Yea Forums: Movies games are bad!

>Yea Forums: Movies games are bad!
>Also, Yea Forums: Metal Gear Solid is a masterpiece!

Attached: Stealth game level design.jpg (650x519, 55K)

You have a shallow understanding of level design

thief levels are bigger than that

>Yea Forums is one person
I get that it might be little confusing to you, but the people complaining about linear games are not the same people that like MGS.

Both series are dead so it doesn't matter anymore.

Metal Gear games are all cinematic shit, but nostalgia is a powerful force

MGS peaked at Sons of Liberty.

Thief is boring as shit and so is MGS

Because Yea Forumstards like to think they're smart and value good games but they're also fucking weebs who suck the cock of retards like Kojima who make mediocrity.

Shit take

what thief level is that?

Good take

The left is a level from Doom or Doom 2, and the right is a juxtaposition to the average level once CoD set the standard for how modern FPS would be made, if anyone's wondering what the basis for this shitty troll thread is.

Kojima is a talentless hack. But MGS and MGS2 are fine games.

And we still have a better time with MGS

Its from Doom, OP is a lazy retard who just edited the text on the top. It was made like a decade ago to compare FPS level design.

I thought the original take was against Halo.

DooM's E1M6

Most people on Yea Forums are fucking abysmal at video games, it's why half the board at anyone time is bitching about how unfair something is, be it a FROMsoft game, characters in Smash being broken, or how having to perform an input to do a hadouken is artificial difficulty, or some shit.

The average kid on Yea Forums repeatedly comes off like a young DSP who would have trouble tying their own shoe laces.

Yea Forums has been known to always have shit taste. That is why they still have threads about Smash and 40k. The fact that you don't already know this only shows other people that you are new here. People are only on this board for cunny threads.

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I don't remember, it might've been, but there aren't really all that many cutscenes in Halo, at least not the older ones. Now that I think about it it might be against something like TLoU.

>Japan good
>West bad
How hard is this to understand?

40k is cool. don't make a cringe post like this when posting explosion cunny ever again.

>40k is cool
Looks like you will be achieving death by Megumin's hand. I wish I could say I feel sorry for you, but I don;t.

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Post more Megumin.

>Kojima's mediocrity is better than 99% of things released since Metal Gear to this day
How sad video games are


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Yet the OP shows japanese games for what they truly are: shit compared to actual good games. Japan only has an advantage with the current western industry.

thats not even thief thats doom

loli can be hot but its a shit fetish overall

I think the main point was about the linearity of the Halo levels. But yeah, can't say I remember it correctly, image is probably more than 10 years old.