how many times do you shower a day Yea Forums?
How many times do you shower a day Yea Forums?
none because I play Smash Bros. Ultimate.
How come a retard has a body like that?
>drags her off the couch toward the table
>you're going to hurt yourself on the table
what did he mean by this
0.3 to 0.5
twice a month
Shame she's autistic and has brain damage, would've been a good looking wife
holy fuck more
>a day
Define "shower"
Like just standing under a stream of water, or through washing, cleaning, shampoo etc.
I shower twice a week
If you shower (more specifically wash your hair with shampoo) you can risk damaging your skin
good lord
>those legs
>those milkies
>that face
She's so fucking hot. Is that guy her brother or something? How does he controls his boners when showering her?
0.5 times a day
She legally can't consent
dirty boy
I know the time is ripe when I am able to smell the stench of my balls when standing fully clothed
A shower is a shower. You can't say it's only half.
Retard or not, I would cut off my testes if it meant I could smell her armpits
No you can't you stupid fuck stop being the smelly kid in class and shower every morning
Quick rinse after working out
Longer shower every day or so.
everyday bro
esp since I lift
That's so incredibly ableist of you.
Once before bed.
10 years of uninterrupted routine. I genuinely showered with a garden hose for a week when I was at a friend's house on vacation and we couldn't get the water going for some fuckall reason. I'm physically unable to get into bed while dirty.
I've noticed where there are so many paedos and anime girls lovers here: you all want a girl who won't be able to say no to you like the girls in school did.
that's a girl
I shower every 2-3 days, sooner if I do physical activity or go out