Hasn't uploaded in almost a year

>hasn't uploaded in almost a year
>only things he was uploading where podcasts i dont listen to

where did this fat lazy fuck go?

Attached: totalbiscuit.jpg (590x332, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:


He got a job at Google

Ass cancer. If you are a mean and angry person the cancer metabolizes in your anus. Truth, I've only known such people to get ass cancer.

He fucking died.


poor H. P. Lovecraft

The gaming industry and community came together and gave him super AIDS cancer and he died.

I miss him

>"there is blood coming out my anus"
>"must be nothing"...
>6 months later

Attached: insert curb your enthusiasm.jpg (800x450, 243K)

Better question, where did that fat guy from GiantBomb go? The videos without him suck.

Forget that stupid fuck, why did pic related stop making videos?

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he probably had hemmerhoids too and thought it was that


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Attached: totalbiscuit pedo.jpg (1200x3217, 729K)

>last video was 4 years ago
>it's mostly let's plays and sfm tests from that years
Probably working hard on Team Fabulous 3. Joking of course, Valve never makes a third game afterall.

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Reminder that if you are 30 years old and older you should be getting your yearly fingerings from doctor to check your prostate health.

I'm glad he's dead.

Does him being a pedo make him wrong tho?

You don't shit blood when you have that. He is a retard

>tells somebody to get cancer and die
>he gets cancer and dies
whoa careful what you wish for

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Pots calling the kettle black complaining about other pots calling the kettle black.

It can cause your asshole to bleed like an axe murder while shitting, but its very clearly blood from outside your body, red and fresh, not the reddish-purple blood infused feces he had.

Yeah they tell you to look for bright blood = good, dark blood= bad since it came further in.

he had cancer around 29, probably even earlier, which is insane. I mean look at him, he looks like 40+. He was prob unbelievably unhealthy to begin with.

Attached: Total-Biscuit-Gaming-Tributes-Esports-Community-Reaction.jpg (1600x900, 93K)

He got cancer and died.

You really are what you eat. If you eat unhealthy your body has more mass, more chance of cancer.

>dark colored blood in poop lately
>random abdominal pain
g-guys? there's other causes right?

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my fucking sides


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quick send me a dick pic before you die haha


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The Ghost of John Bain will haunt your rectum and give you ass cancer, unless you get dubs.

probably ass cancer. I'm getting a colonoscopy in a few days myself, due to having small amounts of blood in my poop after drinking alcohol, which is like 3 times a year. we're not gonna make it brah.

He wanted games to be at 60FPS
But his life was capped at 30...

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I know this is a meme thread but I still haven't quite gotten over Edd's death

ah what a man of taste

Rip he died user

damn you are slow

>equating illness to karmic justice
Stop doing this, it will destroy you.

There will perhaps come a time where you see the nicest people you could possibly know see degrade before your eyes into a sad suffering husk of a human being.

Meanwhile truly vile evil people get away with living degenerate selfish lifestyles and die happily in their late 80s/90s

Send your condolences to his kangaroo wife.

actual btfo

The afterlife has surprisingly shitty Internet.

no, but anti-gamergaters were a bunch of delusional whiteknight fags anyways

I'm getting more and more convinced that pretty much most "male feminists" are either sex offenders or future sex offenders and that their "political views" are either induced by guilt or a ruse to scout for victims. Sick people.

the irony

wish he was still alive to see whats happening with epic vs steam, he would have been real butthurt about exclusives on pc

He got anal vored by the skull man.

ok, here I go