Character known for stealth

>character known for stealth
>stealth - noun [ U ] movement that is quiet and careful in order not to be seen or heard, or secret action
>in smash bros, he's a michael bay-tier demolition expert with a playstyle based around covering the entire stage with grenades, mines, rockets, mortars
>explosive - adjective - very loud and sudden, like an explosion
>doesn't have a single move that uses a regular gun, not even a silenced pistol
>smashcucks will defend this

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Other urls found in this thread:

>stealth in a fighting game

That actually fits his profile from the games pretty well since MGS was half set pieces anyway. Snake blows up all kinds of things with all the tools that he has in MGS1 and which are featured in this game.

>stealth in a fighting game

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>stealth mission
>spends ten minutes hucking grenades into a tank
He was never very stealthy desu

How does it feel to be braindead? Even without a stealth based playstyle, they can at least do better than a complete contradiction of the playstyle from the Metal Gear games.

Greninja's a frog ninja. You don't see him planting mines and firing rocket launchers.


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>they can at least do better than a complete contradiction of the playstyle from the Metal Gear games
You've clearly never played an MGS game

>special ops
>needs big toys to take out big boys
Lmao at ur life

>it's a "fag who's never played the source material thinks he's the smartest cunt" episode
it's like the idiots who say the white school uniform Joker is Akechi, holy shit

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And to illustrate my point:
This was the first video for this fight that popped up.
Don't try to talk about games you've clearly never played, dipshit.

Fuck off with your shitty bait thread

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have you ever fought a MGS boss in your life dude

Surprise cockfag

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whatever about that, whoever made his 3d model seems to have trouble with realistic humans

>white school uniform Joker is Akechi
I'm sorry, what?

some people genuinely believe the white uniform for Joker is Akechi

Hey guess what snakes moveset is finished and he's not changing no matter how hard you cry lmao stay mad kid loool

and yet he's a far better modeler than you'll ever be, worthless moron.


Have you ever even played an MGS game? They have dozens of unavoidable combat setpieces and boss fights, which is mindboggingly stupid in a stealth game.

If anything, his Smash design is just staying true to his games.

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He literally hides C4 you dumb cunt

How idiotic are you? They literally changed his down smash for Smash Ultimate.

Imagine eating his ass

His mission is engaging in combat in a special ring where swords and missiles don't kill people, only knock them back. Guns aren't all that effective in this arena, since they don't knock back much at all, so why not bring out weapons that you KNOW will launch someone several feet away?

His equipment suits the operation just fine.

Oh in smash? I still can't wrap my brain around this is makes no sense, why do they think that

the white phantom costume is. the white school outfit is not

>angry that a guy that fights 1 (ONE) helicopter with 992 rockets uses explosives in Smash

because they think persona started with 3

What a cherry picked image. Yes the game is linear. Its get from point A to point B. But there are many ways to get there, that involve using stealth.


yeah, so? I didn't get paid to do it. what a weird response, did you make it or something?

He meant changing his current moveset through a patch or something you diaper wearing redditor


Hilarious because Joker's Gun sucks ass, it turns out that Snake knew what he was doing all along bringing all of those explosives.

Also why does everyone pretend like his A button moves don't exist? His moveset is full of CQC, the classic dodge roll and even the iconic choke hold grab.

It’s almost like sakurai knew it is impossible to be stealthy in the conventional sense when the opponents camera is always fixed on you so that only leaves the unconventional means being hiding shit in plain sight

I’m willing to bet you hate snake because the explosives sneak up on you

H-he's fast!

Why are you referring to yourself in the third person, idiot? Pretending to be someone else to back up yourself? Pathetic.

>body disappears after thin air immediately after take-down
Embarassing. Stealth games from fucking 1984 had non-disappearing bodies that you had to carry and hide.

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he infiltrated smash in a stealthy way, nobody expected him
once we detected him, the objective changed to survive
you have to adapt or die in the battlefield

Snake uses explosives all the time
Both raven fights he uses grenades and missiles, against wolf you use the nikita and the stinger against Liquid's hind, naked uses the RPG against the shagohod and old snake can use the mortar in the middle east chapter of 4

this, war has changed

stealth doesn't work in fighting games, but stealth was incorporated into his move set and mechanics.
>Down b places C4 """STEALTHILY"""
>Shielding while holding a grenade """STEALTHILY""" drops the grenade
Snake also has to fight bosses like the Hind D and other enemies with mines, rockets, and mortars. So, Snake isn't always """STEALTHY"""
The rest is CQC which can be used """STEALTHILY"""

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It was never bait.
It's always just been a hook.
All these years, it's never been bait at all.

Aw shit its Nokia missles, I mean Kruschev missiles, I mean Nikon missiles.