btw
>2 of essentially the same ashley stages
>2 of the same phoenix wright stages
this image is a bit of a mess
>no moon cradle though
that's good at least
also the aqua stage has been removed now
Super Adventure Island 2 was great.
remember that part in oot where you had to fight rathalos before you went into the great deku tree
Thanks user, I'll try
It looks like they sequence broke the game so much they got Volvagia to show up in the Gohma battle
>no moon cradle
Oohhoo. You poor soul. Check the more updated one. There's at least three Moon Cradles in there.
yeah... nah, any must haves?
Made a arena because I wanted to test my custom stages. 6 players max, 3 stock, items, US west.
Pass: 8008
Here's my stage. It took me a long time to do the moving background properly and I added wind so the train looks like it's moving.
The Smash 64 intro desk (BY4K8Y68) and the Bomberman gimmick stage (JDC320PC) are the two best I've played for actual matches, at least when it comes to non-standard stage layouts. There's plenty of great stages that are slightly modified Final Destinations and Battlefield layouts of course. The Doom stage (C3Q4XM50) seems fantastic but I haven't played it with anyone yet.
Stop reminding me I didn't get this based stage
Are there any reports of lewd stages being deleted despite being hidden by foreground objects?
Why is every butt so evil
he never hared it
one did, but the user that covered the pikachu ass stage still has it up
Having the two tanks directly facing off got a bit too cramped for my liking, so I scaled the green one down and moved it to the background path. This map is loosely inspired by the Rivals mission, so the two larger buildings are supposed to represent the opposing HQs.
There's still a bit of remaining memory if I wanted to do something like having the bombers move around a bit, but I'm a lot happier with how the stage is now.
>deleted this to make room for other stages
fuck everything
thanks user
im aware of that version but 230 or something stages is kinda ridiculous too, could do with a cleanup, especially since theres duplicates and deleted stages in there
Feels kinda random how fast or slow Nintendo is about deleting lewd stages. Also, you'll be a god among men if you upload what you have but its all up to you though
I wish i knew jap to search shit in jap
2/6 players, come join to test your stages or have fun
Nice work, if you wanted to waste the remaining memory you could try to have them shooting at each other in the background or the planes dropping bomb blocks
Still draw Ankha Paizuri and haven't started the drawing showing her ass yet, but after that how do you guys want me to draw her?
this is sick as fuck, great job
Holy shit the broken pod looks fantastic.
please just take it to the drawthread instead of here
Can you do spread eagle like a bunch of these lewd stages are?
This is good but I thought it was Based Steve at first lol.
Thanks, and I'll keep that in mind. I was considering adding some cruisers in the mid area, so that's another option. I'll play around with it some more.
>It's another tit/ass stage where it's impossible for most characters to recover because there aren't any side platforms
>can fall through the stage on top of that
yeah fuck that
I think the only two deleted ones at this point are the Aqua ones, yeah? As for dupes, one of the Phoenix ones has a hidden Maya and the other one has a better stage layout. As for the Ashleys, it seems to be just flavour.
Could probably cut the image into multiple layout-related images too, if that helps.
Then how come I have it?
I would but the people who want them here probably aren't in the drawthread
>dog fucker
shit taste
holy fucking shit a legend
Yeah, I'll delete it from my collection after the session
>Big Rosalina
>Peach butt
based collection
>wind doesn't affect objects affected by gravity
Fuck that looks great
jealous of your collection, wish i had the pyra one so much
Made a couple Bleach themed stages
It's ok user! Pretty soon you'll get a collection of your very own!
plus I can make an arena and we can play together if you want?
Trying for a russian roulette theme of a 1-in-5(couldn't fit 6) chance of dying when knocked into the barrel of the gun.
ID: H0R6X802
You already messed up there, user.
Phos is a cute. Good job.
Only the parts that would act as walls are backgrounds, buildings and such have platforms to stand on
its a joke about how bleach doesn't have background art.
here's my very cool stage, fellows. please enjoy