Which one do you pick?
Which one do you pick?
Always the hardest. I play games to feel good about myself.
Always the hardest. I play games to be better than people.
It literally depends on how the game manages difficulty but in general i'd never pick anything less than "Normal".
If the game actually makes the gameplay more difficult, new enemy locations, less weakspot opportunities, less XP/Money/Whatever, then i'll play on hard because as far as I care that is then the optimal gaming experience.
If the game just turns enemies into sponges without changing anything else at all then fuck that shit, put some effort in you lazy cunts.
Gotta blast through the story and on to the next game.
Normal. I like to be able to finish games without undue stress, so I play on the "default" difficulty. Easy is for games you like the atmosphere of but aren't particularly good at, like I'd play through turn based strategy games on easy because i'm shit at them.
I don't have enough time in my life anymore to put games on the hardest difficulty and suffer through them. I'll stay on default.
If you don't play on easy, you're a racist
Always the easiest. I play games to escape my harsh and humdrum life.
Normal. Most devs are hacks and higher difficulties are just "dude damage sponges that kill you in two hits lol."
I play the modded brutal difficulty
Normal most of the time, however if I'm just in for the story like nier or easy means that the grind is significally reduced like in darkest dungeon, I go with easy.
t. gaming journo
Depends on the game. With FPS, I usually go with the second hardest. With RPGs, I usually go with Normal or a step above, depending on just how many difficulty levels there are. If the game explicitly says something along the lines of "This is how the game is meant to be played", I will usually go with that.
The best games have only one difficulty setting though
Normal. Might do harder modes if the game is good enough for replays.
My nigga. This 100%.
Hard because Very Hard is usually total bullshit.
Hardest, anything else is like throwing a sausage down a hallway at this point.
Normal except for alien isolation, where I picked the one that said "how the game was meant to be played"
I usually go for highest difficulty, but in this case I go for hard since very hard is literally just "lol everything is 1shot" and makes the game not fun. I then proceed to finish the A route and realize the gameplay stops being fun very soon, gets repetitive, the difficulty options are completely imbalanced (hard being too easy, and very hard being too hard) making the game a mediocre breeze with a slightly-better-than-usual story that loses its charm after route A, and go watch a movie instead.
Agreed 100%. 90%+ of devs are lazy, making sponges so normal is almost always "the way to go".
Literally depends on the game. I generally prefer action games harder and strategy based games easier. Some games are too easy on normal.
Most times on Normal. Sometimes on hard/nighmare like Prey and Doom
the hardest difficulty that doesn't resort to bullet sponge enemies / gimping the player
Always hard first. If it's too much like I die so fast theres no time to learn how to play properly I'll dip down to normal for a bit then try hard again. Nothing worse than steamrolling through a game and never having to learn the mechanics properly.
>Pick easy then write an essay in the internet about why picking easy is the right thing no matter what they say
>Pick Very Hard then write an essay in the internet about why picking Very Hard is the right thing no matter what they say
Both types of people are cancer.
Always the hardest. I play games to get a rage boner.
Usually the hardest or second hardest difficulty option. Depending on the game, hardest just adds unnecessary bullshit like more health.
usually normal or hard. Those tend to be the difficulties the game is intended to be played at. I'm not a masochist, I only play the hardest difficulty in games I know aren't actually hard or gimmicky
If hard is "you die in two hits and every enemy 5 minutes to kill" then I'm playing on fucking normal
The only right answer. Normal on games you're unsure of, Hard or higher in games where you enjoy more aggressive enemies or whatever else they do to make it difficult.
Normal. Hard/very hard/whatever else if i do a second run.
yea same why kill yourself over a game, i just go godmode beat it and move on to the next one
if i do like the game enough ill try the hardest difficulty
Depends whether the difficulty scaling's bullshit or not. Usually Hardest or Normal.
>Hard mode lowers the players damage
This is the worst shit ever
>I go for hard since very hard is literally just "lol everything is 1shot" and makes the game not fun.
This. Healing items I feel fucked the difficulty of the game. All other difficulties are extremely easy because it costs a negligible amount of money to buy 99 healing items
>then proceed to finish the A route and
I would highly recommend at least watching the C/D routes. The game's story doesn't really reveal itself until then. The opening credits play at the beginning of C/D to illustrate this. L
one of the many reason i never play on hardest or highest difficulty, it usually involves up'ing the boss's damage or lowering the players overall damage
if i want hard difficulty with it being fair i play multi-player games, but of course even then you have players that use cheats in some way... walls or aimbot
I always play on the hardest setting. It's usually not actually that hard and you get the most out of your game in that you end up failing and reloading more often.
I'm not really saying it's what I did, it's what I wish I did. I played all the way to E and I just wished I'd watched a dozen movies instead in the time that took me. Beginning of C was kino but that was it for the game
Hard most of the time, sometimes Normal and sometimes the hardest option there is if the game is otherwise insanely easy.
european extreme
For action games, one above normal
For games that are more thinking than reflexes, like strategy and the like, normal.
I played it on Hard, and the combat wasn't engaging enough for me to do a Very Hard playthrough.
Usually Normal, but Ill bump it up to Hard if I think it's still too easy.
I pirate the game and then use it as a sandbox using cheat engine, I completely ruin the experience by spawning hundreds of npcs/enemies/bosses or flying around killing everything and mess with the scripting so bad it barely qualifies as playable anymore. At the end of every cut-scene my ludo dissonance is so high up my ass that feel I'm having lucid dreams while watching a movie. I've been doing this for years and I can surprisely maintain a conversation about the story of the game but I can't recognize the game if you explain the gameplay to me.
Hard. Normal difficulties are usually designed to be beat by casual gamers who aren't braindead and can learn the mechanics but not for people who play many different games. Very hard difficulties are usually full of non fun health/damage scaling that doesn't make the game any more interesting to play, it just makes it so you die in 1-2 hits while taking 100 hits to kill anything.
this. 9 times out of ten games are fucking wank outside of normal difficulty
God forbid people talk about video games on Yea Forums
Fucking this Terraria expert mode is always fun.
im critical of what they've done to make the game harder, if they are removing hidden health or upgrades/ammo boxes or just replacing enemies with the highest damage enemies in every area then clearly the game is going to feel just like some kind of bonus stage without the natural flow and intentions of a regular playthrough
some games do higher difficulties well but what changes i really dont know, its better imo to go for the second hardest difficulty if thats still above normal, or just select "hard" if its the typical three difficulty selection
if it's a first person shooter I go for hardest or one down
if it's anything else normal
Very hard so I can feel like I've accomplished something, unlike irl
>play through easy so I experience the story
>then normal or hard so I can experience the gameplay
IIRC the "Very Hard" difficulty in Nier is just a joke to punish players, right ?
i always go for the hardest difficulty available, but in Nier:A's case "Hard" and "Normal" seems to be the best choice to enjoy the game.
If the game is mechanically deep and less focused on story, hard on first run.
If it's more story centered and has simple gameplay, easy or normal.
I feel like some games only feel tedious on hard instead of demanding real strategy
I like MGS2!
>strategy game
>increasing the difficulty doesn't make the AI smarter, it just makes them cheat more
This, but even stuff like less XP is gay as it either turns an already long grind into an even longer one, or you don't get enough XP to get all the different skills you could on a normal mode.
Hardest unless the hardest difficulty is silly (like ridiculous bullet sponges or everything 1 shotting).
normal and hard
I usually pick Normal in games.
And if that games pretty good I'll play again but on hard.
>strategy game
>lotsa difficulty options
>plainly states where it stops being a matter of playstyle and starts giving the AI advantages
thanks civ v for being a bro
I'm weird with hard modes. I don't really care for beefed up enemies at all but modes that keep you on the edge of death get me erect.
Normal because I want to enjoy my game and beat it. If I like it enough to play through it again I'll up the difficulty some more since I understand it at that point and to prevent it from being too easy it's boring.
>All these literal normalfags ITT
easy, that backlog aint gonna play itself
Easy, always. I just wanna enjoy the Story and gameplay without having a bad time, because I am a true gamer, not like all of you.
I didn't play this shit game
people who don't play on hardest difficulty are literally(not figuratively) mentally challenged babies
Hard because I've played videogames before. Not hardest because usually that's for second playthroughs if I liked it.
Get the fuck off this board please.
Always the hardest. The tutorial of that game took me 8 hours but the rest of it was surprisingly easy in comparison since the save points were so generous. Also I assume it's a bug but for some reason failed hacks don't 1-hit-kill you like everything else, it just does some % of your health instead so it was even easier when you got to play 9S.
Picking Hard or above to start off the game in NiER means that nornal enemies 2 shot you and bosses 1 shot you, and if you die during the first mission you'll have to watch the long boring cutscene and do the schmup part all over again.
So no, fuck that shit
Very Hard is one hit, which for this game is absolute bullshit, especially when considering all of the battles with loads of bullets flying around and the terrible controls in shmup sections
lick my chode fag
European extreme, mon ami.
Nier's gameplay is boring as fuck. I played it hard for a while then realized the game was kinda lame. Just lowered it and powered through.
Armenian Normal
Depends on the game
All games have different ideas of what difficulty is
Usually normal or hard
3 Or less options: Hardest
4 or more options: 2nd most hard
Man fuck Bethesda they don't do anything right
Normal first, harders later. Normal is 99% of the time the intended difficulty level the developers intended and geared the game around... unless otherwise stated in a prompt when selecting, in which case I choose the option that appropriately describes my familiarity with the genre/franchise. In normal circumstances, If the game doesn't enthrall me enough to want to replay it or even entertain the notion of replaying it later then the harder difficulties are pointless.
"Hard" probably. The hardest difficulty is usually some sort of bullshit gimmick.
I just watch the end credits on youtube.
That way I beat the game without having to play or even download it.
Depends on the game. Second to hardest on FPS games and normal on everything else.