Be me

>be me
>spent 5 hours hunting for shiny furry goddess
>finally get 1, after walking about 30km and using my monthly salary on lures and incenses
>it's male

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-22-17-07-33-617_com.nianticlabs.pokemongo.png (1080x2160, 542K)

Don't see anything wrong here, faggot.

Start jacking it, make it a win.

hahahaha dumb faggot

male lopunny is way better then a shitty female
traps are better in every way you retard, now be happy with your new boyfriend

Attached: WHORE.gif (299x298, 377K)

Fuck off

Explain the part about your salary.
Do you stupid fucks actually pay to capture imaginary dogs?

vai tomar no cu porra, lopunny trap é muito bom

you're asking this about people who give money to streamers so they can pretend to have a friend.

People still play this garbage?

BR? BR?!


I used to. Biggest fucking regret of my life. It completely fucks your schedule, you never get in time for work or anything because you forced yourself to stop to take out gyms or do daily quests, and go hunt for shinies like the moron in the OP. basically this game controls your life.

too bad you arent playing an actual game

Don't be a furry.
Also kys, or at the very least stay off of Yea Forums

Deixa de ser gay.

People are fucking retarded, yes.

fucking kill yourself spic

Brazilians are white.

>off topic
>posted a video game

Being white is not a measure of someone's value, dumb faggot.