>all meme skills are viable
>performance is better
>monkfags crying
enjoying new patch user?
Sekiro Version 1.03 Thread
>people actually use combat arts
Daily reminder that Hesitation is Defeat
Do I gain anything by not acquiring the third revive or am I just gimping myself?
Thinking of starting a new playthrough. What skills did they make useful in this patch?
third revive
fucking wake up nigga it says in the description
pretty much shit ones that was considered garbage but monk skill tree has been nerfed where it should've been
>monkfags crying
What for? They just lowered the first attack of those monk moves while raising the later part of it.
Virtually doing nothing.
>do I gain anything by NOT acquiring
best lazulite prosthetic?
shurinken nigga
Considering the lazulite flame doesn't actually set anyone on fire it became fucking useless. Shuriken is the best by default because of this.
Did they fix the DoH glitch?
I just beat DoH today. What glitch?
>>all meme skills are viable
They're not.
literally the only worthwhile combat arts that aren't ichi/monk is shadowfall and empowered mortal draw.
I tested them extensively with infinite emblems and every other skill is literally not worth using.
the only prosthetics worth using besides firecrackers and umbrella are sparking axe, great mist raven, and any flame vent barring lazulite. nothing else is worth using
you can drop his ass off a cliff
>he didn't use malcontent to cheese the shit out of headless
Ichimonji double is real good for almost every single human-sized enemy as it deals good posture/health damage and usually leads to a long stun even if blocked. You can't spam it but you can just wait for an opening and start it in the air. Praying strikes exorcism I've found to be useful just for how fast it is and how it has relatively little recovery. I've heard people say high monk is good but I haven't used it much myself, and the patch sounds like it's buffing its combo damage while nerfing the initial hit.
wtf they dont have ear whats the logic behind this bs is this true?
>the only prosthetics worth using
You just listed more than half of them and if you're going ot pretend that Malcontent isn't useful for DoH fight you are kidding yourself. Also lazulite shuriken is amazing especially against guys like the lone shadow at Hirata who you want to interrupt. I love how people keep trying to spam this "prosthetics are useless" meme. The only useless/disappointing one is the spear upgrades since none of them are needed for armor stripping or pulling out the centipede which is the only use for the spear.
What's the logic behind blowing a whistle and then the sound happening ten seconds later just because you blew it harder? It'sa magic whistle mate they ain't gotta explain shit.
also fuck these guys
I believe so
First hit still does a lot of bonus damage when you counter sweeps with it too
I hate these guys. I get so stumped when I fight them, and fuck fighting more than 1 at a time
Confetti already cheeses the shit out of headless because it does absurd damage, and the patch increased confetti drop too which was already decent.
I listed very specific ones for axe and mist raven. None of the other variants of them are worth using. Great mist raven is only decent because it can be used to set enemies on fire, which is why flame vent is good. sparking axe can also be used towards setting enemies on fire. if you haven't noticed a trend yet burn is a great status to inflict and it makes most weapons with it usable. flame spear is the exception.
firecrackers can be used to stunlock most enemies and umbrella is retardedly OP.
the shuriken isn't worth the spirit emblem cost. any enemy you can interrupt using it you should've already been in swing range or running towards them if they backed off. its only use is free posture damage against butterfly.
malcontent is far too situational and doesn't have enough of a impact to be decent.
You could jump out of the arena using the tower by the wall and he'd run after you and fall off a cliff.
>forced easy mode
Thanks Journos!
They can make all the other lazulite prosthetics be absolutely free in terms of usage cost and the shuriken will still be better than all of them
>malcontent is far too situational and doesn't have enough of a impact to be decent.
Holy shit dude but it has uses when you literally said it wasn't worth using. You jsut did the same thing with shuriken. Also not worth the cost? You mean one emblem to sometimes interrupt key things you weren't close enough for. Not every tool needs to be applicable to every situation. If you didn't use the first axe against early game shield enemies you're just a nonce and the fact that it has that early game use and then is useless till you upgrade is fine, in fact, it's how it should work. Obviously you aren't going to be using the non upgraded shit all game. I actually can't believe how stupid you "prosthetic are useless" fags are.
>they actually nerfed the Blazing Bull
thanks for beta testing, y'all.
Game sucks, watched Asmongold play it and it looks like shit, you guys are faggots.
Being useful in 1% of instances doesn't make a tool good.
>sucking some random e-celeb cock
good stay out of this thread
now fuck off
Is Spiral Floating Passage viable now or it still shit.
It's not. Just like shuriken isn't. They both have one situation in the entire game where they are passable at best. The axe pre-sparking is even worse because it does nothing you couldn't do with a stealth kill or deflect and it costs more emblems than the shuriken.
if you're not close enough to a enemy to interrupt them you either backed off to heal or weren't aggressive enough. not interrupting anyone but hirata2 shadow isn't the end of the world and you shouldn't be taking damage against a solo non-poison lone shadow anyway unless you are charmless.
Why is he younger than his actual form?
>playing a game with broken and lazy as fuck hitboxes
>gets filtered by shinobi slayer and quits
more like stream slayer
But you (or the post I was responding to if it wasn't you) didn't say good, the post said "worth using" it is in fact worth using in certain situations. It's just funny to see people constantly parrot this nonsense about prosthetic being useless but then they have to add like 10 addendums. Clearly these people are exaggerating as like I said, the only tools with literally no uses are the upgraded spears.
>blaming hitbox
gitgud scrub
where are you filtered?
>The axe pre-sparking is even worse because it does nothing you couldn't do with a stealth kill or deflect and it costs more emblems than the shuriken.
The wooden shield enemies don't attack enough to deflect and kill them so you are saying the axe has no uses because you can stealth kill the shield fags? That's really shit logic for why it's useless considering using the axe is by far the fastest way to kill them. How do you deal with the two on the stairs at Hirata? Do you stealth kill one then spend a minute running away and restealthing so you can kill the other?
>if you're not close enough to a enemy to interrupt them you either backed off to heal
So are you saying you don't do this? Should people never heal or they are bad?
>unless you are charmless.
So again you admit there is a situation where it has a use? Don't say "useless" if you don't mean useless.
>implying I play garbage games
Reading comprehension niggers.
>he watches this shitter
of course you don't like the game user.
>Axe is nerfed
>only combat art which is noticeably improved is Empowered Mortal Draw but Ichimonji is still better for 90% of scenarios
Why is From trying to balance a singleplayer game like a multiplayer one? They should be trying to improve other options first or if they actually want to nerf things nerf the one thing that isn't R1 spam people actually use like Ichimonjin or Firecrackers.
People still playing this game? I thought everyone beat it twice and moved on already.
>need DoH's lazulite for the trophy
They better not have fixed him.
>filtering onions-gamers
working as intended it seems
Can't you just anti-air deathblow in this situation?
you shouldve gotten all the lazulite you needed by NG+
>so y filtered to onion
damn Yea Forums mods wtf happened to yall
All they did was take Ichimonji Double and make it the only combat art in the game instead of the best.
I know. I tried a speedrun for shits and giggles on NG+, and then did Shura on NG+2.
The shield guys are guaranteed to attack if you attack them and they block it. This is how every enemy in the game is. There is a entire cheese strategy against most bosses based around attacking a single time.
yes, if they take enough damage to need to heal against a solo non-poison shadow they are bad.
>So again you admit there is a situation where it has a use?
Do you even know what charmless is?
charmless is a second playthough after you completed the game where you give back the charm which makes you take piercing damage on every attack unless it's a perfect deflect.
Sometimes you mistime things and take damage against a lone shadow by guarding instead of deflecting a hit.
but anyone that gets that far in charmless wouldn't be using a shuriken to interrupt dogs anyway.
what does it do? I only have gotten the axe and it does some pretty decent damage.
>these things have no use
>except all these exceptions
>but they have no use really!!
Why is Mist Raven objectively the best prosthetic tool?
How did they change the Mortal Draw exactly?
Can't launch game atm
So how's Lazulite Flame now?
I never said they have no use, I said they are not worth using.
what's the trick with these dudes, I don't get it
I know you can do the anti-air but I can't even predict that one correctly
Hey man, axe is great for genichiro or armored fucker when you want to get that last few hits of posture in by spinning.
You are right about shuriken, though. It is good for killing dogs and everyone else just blocks it, unless they have a jump but you can just leaping kick them for free.
Because it's impossible to fuck up. If you mistime it it doesn't cost emblems.
>no camera fixes
>nerfing bull for no reason
>making the second ogre red-eyed to make him even easier
Shadow Rush/Shadow Fall all day everyday my friend.
The trick is backstab them.
His memory states whenever someone is brought back from the great beyond they return in their prime.
Shuriken hurts 2ape, the brown one iis vulnerable to it like all animals
>still getting fps drops at 80% gpu usage
how are minibosses harder than actual bosses?
I died more times than I can count on O-rin and Snake-Eyes Shirahage but beat best Guardian Ape's second phase on my first try, Owl on my third try, and Genichiro on my second try
*Except in these 15 situations which don't count
What was wrong with blazing bull? Isn't he the easiest boss next to the claw guy who wastes all his stamina with one combo?
Asmongold isn't a gamer.
His brain has rotted on WoW for way too long,and because of this is incapable of playing and enjoying any other games.
The sad truth is he never was any good at WoW either.His guild just handed him gear and anything he wants in raids due to his e-celeb status.
He is pretty much the equivalent of calling a middle age female that plays Farmville on Facebook every day a "gamer".
so I agree mortal draw is generaly useless but that webm isn't fair because he's distanced himself to only hit with the red effects extra range and not the sword itself, if you're close the posture damage on that is insane, if you check any speedruns you'd see they're used to stagger some bosses.
How does anyone like this guy? He's such a boring, autistic retard. 90% of his """content""" is just complaining.
what card do you use?
It's not the range, that webm is more made to demonstrate how stupid shield enemies are. You can only literally counter them with the axe or waiting for them to open up, which is just stupid
The stagger on Mortal Draw is strong, but not posture damage, just stagger. Works especially well on Demon and Ape, though speedrunners use it on Isshin at specific times due to his pullshit poise during specific attacks
It's probably the biggest casual filter for new players. I personally didn't have a problem with it, but a lot of people don't like waiting around to chip away at it I guess.
Bosses have an elaborate setup (Genichiro and Owl come to mind), Snake Eyes and O'rin just appear in a tiny area of a larger level which makes it hard not to restart the fight or aggro adds
Just booted up the game
>ashina cross, dragon ash, and sparking axe all reduced to 2 seals
Nice, might use these now.
Adding to this, 7Spears is another prime example of 'the stage is the real boss fight'
Isshin hardly looks like he's in his prime though.
2 seals is still too much for Ashina Cross unless they've buffed it.
RX 580
Isshin was barely any older than from the intro cinematic when we fight him though.
It's probably his prime since he has both the general's spear and Tomoe's lightning at his disposal
DLC should add a boss rush mode
the boss fights in this game are stellar
maybe something like 1 boss then 3-5 minibosses in between (don't know the exact number of bosses/mini bosses)
well theres ur answer
>one of the DLC bosses are the remaining 5 Spears of Ashina
>all together
>in a cramped room with a shitty camera
>and fire
You motherfuckers said the second owl fight was easier but if flat out isnt true..... guess you guys meant his second phase or something.
Can I kill the giant carp? I hit it for a lot and nothing ever happened.
Can I still clean up after killing the divine dragon?
Kek, you want Bloody Palace or something?
>action game has consumable item drop rates
>Can I kill the giant carp?
Yes, but not with your sword
>Can I still clean up after killing the
Yes, though the phase in Ashina Castle will change
Is the patch out for Xbox One? I haven't received anything yet.
Does anyone else think that there's no point in reviving during boss fights? Because I always feel that if I'm eating enough hits to die that I might as well just start over and no damage the boss.
>being a retard
Only if I die too early but also to learn patterns mostly.
Nah, do what you gotta do especially for isshin. Like I'm gonna give up if I can res when his spear phase is almost over.
If you are going for platinum and on ng+ or higher sometimes the res is the only heal you get.
There's no real point to not use the free revive. you can use it for learning patterns. just don't waste emblems or consumables if you die early.
If I die early and I know the fight then yes, just restarting is better
But if I'm still learning reviving is fine, it doesn't cost you anything (at least the free idol revive)
Also this Saint Sword is the only fight I used all 3 revives on in the entire game, was amazing
>I haven't received anything yet.
it hurts.
Hey Faggots,
My name is Zack, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the raid team, and get over 20k views on my Twitch stream. What video games do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also got straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my bitch
kek nice
Damn who is this thoty, looks cute, instagram?
pink sparkles
Yeah, except
>The Seven Spears of Ashina were pivotal in Isshin's coup. He awarded the lance to none but his most loyal samurai. Yet now, only a few of the Seven remain.
Gyoubu was probably a spear as well
dont look at my gf like that bro
>beat game and didn't even check out the senpou shit that apparently was OP
did it get nerfed into being worthless? from likes patching good things into being shit after all.
I saved this image into the folder where I save images that I intend to masturbate to soon.
So I'm finishing up everything before finishing NG, just need 2 more Prayer Beads and to grind out a looot of money for the fireproof fan to do Demon of Hatred. Is there a way to figure out which 2 prayer beads I'm missing? It's not the 2 special ones at Hirata Estate, I already know that.
Also, best money farming spot? Is it just Fountainhead Palace with Mibu Wealth Balloons?
>Beat Isshin's third phase the first time I ever saw it today
I had demon bell on too. Am I the only one who feels like Isshin literally gets easier as his phases progress?
isshin's entire fight is getting through phase 2. phase 1 he's very predictable/controllable and phase 3 he kills himself with lightning
did you get the bead on top of the buddha statue's head where the Snake Eyes mini boss is in the poison swamp area, next to double monkey trouble?
The turbo mortal blade slash and shadow rush/fall are pretty awesome moves to be honest.
Isshin's phase one was hardest for me because he has more deflect-or-die chip attacks he keeps doing that really make you gamble when you go on the defensive. Phase two is more standard and he keeps giving you free telegraphed mikiris
you gotta go do Purification ending to get
Juzo2 and Ayanama will give rest beads
I think I did, lemme check
So I'm having a case of where the fuck do I go in this game? The last thing I beat was that bull. Is that normal?
>deflect or die chip attacks
you mean that ashina cross attack? If you simply walk up to him (like in this webm) while he sheathing he will always do the sweep instead of the chip on block attack.
Nope, I missed it, how the fuck do you even get up there?
The game is very open and nonlinear, just go down paths until you hit dead-ends. I got all kinds of places I wasn't supposed to be yet before actually progressing the plot to find Kuro.
everyone seems to miss that one
when you go to jump down the first ledge on the way to monkey trouble there's a grapple point up and to the left
>monkey trouble
Is it bad that Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest is my favorite fight in the entire game?
i liked the first fight but lmao 2ape is just dumb, not because of difficulty reasons it's just a clusterfuck of a fight
I wish the guard of the black mortal blade wasn't so ugly.
I hated TRUKK NOT MUNKKEY until I realized there's a logic and timing to how they attack, and you can't just try to wail on one and hope the other misses.
I used the flame mist raven like a scrub but that's cool to know for NG+. Either way, Isshin is one of the best boss fights I've experienced in a long time and I don't typically like From combat and bosses. Sekiro has its faults (some of which may have been corrected in the recent balance patch) but it stands toe to toe with the other greats that released this year imo
The next major point that moves the plot forward is top of Ashina Castle. Otherwise just go explore wherever you want.
>Confetti already cheeses
how the fuck is confetti a cheese when headless take 0 damage from physical attacks?
can you still skip second phase Isshin if you're aggressive enough? Maybe I'm just bad but that's the least fun part of the fight if you don't count having to refight his faggot grandson.
PROTIP (for real)
If you're willing to drop the emblems brown ape cannot block shuriken at all and if you're confident in your abilities to defeat true Ape without the spear rend trick you can just spam nuApe to death while running away.
If you really want a break his phase 2 can't beat Umbrella or Mist Raven
Yeah they did. I beat DoH legit, my buddy tried to throw him off post patch and the demon didn't fall for the shenanigans.
Huh, I only considered situationally useful for things like blocking terror or fire damage
didn't seem to work for me today. I really liked getting rewarded for my aggressiveness.
Dude I play at 1440p, no frame drops whatsoever. Lower some dumb settings like shadows.
why not just firecracker?
PROTIP: (for real)
One ape jumps in to defend the other whenever the other ape becomes vulnerable (after a jump attack, AOE, or Deflected heavy attack). If you can stun both apes back-to-back, you can just wail on one while the first is still getting up. If you really need help just use firecrackers on the brown ape when it jumps in to help the headless ape.
Also needing a cheese to fight the headless ape means you need to git fucking gud.
Can some lorefags help me get the story straight? Here's what I get:
>Ashina is under threat from a shinobi clan invasion (lead by Owl?)
>Genichiro realizes the gravity of the situation and wants to save Ashina at all costs
>Genichiro goes through a literal catalog of plot macguffins to help him achieve his end
>Isshin doesn't give a fuck and realizes everything has to come to an end, just wants to aid Wolf and Kuro in escaping
So why did Genichiro care about the Divine Heir's ability to bestow immortality when he already had his own? Why did he stand to gain from stopping Wolf and Kuro at the end, and why did he hurt Kuro? Did Isshin really decide to impede Wolf just because his jobber of a grandson requested it before killing himself, despite their goals being the same? Where did Kuro's curse even come from to start with?
I admit I might have missed flavor text and I wasn't paying a whole load of attention but some shit doesn't seem well-explained. Also Owl was a scheming turncoat from the very beginning right?
Awww, now I have to beat O'rin legitimately from now on.
Genichiro's immortality turns you into those fucks at Fountainhead Palace, or at least drives you crazy. You have to keep drinking it as you degenerate. Dragon's Blood gives you "perfect" Immortality, at the cost of the dragonrot plague.
>Why did he stand to gain from stopping Wolf and Kuro at the end, and why did he hurt Kuro? Did Isshin really decide to impede Wolf just because his jobber of a grandson requested it before killing himself, despite their goals being the same?
His stupid grandson sacrificed his life to bring him back so he honoured his wish/he wanted a sick ass fight with Sekiro because Isshin is a battle junkie
Well you are no John, that's for sure
Bullshit. You either have some shit 580 or somethings wrong with your card, I've never had an fps drop in this game ever
O'rin of the Water? She's super fucking easy, just spam defects on her attacks and then do the headstomp when she does her sweep. She has no posture.
It bounces off enemies
Its not really a cheese, in term of story sounds produced by Malcontent give peace feeling to Sculptor. So DoH actually RESISTING his monstrosity after listening to it. That's why for gameplay, he basically get stunned
Just jump onto from behind. She'll stagger and be deathblowable for a moment.
already finished the game with all the ending
Ashina is under threat from "The Central Authority" and since this is Sengoku era Japan it's safe to assume the Central Authority refers to the Shogun. Also, it's not exactly that Isshin doesn't give a fuck, it's more that he's done all he can and he's accepted his (And Ashina's) death.
As for Genichiro, the other methods of gaining immortality aren't perfect. The waters of rejuvenation keep him alive but they don't really heal his wounds. After his loss against Wolf, he's still got a huge gash in his chest. Similarly, the Guardian Ape is still alive after his head gets cut off, and the True Monk's neck gets sliced open. Both are still alive but dismemberment means you can't fight as well, especially for someone of Genichiro's size. Meanwhile Kuro can't even be hurt by anything less than a legendary weapon, and Wolf always comes back from death in one piece. It's a big improvement.
When he kills himself to summon Isshin, Isshin goes along with it because it is his grandson's wish. But also, Isshin had to go from being the ultimate battle chad to being an old man in a dying kingdom, his body crippled by age and non-specific anime coughing disease. Imagine that happened to you, and almost right after you died, you got a chance to go back to being the ultimate battle chad and relive the glory days. Isshin wanted to die in battle, and he got that wish.
>enter room
>{chorus} MY NAAAAME
>sabimaru poison
Holy shit, was that a bug? I wondered why it wasn't poisoning the Snake Eyes, but the swamp was...they didn't have their fucking LORE TOLD poison weakness??? Well, at least they fucking fixed it. Fuck!
Whirlwind Slash got me all the way through Guardian Ape. So good against the Senpoku monks for easy xp/sen.
Sometimes I use Ashina Cross just to off average mooks because it looks cool. It seems to have gotten a mad damage buff as of the update, but I doubt it scales well against bosses or anything. I think it interrupts attacks though
I'm in progress of a NG+ Shura run to finish getting achievements.
Should I update or wait?
update ur save wont have affected
I was just thinking since this patches a bunch of exploits I might hold off until I'm done otherwise it might take longer.
That was referring to the one under ashina basement, he actually was non-red eyed and didnt give a shit about fire. The one in the outskirt works just as intended
>people actually restrict themselves to only the most efficient gameplay methods
I shigeruga miamasamura
The axe kick is the coolest martial arts technique.
>>Ashina is under threat from a shinobi clan invasion (lead by Owl?)
Interior ministry, which is the tokugawa shogunate. Isshin, even as old and dying as he is, is the only reason they haven't invaded yet. The first occupation was just Owl's escort.
>Owl was a scheming turncoat from the very beginning right?
Yes. Owl led the bandits to Hirata. He was planning this long before the start of the game.
>>Genichiro realizes the gravity of the situation and wants to save Ashina at all costs
>>Genichiro goes through a literal catalog of plot macguffins to help him achieve his end
>>>Isshin doesn't give a fuck and realizes everything has to come to an end, just wants to aid Wolf and Kuro in escaping
Isshin knows it's his time. He knows he will die soon, and with it, Ashina. Despite how hard Genichiro tried and everything he achieved he isn't capable of replacing Isshin. No one but shura wolf is. The least he could do is help the kid.
>So why did Genichiro care about the Divine Heir's ability to bestow immortality when he already had his own?
The divine waters is a flawed mimicry of the divine heir's immortality. You can see the effects of its long term use in mibu and minamoto palace. His immortality was a temporary solution.
>Why did he stand to gain from stopping Wolf and Kuro at the end,
Spite and a desperate belief that Ashina could still be saved.
>and why did he hurt Kuro?
Forcing wolf to fight him and likely ensuring his mortal blade could kill wolf, he was likely reassured in this since he always immediately tries to hit you with it.
>Did Isshin really decide to impede Wolf just because his jobber of a grandson requested it before killing himself, despite their goals being the same?
Honoring Genichiro's final wish and a desire to die honorably, as seen by how he refuses to be killed normally.
>Where did Kuro's curse even come from to start with?
The west, likely China.
I'm not sure why the fuck youtube keeps recommending me that retards' shitty reaction videos. Either way just like the game he plays nobody cares about him.
Anybody actually know specifically what the prosthetics/combat art changes does. It said that it would cut down spirit emblem cost but ive tried the axe, ashina cross and mortal draw and they all cost the same amount of spirit emblems??
they do more damage now or something..?
Yeah, it's a little better if I lower shadows, reflections, and shaders a bit, but I'd rather be able to keep it maxed
There is a purple guy in the well that I keep trying to talk to but always attacks me. How do I talk to him without him attacking me?
did you actually update your game to 1.03?
Can you buy things at sculptures besides spirit emblems? I see various categories for stuff but nothing but emblems.
Yup just checked. Is it working for u. What platform?
Can you just download the v1.03 codex crack and copy paste the game files?
that's just what japanese men look like user. you're probably used to seeing boys
Why don't they patch obvious exploits? Nobody can beat Distort's WR but himself lol
Headless are shit with their shit rewards
>posture damage in the latter half increased
Oh you mean the one that gets deflected 100% of the time? Why thank you From Software.
>enjoying new patch user?
already finished the game in its true form before it was trashed by causal patches
Prime for fighting not prime for getting erections
Why can't they beat it? I'm gonna watch it now but does he do an exploit only he knows or something?
Well shit I did it and my game's broken. Might be because I didn't have 1.02
>making the second ogre red-eyed to make him even easier
I unsderstood this as a bugfix, i.e, the red eye effect was just missing. He's already weak to fire.
>can't stealth kill Corrupt Monk phase 1
>can't get a free stealth kill on O-rin by jumping on her
t-thanks from
Yeah I remember raping him with empowered fire weapon
The first monk art and Nighjar slash are probably not really the best but definitely entertaining to use.
What the fuck? This glitched my game. I just got to an area called Abandoned Dungeon and the first enemy just fucking got back up after I killed him.
You're supposed to install it, not copy over.
Oh they fixed it?
>they didn't nerf the umbrella, the most broken ass prosthetic that trivializes tons of end game bosses
Kill it again.
That only works for shadows.
Anyway to fix it?
How are the waters connected to the centipedes? How many forms of immortality are there? Do some folks have both rejuvenation water and centipede immortality?
Is funny how 2 major japanese game released in the same year make prosthetics a major gameplay mechanic. I wonder if anyone tried modding some more into MGS5
>Anyway to fix it?
Lol. not him but can anyone confirm?
Cause I want the update since it seems to make the game easier for me.
Open your eyes nigger.
I would never use malcontent on demon because it says it works on apparations. The only way for me to know he's an apparition is online help so to me it's cheating.
If you overwrote the files somehow you're probably fucked.
Why is Floating Passage listed under spirit emblem changes? I thought it didn’t cost anything? Hopefully that’s just an error and it straight up got improved
Does he even play games anymore? Youtube only recommends "Asmo reacting to [New shitty meme video]" that I keep ignoring but it never goes away
Yeah its fine. I'll just reinstall and start a new playthrough
If you pay attention you'll notice that the whistle relates to the sculptor and it makes sense to try it out on him
They aren't.
The rejuvenating waters are from the minamoto palace which is the divine realm in the sky. it's not actually immortality but some form of fountain of eternal youth deal they managed to, through a lot of sacrifices, turn into actual immortality in the form of the divine child of the rejuvenating waters.
the centipedes are just immortal parasites that make its host immortal
3. one a man made copy of the divine dragon, one a parasite, and the divine dragon.
how exactly the centipede works is unclear as is any conflict between them and the other forms of immortality.
How bad is the nerf on high monk?
>tab into his stream
>beginning of game, monk enemy, night time area
>tab out
>1 hour later
>tab in
>has died to the same shitty intro enemy for 1 hour straight
>close stream
sorry but if you're not making original funny banter content making fun of retarded faggots transmogs then youre not doing the funnies anymore
because watching this dude play any souls game is literal pain
and its not even fun laughing at him
you can cheese Headless by walking around him, no need to waste emblems
Does it give your sword a blue flame though? This is important for style points.
They nerfed high monk!? How bad is it doc
Is there a way to tell if you are about to enter a boss area you can't escape from? For example the bull took me a bit by surprise when the fog came up not letting me get away when I stumbled on it with low gourd and health.
>ones that was