What makes pic related so appealing?

What makes pic related so appealing?
I would consider myself being decent at shooters, but I really never got into this one specifically.
Weapon accuracy is a fucking science, do I shoot while running or not? single shot spamming or spray and pray?
>inb4 git gud
I don't know how ffs. I'm fine with other shooters

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CSGO is shit. 1.6 or bust.

>do I shoot while running or not?
Only point blank, or short/mid range if you're using an SMG. ARs get a ton of spread while you're moving

>single shot spamming or spray and pray?
CS is all about doing little bursts to let your accuracy reset, at full map range you can just tap single or double shots

Granted I've only played 1.6 and I'm not sure how accurate this still is

Just use the AWP or AK like everyone else. CS:GO is for autistic people who memorize bullet spreads and people who love valve just a little too much.

don't shoot while moving

only spray if you're close - medium range, look up the patterns or just spray a wall to see how you should adjust your aim while spraying, it's a fundamental skill

also CSGO is still one of the best online experiences with 64 tick servers even though that's hilariously bad, though private servers can go up to 128

>What makes pic related so appealing?
Your shit taste.

he wasn't talking about himself retard

I just wanna play 1.6 but it's dead

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The fact that it's gameplay is polished to perfection to the point where Siege's hit detection seems inferior, also the occasional russian with a microphone from hell, video related youtu.be/uqp8k1AIzTU?t=106

It has an economy system that makes for a lot of strategy. As for accuracy, you learn general patterns that more or less boil down to shoot and then start moving your aim down and slightly to the side. Don't shoot while running unless you're using SMGs.

also best enjoyed with friends

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I have thousands of hours in tf2 but have never touched any of the CS games. Are they worth it?

>What makes pic related so appealing?
Mostly the defuse gamemode made CS into such a hit. The power balance between the T and the CT is side is cleverly offset by having the CT:s defend two bombsites, forcing them to separate their forces (usually 5 players) between the two sites. In return for this apparent weakness, the T side has to conquer one of the sites within a certain time frame, and plant the bomb. If the T:s achieve this assault, the imperative now lies with the CT:s to stage a fast "re-take" of the bomb-site. Because of this multi-layered design, many interesting tactical situations can arise within the span of one round. Other factors such as gunplay and character movement are secondary, it was the defuse gamemode that made CS into an instant classic.
I recommend watching some high level live stream sometimes, games can get really exciting.

the gunplay is autistic as fuck, but people in their 20s have played it since they were children and are used to it.
I can't for the life of me understand how it attracts new players. I guess people obsess over skins until they get a small hint of skill, at which point they keep going because practicing autistic skills feels good.

if you have friends to play with, it can be alright

The gunplay is gay yes, but it's mostly the unique playstyle of the defuse gamemode that keeps people interested. No other game that i know of offers this kind of tactical approach, most other shooters just offer straight up "deathmatch" modes, "capture the flag" or "control zone" gamemodes, none of which are as exciting as CS.

Not many people know this but there were initially many other gamemodes in CS, one of which being "vip" where one of the CT members was the "vip" who had to be escorted to an escape point on the map. It wasn't that popular because it didn't offer the different layers of tactical approach that defuse had.

Nothing is appealing about it. Find a real shooter where the bullets go where you're aiming.

triggering other players in both team and opposite team.
nothing better than making them rage in their 1$ mic and get banned.

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but those secondary factors are not keeping me there. I would need to readjust these micro managements and so far this is really unforgiving for new players. Makes no fun digging into it either

I like multiplayer games where you move fast and don't aim down sight. Recommend me some fucking games aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Quake Champions. If you don't care about tiny playerbases, Quake Live or 3.

i like the mobility part apex legends but it sadly forces you to aim down sights
diabotical is probably coming in the next few months but I have low hopes for it

Skill ceiling is high and killing dudes feels satisfying thanks to good death physics.

It also looks nice and clean unlike other shooters that clutter the fuck out of your screen with icons and uselessly complex "art" styles.

It's just fun. You probably need to play more to achieve the highs. I've never found anything as enticing as the high of doing some retarded shit like acing with a Five-Seven on an eco and hearing my (dead) team freak out. Or being one-shot running around with a scout with bomb down and banging out a headshot on two dudes in quick succession to a win. Nothing quite so satisfying as entry fragging no-scopes down the Apartment hallway with an AWP.

And, obviously with exceptions, the community is solid. I've never hopped on Overwatch and had a fucking blast shit-talking with a team, instead some whiny faggot is demanding a character swap or crying about their incompetence instead of buying AWPs and "RUSH B CYKA BLYAT"

And the history and balance model have driven it to be what may be one of the fairest games I've ever played. There's no hit Q to win game, no healing, no rock-solid no exception boilerplate meta. I can rush A with a Mac-10 and if I get my grenade timings and shot placement good I can shit on 2-3 people just as well as I could with an AK.

TF2? Overwatch?

Just play CS: Source.

Source is the deadest of all Counter-Strike games. Aside from CZ.

Chivalry as a man-at-arms.

Dude what, It gets more players than Source.

the spray pattern is different based on your velocity

if your moving its much more eratic

if you want control slow down and hold positions

if you want to push you have a lot to learn

The fact that some fags wont be able to play competitive matches for some time after that one.

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All brazilians and russian with 200 ping

Enemy Territory, as long as you have a time-machine and go back to around 2004.

Its a game that enables you to win purely because you are good/better at aiming than the other person.

Total newfag to counter-strike here, CSGO feels really good to play compared to fps games I've played in the past.
I've only ever played deathmatch, but take that as you will.

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It's actually the exact opposite, you learned an arbitrary, bullshit spray pattern and can override someone else's higher reaction time.

>I've only ever played deathmatch
Play Casual. It's much more fun.

the retirement home. you're time is over, gramps.

Would be true if there weren't one click headshot weapons and the awp in the game.

The game is still reduced down to aiming skill even if you can control spray better than your opponent.

dirty bomb

Casual sucks, it's too chaotic and it's not designed for that.

Play one of the community servers with shit like re-take or whatever they call it. Or just standard comp. They kinda suck because there's a lot of hackers, but they're also good because good players will let you suckle from their delicate teats and hold your hand. And there's no loss penalty, either.

chivalry is shit

>200 players currently online

Don't pay this any mind, qc sucks dick
t. player since second test

yeah, sad. was a really good game

>csgo matchmaking still 64 tick
>can play faceit 128 tick for free
why doesn't gaben spend like 1/3rd of his donut budget on better servers?

Cause valve
They havent even fixed annoying bugs with their shitty new UI

>he hasn't been playing counter-strike for 20 years

It was appealing in 2000. The game pretty much hasn't developed since those days and it's a really bare bones boring shooter in 2019.

Yet it's still the most played. Really makes you think.

Most of the people playing it today haven't been playing it for 20 years or even gaming for 20 years. I wouldn't be surprised if most of them are younger than 20. It's also one of those things where it having a lot of players means it sort of self sustains through word of mouth.

I played CS for years starting from the pre-steam versions and playing Source and even Condition Zero while it was a thing. It's not a bad game but something like Siege just seems like a logical evolution of the game that I don't see any reason really to play CS after I've played Siege and could play that instead.

my main gripe with r6 is small holes in walls
looking for those small holes on cluttered maps just fucking sucks

Sure it's not a perfect game. I just see it as an evolution of CS. As such CS seems like an inferior game and I find Siege much more fun.

Siege is a hero shooter. No different from Overwatch.

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>Play competetive and just want to have some fun time
>Don't do too well because you're only playing for fun
>Some tryhard chink screams into the mic and votekicks you out of the game for being the last one alive and losing
>Day is ruined, you felt like your ejaculation was cut short
Why, just why?

>evolution of CS

>don't get punished for shooting while moving
>no money system

No, you are wrong

IMO it wouldn't be so bad if recruit wasn't hamstrung

>>Play competetive
>only playing for fun

One of these things is not like the other

just mute the angry 12yo retard

It's fun because it's much more tactical than just mindlessly gunning down enemies in casual without caring about hitting team mates

Actually this is fine, matchmaking is a shitshow of retards and stoners who throw games for literally no reason anyway. The real competition is on 3rd party pug systems so I don't know where to go from here, just do what that other guy said and mute your teammates, perhaps try voice_enable 0, alternatively respond to everything that is said to you with "you mad"

That's one aspect I don't really like about it. Especially since they seem to pushing it more and more towards that direction. Early on in its life it felt much more like a serious game and now its going towards this hero shooter mtx circus.

>don't get punished for shooting while moving
Well that's not the full truth but it's a design choice. I don't think there's one correct option.

>no money system
It evolved into a direction where it doesn't have a money system? Siege still runs on a very similar core concept to CS.

Ehh. They're gadgets with limited uses per round. They're actually one big part that makes Siege interesting because it makes rounds more different from each other.

You said it yourself, it used to be gadgets but it is becoming a hero shooter. Some of the abilities are literally magic, detecting where a player is currently from where they were 30-60 seconds ago or whatever the timing window is? Retarded design for casual apes is what it is.

CS:GO isn't fun, it's satisfying. It's an outdated, bare bones FPS but is balanced in how simple it is. There are infinitely more fun FPS games these days but most are an unbalanced mess. CS:GO is tried and true, you'll get an autistic enjoyment out of high level plays. Most of my gamer friends play CS:GO, mainly because they're cheapskates with computers over 10 years old and I just cannot get into it, it's so dull. I don't care about winning or losing, I just like games that are mechanically fun and the simple yet complex play style of CS:GO bores me to tears.

>detecting where a player is currently from where they were 30-60 seconds ago or whatever the timing window is? Retarded design for casual apes is what it is.
Jackal has one of the lowest, if not the lowest, offensive winrates.

He is one of many, I just don't know most of the new ones since I stopped playing when they released the magic footstep man

It's a middle ground of more serious of a game than your run off the mill COD and BF games, but not too much investment needed to play than other FPS games. This attracts a lot of people.

>not appealing
It may not appeal to you, but that doesn't mean it's not one of the largest FPS out there. 7 years later and it still has a massive following.

Some of the "tech" in the gadgets is a bit ridiculous yes but my problem is more in how they've shifted their marketing and presentation of the game towards the hero shooter aspect and the skins and shit. I don't like that shit in CSGO either. I don't like it in any game. Both games now cater to that fucking audience and they can go fuck themselves.

Skins are dumb sure but I don't think they really matter in CS, economy changes like the AUG price changes fairly recently, and the addition of astronomically retarded shit like the R8 when it first came out are much more harrowing expressions of their complete disconnect with what makes CS a rewarding game to play. Whoever has their hand on the button over at valve is at least partially retarded.

Skins don't really matter in the gameplay but they matter in what kind of audience the game gathers. And the people who care about skins are probably the most obnoxious gamers out there.

Fair point

>Game mode and economy system allows for a lot of different situations even over the span of one match
>Economy system also means you can go from being the underdog to favored after a single round
>No ADS outside of specific weapons
>High skill ceiling
>Even the 64-tick Valve servers are still better than most other game's servers
>Always something to practice even if you're pro
It feels very clean compared to a game like Siege where you can't even jump without the game's say-so, can't shoot accurately without ADSing, and both the maps and hud are filled with clutter. The economy system also adds a lot of nuance and decision making to the game by effectively giving you side objectives and both encouraging you to make risky plays and discouraging them depending on what state it's in for your team. You can be rewarded for doing well in a round you lost by denying the enemy team weapons or securing weapons of your own. Your team's gameplan can change from round to round depending on both team's economies and even average-ranked pubs are required to have some level of communication as a result. Having the game be asymmetrical at times also gives it higher highs when you play really well than most other games where you either can always spawn with the same loadout or that go too far and you just die if you round a corner as one character into a different one.

Overall, it's a genuinely well designed game. I can see why someone wouldn't like it but I also don't think it's hard to see why it's still so popular.

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Another thing about Siege is that even the cheesiest of angles in CS are nothing compared to the pixel wide peep holes where people will snipe you from 10 miles away without you ever knowing where you're getting shot from

don't pay this any mind, he just wants the game to be quake 3. qc is good.

>500 players online right now
It's dead.

go is fun for the first 5 rounds then it gets boring

CSGO is only fun to give the retards that play it 7 day cooldowns.

not really. i've been playing in that game for almost 15 years and i give fucks about them in zero sicrumstances

not what we're talking about. tribes ascend is dead, but Yea Forums has a circle jerk thread about it at least once a day.

Titanfall 2