Is there really anything wrong with having attractive women in video games?
Is there really anything wrong with having attractive women in video games?
Not realistic
only if the audience happens to be jealous homos
It triggers American for some reason
Only to fatties who don't want to eat a decent diet and workout.
Yes its offensive and sets unrealistic body standards for women
Lol this. Women are getting uglier and uglier these days
Then what about supermodels and actresses? What about porn?
why is she walking she just got done being gang banged by a pack of wild niggers the night before
The industry is starting to shift and introduce women of different sizes and shapes such as plus size models and brie larson
That didn't answer the question.
>Is there really anything wrong with having attractive women in video games?
Yes, because it offends females. To be a female is to be extremely insecure and jealous of many other things including other females. 99% of gamers are male. Many of those gamers have girlfriends. Those girlfriends get jealous of anything you spend a significant amount of time with. You spent a significant amount of time playing with your pc or console. Your girlfriend is jealous of your pc or console, insecure in herself wondering why you would rather spend time with a pc or console and not with her.
And it only gets worse from there. Now you not only spend time with your console but you spend that time playing a game where the characters are idealistically feminine and designed to look, sound, and act sexy. Your insecure female friend is now triggered, and now she must invent a story of some kind to make video games appear bad. And so we have stories like "video games cause violence" and "women are made to look unrealistically sexy in video games", and so on. Combine that with a large percentage of effeminate and low-IQ libtard males who work in the gaming community who virtue signal by pretending to be feminists, and you see why something like the #resetera happened.
Real life fucking sucks, at least in videogames you can have all of the tits and asses you want.
Dammm. True, are you a jealous bitch too?
Strong people attempt to emulate these "unrealistic" standards, and often succeed to a reasonable degree.
Weak people give up and pretend they're impossible, and so fail before even beginning.
I hope Sega made VC5. 4 was really good.
Sometimes I want to play as a girl and why would I want to play as an ugly one? If I play as a guy in a game they better also be attractive or at least not fuck ugly.
Besides sometimes I just want to play as a cute girl because its more fun to stomped on and beaten if i'm vulnerable
Same, friend.
unrealistic expectations of women.
Just because I have a family of females who take care of their appearance and eat healthy doesn't mean everyone else does
Ahh, the "normalization" argument
If we really ought to treat humans like retarded sheep that only absorb information without judgement, then we should also ban violence, political ideologies / opinions that go against the established system of freedom of expression (which is totally not hypocritical), force the inclusion of PoC and discapacited people, and censor any sort of bad or harmful behavior that people may want to imitate for some reason.
Since every artistic expression is an attempt of normalization, everything has to be controlled, censored and go undee heavy regulation for the sake of freedom. Death to bigotry!