Why'd they ruin Samus?
Why'd they ruin Samus?
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nice bait
>Average Guy
to make her hotter. Tall amazonian women are for sissy beta faggots.
>Metroid started with Prime
>Average guy
>Average Guy 5'6
If you've never wanted to dominate a tall broad, you are in fact the sissy beta faggot.
Tall Samus is from Super Metroid you moron.
Shit taste
how could we even guess she was that tall?
fucking snes graphics and proportions were all over the place, I mean she was almost as tall as he ship.
Who even gives a shit how tall she is or was.
That fucking shit idea zero suit just completely ruined a character forever.
If you go by world average it's probably lower.
>nintendo power
>Marry and short girl
>your son ends up 5'4" and bitchless
You only have yourself to blame when you complain about modern men being pussies.
i will now buy your game
>tfw same height as new samus
>implying I want kids
Who's average guy? Never seen him in smash.
Hey im 5'6
U.S. average is 5'9"
>still 5'6"
Is it itentional on how manlets larp as tall people and try to mess with other manlets or you just didnt want to put on the effort user?
You're functionally a woman then
I didn't even notice the scale on the side
>Why'd they ruin Samus?
they actually improved him by making him a woman instead of some tall ancient male hominid
If you look anything like your attached image i want to stick my tongue down your throat
You're a low test shitter. I'm 6'9 and would kill for some gals around the 6'3 range and above
>5'9 one whole rung below 6' even though only 1" shorter
when will this stupid meme end?
also the average man is not 5'6
you're gonna make me sad
Pretty sure its the 5'11 vs 6' ft meme but i guess what you said is true too
What does amazon position feel like?
>tfw am 5'13
Anyone who is below 5'9 and is male i feel kinda bad for ya.
you're thinking of metroid, we're talking about his gf
Nice bait.
He probably meant "world" as in the planet earth, not like the world series
>the face of the girl in the back compared to the front
that would make me insecure
>Average Guy 5'6
Then why dont I have dicks in my boy pussy right now?
When will they learn!?
Not canon.
>your son ends up 5'4" and bitchless
spoken like a true manlet needing a tall "female" to make up for his short height
Snakes 5’10
So, 6'1?
I thought Metroid was the bad guy, she's Halo's gf and a robot
Did you know in the future robots will replace women? It's true, you can look it up
>tfw 5'4
should i just become a tranny bros?
he means 6'3
just like how the joke of 5'11 vs 6' is that supposedly shorter guy is actually 1" taller
i really dont get americans
>a tranny manlet
You don't understand how genetics work do you
are you cute?
Don‘t cut your dick off, bro. You can be a bottom bitch without mutilating yourself. Just remember to use protection, aight?
I'm sorry, I can't hear you from down there. Could you step on this and say that again?
Thats weird, also Ive never actually kissed any one.
Get out fag
isn't it it 12 inches = a foot?
>he means 6'3
>i really dont get americans
we can tell
They fixed her though.
World average for white dudes is 5'11
Sucks, but there are a few perks. Is what it is.
>everyone is white
>are you cute?
sure i guess
what if i want to be a top?
Everyone that matters.
what sense does that make??
go after lanket women instead
tall skelly women are the manlets of the female gender
>"New Samus"
Obviously this imbecile never played the first games.
>you can pick up short girls and carry them around
>you can do bro shit with tall girls and not have to worry about going easy
it's a difficult choice for me
Tell me what what you have accomplished for the world
>what if i want to be a top?
Well I guess if you find someone even smaller than you...
Yes Goyim, Wh*tes shouldn't reproduce
Im sure you get upset when "Minorities" are in games too
>ywn be 5'6" and scale Mount Samus
>ywn plant your seed deep into her metroid
>ywn create monstrous children that will conquer the galaxy
end it now
>You don't understand how genetics work do you
Seems like you dont either
Big women cause insecurity with most males.
no you dont get it, i want to humiliate lanklets and tallfags as they get fucked by a small manlet
>what if i want to be a top?
if you want to become a tranny, at least do it right
>keep your dick instead of mutilating it
>become a bottom (or a power bottom if you need being in control)
Ah so I see you have done nothing with your life, good job.
i love big tall women
>how could we even guess she was that tall?
back in the day, long before you were born, people used to read a magazine called "nintendo power"
doesn't matter since he didn't say all white people were important, just that all important people were white
Here, lemme edit for ya.
So it seems you are the one coping now, at least I can admit I have not done anything
I guess there are probably people who would get of on that. Good luck on your search, bro.
why would i cut off my dick that makes no sense, i only want to become a tranny to top lanklet "men" and humiliate them as much as possible
No. Manlets can still make it brah. I believe in you user.
>still replying to bait
learn on how to not feed a troll and then you can post dumbass
Unironically pretty rad
bootilicious is good, stop falling for western propaganda
women are supposed to be short and with meat on their bones
>not canon
Yes, "fixed"
fixed for real
2D scars are cute
>not anally_anchored_clothing
>power bottom if you need being in control
how do you actually do that? in what situation would you be the dominant one while getting fucked in the ass?
Looks cuter, but you completely ruined her smug-ass smile on top right
You mean Zero Mission and Samus Returns where she is 6'1" or 6'0" without the heels, not that non-canon Nintendo Power mag.
No, no. He is telling you that all he has done is cope.
>soft Samus
become a beautiful trap, top lanket "men" to unleash your revenge upon them, then dump those worthless giraffes and marry an average (5'9~5'11) guy and become his bottom-only wife
t. 5'11
I wish I could be a qt trap but im black
Jesus christ those legs are disgusting
Well you better get ready cutie, hope you like getting picked up.
Even the average male Jap height is 5'7"
>average guy
You are actually a faggot
femlets get the pit as well
Fixed her
This looks like shit. The edit is better pl
>average guy
Yeah. Nothing else needs to be said. We know the type of guy that made this picture. Of course the type to imply they sexualized Samus MORE in this day and age
The average male height is 5'4.
Not really, a guy tried to pick me up one time though
Its definitely 4'2
This art is shit. You aren't open minded if you just deform her just enough to still be fuckable. Burn a titty off at least.
they forgot that there's more to the world than either america or whatever insufferable northern european country they probably live in
im taller than all japanese men then?
It's really not that bad being a manlet. They're just fun to make fun of like gingers or women.
bro i cant read this shit
Yes daddy
how did human height generally jump so much so fast?
Is it literally just diet?
Yes, nutrition. We didn't evolve an extra foot in 100 years.
its 5'10".
the only other option is sexual selection but that clearly isn't happening
use google faggot, 175cm is 5'7 so the avg jap is 5'5 according to the chart.
>tfw 6 foot 2
i hope i make it to 6 foot 4
Besides nutrition, nowadays there are various agents in food and water that promote growth & fertility. Fluoride, for instance, destroys the pineal gland - an endocrine organ of the brain that typically retards growth.
>Calcification of the pineal gland is typical in young adults, and has been observed in children as young as two years of age.[30] The calcified gland is often seen in skull X-Rays.[30] Calcification rates vary widely by country and correlate with an increase in age, with calcification occurring in an estimated 40% of Americans by their 17th year.[30] Calcification of the pineal gland is largely associated with corpora arenacea, also known as "brain sand".
>It seems that the internal secretions of the pineal gland inhibit the development of the reproductive glands, because, in cases where it is severely damaged in children, the result is accelerated development of the sexual organs and the skeleton.[34]
See also ISNI 0000 0001 3613 9010 Luke, Jennifer Anne "The effect of fluoride on the physiology of the pineal gland"
>Strong Inverse Association Between Height and Suicide
>Height is extremely important
You can still see the pineal gland pretty easily in neuroimaging. It's far from an epidemic.
yeah it's largely nutrition
if a 6'0 man and a 6'0 woman had kids and you gave them a shitty low protein peasant diet, their kids would almost all certainly be shorter than the parents
I wonder who the idiots are who actually let this stuff get to them. God, short men are fucking stupid.
You can see it because it's literally turned into a calcium deposit. It's inert, ie doesn't work, ie is destroyed and no longer performs its function of moderating growth.
Fun fact: pineal gland ossification is also associated with a large drop in IQ
And easy living in general.
social deprivation has an effect
>Fluoride ingestion as a child appears to decrease IQ:
>Thus, children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas.
>Fluoride ingestion during pregnancy appears to greatly decrease the intelligence of the child:
>In this study, higher prenatal fluoride exposure, in (the general range of exposures reported for the general population,) was associated with lower scores on tests of cognitive function in the offspring at age 4 and 6–12 y.
No, it's pretty obvious if it's a calcium deposit in something like an MRI.
There would be widespread medical panic if everyone's pineal glands were actually calcifying.
There'd be talks and symposiums every day at my hospital.
found the manlet
let me put you in a cute dress uwu
for reference, 6'00" is 182.88cm, or 183cm if you round up. Anyone bellow 183 cm is a manlet.
Reminder that being a manlet is the mark of a true warrior when they fight and exercise so much during their childhood that their nutritional needs cannot be met.
You can go ahead and google "pineal gland calcification" and easily find out that it's ubiquitous. Virtually everyone in America has it. It is uncommon in Europe because water is not fluoridated there (although some salt is.)
They fixed her design in Samus Returns. Best of both worlds, in my opinion.
She's fine in her home series. She just got toned down in Smash because a tall, fit yet voluptuous woman is too threatening to 'children'.
I dont think theres a pineal gland calcification epidemic, because countries where flouride is not put into water supplies are not full of 200 iq savants. But Hospitals dont exist to fix people, don't be retarded.
American hospitals love agressively pushing circumcision, neonatal sexual torture, purely for profit by charging insurance, and to harvest the flesh for medical researchers
Also there are routinely discovered organ harvesting operations, i.e. organ donors being purposefully declared brain dead or legally dead when they werent.
Hospitals are death factories which double as organ harvesting centers
You might want to ask an actual scientist in that field about this, instead of "doing your own research" and misinterpreting data.
What countries do you include in that average?
You know that game was a remake, right? That's not her new design. It's the old design, redrawn.
5'3 Samus is Samus' current design, and she will appear that way in the next non-remake Metroid game.
I'm 5'6" but I got a 7 inch dick.
Oh, this is dick size lmao. For a second I thought Korean men were 3'8
Amazing. This is the first time I've encountered stopthink in the wild.
I live in the US, 5" is pathetic
If the average guy is only 5'6" does that mean I'm not a manlet anymore?
i can't find the source
post the edit without heels
this is more like a chart of how much the men of these countries care about penis size, rather than actual penis size.
How many penises have you seen outside of porn?
Not him but cope.
You're already insecure.
Why the fuck would you ruin Samus at her very best with that ugly, disgusting mole?
used to be womanlet on instagram
>i'm a manlet and a dicklet
maybe you'll find some tall woman that would keep you as a pet
Not many, just my own.
Well her model was also updated in Smash Ultimate. Her height's unchanged so she'd have a consistent hitbox.
That's great. It's a shame about your IQ though.
Another fucking retard. Slurp Sakamoto's semen elsewhere.
Why is this guy comparing the average person to fictional characters?
hes seen thousands, sometimes he sneaks into boys bedrooms with a ruler just to be sure his averages are correct.
Her Ultimate model is clearly not based off her SR design though.
My PT has a height complex and he's 6'0. I'm 5'8 and don't have it because of years on Yea Forums.
The abs are an edit, even if you wish they weren't. Samus has never canonically had abs anyway, not sure where this fixation on her being muscular comes from. Closest we've ever come is Super.
you know samus is depicted with a mole right, retard? it's even in art from her own games, go look at
Samus' old design is for men who can't admit to themselves that they have homosexual tendencies.
Large stature and muscle tone are both masculine features. Short stature and soft physique are feminine features. As in, biologically speaking, testosterone causes the first result and estrogen causes the second result. If you find yourself wanting women who are tall and ripped, you are a self-closeted homosexual trying to sugar-coat your medicine: you want a body that is essentially male (but the owner happens to technically be female, so you're not gay, right? haha?)
Stay angry, dicklet.
What part do you believe is false and I'll link information about it
Doctors pushing circumcision on mothers still under general anesthesia? True. Doctors billing insurance companies thousands of dollars for the circumcision operation? True. Hospitals selling neonatal foreskins for thousands of dollars to unethical medical researchers? True. Some cases of crooked hospitals being caught declaring healthy organ donors as DNR? Absolutely true, google it all for yourself. Nothing I've written is false.
>not sure where this fixation on her being muscular comes from.
Literal homosexuals. Like all homosexuals, their favorite activity is melting down because characters don't cater to their mental illness.
World average is also 5' 9" based on a cursory google search
you're not straight because you like ``feminine'' traps, fag
She looks great in SR, they fucked her up in Ultimate.
This, she has always been tone.
I don't like traps, I like ordinary female bodies with vaginas. Don't project your homosexual thoughts onto me.
organ donors
your argument can be used to claim that traps are straight because they're ``feminine''
if you're not a trap loving homosexual then you'll realize that your logic is flawed
>The abs are an edit
It's real dummy, boot up your copy of Smash Ultimate and see for yourself.
Never appeared in any game in the series before Other M which was shit so it can be safely ignored.
I'm 6'5" and I want a traditional samus gf
why can't traps be black? It's your body type not your race.
Traps are not feminine, they have a penis. A penis is a male sex organ. Male sex organs are masculine. You don't have an argument.
why is she walking on her tip toes?
Dunno how you can say that when it sounds like you would prefer her to be a shortstack bodybuilder with no tits and no ass.
literally not an edit you unknowing mong
Could you quote the part of my post that you're talking about?
Every person in this thread who has posted their own height for boasts is 5'6".
You know it to be true.
Having a 5.5" dick is cosidered an average one or a small one?
>being such an uncultured retard that you don't know why it's called the zero suit
Muscular Samus just looks good. No explanation needed
>"Not wanting to be dominated by an Amazon is totally gay"
Imagine being this retarded
muscular women are not masculine. all humans have muscular systems. any human can have prominent musculature without consuming any male hormones. you don't have an argument
Wow, I can tell how fat you are just from your hands.
That is very sad.
Now I know what kind of person wants a "mommy!!" amazonian Samus.
>muscular women are not masculine.
Yes they are. Testosterone promotes muscle growth, estrogen retards muscle growth. It is really very simple. Muscle definition is masculine. You are homosexual if you find yourself drawn to male features like muscles. There's nothing wrong with this, but there is something wrong with being in denial.
Bro that's not it, I don't know if someone told you but the japs are in INSANE denial from other M. No other game (super, fusion, prime, zero mission) ever depicts her with the mole. Guess what does? (Other M, newer smash bros, and samus returns) the japs were pissed at western retaliation and they "canonized" her look from other M.
Japs were way more with the newest sexier look, and since they put her in smash they basically nailed her popularity because it's a giant series.
Nevermind, I misread your post. Apologies user.
when it comes to height and length most men are extremely insecure and consider average to actually be small.
*5'10 self-reported. You're better off using stats from European countries, private american firms allow people to fill in their own heights until there's a serious injury or something. Even then, surveys will still include manlets desperately trying to fake their height.
as a 6'3 guy I constantly meet 6ft guys claiming to be my height.
Fucking funny when they turn around with "w-whoa, you must be 6"5" in front of their girlfriends and peers. Does this happen to anyone else? It's bizarre.
you can fuck midget girls
Most men also under-measure their penises. Scientific/statistical measures of penis length use BPEL, bone pressed erect length. You press the ruler against the pelvic bone, which usually adds a half inch to an inch to the overall length.
This, Samus is fit, toned, and athletic case and point, she's not muscular.
>not sure where this fixation on her being muscular comes from
homosexuality, the same kind who want to be femdom'd by a man like Zarya and still think they're straight
i have more respect for trapfags, they're actually less gay, what they like at least superficially resemble women
really makes one ponder
I feel sorry for you and your shit taste.
how calcified is your pineal gland gland? i literally cited the samus returns artwork
Try looking up any of those words in the dictionary and seeing how many synonyms it takes before you see "muscular".
>tfw 5’9” but my drivers license says 5’10”
>Metroid Prime doesn't feature Samus out of her suit or sexualized in the slightest
>MP is a shit game according to Yea Forums
I thought you guys liked good games. I didn't know you'd discard them for trivial reasons.
>t. trapfg trying to justify his gay fetish
>reaching this hard
I understand that you can't change your sexual preference, but you need to stop living in denial. It is unhealthy.
>fit, toned, and athletic
>She's not muscular
Holy shit you're retarded
She's not meant to be hot, she's meant to be a deadly warrior.
Why do you keep posting stuff from the 90s? No one is disputing Samus' old design was tall. It isn't any more, lol. She has been short since Other M.
That's what she is though, she isn't a bodybuilder muscular like /fit/ wants her to be she's more of how a woman should naturally if she exercises a lot and doesn't overdo it.
Traps are 200% gay.
She leaves her suit in MP3, for the ending and vomiting etc... and Yea Forums loves metroid prime, it's always in the top charts along with super metroid. The reddit top chart I believe has no metroid prime.
Oh look, it's an American.
Shit bait. You're trying way to hard now. You ruined it
There's actually a difference, she's not bulky.
>feminine men that could pass as women are gay because they have dicks, but masculine women who are still curvy and attractive, just huge are gay even though they have cunts
Why are so many Americans self-closeted homosexuals? Is it because of the media? The chemicals in the food?
US isn't the center of the universe
Go back
Other M is the only Metroid game where she is short and Nintendo largely ignores that game now.
Now, if you were to say that traps are male, I'd agree because they are, but anyone can have traits that are considered normally feminine or masculine whether it's physical or mental. You're just seeing more people express it now because they can be "accepted" by finding a little bubble on the internet that tells them they're perfect instead of dealing with the real world
>manlets are trying to set an upper limit
I'd like to believe that, but the influx of waifufags would say different.
literally no one here has posted her as a bodybuilder you fucking mong. it'd be one thing if people were posting retarded hypermuscle she-hulk shit, but no one is
the amount of musculature you're deeming masculine is completely achievable by the average natural woman, so it's kind of not masculine by fucking definition.
The most muscular Samus has ever been was in Super, and even then she wasn't particularly muscular. Even the Samus you worship in Ultimate isn't muscular. She has never been a exceptionally muscular. And she doesn't need to be because she has magic bird DNA.
She is absolutely meant to be both a deadly warrior AND hot.
You don't need to be a steroid gorilla to call you well developed figure "muscular".
>Other M is the only Metroid game where she is short
Samus has been short in every Metroid game since her re-design in Other M, other than the re-make of Metroid 2, which used her Metroid 2 design. Additionally, Other M is 100% canon.
If that's what you want to believe then believe it. But don't lie to us.
Confidence is more attractive than height my dude. I was originally pretty insecure as a kid when I towered over my peers in early high school, always hunched over and shit. The worst thing about manlets is their insecurity.and the need to overcompensate. Just make the most of what you've got, and don't want for anything. There are a lot of things I wanted to change about my face in the past (was one of these gender dysphoric tards) until I made the effort to accept who I am. Faking your height just adds to that "manlet" mindset that we tease you for.
"less gay", trapfags are gay, but less so than musclefags
yes, but still less gay than muscle "women", especially if there's femdom involved
>The amount of musculature you're deeming masculine is completely achievable by the average natural woman
Could you quote the post where I referred to any specific physique? I will never reply to you again unless you are able to do this. I won't accept excuses on why you lied either.
>Even the Samus you worship in Ultimate isn't muscular
You truly are retarded. What the fuck does "muscular" mean to you?
Trapfags get out. Posting beach women won't make us accept you