Attached: 1563562352344.png (1027x797, 1.11M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Where does Leandro live? Asking for all of our friends.

I can't believe they were stupid enough to go public with this

Third world shithole

>the revival of CoH has turned into an actual superheroic saga full of heroes villains and high drama

Who would have guessed?

Attached: 18416194.jpg (2486x3482, 1.94M)

Stop spreading bullshit. Yuvi panicked because of "potential" legal issues and server costs (???).

Leandro is making a power grab and trannies are trying to take over the project.

Where's the update copy pasta ? I missed out on what happened recently. Is Leandro dead ?


I am actually ok with this.

not like they're going to find out who has an account from Yea Forums aside from memelords

Bow to your masters

Attached: 1555970426423.png (1098x105, 20K)

Good. This won't keep anyone from Yea Forums out except maybe /vg/.

>implying they can control what i do
downloaded the server files already, i can just host my own server if i actually wanted to play this

What happened this time? I thought you guys finally got to play it last time I checked.

No, child. You are going to play on Leandro's server.

Attached: 1555966262488.png (587x274, 33K)

should have been that way to start with. the only people who do shit like that are teenage memelords

>can't hate trannies
Wow, oppressing gamers much?

Any news about the screenshot of them saying they're lying in a private chat?

Virtue signalling so hard that he has it in his name.

You better let me, user. Better someone sensible host the servers.

Server owner had a meltdown and ghosted. Leandro is in charge again.

Beg for mercy and maybe you'll be allowed to play.

>got banned from the discord for saying gooks are gay

>trannies are trying to take over the project.

Holy crap I got banned from the server?? I wasn't even posting... Can someone post the discord

this is assuming the google drive has actual usable files, which I can't confirm yet. reposting from last thread:
literally anyone could host at this point. supposedly it's got the source too

A true hero.

Attached: E23D3B9B-B798-49A9-97B9-E624D2DF3193.png (1133x710, 168K)

It's a natural tranny instinct to infect, undermine and subvert any online community.

because leandro has an agenda

So is this whole fucking staff group a bag of complete liars?

They already succeeded. Innocuous was forced to step down.

It's pretty fucking depressing that resetera was able to destroy any hope of my favorite video game of all time returning

Why does there always have to fucking be drama around a game I love
Why can't people just make game related shit without worrying about genders or sexuality or what species someone is


Attached: despair.jpg (480x515, 47K)

Anyone know about this derekg link? The mods keep taking the link down and I cant find it

How do you even "force" someone to step down? It's not like there's a voting system and he has all the files

I'm sorry, but if the most important thing about you is your fucking sexuality (straight, bi, gay, trans, what the fuck ever), then you have larger issues than not being allowed in some secret club.

I don't see the issue. It sounds like he would've been consistent even if someone was right leaning. There was no reason to mention that they were trans, but if they mentioned they were trans after being hired and then they were fired, that would've been just wrong.

trannies are worse than furfags wtf

anyone have a link to the discord server?

>Yea Forums and cripplechan gives you your game back
>Immediately ban them afterwards

Y’all a bunch of faggots squabbling over ancient shit

I hope this is the straw that breaks the camel's back in regards to the tranny problem

Also here is this. Just got posted on the general.

Attached: F2E9166B-BB9F-43DD-BA2D-321AEE2A9EB9.png (1061x560, 130K)

you put them in a position where they think stepping down is the right thing because it'll help the project avoid a huge backlash, I guess

Nope, still got a few decades of torment.

Because trans people are a bunch of victimizing mental cases that have to shove their sexuality into literally everything they touch. It's just like the Smash stuff the other day, Nintendo said NO POLITICS and trans people went ahead and put trans stuff into the online stage maker and lo and behold got their stuff deleted.

It probably wasn't, but then the shitposting chimps here started going off the rails spamming emotes to spell out nigger, spamming green text arrows full of bullshit, yelling tranny at anything and just all around the usual method of shitting up the place and now the place went to shit and now that it's the topic of discussion that side is claiming moral high ground by point at the mongs in the chat.

Ah, yes. The infamous leaker known as DerekG.

this is completely rational, is this seriously taken as a negative?

It won't be, but it'll make a few more people aware of their bullshit at best.

please just let me play my favorite game. it's not fair.

Attached: L O S E R.gif (400x306, 1.95M)

What happened now?

Yes because if you don't baby these fuckheads they throw an unholy fit. They're basically another vocal minority that has the power to do things due to the bullshit victim card.

literal discord trannies

Someone post the discord invite link

It's all gone.

Attached: 1555726636771.jpg (423x613, 50K)

Trannies attacked

Leandro and discord trannies are trying to sabotage the project, NCSoft doesn't actually give a fuck

Just like most things wrong with modern games it comes down to the tranny's need to attention whore.

There’s a reason Yea Forums fucking hates the transgender community besides the shitposters. The Discord trannies are FUCKING REAL

Because trannies and feminists just can't leave any fucking thing alone, everything must be brought down to their level in the gutter beside the Taiwanese doctors office they got their cocks lopped from


but seriously though, what the fuck, how can they be so vocal and overrepresented

is it possible to set up an offline way to play without all the internet weirdos?

Fucking gender niggers try to ruin everything.

Attached: based.jpg (1024x530, 78K)

Literally because Liberals. Like, I don't care what political side you're on, this is literally a Liberal perpetuated thing.

Ask Leandro for permission :^)


>look at leddit
>what is happening in the discord? is Yea Forums raiding it?

Attached: the angriest man who ever lived.png (680x686, 653K)

Tranny did not get put in "place of power" better ruin it for everyone!

Congratulations, Yea Forums. You are being blamed for killing COH.

Attached: 1555976333867.png (677x102, 18K)

but I've never even met a tranny, like never seen one in person. how the fuck are they so vocal and influential


Oh boy you are in for a fucking ride.
>troll tricks the admin who was running the server into thinking NCSoft will sue for 500k - 1mil in damages
>the admin LITERALLY FUCKING DESTROYS the server with a fucking hammer
>they lost the source code as a result
>the source code happens to be leaked on Yea Forums
>some of the admins for coh are from here evidently
>they denied a literal discord tranny because they don't think he has a backbone
>the discord is having a fucking meltdown
>the discord server has been literally shut down
>this is their voice chat right now

they are looking for a new host at the moment

Can a toaster run City of Heroes?

holy fuck these people are sensitive.

that's absolutely fair in the current climate, but don't forget that 10-20 years ago ultra-conservative christians would go on similar crusades against whatever moral offense they saw
it's not any group in particular, it's just shitheads

They are literal parasites

does this look like Witcher 3 to you?

Attached: screenshot_190421-17-35-51.jpg (1920x1080, 559K)

I bet they'll blame us for killing themselves too

is it even true they got threatened? best I could tell it was just some nonsense about legal issues

lol I got kicked in a heart beat for a post on discord.
I am just impressed how fast trannies can take over something that is started by beta orbiters.

The difference is that the conservatives were ineffective. The trannies are pure cancer and destroy everything they touch.

You’ve likely seen one or even talked to one without realizing it. Unlike what /pol/ would have you believe the majority of them don’t look like men with makeup.

I'm in the same boat. I never got a chance to actually play with all of the server issues and then this shit happens.
Fuck trannies. Fuck NCSoft. Fuck Leandro.
What in the ever-living fuck are they accusing us of?

Attached: 1519889752209.png (648x485, 582K)

game was made in 2004 and has graphics for playermodels that are slightly better then quake 3 so yeah probably

>What in the ever-living fuck are they accusing us of?
Discord is saying you threatened the server owner, 4channer.


Despite being 0.03% of the population

MMOs are typically made for toasters

Tell them to go eat a bag of dicks.

does it matter now?

That should be doable. I'm sure many of them kept what was left of their old ones in the freezer.

And people would mock them appropriately.
You weren't labelled a christianphobe, a bigot, a misogynist or any other buzzword. Your private life wasn't doxxed, your employers HR department bombarded with threats etc etc.
I never really cared for gays, trannies etc. Hell when I was 20, 18 years ago I flatmated with a drag queen that used to work at a nightclub I did bouncing for.

But it began with their 'community', more and more I grew to hate the community. Now I've grown to hate them all.

I've been reading through this whole thing and legit just seems like the person behind the servers believed a troll, deleted everything, backed out and now here we are.

Don't really think Yea Forums or reddit or any site or group of people are to blame here. Just some dumb shit happening at a dumb time.

So Is everything the coders worked on in the past week gone or was something saved or what the fuck is happening I can't figure out any of this shit.

>troll tricks the admin who was running the server into thinking NCSoft will sue for 500k - 1mil in damages
>the admin LITERALLY FUCKING DESTROYS the server with a fucking hammer
>they lost the source code as a result

literally believing the lies from the group of lying liars who gaslit everyone for 6 years

how did the trans being thrown out lead to real issues threatening the server? is it just people being mad and hoping to tear things down with twitter warfare?

It's not like harassing these folk is doing them any good. :/

Attached: 1507325309922.jpg (262x365, 74K)

Where's the evidence that NCSoft didn't takedown the servers? It seems like Yea Forums's natural instinct is to blame transexuals on first sight nowadays,

Attached: yuugi confused.png (310x434, 236K)

So is there actually legal shit happening or is it just trannies?

Attached: 1542445746914.gif (340x347, 1.89M)

Only Yuvi (now gone forever) and Leandro have the working binaries. Kiss the ring of Leandro, peon.


It was probably the fucking trannies themselves.
>pic related, never forget its a mental illness and they are unstable

Attached: tranny spergs out for cheating.jpg (873x853, 143K)

Trannies need the harassment to help them realize they're lying to themselves.

So then what's the problem? Shut them down and keep on trucking.

new age of intrusive faggotry, first it was the furfags, now it's the trannies

Here's the server owner

Attached: 1555972832587.jpg (404x1030, 242K)

No one is being harassed, you cuck. Quit your crying.

>random person sends server owner a fake DMCA
>server owner believes it and deletes everything like a retard
>coding team freaks the fuck out
>meanwhile Leandro sees this as his chance to grab power and take the reigns of the project since server binaries have been deleted
>MEANWHILE discord trannies see a new community and start trying to worm their way in
>MEANWHILE people from reddit are joining the server adding to the hysteria without knowing what the fuck is even happening
It's a real confluence of absolute horseshit

usually such a document is formal and mailed, i'd assume there would be a picture of it, and if not it would be an email and there would be record of it. none of that was produced, so safe to say it never really happened

What did you fucking morons do this time

This happened like a couple hours ago. Shit is fucked and trying to do crowd control. Also we’re being blamed for some reason by the aforementioned transgenders.

a discord tranny tricked the server owner into destroying everything

now leandro is supreme emperor and holds all the cards

based, but also disgusting

>deletes everything
Bit of an understatement. He literally bashed the server to pieces with a hammer.

Update: #Announcements channel has been wiped and they're "Taking a break" for 24 hours before posting any new information.

Coders are working to break open the mystery binaries. If they get it to work then anyone can run servers.

Attached: 1555977075545.png (636x287, 103K)

Attached: xeph.png (1161x229, 44K)

Surely the admin can tell it's all bullshit now and it isn't like the source code is lost.

Did they wipe the history in the discord? Jesus christ
Atleast I got to play for a weekend.

Except conservatives turned out to be right in the end.

Society turned into a degenerate cesspool. The population got lazier, people indulged in selfishness, people are having less kids, fat asses run rampest, economy is getting worse, and males have become betas, and women have become men.

You don't have to be a Nazi and/or White Supreme to see that America has gotten worse over the decades.

For anyone out of the loop

Attached: DCcSijZ.png (702x261, 22K)

I really hope Leandro isn't dumb enough to try anything stupid, considering he's already had insane nutjobs taking pictures off themselves outside of his house over this.

Killmepls has just been overthrown. The COH discord is now officially been infested completely by trannies.

See if Leandro didn't horde all this shit for years then we wouldn't be dealing with this sort of power vacuum being formed in the first place.

based coders, don't let Leandro and his brigade of trannies win

>here is my resume
>btw, I'm trans

Attached: 1531595557937.gif (300x243, 1.64M)

get back off to your hellhole, third-world nazi.

I knew this all smelled of bullshit and was too good to be true


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Wait, so a discord tranny was denied a role on the team so she sent the server owner a fake legal threat?

I don't understand why he had to delete it at all? Even if it it was all deleted NCSoft can still sue them and they have the evidence of the private server.

>My legal name is _____
>I go by ____ because I have yet to get my name legally changed.

I dunno, sounds like a reasonable disclosure to me.

>server immediately shut down
I'm shocked, really
Fucking idiots. Should've spread that source code to the ends of the earth when you had a chance.

>I'm trans
>btw here's my resume

it wasn't related to the server going down but it's added to the fucking wildfire

not reading that small-ass text, faggot.

Yep, funny how that conveniently happens.

They both seem pretty rational so what is the problem

How the FUCK is this man so based, it's honestly unreal. I don't understand how he can have this level of omniscience and still get forced out of being the project leader.

>>the admin LITERALLY FUCKING DESTROYS the server with a fucking hammer
So the picture was 100% real?

Attached: ???.jpg (296x211, 18K)

And where's your proof?

But hey, it's Yea Forums, the perfect scapegoat for everything.

I have a hard time believing this, it's like everything is getting blown out of proportion for the sake of drama


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You cucks aggressively meming in the discord is spoiling it, Chill.

That's like asking a virus why it infects things

it takes a certain level of confidence to look at an immensely complex contraption like society, and without knowing any of the variables for certain, know exactly what the one and only reason for why things are the way they are. what a coincidence it is that the reason also happens to be the one you want it to be.

no, it's unrelated it just added onto the drama

>dodges the tranny bullet
dare i say it he is the smartest man in existence?

it is absolutely reasonable. i'm still not sure why there's assmad about the whole transaction

can we get some based server lads to set up a server independent of this cringey boomer tranny infested discord community? seriously, fuck em, let them make their own shit server

He didn't dodge shit, he was forced to step down because of this.

this is just level headed moderation to mitigate drama, which as we can all see.. is necessary

Yeah, pretty sure that's not what happened.

that's not unrelated. that's exactly what happened.

No, that tranny smelt something they could leverage with their mental illness. The fake legal threat is of unknown origin. Probably Leo or someone in the original secret server.

i played it for a few minutes, felt nice to revisit, the whole time it was up i played maybe a total of an hour, then put it down and started playing other shit.

if after all the chaos is over people just split off with copies of working software for servers, i'll join one and play at some point for real. all this shit is just dumb to watch and i'll wait until it actually gets stable.

Trannies are seriously fucking annoying

One tranny sold Switch hacking secrets to Nintendo & then played the victim when called out on it
A couple of trannies are causing constant drama in the Old School Runescape general
Now this shit

They are fucking everywhere

>steps down

He is not based one bit. That would be like calling Trump based for building the wall and then walks back on building the wall.

>I'm a transgender woman
Could have been completely omitted and I guess you agree since you also omitted in your post.

>forced to step down
What? Isn't he the admin? Who could possibly force him to step down? It isn't like he owns a fucking business.

>never got around to CoX until it was already shutdown
>always wanted to play
>always warned people about degeneracy and how it would have bad results
>and now fucking degeneracy ends up wiping out the only chance I had to play this game after all these years
I'm tired of being right, can I please be sedated and put back into the machine now?

can I get a discord link?

And.. what variables would that be?

Transexuals are a plague

>trannies infest and wreck thing
>thing is now ruined
every time. maybe stop putting incredibly unstable trannies in charge of things, although to be fair this may be a work of intentional subversive sabotage like when Intel and Microsoft deployed a trannie to fuck with Linux.

Ftm trannies seem way more chill and fun than MtFin my experience

And where's your proof? Until I see proof, it's unrelated bullshit.

The coh discord got trannys and redditors and sjws on the mod team. They started to freak out and ban anyone who referenced "nazism". Made a fuckload of antifa support posts and waged a holy jihad against the /vg/ coh community which caused them to create there own discord. Then innoc couldnt handle it either so he went to the vg coh discord now with some coders and stepped downcas head admin due to faggotry. Atm innoc is still working on getting it set up from the vg coh discord.

Also leo and yuvi were trying to scam everyone as usual

I see a lot of blame. People saying it's trannies and people saying it's a Yea Forums user. Who did it

Attached: DlHfR7eXgAETLIi.jpg large.jpg (1762x2015, 144K)

>lol why do you hate trannies and SJWs Yea Forums?
>honestly anti-SJWs do more harm than SJWs
Resetera wins again!

Wonder why there can't just be a normal fucking man that says "no drama will be tolerated,shitstirrers will be banned on sight" who takes control of the project, that isn't a limpwristed faggot or a nazi larper.

FtM trannies get fed testosterone, who knew a girl with stable hormones would be chill?

Tomboys >>>> Prissy 'Men'

vg CoH Discord? Is there a link for this or is it hush-hush?

I forgot when I applied for the job I currently have, I made sure to let them know I was a CIS male before handing them my resume.

I don't give a shit you got so obsessed with your fetish that you lopped your dick off, that's your deal. What I can is the fucking INSISTENCE that I know this about you.

I dont. Fucking. Care.

because a normal fucking man wouldn't be interested in a 15 year old MMO

Trannies are literally biological weapons

Well the one I knew wasn't on T yet. They are now but I left the discord

330 million people with different lives and backgrounds

you can make hypotheses on why certain phenomenons exist in society, but you should understand how crazy it is to make claims like "millenials don't make children because of liberals"

the truth is way too complicated to turn into a fun internet shitpost

Alright, I'll update it then.

>My legal name is _____
>The reason why I don't go by this name is because I'm transgender.
>I go by ____ because I have yet to get my name legally changed.
>If you see any discrepancy in my resume and history, this is why.

Employers like knowing why things are the way they are. Like, a gap in employment can mean different things depending on the context.

>play this server
>find person you hate
>join their guild
>take pic of them
>put it on the /vg/
>the entire guild gets banned

there are people who still play FFXI to this day, and i know some of them have played since release

i'm one of them

>CIA starting sicing trannies on various online communities to bring them down

It's because people keep giving them attention, doesn't matter if it's positive or negative, they thrive from it. Regardless of that though, whatever tranny bullshit is going on at the moment isn't really a big deal, it's just all sorts of shitposters creating mountains out of molehills as usual, the people taking a 24 hour break to reorganize is probably a good thing.

I repeat
a normal fucking man

You on a private server? I stopped paying for retail cause the 99 gear treadmill was too much for me.

Who's in charge then? How is the new head admin going to deal with the tranny pieces of shit?

>I've been physically attacked for being trans

Oh whatever, I'm so sure you have been you little victim.

>transgender, would be the correct term
What a pretentious little asswipe. Probably is the exact type that would turn this into "WAAAH TRANSPHOBIC MOD DENIED ME BECAUSE I'M TRANS"

He wasn't even hating. He said that just because you're trans doesn't mean you get the job, just because you're trans.
Shit seemed iffy and so he trusted his gut.

hush hush

>implying that isn't what happened
it's all controlled opposition m8, the alphabet agencies introduced crack fucking cocaine into America to curtail liberals via self destruction.

Are these files actually complete or are still missing the database? I'm confused now

>How is the new head admin going to deal with the tranny pieces of shit?
By bending the knee

Shit like this is why I run everything that I'm interested in myself. I have a WoW private server with about 500 active players, I run a forum with around 3400 active users, and I run my own IRC server and am currently working on a discord like front end for it so my users can stop bitching that we don't have a discord.
You cannot give these ""people"" one fucking foothold in anything you run. They are mentally ill, they are powerhungry, and they want to get that power where ever they can get it, whether its on pathetic shit like private servers for games that closed almost a decade ago, or influencing actual games with millions of players.
I didn't play all that much CoH when it was out, if I remember correctly I got into it when City of Villains was in store and played it for a month or two, so I've only slightly been following the efforts to create a private server.

If this tranny bullshit keeps happening, hey, you may see me do a power grab and set this up too. I hate these fucking people so much that I'm willing to offer up rack space so people can have a server free of this fucking retardation. I'm getting sick of these mentally ill beta males ruining my hobby.

Attached: 1552776826465.png (520x600, 290K)

>Give reason why I stepped down
>People immediately jump to trannies
>Tell why I stepped down
>Called a traitor faggot and cuck
>Try and cull the rampant shitposting in the server because apparently #trash-and-memes is too hard

I love you cunts but come on man.

Attached: file.png (1920x1200, 2.7M)

Jesus man, who hurt you?



Attached: 1551086342514.gif (856x930, 543K)

Yea Forums is a hard beast to handle.

No, i'm still on retail when I do play. I did actually unsub 2 months ago because I mostly ran out of things to do. The group I used to run events with got shitty leadership so I basically ended up logging in to 3box dynamis D with my death penalty to grind money to buy currency to augment my REMA

pretty unfun like that. Mostly now i'm waiting for actual new content, or maybe quit for a year or two until i feel the itch again. just like Yea Forums, i feel like i'm on FFXI forever

Where are your servers country-wise? Probably not in the UK or US.

>people are having less kids
Fix America and I'll have some kids

He dodged nothing and now his project has been taken over completely and totally.
Bravo to the trannies, this might be a record speed run of destroying a niche community.

Based and redpilled community manager

We love you too cunt.

Hey man Im just here for the drama but there are a lot of reasonable people; they just dont really ever voice themselves because it's usually a waste of time

Now THIS is damage control

Attached: 1555978228901.png (513x266, 36K)

>Give reason why I stepped down
Pls link, I have no discord. Seriously, I have no dog in this fight, I just wanna know what's going on.

Why did you step down? You were honestly the most levelheaded arm of the community

We'll never fucking know. It could be a reddit user pretending to be a Yea Forums user pretending to be a tranny for all we know.
But since Yea Forums is the easiest scapegoat, we're going to be blamed, and we're already facing consequences that any account found to be associated with Yea Forums will be banned. It's fucking stupid.

based hoyposter

Just post what you need and fucking dont reply. No reason to subject yourself to people when you got nothing else to say.

I don't love you like I loved you yesterday

If I understand things right, the public server got destroyed..? Everyone has the source code or whatever, can't they just remake it now?

Love you too you bitch, thanks for the work. Even if nothing comes out of it, stepping foot in Atlas Park again was incredible.

>Unlike what /pol/ would have you believe the majority of them don’t look like men with makeup.
They do though, trannies are just a tiny minority.

We're just trying to cope with the situation.

Let's just see and wait what the coders find since Leandro obviously isn't going to let go of the binaries.

Attached: 153525272342.png (318x217, 118K)

Mate we are just sick of all the termites that subvert and take over niche communities that we enjoy. Trannies, feminists, sjw's, gay community, you give them an inch and they will take everything you ever held close to your heart.
We are sick of people who enable them to do it, every, single, time.

This but unironically
"anti-sjw" like no bullshit and paul joseph watson are way worse

We do it because we care. We didn't want you to step down because you are clearly the most level-headed and just person to run this shit.

Attached: 1518068644948.jpg (500x750, 233K)

>trusting Yea Forums, not to mention fucking Yea Forums of all boards to be sensible
I'm as disappointed as you are but not as surprised. Get back in there man, we need good folk like yourself on top

you took on a team of a bunch of faggots and trannies to moderate a fucking discord server for you. you didn't even need a discord server. and now your dream will die an AIDS infested death. also neck yourself for using a trip even if its relevant

This. There's so much fucking bullshit and misdirection being thrown around I don't know who the fucking believe anymore.

>I don't love you like I loved you yesterday

Attached: WHENIWAS.jpg (400x275, 22K)

That doesn't say anything about foul play or anything, just an apology. I don't know how it traces back to Discord.

I love you.

I don't give a fuck about CoH, I'm just here for the drama.
Maybe a false flag or two

Attached: 1542495807850m.jpg (1024x888, 46K)

Hahaha shut off your monitor lmao
Step away from the PC kek

Keep chugging at it man, fuck discord communities. Just make an announcement channel and call it a day if you must have one.

Resetera is a fagpit filled to the brim with way worse people don't even try to deny it.
Trump supporter? Banned.
Conservative? Either banned or get a target on your back.
It's a shitshow through and through.

Based, best drama in the last 5 years imo

Based, this is why I make sure not to have outside influence on anything I moderate.


We need a goddamn Yea Forums server where there's no moderation except for extreme cases like flooding and spamming. If someone gets butthurt about anything then tell them to type /ignore.

Attached: 1423712891704.png (299x289, 41K)

>That would be like calling Trump based for building the wall and then walks back on building the wall.
Trump is literally the best President this great nation has ever had, user

'Step down' is too broad a term. I donned the Head Administrator tag to alleviate the stress on my other admins; since they were being bombarded to all hell and they were getting stressed. So I took on the tag.

To deal with coderbase lacking trust in me due to issues of me announcing I'd have to open a gofundme for legal counseling (no longer an issue, GFM was never even /published/), they asked for Kimp to step up and take headmin status alongside me.

He really, really did not want to be in that level of leadership because it was stressful as all fuck. So to compromise with a solution for coderbase so things can continue onward; I proposed a solution to remove my headmin tag and join the rednames. This appeased them, and things will go forward. Hopefully.

Copy and paste this everywhere, its hard to respond to this every ten minutes.

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We don't know shit about what's going on. Most of us aren't going to fuck around with the discord so we're completely in the dark, aside from whatever second-hand bullshit we get here.
Whatever they say we did, we didn't.

Attached: 189561453.jpg (226x223, 12K)

Yet here we are.
Most are probably just beta incels who were brainwashed to becoming trannies.
Probably a long the lines of 'if i cant get a girl then ill become the girl and i can get laid then'.

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Attached: A_Young_Boy.jpg (480x475, 73K)

keep at it brother, we're behind you even if we call you a cuck or a faggot sometimes

Attached: 98 - Gel-Shocker Annihilated! The End of the Leader!!.mp4_snapshot_18.02_[2017.04.14_23.51.43].png (640x480, 402K)

Do you believe in him?

Attached: Sca0GWt.png (1243x704, 860K)

It's quite inbelievable how many developmentally stunted people that are on their discord...

It's fucking retarded right now.

It was a cape MMO with a big costume creator; those guys were already around 10 years ago. Hell Fires of Heaven had a crazy-ass trannie even (like seriously identity stealing level of crazy person)
You used to be able to evade or ignore it. I mean they were probably hanging out in Atlas anyway, not bothering me I didn't go bother them, it just werked.
It annoys the shit me off they strongarmed themselves into power this quickly and fukt my chance to play some CoH again after all these years thanks to neurotic trannydrama.

Here's the code bros:
Do what you need with it, let's make a new server together.

This shits so dumb. Its all tiring.

Were you playin a Fortuna the other day?

They will not stop lovin that guy

godspeed Thunderspy

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Oh good, I was worried you'd just given up, thanks for being the voice of reason

You are Banned [No reason given]

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Honestly if we do get coh back up ill be making heros just to piss the trannies off

If Innoc was forced to step down why is he still a server admin and posted a message just 3 hours ago?

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>It's quite inbelievable how many developmentally stunted people that are on their discord...
It's full of Yea Forums users, do you really expect better?

hell, it's a thing in many other countries too, so it's way more than 330 mil people and definitely harder to blame on "liberals"
sorry to hear that, I was never that invested in CoH because my English wasn't that good back when it still existed, but I'm glad to see people working on it

Lmfao feels good not playing a dead shitty mmo.

Typical tranny "rebuttal"

Fortunata Sanguine is my precious little murder telepath.

Where is the game going to go from here?
Is NCSoft killing all hope of it or are we going to get some fun server action?
Please tell me there won't be a faggot redditor/tranny takeover. They always turn into nofun zone garbage pits.

Is this a magnet?

Who is the tranny?

You really need to instate a "no shitstirring drama allowed" rule if you're ever gonna get anywhere with this, when the project is started on such shaky grounds. Don't take this the wrong way, I really want to see you succeed, but obviously there's tons of bullshit going around.

Fucking snowflakes everywhere, if you cant take the heat stay out of internet kitchen

Belay this post

You're here, dude. You know what some of anonymous is capable of. Some of us are bros, especially the older guard. But most of the newer ones are literal kids and retarded faggots who think it's okay to take chan culture -outside- of the chans. There is no reddit vs Yea Forums either - more than half the faggots post on both but would never admit it. That's the true love and hate of being Anonymous.
My advice, bro? You're level-headed as fuck and the only tripfag in like, 13 years of lurking I wouldn't tell to get the fuck out and stop tripfagging. You don't control your response impulses though - Post shit. Don't worry about replying or what the Greater Internet Fuckwads think or say. It just feeds them. They're beyond saving at this point and when you stop responding, they try to change tactics and eventually go find someone else to rile up.

How easily he has defeated all of you. Pathetic heroes.

Attached: Lord_Recluse.jpg (1487x1162, 333K)

I think the biggest issue is they are always the loudest.

Yea Forums's CoH community is CNN/Buzzfeed levels of misdirection and false propaganda. you fags should be ashamed of yourselves.

please just let one good thing exist for once

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>I've been physically attacked for being trans

no you haven't you fucking faggot

Please Anons of Yea Forums past, regale me with tales of this MMO I've never played but like the idea of. What was it like?

What's this shit about accounts associated with Yea Forums being banned?

Is that what you become when you max out on social justice points ?

>"no shitstirring drama allowed"
This man, the internet is funny in that people will attack eachother at the drop of a hat. Take the higher more neutral ground.

Yea Forums is satire, newfag


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Give us the code Leandrito

Guy named Dr. Brain

No mods but him and an archiver guy.

Also innoc is now a coder admin with a russian user whos helping getting a RU server set up to avoid legal issues.

So far hes pretty based. Has simple rules and doesnt give a fuck what people say. Its why its got tons of people flooding it for refuge til innoc stops the spergery exodus

he's not a tripfag though, he needs the trip to verify his identity or we get people falseflagging and gaslighting for all eternity, like that shitposter last thread who posted a fake message about CoX going down forever

seems appropriate for capeshit

Why the bazinga did we need a discord at all?
Why is discord drama affecting the admin's ability to host the server?

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We wuz heroes and villains and sheeeeit

On the bright side, Spider-Man Noir is getting a complete omnibus release in June.

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SWGchads >>> CoHcels
Know your place, worms

>*insert sseth's levels of fake stories of a videogame here*

For those who weren't there, this person went into every fucking voice chat to express that they wanted people to stop sharing this convo and that they respect the decision made but that it was a private convo. Then 'she' said that people can 'respectfully' fuck off, which is kind of hilarious.

TL;DR: 'She' couldn't even handle the meltdown of being turned down for being trans and loud

no one who plays SWG is a chad

RuneChads >>> SWGTrannies >>> CoHcels

Yeah we did team the otherday then, nice.
I was runnin bioarmor. Shame you couldnt play more, that team went til server reset

This is a discord tranny.

>Intel and Microsoft deployed a trannie to fuck with Linux.
Please explain or post source. Sounds like a laugh.

Off with her/his head.

Vindictus gigachads > everything

They grow them in vats now. Tranny vats.

Fuck I miss space ghost coast to coast.

You can make whatever fucking character you want and kick it killing mobs with your bros. There was Heroes vs Villains pvp too so you kick other peoples shit in as whatever autistic character you wanted.

Family Guy Online gigachads >>>>>>>>> rest of the MMO tranny genre

it's just WoW with nostalgia. these people are doing too much.

I don't think they're very influential at all like people say they are, it's more that the internet is full of people that try their damn hardest to appease every single other group (other than the anonymous community) and that includes trans people, it's rare you find people that are willing to just ignore people or tell them to fuck off nowadays.

jesus christ that tranny is unbelievable. is he still in that discord or did they finally ban him?

I never got the chance to play this game, might give it a shot.

>this was real
Who in the ever living fuck thought that would be a good idea? Why can't we have EEnEO?

That’s basically everywhere that isn’t Europe or Japan

>this person went into every fucking voice chat to express that they wanted people to stop sharing this convo and that they respect the decision made but that it was a private convo.
Isn't that a good thing that they respect the decision? I thought people were saying that the tranny went ballistic instead. I don't know what's going on anymore.

if everyone doesn't have the ability to proliferate a server you'll be stuck dealing with these idiots with overinflated egos, the source code needs to be available to everyone.

Mostly just the character creator is great, it has its own spot for your own character Bio and backstory if your into the RP crowd, and most things you can think of you can get to work. There wasn't much min/max and it was more laid back then other games, you could just hop on, find a group, and going around busting up baddies as a hero, or robbing banks as a villain. It had a pretty interesting world with its OC heroes and gangs. It also has a lot of people longing for it because they other two attempts at super hero mmos have been fucking awful, so it really is/was one of a kind.

>so little people cared about it that it doesn't even have a fucking private server

And I doubt there's some kind of Leo-tier conspiracy for that shit game.

Attached: 1545638328065.jpg (666x693, 32K)

>tfw Stargate Worlds never came to be

I honestly wish it stayed up and just became the huge meme game it was clearly going to turn out to be.

Just imagine the glorious shitposting potential.

It had a function where you could take a photo and the game would make a character based on you

That's the jews, mate.

Attached: 1491665025412.png (1158x1621, 405K)

Reminder that the i24 binaries were leaked hours ago and progress is being made.

Leandro does not possess a magic key that only he has. It's just a matter of time until the coders figure out how it all works and reproduce a working server.

Attached: 1401236040345.png (395x578, 74K)


As a villain, you could scrounge in the daily paper's for quests such as people talking shit about you. It would generate a map once you got to the door on the overworld and you would kick his ass at the end of it.

There was also a radio people danced to in an alley but gave you quests through subliminal messages.

There was this sidequests that allowed you to open a gate to the end of time and travel back in time to fix your mistakes.

There was this same old bank robery quest that always had a hero boss spawning at the end. For some reason it was always Jackie Chan and got his shit slapped in a comedic fashion.

Good times.

They have been generally reasonable about this entire thing. Going after them is kind of fucked due to how professional this exchange was.
I leaked this in moderation to get a confirmation on if it was the right call, and it got leaked out into the public. Something I expected to happen, but as you can see the blowback has been... Surprisingly negligible.

Remember when reddit was barely even a blip on our radar and the bogeyman was Digg, Funnyjunk, and 9gag and that was only because they were stealing, spreading, and misusing the memes that originated here?

What the fuck happened to this place? Some will say Yea Forums was never good but it sure as hell has gotten worse.

The whole thing was a lazy grindfest with no depth and literal clips every time you completed a quest. E.g; "Go find a swedish hat and 2 giant logs" then when you turn them in, it plays that clip where Chris uses a swedish hat to lure Peter into a trap of 2 logs that smash his head in but "at least I got my new hat." - And then the quest reward was literally that fucking hat.
The only amusing thing about it was Seamus singing Great balls of Fire in an early area.

based. if WoW and Lineage 2 can get hundreds of emulators running CoX needs a few and then we'll be much less at the mercy of powerdrunk assholes.

So can we just get a quick rundown of everything that has actually happened then?

>the one game where even reddit is a shithole identical to the generals
where my hello kitty online chads at
fuck, do the newfags in this thread even know what Gaia was?

Oh man so I do remember that game after all.

Sseths videos arent fake you faggot

Are you in talks with anyone who has a physical server set up in the event that the coders get the binaries working?

Leandro's deleted tweet pretty much made it clear he's not acting in good faith.

Attached: 1250470173852.jpg (477x405, 31K)

Leave it at that then. Focus on the next step for getting a new server up.Obviously a huge market for it.

Hey. Hey.

Your Neopets starved to death without you

this source code looks like a cluster fuck. I realize it was designed for VS2010 but god damn...

Attached: file.png (705x31, 5K)

Reminder this is just a bunch of autists spamming this on here:
>325 / 54 / 116
>325 / 54 / 116
>325 / 54 / 116

didnt they kill CoX for fucking Guild Wars 2

god fucking damnit

Fucking Gaia even I had one of those. Never really played on it much though.

That sounds neat

>tfw unironically miss Gaia being the scapegoat for literally every single problem on this website ever invented instead of Leddit
>even though I was a Gaiafag
I miss that game too. Its current state is horrific.

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Futurama online would've made more sense.

who the fuck cares about your Marlel capeshit Yea Forumsmblr tranny?

There were two pictures posted of the conversation we had. That was the professional exchange between each other, and I would like to say it diffused without conflict.

However, I like to adhere to my own code of conduct, so I asked the opinion of my moderation on how I handled it.

Someone on my moderation team leaked it (I expected it to happen), and people went into a shitstorm on my mod team until I woke up.

Tired, exhausted, before my morning NOS infinitely better than Monster Zero I posted in adminchat the reasons behind my decision and my thought process in denying them.

People have spun allegations since, despite the two of us ending it reasonably. The issue is I trusted my moderation team.

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No, internal company politics. The game was solvent but it detracted resources from their pet projects

user you can basically 99.9% of any webpage through an html validator and get the same fuckery. Or, inspect it and see the javascript and how ass that is too. I majored CS and they tried to hammer into your head that if your shit didn't validate it wasn't good (you'd even fail projects for it) yet in the real world it's spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti.

Attached: 3f2.jpg (341x354, 35K)

There's a lot of speculation as to why it was shut down. No one knows for sure.

Im surprised you guys have time for fucking discord dramas in the middle of this mess.
And whose idea was to have everything in place, again?? What happened to billion copies or at least pick some secure storage space that somebody cant delete when they shit their pants.

You're on a thread for a superhero game, nigger.

I'm a CoH newfag and I want to play. NOW.

Wasn't the Dwarf Fort video used with stolen footage and stories?

shoo shoo tranny

Rockstar has more caffiene

I wanna fuck that robot.

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Originally that's what everyone thought
turned out it was because the korean assholes at NCSoft were having a power struggle/powerplay, and shut CoH down just to spite the other. Petty cutthroat feudal-era bullshit going on over there in korean corps.




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Run 99.9%*

Enjoying patrician capekino vidya doesn't mean anyone here gives a shit about your garbage comics especially when they pander to the exact same crowd currently ruining things

You're going to get destroyed by the SJWs, never give them what they want.

Common story is that a big shot in the Korean division was ass fractured that City of heroes was making more money than his pet projects and shut it down out of spite.

Is this robutt based on a CoH character?

But I intend to find out !

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>patrician capekino
Fuck off, newfag.

>no mention of e-celebs

I was actually saying this in global last night.
It's pretty poetic.

About the last good thing that Marvel put out. I just hope they don't fuck the quality of the book itself.

What could a modern MMO do to be a worthy successor to COx?

Oh thank god that solves some issues.

And now Inno is on another discord working on server stuff, the old discord is to be considered compromised and full of cancer.

You are a special brand of angry autist

I am so confused, am I able to play CoH or not?

Is the public server officially gone because of dumbshit?


The tranny is about to do an ama. Get ready.

>"anti-sjw" like no bullshit and paul joseph watson are way worse
>some fags who have youtube channels that don't affect me are worse than trannies trying to ruin one of my favorite hobbies
Get fucked you transparent faggot.


my eternal nigga, keep up the good work and keep drinking that NOS.

Yea Forumsmblr tranny it's time for you to go back

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>tfw I want to draw my CoH character but don't want to completely fuck it up and make it look like shit

It's actually still going?

Is it true youll be getting a new server up soon and possibly involving the new coxg discord or no? Thoughts on the discord dividing into two camps?

Your problem was doubting yourself, it was the appropriate response in this situation and she took it well enough

Robust costume creator
Robust power sets
a power tray, not a Limited Action Set bar

That's a mistake, never discuss with your mods, do all decisions yourself. Discord people betray at the first chance, I've been there, there is always someone aiming for your neck.

oh well, run their own server, more options for me

bang if youre going for straight caffeine desu

>Only argument is to bitch and moan about degenerate, mentally ill trannies
>Complains about comics in a thread about superheroes
Don't be such a subhuman nigger.

BASED. Go forth my wayward son Innocuous

They need to grow a pair lol

>tranny posting
fucking kek and I thought it was just a meme

You're not able to play CoH because someone got scared and destroyed the servers.

The same way a zombie shambles about. Look up "gaia online gold inflation", the economy is insane.

>Power tray

Was playing til 8 AM then woke up after a shit 6 hour sleep to see it all go down in flames. Why does liking this game have to come with so much pain.

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>As for the bigotry

Innoc did nothing wrong, though. He did not discriminate. He knew that all these other faggots WOULD, and that leads to unneccessary drama. He made an unbiased decision to attempt to keep shit under control.

I play this game to make tokusatsu heroes, I've never spent a penny on western capeshit especially Marvel.

Attached: DzCykgrVsAE7d5p.jpg (976x1200, 347K)

>before my morning NOS
I love you

could you imagine the man hours wasted catering to that discord tranny?

It's dead lad

So did you destroy the server?

>freddit leaps at the opportunity to recruit a tranny
Fucking pottery.

dcuo and CO both had limited action tray. you could only use like 5 powers at max
CoH you had 9 trays worth of buttons. use all your powers. make macros. have temporary powers. so many options!
and buttcapes were capes, but for your butt. based Ghost Widow.

oh this is good

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>just beta incels
And these beta incels loved videogames and gravitate towards computer science or technology adjacent fields. Add to that the fact that they like to create "communities" and try to crowd out normal people and it's pretty clear why they have become so influential in certain areas.

If you ask me Innoc needs to repromote back to head admin, purge the entire moderator / administrative staff, and only bring people on that DON'T want the position but are willing to do it if necessary.

The project needs leadership and this infighting needs to be snuffed out. How half of these people even made it into the staff I have no idea.

Oh no whatever shall we do

im out of loop with this whole drama
can i play CoH right now? if so where

>screencapping Boco

>bans Yea Forums but not reddit

Gold is basically post WWI rubles now


Great, they can fuck off to their wonderland and you get back into office.

If you were actually "old guard" you would understand that threads like this are the entire reason trips were created.

Oh thank God they're making a containment server.

this is C++ code. errors are non-starters, warnings are usually just that. warnings.

a lot of these errors are clearly from C++11 not existing in VS2010, but some look almost like sabotage. There's a macro defined some where as just "#DEFINE REPETABLE" and it's used fucking everywhere on structs, causing an error. This might also be caused by trying to use a newer compiler, some #defines might have changed

this isn't /g/ so im not going to bother without code tags but something looks suspicious at first glance.

Attached: file.png (576x452, 50K)

You do realize gays have been claiming this shit for 30 fucking years and all we did was say "yeah chill out you faggot" right?

>Photos taken moments before disaster

A man that was wearing a shirt that said "My dad works at NCSoft" pointed at the guy hosting the server from outside his house and it prompted him to eat the server whole.

On one hand I'm glad your boogeyman trannies stuck their tranny cock inside you retards.

On the other, I feel. Sad.

You can be denied a helper role for any fucking reason chosen. I guarantee they'd turn you down for being a "nazi".


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It was very rare that it was ever needed, though. Most folks don it as needed, and drop it when not. Tripfagging "in general" is abused for notoriety in a place where anonymity rules the day

Did I miss some new bullshit drama in the past week? Last I knew we were shitting on Leandro for trying to weasel out of releasing the rest of the server code.

s-shut the fuck up onsokumaru?
boco was probably just there by chance

>the redditors are defending innoc saying it had nothing to do with being a tranny

This is a weird turn of events.

I don't know what's worse. Trannies taking over CoH or this guy sucking Leandro's dick so hard.

Tyrone will clear all this up for us.

What will be the straw that breaks the camel's back with trannies that ousts them from the LGB community once and for all?

How far did you guys get before the current disaster?
My guy wasn't barely even lvl 5. I logged off to go to work and then came home to tranny trouble.

Attached: screenshot_190421-22-55-43.jpg (1920x1080, 143K)

>Take a look at the link

Attached: 1536990949744.png (525x698, 565K)

>Trans person got denied a helper role for both their own safety and because there's enough drama going on right now.
>Trans person is pretty reasonable about the whole thing and understands
>Other people going fucking insane over it and getting offended on the trans person's behalf despite them trying to get people to stop

So what Discord do I join to do some trolling, this new Reddit one?

I want to destroy all reddit niggers and discord trannies with physical violence, CIA niggers be damned.

Based. Are we at the point yet where they start segregating themselves and stop ruining good things?

Remember that this is also the internet and there are some masterful liars and manipulators out there.

And I hate to even say this because it's just as retarded as everyone blaming trannies, but I love playing devil's advocate too much: Who's to say the tranny didn't actually do something, or get its' friends/orbiters to do something while claiming innocence? Do you know how often that shit happens elsewhere? Look at the ffxiv general sometime for good examples.

Was about 6, did two very short lived sewer groups and then just some missions, I had a busy weekend. Today actually would have been my first day to really play.

I am happy with my character at least, had two different costumes, and a neat powerset. I went Storm Summoning / Archery Defender, magic based with the celestial looking bow. I think it came out pretty neat.

Good, they can go fuck off over there and be happy in their tranny dictatorship

A glimmer of hope in chaotic times.

People just need to take a step back and chill the fuck out though.

>he hasn't begun plans to infiltrate the reddit CoH group and sabotaging it from within
Step it up senpai

Attached: 137570550457.jpg (351x257, 21K)

There is a distinction between reddit and resetera

Is the server up?

Yes, we're all playing right now

>toppest voted response
Maybe there's hope yet

Attached: 1555980809.png (954x580, 32K)

not that they care for the difference, I guess
>reddit leaves
Innoc. You need to purge the tranny mods, starting with Darkstar, and regain control. Iron fist, baby. People will play what is available. Let them split off into their own tranny/reddit discord and regain your momentum.

Attached: unknown.png (390x281, 38K)

join the discord for some vile trolling

>Trans person is pretty reasonable about the whole thing and understands
>Other people going fucking insane over it and getting offended on the trans person's behalf despite them trying to get people to stop
Nice attempt at lying you fucking boot licker.

I love you. Come back.

Still the problem with the binaries that Leo has.

It's a fucking boomer superhero mmo, I just want to play it again

Attached: 1502295650836.jpg (256x256, 8K)

Are there any standalone Character Creation mode laying around? I'm not really into playing it, but easy making heroes potrait for my tabletop campaign is my jam.

Attached: hero.jpg (710x1125, 338K)

How the fuck do they even got to that position?

Imagine being this blackpilled.

That's literally what happened as far as we can see you shitposting faggot.

>can't even compile the included required stuff "utilities" because of missing files
this binary can be built outside but there's absolutely missing stuff here, or maybe incompetence of missing the "vc10" directory altogether.

Attached: file.png (593x19, 3K)

Paragon chat has an offline mode I think

Paragon Chat is what you're looking for user

I still can't tell if the problem was money or the possible legal threat. If it was just money, that would have been easily solved.

you should still be able to use Paragon Chat, which is CoX without powers, missions or enemies

in addition, the lack of the "CoHUpdater", "CoHUpdater_UI" and "UpdateServer" leads me to believe that this isn't a complete source dump. though, don't really know if an updater is required or not...

Attached: file.png (255x510, 21K)

The Paragin Chat had one iirc

Why the fuck can't we just get an old Superhero MMO working without all this drama?

Attached: Knuckles stfu bitch.gif (543x334, 1.24M)

absolutely based

Attached: 1555615716838.jpg (960x961, 165K)

mmo = ego

unironically based

COHUpdater was an exe used to launch to game.

That's what people are doing while the rest of the community tears eachother apart over pointless bullshit.

Which dump did you get? there are a lot out there, some have the folder "completed binaries".

CoH was one of those games I've always wanted to try because the fans love it so much. But now thats gone.

You talk to a fan of CoH or EvE, about their time in the game and you get wonderful stories about the world and community, thats how you can tell there's something great there. I got into eve for a few years because of it and made my own memories to share (I quit only because I cant stand needing to multiple characters/accounts and the multiboxing retardation. Also fuck the PvE standings system). I would do the same for CoH given the opportunity, I've always liked the idea of super hero MMO (Tried DC universe online and it was... okay after only playing a few hours)

Except the Discord server isn't down. That post is factually incorrect.

Good thing these faggots are too mentally weak for computer engineering. Computer science is a dead field, saying you majored in CS is like saying you majored in math 30-something years ago.

power is a hell of a drug

Whoa chill guys, also thanks.

Join the Trumpkino discord
They constantly do raids and stuff
Not to mention making sure that we have constant threads up for Jeremy (aka The Quartering)
They're making Yea Forums great again

Because anybody who opposes them gets put on their list of transphobic things that need to be destroyed.


It's over. SJW's ruin yet another community within the span of 24 hours. Whoever put these fuckers in positions of power can fuck themselves.

These are all the dumps I found for now:



Holy fuck the sheer autism that has spawned from this is incredible.

Literally all these people talking weren't the people from last night, and nobody is talking about the game anymore.

All because of 1 tranny. Tranny didn't even do anything. It's literally people coming out and trying to be offended.

You realize you're just as bad as tranny retards right

Shut up, transtrender

Because unlike the fat ugly incels on Yea Forums, they actually socialize and make friends. This gives them more sway

those discord faggots weren't even entertaining. ill come back tomorrow when you fucking redditors are still posting about this to see if there is a server or not

I have nothing against trans people couldn't give a shit but im creasing at the fact everything has been ruined because of an actual trans person. the meme has come true

stay triggered

The people who can't stop talking about them are just as bad, some of us already know this, but if you say it you'll just get shouted down as a tranny.

Wasnt even the tranny, it was their fucking beta orbiters shitting themselves over this.

Ironic that trannies seem to love this game so much as the only literal body shapes you can have are Male, female and HULK

Would it actually be feasible to release the game as singleplayer? It would be better than nothing

Attached: DD2hcFOUwAArRsc.jpg (787x1000, 88K)

>I have nothing against trans people

No, because we're in the right (heh)
Cleansing this website of its degeneracy (and things that we don't like) is a good thing

Who literally gives a fuck about that moron trying to get mod status.

This is what happens when you tell a tranny no?

Nah man, ruined 2k peoples nights because some moron who sits at home with assburgers decided to be the internet sjw and lie to some dude so he gets scared. Yikes.

Yeah that whole discord is shit now from as far as I'm concerned.

Really hope some other server comes up.

I don't even know what's going on, but you absolutely never want to let a person with an agenda mod a community
Like, fuckoff, you're gonna cry about language and ban people for saying things or change their names for being shit you dislike. On a private server, where there is no corp pr to give a shit and people are free to say or name themselves whatever they want
Nobody wants you as a mod if you're like that. If you're gonna cry about nigger, or tranny, or whatever else, you cannot do the job for the community, you want the exact opposite, for community to serve you

Havent been on Yea Forums in forever and never played this game can someone give me the quick rundown?

Please give us the perfect server with no chinks and good coders that can add some anti cheat stuff.

It's a compiler language. An error means it doesn't run. Warnings are fine, but errors are hard stops.


Can I get some (you)s please?

no but it might be if you post this again in the next thread

Will do!

Spoken like a true chaos fag, kudos.

who is this drunk russian coding a new server without the binaries i keep hearing about? There is still some stuff he can't figure out but has been making steady progress with what was dumped over the weekend.

Cope, so much fucking cope.

>Some guy has a secret server for 6 years
>Gets outed
>People tell him to release the code
>He almost does but keeps some of it
>They get a public server up
>Some tranny comes in discord asking for mod
>Dude turns him down because he's scared he will get him doxxed or threatened
>Tranny says okay
>Someone gets to the guy physically running the server telling him NCsoft is gonna DMCA and send a C&D
>He freaks out and wrecks the server
>Whole city of heroes discord devolves into a politics yelling match about what happened with who and what and nothing about COH

I just wanna play COH man.

The hero we need, keep supplying him with Vodka and he'll work miracles

This is honestly really level headed and intelligent. I don't even understand the replies to this that are super angry at the trans person, this dude obviously respects their identity enough to let them know that this community will be hostile towards them, and that if this is so crucial to their identity, they will not fit in.

Super level headed logic.

COH has been kept alive by a filthy fucking goblin named Leandro who has had the source code this entire time and profiting off it for 6+ years. A sekrit klub private server that only e-celebs were allowed into.

Yea Forums found out last week and then threw shurikens at Leandro's dog, managing the bully the binaries out of him. A working server with 3500+ people playing was made over the weekend.

However the server owner got spooked today and destroyed everything, leaving only Leandro with the binaries again. But then the binaires were all mysteriously leaked and now people are prying into them trying to fix up a server right now.

Reddit has announced it is splintering off the official Discord where this is all being coordinated because of "trans bigotry".

Attached: 1555979867524.jpg (891x597, 141K)

Magnet with ALL of the code for the game. Feel free to share or horde.


>Boyfriend sees picture of CoH
>Says he remembers playing that game
>Tell him they might be getting public servers back online
>He has a shit computer, but he might be able to actually run this game
I really hope everything works out and there's open servers for people to play on.

Manufactured Drama

Nice dolphin porn.

The true mistake was only having 1 set of binaries/etc available. Niggas ALL should have had backups and backups of those backups. How could those fuckers be so careless? 6 years of nothing, they finally get their hands on something but WHOOPS BUTTERFINGERS WE DIDNT SAVE BEFORE EXITTING

Sure thing Leo

Manufactured by spergs from Yea Forums