why do people dislike it ?

Attached: cutie.png (304x320, 91K)

Other urls found in this thread:

also its the second best zelda game, only loses to majoras mask

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this is lie fabricated by ww fags so that they can say that their take is "unique" on a game that is already generally accepted as a masterpiece

people on Yea Forums fucking hated it when it came out, most normalfags and people with more then one braincell like it tho

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I don't dislike it but looking back on the game it definitely feels a little too under-developed, also the dungeon design is a far too easy.

I like it enough but I didn't care for the sailing, it got tedious even with the Swift Sail. Also the controls in the HD version had the aiming with items mapped on the right stick, meaning you had to either use the GamePad with its gyro, or hold the Pro Controller in an awkward way

People don't dislike Wind Waker enough.
Even though it has a great story, graphics and music, the rest of the game is pretty shit.
4 mediocre dungeons, two of them being an escort mission, and endless hours wasted sailing in the nothingness, and having to stop and play a song to change directions.
Most of the exploration is idle gameplay. Might as well add fucking cookie clicker while you sail. The little islands don't offer that much either. Most of them have rewards that are only accessible almost at the end of the game.
Bad game, great artistic direction.

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Too easy, too short, half the whole game is filler, literally no original Mini Bosses (they're all just stronger versions of regular enemies), Sailing is just waiting to get from Point A to Point B, the Sea isn't even actually open to explore for the first half because you're railroaded to where you need to go and you still can't do anything until you actually get every Item, and more I don't want to list right now. Wind Waker is shit.

old one’s got deleted?

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I love Wind Waker and I hope that's the type of game that the next Zelda will be. Do you think we could see something like that at e3?

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Were they really all just strong versions of regular enemies? It's been a year or so since I've played WW so I don't remember most of the mini bosses that well

I love Toon Link but I don't want to see him in a new Zelda game ever again.

Skyward Sword deserves much more love.

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I was posting comfy Tlinks in the other thread

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Great taste, though I really liked BotW as well. Minish Cap and LA are up there also.

>Forsaken Fortress: Bokoblin with a Shield
>Dragon Roost Cavern: 2 Moblins, no changes
>Forbidden Woods: The Dragonfly thing, but with wings
>Tower of the Gods: Darknut
>Earth Temple: 3 Stalfos
>Wind Temple: A Wizzrobe that summons enemies
That's it. Compare that to any other Zelda Game.

It's boring

cute comfy user

Twilight Princess is oh so much better.

>the legend of zelda windwaker HD will never come to switch
fuck, it would be PEAK comfy if i could play it while on my bed/travelling

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It was a good game, just didn't like the triforce section that much

why ?

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That is quite disappointing... I remember TP had some pretty neat mini bosses, and SS, and OOT as well


Why don't you fags just make threads on /cm/ we could use more toon link threads

This is OBJECTIVELY the definitive Zelda Tier List.

It's the second best zelda game if you ignore the last half of it, sure


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I'm just upset we will never get to see the full game that they wanted due to it being cut a lot.
Also fuck the part where you have to find all the triforce pieces.

>oh so much
You type like a fag and your shit's all retarded. You're also dead wrong.

this is really cute, ngl

Wind Waker should have focused on fewer, larger islands instead of garbage like this and the copypaste reefs.

Attached: wow it's fucking nothing.jpg (200x222, 43K)


is she still dead?
is it because she broke up with brekkist and took the noose?
well deserved

Wind Waker is awesome, they just need to release the HD version on Switch
Toon Link sucks in Ultimate, unfortunately, especially compared to Young Link and Vanilla Link

Because you've been making thinly veiled peeny threads.

what's wrong with him? he was my main in brawl and skipped smash 4

nothing really, its just that young link is a way better version
toon link is still cuter tho

Attached: toon link.jpg (1083x1200, 498K)

Attached: WW is shit.webm (640x360, 2.52M)

Only valid complaint I've ever heard is that it's too easy. Most of the rest comes from people who never played it

Why don't you read some of the completely valid criticisms in this Thread then?

>vast expanses of ocean with very little to do is not a valid complaint

atleast toon link is cute, what are you guy's favorite zelda games then ?

Contrarianism, same with every Zelda except Majora's Mask which Hipsters desperately try to convince everyone is the best in the series

Aw man.
I just wish you had the option to skip hints.
The puzzles are fine in Zelda, but everytime they make it too obvious with this shit

It's my least favorite 3d zelda, altough I haven't played skyward

I remember fondly playing this as a kid, but recentrly I played the HD version and I really disliked it

>what are you guy's favorite zelda games then ?
Not them but
Majora's for 3d
Link's Awakening for 2D

That's just butthurt sonyfags.

Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask for 3D, A Link to the Past for 2D. Breath of the Wild is what Wind Waker wishes it was.

This. It had some problems with linearity, but the challenges were kino.

Majora's mask for 3D and a toss between LA and alttp for 2D

Skyward gets a bad rep because of Fi but I never got annoyed by her
It has great dungeons, bosses (save for mike wachowski) and mid-sections.
Motion controls depend on your taste

I don't even mind the linearity. Until ALBW, every Zelda game since the second one has been linear but people don't want to admit it.

I really enjoyed botw, but I really wish there was more stuff to do in the vast expanses of hyrule. I really hate the rapid weapon degradation

It’s subpar in everything OoT did right.

Had it's problems, like all Zelda games, better than almost anything else you could play

10/10 pretty damn good

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Really? That was one of my favorite parts. Having to hunt and change weapons was a joy for me. Otherwise I'd be trapped using the same strategies over and over and there would be no tension.
But shield degradation without a bar? Fuck that. You can't give me the chance to surf and then tell me that at any moment my shield will break

>Had it's problems



Attached: Hoy 2.jpg (2894x2039, 755K)

>Yea Forums
>valid criticisms

>Nintendo Gallery
>Heart Pieces
>Treasure hunting
>Windfall, Dragon Roost, Outset Isle, Spectacle Island minigames

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Treasure Charts piss me off, but the rest of the game is marvelous.

it's the zelda game with the most soul but the triforce shard quest is long and the game is very easy

>better than almost anything else you could play
It’s not even close to getting as good as OoT no matter how much porn you post.

i made one faggot, now go bump it

Unironically too much water

>Windfall, Dragon Roost, Outset Isle, Spectacle Island minigames
>4 islands out of 49
>the rest is full of crap

Because it's the Majora's Mask of Zelda games

All that, and the ocean still feels empty. Shit like the ghost ship is nothing but the same baddies all over again.

>the ocean still feels empty
So your complaint is that the ocean is an ocean? At least it doesn't take long to get across, especially once you get the Ballad of Gales.

Wind Waker is alright, but the whole "silent protagonist" thing is too late 90s for me.

Nintendo Gallery is kinda neat but needed a lot of fixing up. That was taken care of in the remake. Originally too easy too.

OoT and WW are both on the same level really. BotW is easily the best 3D Zelda

I'm fine with weapon degradation but allow us to at least repair weapons or craft new ones. It could give a whole new set of uses for the minerals you find. also they degrade way to fast, almost as bad as system shock 2 but at least you can repair your weapons in SS2

Pretty good, but irrelevant toward the game itself, you were still extremely retarded to say that.

>So your complaint is that the ocean is an ocean?
WW's ocean shouldn't feel like a regular ocean, it's a magical barrier made to prevent anyone from getting into Hyrule.

A game can still be a 10/10 with flaws. No game is perfect, shitdick

>OoT and WW are both on the same level
WWfag delsuions

It's an unfinished game with simplistic puzzles and actually regresses the combat compared to OoT.

If anything that makes me a BotW fag.

>with flaws
If you can't see the contradiction in that, you really are just a retarded waifufag.

>makes me a BotW fag
Explains the shit taste.

it is impossible for a game to be flawless

>insultingly easy combat
>braindead puzzles
>mostly lackluster dungeons
>blatantly unfinished (Nayru's Pearl, the Triforce hunt, etc)
>most of the world is pointless and stuffed full of repetitive boilerplate content (reefs, platforms, treasure maps, submarines, etc)
>dull sidequests
>despite the game supposedly being about exploration, the dungeon order is 100% linear
>sailing is boring
>combat techniques are QTEs
>Tetra starts out as an interesting character but gets relegated to damsel status once she transforms into Zelda
>worst Ganondorf fight (do some QTEs and wait for the Zelda AI to fire light arrows)
>most of the items are rehashed from OoT/LttP

Ironically the best part of the game is what gets the most complaints - the artstyle.


Anyway, really liked WW. Art style was cool. So was exploring the ocean. Combat was too easy. 8.5/10.

>Post art of characters fucking instead of one

Now who's retarded?

Then it's impossible for a 10/10 game to exist.

You for somehow still missing the point of the post.

That's if you're operating on the idea that a game has to be perfect to be 10/10 which nobody does.

>all this and the game still has a fucking 96 on metacritic
It's a decent game but definitely nowhere near it's predecessor or successors.

Whatever makes you feel better.

Metacritic is fundamentally trash and not worth paying attention to. The fact that a huge chunk of Yea Forums unironically takes it seriously shows how far this place has fallen.

>That's if you're operating on the idea that a game has to be perfect to be 10/10
That's literally what 10/10 means.
>which nobody does
And they're all fucking idiots too, that doesn't matter.

Singlehandedly this.

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also the figurines

OoT > TP = MM >> SS > WW

Once you get past the graphics and charm, the game's just outright disappointing. It's severely lacking and underdeveloped in the dungeons, largely due to an abysmal selection of tools (TWO hookshot-type items).

I just replayed every game back to back in release order (after starting with SS) and i'm kind of astonished by how much better and ACTUALLY A COMPLETE GAME Twilight Princess was (hated it when it first came out , loved WW too back then).

Skyward Sword's even saved by it's incredibly interesting and fun toolset. Wind Waker is lacking where it counts, gameplay, and even the recent BotW takes the exploration concept and does it far better (still kinda empty and same-y but it actually develops the environment).

They should revisit WW's sailing concept but with the mechanical revisions conceived in BotW, it'd probably suit the game better.

This is pretty much the antithesis of fun exploration and really set the game back. Why Aonuma brought this shit back for TP when everyone hated it the first time, I'll never know.

10/10 doesn't mean perfect it means it satisfies all ten of your criteria for judging a game

>OoT > TP = MM >> SS > WW
MM > OoT > TP = SS >> WW >> BOTW

Minish Cap is the best Toon Zelda game once you compare and contrast.

You seem awfully angry sir. Perhaps try relaxing by playing a fine game like Wind Waker.

>it satisfies all ten of your criteria for judging a game
Either this is really good bait or you aren't old enough to browse this site.

This is actually perfect taste for once.

Anyone have wallpapers or artwork?

Attached: The Legend of Zelda - Pajamas.jpg (1920x1080, 242K)

Attached: The Legend of Zelda - The L.jpg (1920x1080, 521K)

It has really tedious moments, some bad (janky) physics like the delayed side-jumping, and waaay too short (outside of the artificial lengthening like the Triforce collecting and the fish-feeding). It might be amazing if not for these things.

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Well this is disturbing

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Attached: The Legend of Zelda - Sailing.png (1920x1080, 1.26M)

ew, not cute

Gah. Did they really need to make realistic irises?

Art style mostly, I guess. I fucking loved the game as a kid and played the shit out of it.

I'd still fuck it

That's not even the torture guro set portion

excuse me what the fuck

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Don't listen to this user, he's making a bad joke

he looks way too realisitic and ugly for me, id rather have a cute cartoony toon link

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I'm gonna take Toon Link to bed

what did i do ?

You did complete all the sliding tile puzzles, right user?

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Is there even a reward for doing them?

should i just emulate wind waker on dolphin or should i buy the hd version ? which one is better ? also post more cute toon link please

Just the small insignificant amount of rupees the door butler shits out after each one. and then it fucking loops back to the first puzzle so it's entirely pointless if you're one of those "make sure everything in the game is 100% done" types.

Open sea is a pleb filter in every series

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hd is a huge improvement on the original with all its qol features like faster sailing and a less shitty triforce piece quest

Toon Link first appeared in Four Swords you retard

Because of how much late game content was cut and replaced with padding. When the game should be getting good, it gets boring and ends with too little that’s fun or memorable to do.

You can emulate both versions, but still go with the original. The lighting and ost in the remake are fucked.

what a rude unintelligent post

I don’t like sailing. It’s like playing botw but being glued to your horse the entire game to travel anywhere.


Attached: The Legend of Zelda - Water.png (2560x1440, 1.25M)

This pretty much, I like having a variety of ways to travel

fucking this and the conducting every 5 nanoseconds

It only seems easy if you already played the game and are doing a re-run. Doing a blind run of the game is pretty pretty cancerous. This goes for most zelda games.

Holy shit I actually choked on the water I was drinking.

WWfags are the Johtofags of Zelda.

Read and decide.

That's fixed in the HD version.

thanks user

Anyone played the randomizer? I've been thinking of starting a lightly randomized run just for QOL (auto sail on GC version sounds great) and a reason to explore a bit more.

Tfw WWfag and Johtofag.
It's all about the comf.

Attached: 28752512_p4.png (279x402, 9K)

>It's all about the comf.
That's cope.

I dunno, maybe because it has no outstandingly good dungeons, no particularly fun sidequests, godawful pacing from beginning to end (including the most infamous filler quest in franchise history), and the same item gating that impacted previous 3D Zeldas hurting the appeal of freely sailing around its sea (something you can't even properly do until you're halfway through the game)? Honestly, it's harder to list things WW did right. Artstyle, story, item synergy...that's about all I got.

You mean they are Hoennchads of Zelda?

I'm a Johtofag and I like Majora's Mask.

Probably because, you know, they came out around the same time.

Uh... Okay?
What about cute?

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>Came out within a month of eachother
>Too much water

Makes more sense

>You mean they are Hoennchads of Zelda?
Hoenn is clearly finished tho.

>What about cute?
Minish Cap has it beat: it's turbo-cute.