What went wrong?
Quake Champions
Making Overwatch: champions instead of making a proper Quake game.
Outsourcing it to Saber Interactive instead of id making it
>No single player
>Different classes with overtrash abilities in a fucking quake
They never added Hunter.
Joe likes it
>asymmetrical balance
>no dedicated servers
>no custom maps
>no mods
>literal sub 50 IQ ape likes QC
Cant make this shit up
He is even worse than an ape, he is- may Shub-Niggurath forgive me for uttering this word- a Clan Arena player.
slow updates and hardly added new content.
>may Shub-Niggurath forgive me for uttering this word
>was into quake
>even played a bit of quake 3/arena online
>remember loving it
>get beta invite for this
>looks great, feels great
>get absolutely annihilated 24/7
>dedicate an entire weekend to playing, learning and trying at this fucking game
>can't even enjoy it at this point
>can't get any better
>reflexes were never great but now they are dulled even more
>memory is fucked, can barely remember the map/weapon/powerup positions
>have to also comprehend, remember and counter the abilities each "hero" has
Why are multiplayer games so hard now, Yea Forumsros?
well that artstyle for one, holy shit that looks lame
They didn't make another Quake 3 clone that would sell horribly and be dead twice as fast.
shitty coding, relegated to a single platform and dying audience of tryhards so new players like can't even break the entry level skill threshold to participate competently
what did I miss
This was my first quake and I at least got to a point where I wasn't being nuked at every encounter and knew pickup locations and timing half well
The biggest thing that gets me is that I don't mind the "hero" aspect of it, but everything surrounding it is shit.
>Speed cap
>Saber engine instead of Idtech 6 or whatever D44M ran on
>Network issues out the wazoo
>Game modes coming and going instead of being refined better
>No community interaction what so ever
It's sad because there are some good fan wanking moments in the game, but not enough to save it.
>this thread
Too casual for oldfags. Too old school for newfags.
Nice strawman. There are people in this thread who don't mind the actual core gameplay but think what surrounds it is bad.
Hes trying to say that even with the hero shit in QC there are OTHER arena shooters out there that are "true" to the originals but are just as dead
This. Fucking hell, its a total technical failure.
>dedicate an entire weekend
such dedication
then why are you not playing reflex or quakelive?
Back when I was 18 I could dedicate months, which I did with games
In my 30s, not so much.
quake is really technical, QC included despite its faults.
dedicating time to it means years, not months or days.
it's one of those series alongside games like tekken or starcraft where players who enjoy it really don't play anything else because it has enough nuance to keep it interested over 4 and 5 digit hour counts.
it tries to appeal to everybody and therefore alienates the majority
I like jazz and arena fps, what now faggot
By "dedicate" I more mean get past the fact that I don't like the game for the potential of liking it once I get decent at it
This is obviously impossible now, especially considering how many good games are coming out daily, which don't require this much time investment
I might just be past competitive gaming overall, not to mention the time thing
Quake Champion's failure is purely because of the game being a complete technical mess and shit marketing. The concept of champions is fine by itself, but the game is a janky, barely playable pile of shit that only after TWO YEARS has been in a state resembling "ok."
Autists who are mad it's not a carbon copy of Quake III never would have liked anything.
Man no one remembers the maps from Q3 because there's only two reused ones and one had the layout and pickups completely shuffled around.
I'm sure it went a lot better for you back when people cared enough to shit talk and you had to be in a clan to learn to strafe jump or figure it out yourself instead of watching one of the million tutorials on youtube though. Shameful ass boomer. Take a seat in the noob chair bitch -> \___
Here's your Quake 5 bro
people are trying to force it to be quake 3: part 3 instead of being a unique game
sorlag is more annoying desu. broken strafe hotbox, dot attack, tank stack, AND cpma movement. nothing like a tank spitting acid at you at 640 ups
>Take a seat in the noob chair bitch -> \___
Made me chuckle, thanks
Sad to see this genre not being as popular, but I bet people will be saying the same thing about Battle Royale games in like 20 years
>Retarded forced Matchmaking without browser
>No dedicated community servers
>No community content
this kills an FPS every time so stop asking
also QC is top tier retarded with the gametime to menus/waiting proportion, quitting server after every fucking match, waiting even for a FUCKING BOT MATCH
>autistic boomer rage
stop acting like a baby, faggot.
Fuck Zenimax, Fuck Bethesda, Fuck id, Fuck Saber, Fuck Russia, Fuck ZeRo4, Fuck Tim Willits, and most importantly, Fuck Adam "BrainError" Shitpyle
Long Live /arena/
no crash
>>looks great, feels great
Absolutely everything. I can't think of a single thing in this game that couldn't have easily been done better. It's like the game has been handled by literal retards every step of the way, which far as I know might actually be the case. Worst thing is, the game had its chances. If only it had been in a playable state and had maps and game modes and proper tutorials when there was interest. But no, even now, a year later, that's still not the case. Absolutely retarded. I still play it every day since there's nothing else a 200iq hardcore FPS player such as myself would play, but fuck if I don't hate it. Diabotical never
getting some retards to fucking alpha test their homebrew engine with the quake IP until it died
and now that they're close to finishing their saberbullshit they can just go and make whatever game they originally intended to produce
which sure as fuck wasnt a quake game
Repetitive gameplay, just like any other multiplayer game
Would rather have a memorable single player experience to replay once a year
Alienated the purist by not being quake 3 arena, and those who gave it a try where met with matchmaking system that does not work and takes ages to find a single game, terrible grinds to unlock anything and lootboxes.
it was a game for a market that was not there.
even the roster makes no fucking sense, none cares about the quake champions originals, yet they keep making more.
I was actually enjoying the game but one of the updates completely fucked the performance for me plus it kept causing the game to crash and I haven't really bothered to get back into it since, I might try it again properly now that they've changed the dueling
>make the game more fps arena like or we WONT PLAY
>game dies
I swear, Epic must be paying arena shooter shills to gaslight the devs into destroying themselves.
Game had a lot going for it and retards pretending the abilities actually beat aiming and map control were wrong since the first beta.
The real problems were lack of community support, forcing matchmaking that hardly worked and no private servers. And the final nail in the coffin which was the abyssmal netcode. Even if you got the piece of shit game to work goodluck getting anywhere in duel or 2v2 at higher levels. All you'd get are third worlders and europeans who abuse 150+ ping which turns your HMG and LG into touch of death weapons. It ruined the game for a lot of people. Games so small you'd run into the same brazillian duo abusing the same tactics. If you don't believe me just play on a high ping server and watch how easy people melt. Shit like this utterly kills any momentum players would have with the game and I'm talking diamond +.
Classes and microtransactions.
I'd rather just play Quake 3.
These posts are bait at this point
>even CM ditched the game
>Go into match
>Getting stomped on
>Teammates leave
>It's even more of a stomp now
The matchmaking can be summed up like that, Its hugely one-sided because people keep leaving.
It's not really something Bethesda can fix but it kills the matchmaking and any real fun.
I did enjoy the game but it's borderline unplayable with matches like this, Its fine to say
>Oh, But these are people who have been playing Quake for years!
Great, Cool, Good for them! When I've got more than a week's worth of experience I would love to play with them, But for now could I get some games where we're all still leaning?
I went a game a few days ago where someone on the enem team had 15* as much playtime as me.
>he doesn't stick with his arena FPS even when the entire fanbase consists of six frenchies and two lagging brazilians
some times restart video settings fix dat problem
all of these
why would I play Quake Champions when I already have Quake 2? First off, its a better game. Second, there are so many mods and custom game modes. Third, there is still a dedicated community of high skill players.
UI is bad.
Ultimates or whatever you call them are bad.
Characters are ugly but I guess this is also true of previous Quake titles.
Maps are very small and yet they take a while to load. Very poorly optimized.
Netcode is laughably bad. For a game series that set the bar for networking performance, this is just sad. Projectiles feel terrible once you’ve tried overwatch (which is a bad game for other reasons but is extremely well optimized and has the best netcode of all FPS games).
Lack of custom games and practice modes.
Micro transactions everywhere.
Sound design is bad. Character voices are pure cringe.
I tried liking this game, I really did especially after being let down by overwatch. But it’s just bad there’s no way around it
Saber Ent.
No one that says Memewasht shit knows a damn thing. The game is great when it works. WHEN it works.
absolute shit
Sodas and fluor on Colgate
They're there so you don't awaken Migate no user on the society
Sadly, it's the most fun i've had with a shooter in awhile because it's what a PROPER SHOOTER should be or always have been. OW isn't a shooter and anything you can mention right now is about fighting another player for real. They're all pretending to be.
But the netcode issues and other stuff is horrendous. Can't be played correctly. Doesn't want to be played. The December update broke the game even more and that was the last straw for me. Even if they did get it right by february again, my enjoyment was gone and I already returned to Titanfall 2.
It's sad because as I said, it was good fun, but not enough. UT4 never ever.
Biggest problems:
The format is terrible. QL's format of a highest-kill-count in 10 minute time limit gave much more open-ended opportunity for gameplay - various pro players would play situations differently depending on their skills. Some like av3k or EviL would play really aggressively and try to increase the kill distance their enemy needed to close if they were in control, whereas a player like cooller would just run the map and make themselves harder to kill. In QC there is no incentive to do anything except escape and evade if you are a kill ahead. Way less interesting things.
The weapons are too strong -- classic quake duels, rockers/lg/rail are as much about controlling movement as dunking damage on people. LG to push people around, rockets to juggle, and rail to halt momentum. There is a spacial strategy to these old duels that QC just has less of. The weapons are 95% about doing damage only.
The abilities (largely) don't make the game more interesting. With some exceptions, but things like the death knight/rocket combo is terribly boring, even for pro players, even though they have to use it constantly because it's so strong. Seriously, what are these abilities adding? Why have this differentiation between players? Whats the point?
finally, the Netcode is just terrible. HUGE registry problems.
Fix these problems and add some QOL stuff and I think the game will flourish. Quake is fine as it is -- All they really needed to do was make a graphically updated Quake Live, with matchmaking instead of servers and their game would have been twice as successful.
id software games just don't have much appeal without mods. Quake and Doom were pretty cool and all but truth be told there's nothing special about Quake and Doom over other FPS games. It was the mods that gave them limitless replay value and attracted players to them. When you got bored running through single player and playing duel or FFA you could play around with an ever growing pool of maps, player models, skins, mods and total conversions. This meant there was something for everybody. Not only does Champions not have any kind of modding, you're forced to play some game mode that never existed, was never ever popular in the entire history of Quake. id software must be run by the most incompetent buffoons in the history of vidya to have such a legendary IP like Quake and squander it this badly.
That's not all that's wrong. You could write a novel. But no mods is a pretty solid RIP and there never will be mods so forget about it.
Entire player base is gregor tier russians that will push your shit in and make casual play impossible.
Quake was cool when FPS games were still fairly young. Now the formula is fucking boring and people demand more depth and features from games. Bunnyhopping in tight circles around a broom closet map may be the pinnacle of FPS skill but it does not compete with modern games in terms of fun
There are assloads of people still playing Doom with mods. And there are tons of people playing arena FPS games online the population is just wretchedly fragmented. Between Quake 1-3, Live, QC, UT and a handful of lesser known AFPS games. We need one good arena FPS to unite the masses but Quake Champions ain't it. Not even close.
It's an arena shooter.
Quake champions has more players than any arena out there by far, don't pretend nostalgia tards speak for all of the community.
The problem is that Quake's competitive game mode was never "thee" game mode. During the height of Quake's online popularity back in the late 90's/early 00's, duel wasn't the most popular mode. The average normie playing the Quakes kinda "looked up" to duelers maybe but most Quake players were playing some mod. There was a symbiotic relationship between the playerbase being able to play the game however they wanted with mods and the top competitive players being able to reap the benefits of a huge playerbase who would watch their tournaments.
I know there are other modes like CTF and whatnot but none of these do justice to the original mods. For one forcing Champions cocks up the balance. The maps are no where near as good as some of the originals. And there are simply not enough modes of play. Where's Rocket Arena? Where Team Fortress? Where are all the maps I used to play? Quake Champions will just never have all that the original Quakes had to offer. Their game is balanced around 1v1 duel and attempts to shoehorn in other game modes are always going to be inferior to letting playerbase create mods. No mods and there's no huge playerbase to support your shitty duel mode with. Sorry if you don't like it but that's the formula that worked.
QC has more players only because it's advertised, free and easily accessible. Most players have no clue whatsoever about stuff like nnquake or q2s or CPMA. And QC still has a tiny community, smaller than Quake Live in its heyday. QC is the biggest failure in the history of Quakes. Even Quake 4 had a bigger playerbase in its prime.
The performance right now is better for me than it's ever been, but it still feels like sabertech jank and crashes sometimes.
The dueling change is literally just a renamed FFA on the test server right now and probably won't be around for a couple months, it's fucking crazy. At least they brought sacrifice back after ctf turned out to be garbage.
All that stuff you named is irrelevant and dead as fuck. UT4 was free as well and was used to promo the epic games launcher, yet it couldn't keep a 500 people playerbase for a month while QC has nearly 1000 after years. No one wants bare classic quake 3 arena clones anymore but some elitist and quake live rejects.
I was a active poster in /arena/ and I can even go as far as to prove I made the original Hampions image. I fucking hate how they wasted what could have been a good game if they fucking tried.
>All that stuff you named is irrelevant and dead as fuck
It's relevant because it shows the arena FPS playerbase is not dead, it's fragmented. The AFPS playerbase is fragmented because it's strewn across multiple generations and there hasn't been a single game as good as the original Quakes to unite the population.
>UT4 was free as well and was used to promo the epic games launcher, yet it couldn't keep a 500 people playerbase for a month while QC has nearly 1000 after years
UT4 was barely more than a tech demo. I played it. It's laughable that you compare a game like QC with multiple fully fleshed out game modes and trying to turn a profit to a completely free tech demo like UT4. The UT playerbase is fragmented and strewn across UT, UT3 and UT2k4 and also would be strewn across UT4 if Epic didn't shitcan it.
One good arena FPS would combine all the generations of Quake and UT players still playing today, the ones no longer playing who have given numerous reasons why QC is fail and wish for a proper AFPS as well as the other extraneous FPS games with small populations like Warsow and Xonotic.
Imagine a game with full mod support, dedicated servers, ranked play, single player, a bleeding edge engine and a massive entity behind it to support it with advertising and tourneys. That's basically what Quake was like back in the day and that's not even close to what Quake Champion is today.
Epic expected the fans to develop UT4 for them.
STILL THE BEST 1999-2019
>even the roster makes no fucking sense, none cares about the quake champions originals, yet they keep making more.
I like Galena. All the rest of them can fuck off.
>yet they keep making more.
Hasn't the last dozen champs all been returning characters other than Eisen?
they didn't pay Shroud and Dr. Disrespect to shill their game, yes really
>They haven't added Hunter yet
I never played quake before champions, the closet thing to it I played was halo 1-3.
I absolutely rocked at QC and I had fun with it. I was even better than my friend who also played quake growing up like you. I have no idea why I was immediately good at this game, the only fps I play is stuff like red orchestra/rising storm
>good games are coming out daily
What planet are you living on because it sure as hell isn't Earth.
>tfw no Unreal Tournament 4 because of Fortnite
Fuck zoomers
>No one wants bare classic quake 3 arena clones
Quake 3 wasn't even the best Quake in fact I'd argue it was the worst. fast =/= better. Quake and Quake 2 were already plenty fast as it was. Quake 3 just made everything retarded and really only worked well for 1v1 duels. All the mods in Quake 3 were inferior to their Quake and Quake 2 counterparts. I'm not gonna mentioned Quake 4 because it was just a confused identity game. It's like they wanted to make Quake 2 single player then they broke the multiplayer then just copied Quake 3 to "fix" it but the result was something subpar compared to the then free Quake Live. Quake Champions is totally unoriginal. They just copied the feel of Quake 1-4 in champion form and tacked abilities on. They couldn't come up with their own new take on Quake because nu-id software is garbage.