Will it be GOTY?

Will it be GOTY?

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Almost undoubtedly

nice edit fagtron

>tfw keep trying to play through TLoU but its just too damn boring

>cut to blacked

It'll make at least an 85 and all the big boys will have 4.5/5 or 9/10 on the box cover.

>releasing the same year as Cyberpunk2077

Basedny will have to learn the hard way I guess.

I don't buy games made by Jews, and neither should you

W-What does it mean?

These lazy edits really burn my tism.

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This faggot will be put behind bars by 2023, go ahead and screenshot this. He has a lot of skeletons in his closet.

do it for the C word

unfortunately yes

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user, Crash hasn’t been in a Naughty Dog game for years.

Wouldn't surprise me. The more publicly virtuous someone is the more fucked up of an individual they turn out to be


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I cant, no matter how many times I try its just too boring and i give up not even half way through

druckmann jerks off to the idea of the white race dying out every night.

No but it will win the award anyway.

This is just more pretentious shit from "artistic" faggots who don't understand that what makes video games special and different to movies or theatre is your ability self determination and your ability to interact. These stuck up retards take control away from the player at every opportunity to "tell their story" they don't belong in vidya fuck this gay shit

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With faggots aka game journalists? Yes, and that's what ultimately determines GotY.

It's going to be considered the greatest game ever made

I really wish this was real

Yeah but that doesn't mean it will be a good game. Based on the E3 footage I would say it is going to be a forced narrative and is story first fun last. I will pass but I don't care that people will praise this game as a masterpiece.