8 Days until VR is saved, did you save money?

8 Days until VR is saved, did you save money?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I sold my htc vive.

Knuckles looks swag

Fucking A I did.

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Hell yea


They need to release a really good game woth it. L4d 3 would be ultimate swag

What happens?

That's the knuckles? What the fuck, i expected it to be like a glove, not some shitty sensor stuff

They've been around for over a year.
Also, why would you be mad about them being better than gloves?

Will there be launch titles fully utilizing the knuckles stuff?

Attached: Saint VR Kanojo.jpg (774x1032, 193K)

What else we know/speculative specs about the Index.

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Dear lord, user. Remember you from last thread and others before it. You really are on another plain of existence with VR/AR with Nun-Fu.

Still doesn't affect how you play the games though over WMR/Touch users, short of more natural 'throwing' of shit.

Using your hands naturally to pick up, throw and squeeze stuff is a huge difference.

But user, that isn't the Oculus Quest

That thumbstick looks awkward as fuck to use. Why isn't it in the center where that mini-trackpad bit is?

You're right...it isn't...nor should it be.

Attached: OculusLineup.png (620x661, 74K)

There's been uh...a physics tech demo that will use them. And that "game" where you climb a wall.

But real shit though, HLVR will be announced and millions upon millions of consumers will rush to spend a grand in order to play a Valve shooter. Because Half-Life is totally something that is still relevant in 2019 and not just the delusional obsession of Valve Drones.

nope ;_;

neet life has its downsides. knuckles will be had, though.

>Look! I can point! Point at things!
>Haha I can flip the bird lol!
How is this not a useless gimmick again?

There will be the long-awaited, constantly 'leaked' HLVR, which may or may not be Half-Life 3 in disguise ('anonymous sources' say it's a HL2 prequel where you play as Alyx, but that could easily be misdirection).

It's looking like there will PROBABLY be at least one additional game, maybe two, but we know absolutely nothing about anything but HLVR.

Can't wait to fuse those beautiful Index lenses into my eye sockets. I'm ready as fuck for this.

Attached: lenses.png (609x1017, 893K)

Well I mean, considering half of all VR "games" are just pick up things off a desk and throw them simulators (the rest are archery games), perhaps Knuckles could revolutionize VR?

If that's all you can think of after watching those video then you should be asking yourself some better questions.

I dunno, maybe if you're retarded and only go around pointing at things it would be a gimmick, but a normal human being would probably use them to grab things and interact with the world

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I heard Pick Up, Throw, Squeeze VR is going to hit Steam early access soon. Could it be the killer app VR needs?

>the front is curved so the display must be
>even though we've seen leaked screenshots with the front of the headset removed

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We just need more Devs to actually make games and utilize these features. Looking at what's coming and what we have it's going to be barren.

Holy shit! Grabbing!? In a video game!???

Fuck me, Valve is going to set the world on fire. With grabbing. Half-Life 3 VR grabvity gun when?

The only way VR is going to go anywhere is if it has mass appeal. Fuck off "muh grafix" elitist

If it was two triggers it'd be better. Right now you got one game-usable trigger, and four fingers worth of on/off and a couple inbetweens of 'maybe' states. What are you going to do with those extra fingers? Use them only for gripping stuff?

Attached: Valve snickers.jpg (768x768, 85K)

im excited for the index but i will be immeasurably disappointed if it doesnt launch with a fully fledged valve title. the tech for VR is already fucking there, WE JUST NEED GAMES FOR FUCKS SAKE

>VR is saved
until you solve the problem of locomotion without the need for more expensive equipment VR will be dead in the water

This is the new FLAOT, but its so forced forced

Who could have predicted that by further fragmenting VR input standards and pushing devs towards supporting completely optional controllers wouldn't be of any benefit to anyone?

Attached: VR Games Steam.jpg (5043x4697, 3.26M)

>what is a joystick
fixed it for ya

I try to get the "full" experience with anything I buy after all.

Attached: tips headset m'droid.jpg (532x709, 87K)

fuck off weeb

Shh, we don't talk about the fact that you literally cannot move freely in VR without puking unless you undergo physical and mental self-training beforehand.

job simulator
arizona sunshine
i expect you to die
eleven table tennis
duck season

all amazing games that make vr worth it

VR is a meme and already over.

VR literally is early 30s people who got desensitized to video games.
But the porn aspect of it is a completely different reason. Also Steam shills obviously

Is this really an issue. I've done forced vr in fps games and had no physical issues from moving or being thrown around in-game

>what is motion sickness/being thrown off balance
I've never gotten car/aeroplane sick or seasick before but trying to play Skyrim VR with regular walking instead of teleporting (which is awkward and unbalances the game due to the speed with which you can travel) was pretty uncomfortable. Also tried HL2 VR but had to turn it off due to the nausea.

why would a weeb make that argument?

I'm amazed some people become so militant towards things they either dont have, or hate due brands/tech

You're asking whether vertigo is an issue with VR?


I saw something about you being able to adapt different controllers onto the thing. Does this mean I can configure any controller or even the mouse and keyboard to work with the headset?

I'm pretty freaked out people also think this way

VR and nosh

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Yes. Do many people get vertigo or motion sickness from vr? I've done vr for 2-3 hours with no issues. esl here, sorry if I don't make much sense

because theres 2-3 anons here that start off EVERY thread with "muh locomotion" which eventualy divolves into "well i dont care until we get FULL DIVE TECH!!!!111" then someone goes "you know were never getting sword art online you dumb fucking weeb: then they say "i wish we were:

Not necessarily the brand/tech but the community.

Some people like to poke fun at the cult-like devotees of Valve corp. They're all over the Internet, endlessly proclaiming this to be the future of gaming, and that to be the revolutionary something or other, and they've been doing it for over a decade with nothing to show for it. Yet their faith in their prophet never wavers. One day, ONE DAY, Blessed Gaben will come through they swear!

It's fun to talk to them on message boards.

I don't think it's an unreasonable expectation to be able to move around like you would in a regular video game without feeling ill. The inability to do so without spending even more on an expensive treadmill seems like a pretty obvious flaw to overlook just because you're excited about the technology.

I had it for a while in free locomotion games, but it went away. Some people get it, some don't. I still don't think joystick locomotion is a very good solution and I wish more games had armswinger support.

C'mon dude, the rift design isn't that sleek and sexy

That's literally only one person, it being Tyler. That's the point that none of them are serious and all just jokes and ballbusting. You'd be hard pressed to actual Valve drones, or Zuckerberg drones who take any of the shit serious.

No. I would only get it if they release DOA VV in VR or DOAX3 for pc

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On her it absolutely is, user. What's her name?

You're the only one here actually talking about valve, and you're by far the most zealous person in the thread.

Everyone else is just interested in the hardware.


Attached: FOV.png (5586x3840, 898K)

I believe that's a YoRHa No.2 Type B

Check out some normie message boards and you'll see breathless hype and a religious devotion to Valve corp that borders on hysteria.

four channel dot org is just too cynical for that shit to flourish. But it pops up here and there.

I don't own a rift but has there ever been any citation on the 90 degree fov? I thought it was nearly the same as the vive.

There's a program called natural locomotion that adds that for a bunch of games. Basically it interprets your controller motion, such as swinging your arms, then transfers that movement into pressing forward on the touchpad or whatever. I like using it with Skyrim even though I don't have any problem with motion sickness.

long way to go it seems

Is there a single VR game that is only possible in VR, or is it just a dispaly gimmick?

But this is a thread about Valve saving VR?

I think that one where you plaster tracking devices all over your body and pretend to be a dancing CP.

You can even tell it is the same person based on how they always try to project their personal problem onto VR as a whole. There is never any acknowledgment that most people are able to deal with it and play games with motion just fine. I'm assuming it is just someone worried about being left behind that is desperately trying to convince other that games with motion do not and can not exist.

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i think you mean CHADler

Attached: CHADler.png (1016x568, 1.33M)

Pretty much any game that uses the motion controllers wouldn't be possible without VR. Even ports like Fallout 4 VR wouldn't be possible since you would have no way to aim your gun without overhauling the game's mechanics.

I've used but it's implementation is not very good compared to whatever unity library h3vr uses. The program also of course has no awareness of skyrim's stamina system and you're only allowed to look straight ahead while running. I used it for a while until I suddenly realized how much freer I felt with it off, which sucked.

Later, gonna heat up the body, snuggle up and sleep now.

Attached: Do_electric_YoRHas_dream_of_virtual_men.jpg (929x1239, 228K)

>heres x
>yeah well why would you want to do that?!?!?
>because its fun
>well uhhh do THIS in VR! *posts video of cutscene*

i've done your whole thing, you can go now.

>There is never any acknowledgment that most people are able to deal with it and play games with motion just fine
Follow with me user. There's no acknowledgement that most people can deal with VR movement without getting sick because most people cannot deal with VR movement without getting sick.

Godspeed, user. Till next time.

Yes user, only threads about Valve hardware have tongue-in-cheek, hyperbolic OPs.
Absolutely no other threads do that.
Never ever.

he's gonna say
>yeah well the wii!!!!!
or my favourite from him
>lightguns in arcades did this years ago and VR is only a marginal upgrade!!!!!!

>Thread about Valve
>lmfao why are you talking about Valve?

Not being able to discuss anything at all without an op that's half trolling is one thing I've always hated about this board.

it will sell less than a 4th of what PSVR has done

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Attached: Retro Arcade Neon VR 1.webm (1920x1080, 2.9M)

>this is how the person pretending to be a loli in VRchat really looks like!

Had that for a little bit. The nostalgia aspect was cool but I couldn't get any of the machines to work.

I myself cannot imagine how INSANE it will be to shoot zombies. In waves. In V-fucking-R.


90% of actual VR games are about shooting zombies.

Yeah but, in waves?

It's just like being in an arcade!

All games have free motion now. People would get angry and review bomb games until they patched it in. Several newer games didn't even bother having a teleport option. No matter how much you complain, free motion in VR is here to stay. Hopefully that inner ear stimulation device will help with your issues so you can join us user.

post more doll please.

Seems like most are that way. Killing Floor has an endless mode where it's nonstop waves of increasing difficulty until you eventually die.

Is there a zombie shooter where they don't come in waves?

I'm not I don't care for it either but that's not a valid point against alleged Valve-cultists that are supposedly everywhere. That's just modern Yea Forums being genuine garbage as opposed to the old, "Yea Forums has always been garbage," garbage.

wanting sword art online doesn't make one a weeb though
perhaps learn what words mean

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Attached: Retro Arcade Neon VR 2.webm (900x506, 2.79M)

It's obviously going to be Portal 3

Holy fuck! Valve Index will have inner-ear stimulation AND brain control interface? Fuck me silly, Valve is truly the most advanced hardware dev on the planet.

And here I thought they were just a F2P game maker whose entire business model revolves around loot boxes.

I heard setting games up in this shit is a nightmare, but I have no real way to play my favorite arcade light gun games.
How is it to set this shit up, or is there any other light gun emulators out there for VR?

this is kinda inaccurate because anything over 180 is probably peripheral vision which you aren't designed to observe things through but rather as a warning that something there is moving.

Not for VR.

Is my PC gonna be able to run VR? I think most of what I have is good, my only concern is the CPU.

Attached: Screenshot (146).png (1920x1080, 237K)

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what about arizona sunshine


My cpu is the an intel7 2.20hz quadcore. Below minimum, but I haven't experienced any lag in any game so far, though zero calibre on max does push it sometimes for short few seconds.
Heats like hell though and regularly get 90+ degrees after prolonged play

You look like you're ready for prime time.

VR will only be enjoyable when you can finally use your whole body.

Change my mind

I don't want to change your mind. I agree.

Attached: gaben VR.jpg (1330x530, 145K)

VR will only be enjoyable when it finally has good games. Full body does not mean the games will suddenly be good. In fact, it makes them less likely to be good, since what can full body really add to the game experience?

Is the porn good? Is it all POV? I mostly like softcore photoshoot stuff so I don't know how much I'd get out of it anyway

Ok thanks

I'm actually a sort of doll maker, how can I make it so VR detects me touching the doll and give me feedback in a game?

dick sensors

Attached: bloomberg VR.png (925x1028, 621K)

>since what can full body really add to the game experience?
Better blind-fire in gun games since it knows how you're trying to lean/angle.

>back by facebook
i don't even, also the HTC cost only 600$ now

Dick sensors so you can rape other players

No Man's Sky coming soon too.

Borderlands 2 as well hopefully.

Recorded sometime in 1996 maybe 1997, I forget

>David Foster Wallace : I'm not saying watching t.v. is bad, or a waste of your time anymore than - like - masturbation is bad or a waste of your time; it's pleasant little way to spend a few minutes - but if you're doing it 20 times day; if your primary sexual relationship is with your hand - something is wrong...

>David Lipsky : Yeah, except with masturbation at least some action is being performed, right; isn't it that, that's better?

>David Foster Wallace : Ok; you can make me look like a real dick if you print this...

>David Lipsky : [laughs] No, I'm not going to - but if you can, speak into the mike...

>David Foster Wallace : Yes, you're performing muscular movements with your hand as you're jerking off. But what you're really doing, I think, is you're running a movie in your head. You're having a fantasy relationship with somebody who is not real... strictly to stimulate a neurological response. So as the Internet grows in the next 10, 15 years... and virtual reality pornography becomes a reality, we're gonna have to develop some real machinery inside our guts... to turn off pure, unalloyed pleasure. Or, I don't know about you, I'm gonna have to leave the planet. 'Cause the technology is just gonna get better and better. And it's gonna get easier and easier... and more and more convenient and more and more pleasurable... to sit alone with images on a screen... given to us by people who do not love us but want our money. And that's fine in low doses, but if it's the basic main staple of your diet, you're gonna die.

>David Lipsky : Well, come on.

>David Foster Wallace : In a meaningful way, you're going to die.

do you agree anons? are we dying alone in a room by playing vidya so much? is anyone addicted to VR?

Attached: 1555985188432.jpg (1920x1080, 328K)

>No Man's Sky coming soon too
Hell yea


Not touching BL2 unless they add multiplayer.

Everyone dies, no matter what. There is no reason. That's why DFW offed himself

>rumors say it comes out June 15
>that's my bday
Gaben bless

Attached: 1538638131024m.jpg (1024x482, 54K)

>better than gloves?
how? Gloves would be ideal.

The more I've used my Oculus and later my samsung odyssey, the only thing I would want is wireless capabilities. Gets so tiring when you turn more than once in any given direction.

>Not touching BL2 unless they add multiplayer.
>touching BL2
>BL2 in VR

Seems like we'll need to wait for Gen 3 on that. I got the chance to use a wireless Vive, and while it's definitely more immersive, the short battery life kinda puts a damper on the experience. It is nice that the Odyssey+ has narrowed it down to a single split cable, but hopefully by 2022 wireless will be standard.

Full locomotion wont be possible since you need a computer to effectively predict immediately when you start moving, how fast you're moving and if you speed up/slow down, and how slow you're stopping/when you stop. All of this must be calculated to reduce the inertia that would throw you off the board in an instant.

To be fair 220 is the absolute maximum. When you're looking out of your peripherals and things are blurry is hardly necessary

I've only played BL1, and I assume BL2 is just as long if not longer, so that'd have appeal for me for VR bro-op, IF IT HAD IT.

I dunno, he was suicidally depressed. not really worth listening to what he has to say unless you want to be that way too. coming from a person who's read his writings

The name is so fucking autistic.

I can't imagine it becoming mainstream, I just can't.

Just me talking, but BL1 the only decent one in the series. The telltale one is good too, but it's a point and clicker. BL2 is just a game that's incredibly hard to care about. Just made me wanna switch over to Fallout. Even playing MP with friends did nothing for us and we just stopped after giving it a honest try for about an hour or two.

Does anyone else pump their legs when they move in games like Pavlov? Or any game that requires joystick movement (with no comfort modes). It seems to tone down the discomfort a little for me

Attached: blade & sorcery come and get it.webm (1920x1080, 2.16M)

Attached: hey give that back.webm (854x480, 2.56M)

This, PC scrubs are ignorant to their own irrelevancy, they didn't realize PSVR has all the good VR exclusives, they're seriously hypeed for indie tech demo trash and missed out on
Re7,AC7,Tetris Effect, Farpoint, Dreams, Astro Bot, Bound, Doax3, Deracine, Last Labyrinth, The Last Guardian, FFXV fishing, Gran Turismo Sport, Star Wars Rouge One, Persona VR, Wipeout, Iron Man, Blood and Truth, Project Golem, and more

Attached: Cybershoes.webm (640x360, 391K)

VR is so fucking retarded. It's like none of its enthusiasts were playing games just 15 years ago.

Attached: Win10 VR.webm (720x1266, 1.4M)

Attached: i like that jump.webm (352x196, 1011K)

Omnidirectional treadmills for VR already exist. Not sure how well they work though.

Like shit that no one wants.

Attached: 1554611197405.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

I'm not willing to give money to Valve.
VR, like digital distribution which Valve popularized, is just another way for the industry to get more non gaming casuals that need easy access and/or a gimmick to play games to start playing games so the industry has more pay pigs to extract money from, it isn't surprising that the fat kike is pushing it so hard.

The point I was making was that it's probably already possible. Not that it's the solution people want, because as I already said they're too expensive.

>fuck pancake gamers!!

Attached: 1550982231768.png (644x800, 15K)

Attached: Wireless VR.webm (720x1280, 2.94M)

Gonna wait to see what it's like, but I still think I'm going to get the Rift S

Attached: swimming VR.webm (494x226, 2.36M)

TFW VR treadmills now all over priced because arcade meme being pushed now.


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Attached: How invisible walls work.webm (718x404, 1.17M)

fucking stop

Attached: Pirates VR.webm (1280x720, 676K)


Attached: you fell for the VR meme.webm (960x720, 2.87M)

Attached: immersive.webm (1920x1080, 2.39M)

Attached: gorn1.webm (1280x720, 2.68M)

Or what?

Attached: MidgetHugsAnon.webm (700x392, 2.9M)

I'm going to need this run up against Ancalagon the Black.

>Snoy VR
That's cute. They think they're relevant.

Attached: LaboBird.webm (1280x720, 2.25M)

Here's to hoping PS5's VR isn't bottom-of-the-barrel controller and tracking quality, so devs can bump up what they can do without making it ass to play on the largest VR consumer base.

Lost it at "Screenshot Taken"

Attached: chopchopchop.webm (1280x800, 2.49M)

I don't know what's better: "screenshot taken" in that or "recording has started" like here

Attached: pogo gogo.webm (960x540, 2.26M)

Attached: dancegurl.webm (853x480, 2.57M)

For anyone interested, these are the good games from that list:

>RE7, AC7, Astro Bot

Last Labyrinth also looks interesting, a little like Trapt on PS2 or something, but it's not out yet.

Attached: WARDRUMS.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

VR won't be saved for awhile. The index will help kickstart it out of the dark ages, but not instantly.

Attached: bellydrums.webm (1280x800, 2.14M)

Attached: axis.webm (1632x918, 1.61M)

Farpoint is pretty fucking awesome, it's better than any light gun game I played at arcade

>I have already saved VR. Enough of this nonsense

Attached: angeredrobot.jpg (480x360, 18K)

How's Tetris Effect?

Attached: Lost Soul Aside.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>playing Tetris in current fucking year

Attached: 1553244255037.png (997x781, 426K)

The Rift S is a straight downgrade from the current Rift though. Inside-Out tracking is absolute garbage.

Attached: Card Trick.webm (240x180, 2.89M)

Needing to set up cameras or towers is gay though.

If you like Tetris then it's one of the best versions ever released. As for playing it in VR, the 3D/depth doesn't do much but being isolated with the visuals and the music really takes the game to another level. I know it sounds dumb but not being able to see or hear the world around you while you play it really elevates it, I don't think I could say the same for other games that don't have such dynamic music and visual effects.

jesus fucking christ
I want to live in a better timeline

You sure you don't wanna stay, user?

Attached: toad labo.webm (868x488, 2.68M)

Did you mean to post a picture of the oculus quest? The index will do nothing for mainstream vr, it’s just the vive 2.0....

>got virt-a-mate

I have never fucking nutted so hard. Real women just can't compete, honestly. Not when you can make your big-titty waifu look any way you could possibly want and make her any size you could possibly want

Attached: 1554316265439.jpg (298x247, 49K)

Oh yes, who could forget the VR masterpiece that is Settlers of Catan

>The index will do nothing for shit vr
yeah no surprises there, you dumb fucking retard

>Did you mean to post a picture of the oculus quest?
>Is really the Oculus Go 2
>Mobile VR

Attached: big mommy.webm (1000x563, 2.08M)

I'm gonna buy it guys. I sure hope I don't regret it

I don't want to think about Tetris Effect because it'll be eons before a possible Steam release still. Just like RE7.

You could say the same thing about anything. If I really wanted to I could blow my budget on huge tubs of ice cream every single week and eat nothing but that and fucking kill myself doing it but I don't because that's fucking stupid and I know I need to balance both my budget and my diet to lead a healthy life. It's the same way with porn, VR, and everything else. Learning to balance that shit and portion out your time in a healthy way is something we'd all have to do even if technology regressed considerably.

Be ready to take the day off on May 1st

This. I'd play a VRMMO regardless of what it is. Imagine RuneScape or MapleStory or even Second Life but in VR.

SL do support vr and it runs like shit

You think being able to physically grab things in a game with your hands is an underaccomplishment?
Its easy to sardonically minimize any accomplishment with a sweet shit post

>or even Second Life but in VR
Funny enough the creator of SL already tried to make their own vrchat, and it tanked bc they didn't promote it anywhere hoping word of mouth would be key youtube.com/watch?v=PxBAUb1nmLE

not to mention how the import process was a mess

I'm really considering getting the Index. Should I fall for the meme or wait?

Wait till the Index's specs are revealed next week and put them side by side with other VR headsets.

So can I play flight sims on the index or what? On the vive spotting and reading gauges is too hard to make it worth it.

inb4 shitty non-replaceable plastic lenses AGAIN

Attached: videoplayback.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

>Knuckles battery goes a year of charges before the battery starts lasting about 30min
>Battery will be propriety again so you can't replace it without buying a whole new pair of Knuckles
>Every Knuckles will start to experienced phantom fingers where it thinks you're pressing your fingers against it but you're not

Did he die?

Don't wait even 1 hour, else your preorder will be delayed by weeks or months.

Dies and ascends to heaven.

3 days left on a VR game Kickstarter from a classic developer. Classic isn't the right word. Famous?

>Easy access
nigger what

This is why I have a pad for a "moveable area" that has different texture than my floor. Keeps me oriented.

Already donated to something better.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-23 at 12.59.50 AM.png (1095x620, 523K)

Yeah, 8 more days until the Oculus quest.

Attached: Oculus-Quest-2-920x518.jpg (920x518, 25K)

holy shit I am hyped for 135 fov
never saw a comparison with the old htc until now

tax return comin soon
i know wtf im buyin

Attached: hehehehe.png (2048x1536, 3.15M)

This nigga understands. It is an honestly unreal nut, like fantasy you've ever had becoming more real than ever before.

I'm just worried wider FoV will lead to the screen resolution not having much of an impact since the existing image is now being wrapped further around the peripheries, leaving shit dead ahead still fuzzy.

As much as I'd like a wider FoV to mitigate the need to turn my head so much to scan my surrounding.

VR will be saved with actual games. Who the fuck cares about better hardware if there's no good games to take good advantage of it. This is why the PSVR is much more appealing.

>imagine embracing these downgrades

Attached: 1553207840545.jpg (1920x1517, 329K)

Why are they still using wands? Three years and no knuckles or gloves...

Attached: my god this is a german game.jpg (1200x899, 152K)

>"90Hz is the absolute minimum to prevent nausea in VR" - Oculus 2016
>"80Hz is completely fine and no one notices the difference due to our low persistence LCD screens!" - Facebook 2019
>72Hz Quest (overclocked 60Hz screens)
What is next? 66Hz is completely fine? 62Hz? 60Hz? When do we stop decreasing the refresh rate?

>tfw had to get rid of my doll
The sacred vr/sex doll combo was so sweet. God damn

Attached: castro.jpg (240x210, 8K)

VR isn't going to become the Google play store just because valve makes a headset. developers actually having a VR market off more that 100,000 would mean a lot more good games

Miss him yet?

Attached: Palmer Gaben.png (489x659, 581K)

>donating to a perfume sprayer
LMAO what a retard.

All things considered, it's a really fucking good implementation of Catan.

Lol yeah okay have fun with your normie body odor when you play VR with your "vrchat-fus"

Attached: ScentModsConfirmed.webm (1280x800, 926K)

I would unironically rather buy a box of rocks then support valves shitty hardware.

How much does it cost to beat Toad's meat with my feet?

Attached: Toad.jpg (330x445, 13K)

3dpd porn is obsolete now

I mean you can design your own girl with 1,000+ different sliders, full pussy and ass physics, clothing simulation, celeb recreations, etc, etc

If you don't fap in VR then you're basically living in the past.

Attached: VaM_2019-02-05_21-22-11.png (1232x909, 779K)

>pays for a box of rocks
>doesn't get them for free

Where's the fucking quality jap VR games? The only ones we have is VR kanojo and gal gun 2.

Tetris effect plz

Attached: VR is too real 2.webm (700x392, 2.6M)

CM3D2, Honey Select, Playhome all work in VR

But if you get used to VAM then you can't really go back.

Attached: 2018-12-27_03-16-12.webm (526x472, 1.41M)

Attached: shinobu1 VR.webm (720x404, 2.93M)

>tfw starting to figure out how to do VAM

Oh fuck oh god

I want DCS with this shit, flipping every button in cockpit.

>Ace Combat 7, The Last Guardian, FFXV Fishing, Star Wars Rogue One, Persona VR

Don't even pretend that any of these are in any way "full games", they're just cheaply made "Game Modes"/Tech Demos.


As if modern SNOY would allow anything like that to ever come out on their "platform" again after going Woke.

>Last Labyrinth

It literally says at the end of the Trailer it's coming out for PSVR, Vive, Oculus and WMR: youtube.com/watch?v=azDopUER8KU

I abandoned 3pdd porn when I saw my first r34 pic in like 2002. You weren't looking at 3dpd after YOU found r34, right user?

Attached: dfp.jpg (400x462, 42K)

Ayyy yo my brothas of increased melanin, I got a question.
Blade and Sorcery is looking to be pretty cool and I might buy it but I gotta know one thing.

Can you do that Legolas ass move where you stab a dude in the head with a knocked arrow, then let loose on another guy?
If you can and you have proof, I'm definitely going to drop the cash on it. I mean I probably will even if not, but damn I hope the system is as "robust" as it claims to be.

Attached: BnS.jpg (300x168, 10K)

Valve Index wut? How have I not heard of this? I was lookin at Knuckles for a while but didn't know Valve was doing its own headset.

Rift S is shit. Quest is cool. The ability to have total wirelessness in one light form rather than in some bulky backpack laptop is way underrated here.



Attached: HospitableDearyBluejay2.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

They have capacitive sensors for the fingers like they always had. Should be compatible with everything knuckles can do except extending your pinky finger.

>Should be compatible with everything knuckles can do

analog vs digital is a pretty big deal

>FFXV Fishing
Monster of the Deep was absolutely a full game
just because you don't like the genre, doesn't make it any less of a game

Attached: MotDFFXV.gif (500x281, 1.68M)

Attached: FF 15 VR.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Gameplay-wise? Doubtful. Immersion factor, sure. And Oculus actually has 5 gradations rather than the on-off that most devs use. In games that implement it properly, like Lone echo, fingers can move pretty well.

Attached: SairentoSideFlipSideSlash.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

that isn't even released,
Monster of the Deep is a full on fishing game,
you don't play as prompto, you don't shoot guns, you don't drive around with her
what you posted is something completely different

Attached: monster of the deep ffxv.jpg (800x450, 99K)

i think people are really buying vr for immersion, not gameplay

as a 36 year old, it has me slightly excited about video games to me, when they're pretty much just completely flat to me anymore and nothing makes a dent except stuff like rainworld and baba is you


>Not making eye contact with you when she leans in

It's fishing. Who cares?

>8 Days until VR is saved, did you save money?
whoops maybe I shouldn't have bought a pixel 3 XL for $500 earlier today hehe oopsie

Attached: 1555161996831.jpg (500x500, 32K)

it's a very fun vr game,
fishing isn't for everyone, but it's still a good game

Attached: FFXV VR.jpg (970x545, 107K)

For some reason I never had issues with movement in Pavlov, probably because I was too occupied with the game itself. No time to get sick.
I tried it for a while in Skyrim though, not sure if it helped, but I gradually got acclimated and don't notice any sickness at all anymore

everyone know this is gonna be like how they described it in ready player one and people will just fill everything they make with awful smells to meme on anyone who buys this.

Attached: Dodgeball.webm (700x442, 2.93M)

>with no comfort modes
the majority of people who play vr games regularly usually say comfort modes make things worse not better

Is it pic related good?

Attached: sega_bass_fishing_wii.jpg (650x914, 209K)

even better

Attached: reel.jpg (675x650, 126K)

Stand the fuck back, noobs.

Attached: Sega_Bass_Fishing_2_Coverart-3[1].jpg (800x791, 181K)

>not playing the patrician fishing game

Attached: Fishing1LQ.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

DOAX3 Scarlet just released like a month ago with VR

Someone didn't remember the 5 D's.

how does it track leg movement like this

you should give MotD FFXV a try

trackers on the legs

Attached: download.jpg (242x208, 5K)

Ace Combat7 VR isn't cheaply made, it's the real deal, they fine tuned the shit out of it and added all the little details for real immersion, tons of resources went into Ace Combat VR, read about the actual development of the game and play the game before you judge it, it's the best VR game easily. and RE7 V R is the true experience, it actually makes the game good

do people have them on elbows and knees as well or does the game try to calculate a possible bend

And it's fucking censored: twinfinite.net/2019/03/dead-or-alive-xtreme-3-scarlet-censorship-ps4/

Very carefully. Also macros.

Attached: WeLiveInASociety.webm (714x890, 2.35M)

>like 3/4 of people are using VR to become little anime girls

if I get a headset im paying someone online a few hundred bucks for a custom model, but I dunno what it would be.

not a fucking anime girl.

You can use nvidia's Stereoscopic video hook and mod it to use with VR.

So you can play DOAXVV in VR, works good enough.

Ace Combat 7 VR is three missions that are each like 10 minutes long. Same with The Last Guardian and Battlefront: Rogue One, they're like 10 minute "Tech Demos" each. It's not the full games in VR.

I fucking love Gorn.

lol it's literally 3 short missions, why do snoyim overrate everything so hard?

wtf? but how are they like, so perfectly gripping onto the pole? is there a real pole in their house? or in real life, are they standing their with their arms outstretched while they press something to rotate their whole character? it's so weird

Do you think they bought a stripper's pole JUST for VRchat?



I'm rather confident they're gonna make it. There's also a stretch goal for PSVR and Mac fags at $1.4 million.

If the user who used to do this still posted regularly I'd ask him. Apparently /vrg/fags really hated him posting vids of pole dancing and threatened to ban him if he didn't stop. All out of jealously naturally.

I'm not too confident in it, Obduction was pretty lame and the PSVR version of that game is allegedly awful. Besides, I spent a lot on Cyan's last two Kickstarters and I'm pretty sure that they said they wouldn't use it for any new games after Obduction.

you can only use so many trackers, i think like 3
it's usually two on the feet and on the crotch.

Attached: dom sim.webm (1240x700, 1.54M)

There's also Neptunia VIIR: store.steampowered.com/app/774511/Megadimension_Neptunia_VIIR/

And Alice Mystery Garden: store.steampowered.com/app/751300/Alice_Mystery_Garden/

Also Deracine and upcoming Last Labyrinth.

But yeah, they haven't put out much.

Made me go weak at the knees :3

Can you get it with women that don't have proportions dreamed up by a retarded 12 year old?

>I'm not too confident in it, Obduction was pretty lame and the PSVR version of that game is allegedly awful.
Obduction was pretty good. Don't know about the PSVR version, but I didn't really have any problems on PC. There's barely any developer that can more convincingly create alien worlds and I like the world building and exploration in it. Puzzles were a bit retarded in parts, but as a game to walk around, explore and try to figure stuff out it's pretty great.

Not sure why people are hatin', it's up there with Robinson: The Journey, Brass Tactics and a few other games as great VR stuff for me and above more praised games like Moss, Hellblade, Edge of Nowhere and similar.

Looking forward to what they can do with the adjunct and gestures in Firmament, since they're building the game from the ground up with VR in mind. In the short Tech Demo you can already wave at it for it to come over to you and point it towards stuff to interact with it.

Attached: Obduction.jpg (3840x2161, 2.99M)

he does in fact have a real pole and converted a whole room for this vr use

you must be the guy posting the vrchat threads here all the time
good thing you ditched those guys

>There's barely any developer that can more convincingly create alien worlds and I like the world building and exploration in it
I agree, I liked the backstory a lot but I was disappointed in how many of the puzzles were reduced to "use a seed to teleport, loading screen, use the seed next to it to teleport, loading screen, use the seed you used before..."


Attached: Mars.jpg (584x686, 128K)

>Rift S is shit. Quest is cool.

Attached: Mobile_VR.jpg (960x1080, 164K)

You do realize it's running on a mobile chip. Like, what the fuck are you even expecting???

Better than PS2 graphics at the least.

Because gabe newell is an egomaniac manchild that can't accept that trackpads are shit and should've never been a product to begin with.

Nah that's not me lol even though I do mirror them from time to time. Though I do know a few people who were tied up in that crowd in the discord /vrg/ hugbox long time ago. They told me stories about the early days of VRchat, but as time went on and there were multiple backstabbings and power vaccums and secret discords outside of secret discords and etc so they just left. I just find it all fascinating and funny, and it's sad there's no real concrete document of all their autism went down/still goes on.

you are very much right about the drama and discord niggers
funny how a group with "no leaders" have people directing things behind the scene

Ace Combat is garbage

>2GB 1060
wtf? i didn't know such a thing existed.

if valve doesn't let me spend the steam bux i made swindling normies on it, this thing will be the greatest disappointment of all time.

Attached: steambux.png (1031x930, 64K)

one, don't be gay
two, any proportion, any size, any look, any color.