How did they manage to make RetroArch's UX so horrible?

How did they manage to make RetroArch's UX so horrible?

Attached: xmb-playlists.png (1440x900, 493K)

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>not liking xmb
an hero

looks like PS3 interface to me

The only problem is making it obtuse to fetch rom thumbnails like in your pic. I shouldn't have to download a 5gb download of all n64 thumbnails to display 3 of them for FUCKS sake

They made it look like PlayStation OS which are all fucking garbage

ps2 os is fuckin based, faggot.

They decided to fit as little information on one screen as possible while making it "LOOK COOL"

retroarch seems to run all my games worse than just plain ass snes9x or vbam or any other specific console emulator, I don't get why so many people praise it.

XMB is the best console interface to date you absolute fag.

Shows you how bad console interfaces are

Basing anything on what is easily the worst console UI to date will do that.

Basically most people in the emulation scene

Whenever you want a better/easier UI to navigate, they respond "whats wrong with it"

Both Dolphin and cemu have better interfaces. Well almost any Windows style UI is better

i wish pcsx2 was better

Retroarch is a piece of shit in general.

just switch to the ozone ui or rgui

Anyone manage to get the haptic feedback in the new android version of Retroarch to work? I cant find anything on it besides people complaining about it not existing

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I like it.
They also have the desktop view if that's more your thing.

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That fucking laugh track makes me feel like someone injected liquid cringe right into my fucking veins. I hope whoever invented it is eternally rotting in his grave.

The new Interface is kinda nice.

Attached: RA.jpg (1282x1012, 290K)

>Pu this on my Switch
>Fucking somehow fucks up all my games forcing my to restore a backup
Never again.

The XMB was great and vastly superior to every other console OS, including the exceptionally shitty PS4 one.

switch ui is soulless


Name a better console UI then.
XMB might be shit in RA but on PS3 it was amazing.
Very fast to navigate and looked nice.

Three instances of laugh track in that fucking clip. There's some audio engineer all coked up with a big red "LAUGH" button just slamming presses out.
>I got windows 7
What in the fuck.

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On purpose though, Nvidia recommended something simple so the OS would be super fast

show me a worse ui

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Funny how something so simple ended up being great.

I love my Saturn but the UI is basically just a CD player and save data interface, not at all comparable to the XMB.

Because of the "works on my machine" argument. That said, retroarch has some really convoluted graphics settings that sometimes need some tinkering, or it'll fuck up the framerate.I wish they just did away with all of that autism.

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Attached: xbox-windows-8-metro-ui-5240614.jpg (606x341, 44K)

Why do so many people have trouble with retroarch? It's fairly simple

boner ui and the final 360 ui is absolute horrid garbage. what the fuck were they thinking.

You've set it up wrong

Retroarch is practically mandatory for emulation due to runahead and GPU sync. Standalone emulators have too much input delay and as far as I know theres no where to get those features outside of retroarch

XMB is only nice to a point. Ask anyone with a ton of games on PS3 or PSP it becomes a pain in the ass to navigate. Retroarch is basically that issue times 1000 with all the menus and submenus and minute tweaks.

>not using launch box in current year

Retroarch is only good because you can get emulators working right away.

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This, desu. Otherwise it's not so bad.

It is simple but is ugly as shit, and also using it get tiresome because of the shit menus.

It's simple to start up with default settings, but if you want to configure anything good fucking luck

>input delay
That's where I'll have to call bullshit on you. I can get full 16 hit combos on vbam consistently, retroarch i've neve rbeen able to get a single one. It's significantly worse for input delay, because it's varied.

Almost every emulation thread gets derailed once someone mentions retroarch, it's actually quite amazing how many idiots frequent these threads.
They hate it with a passion because they are too stupid to look through the options once to set everything up properly, which takes maybe 10 minutes at most.
Instead they argue that having 20 different emulators installed and having to set up each one individually is somehow more convenient than just doing it once in Retroarch.

Again, I dont know what you did but you've set it up wrong. I have no screen tearing, no lag and CRT levels of input delay for 8 and 16 bit titles. Do have your refresh rate synced? Do you have runahead and hard GPU sync on? Vsync? Are you scaling your resolution properly?

Ten minutes to set up an emulator is insane, that's a conservative estimate too.

I've never had any of those issues with vbam, you're telling me I have to put in thirty times the amount of effort to make it play exactly the same? Again that just makes me wonder why the fuck I should be using retroarch at all.

Launchbox got superceeded by Playnite.

why the FUCK does the retroarch UI get massive whenever i launch a game and get bigger based on the resolution
makes it literally impossible to tweak any settings because the text is so fucking big its larger than the screen

Because it was coded by people who have no idea what they are doing.

If by exactly the same you mean have less input delay then yes. Its takes all of 3 minutes to setup. And if needed you can have separate settings per core or even per game that auto configure when you load that specific content. This is super useful since not all games render at the same resolutions

Retroarch is super nifty, no idea why people seem to have so much trouble with it

the xmb is kino you plebian

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Most emus you don't have to "set up," you just unzip them, run the exe and load the file. That sure as fuck doesn't take remotely 10 minutes

By ripping off Basedny

>Very fast to navigate

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so there's no way to fix it?
do these people even use the software they make

>exactly the same you mean less input delay
No I mean I have almost no input delay on vbam and I have shit tons of delay on retroarch. You telling me I have to configure it to make it the same seems like a massive downgrade.
>separate settings per core
now you're saying I need to use different cores for different games? It seems super fucking inefficient. I don't have trouble with it, I've never used it beyond trying a few games, which it played significantly worse than standalone emulators, which is why I asked. You're getting defensive and insinuating vbam is worse, which seems like you're trying to hide how shit it is.

Inputs, resolution, filters, paths, BIOS are things you have to set up on almost all emulators and unless you are some sort of caveman when it comes to technology you'll have some preferences how things are set up, meaning you'll go to the options by default to check is everything is to your liking.
Make sure the render resolution is your desktop resolution and this shouldn't happen again.
A core is basically the same thing as a different emulator. Of course you can't emulate PSP games with a Saturn emulator!

Run ahead makes Retroarch have almost no input delay which makes it almost as good as playing on a CRT. You are used to the lag your emulator has but once you feel how responsive RA with run ahead or a real console on a CRT is you'll never be able to come back.

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use desktop mode, dingus

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you're an idiot.
Under video settings set RA to your desktop resolution and then set the game's render settings to whatever you want.
This will keep RA and the menus running the same size even if the game is only running at 240p native.

>mfw no Launchbox or Playnite on Linux

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Defensive? You're the one having a bitchfit while I'm trying to help with your problem. You will get less input delay with retroarch. It straight up removes built in lag frames from the game itself on top of every other delay reducing method it uses. No stand alone emulator can do that. You just have to set it up properly. I was throwing out suggestions but you seem more interested in bitching than improving your situation

RA was made for consoles (modded) and Android first. Linux PC second to last and Windows PC super last.

Why isn't that the default?

>Because it was coded by people who have no idea what they are doing.

still better than anything sony

But I'm not on a console. I don't want to navigate menus with a dpad when I have a perfectly fine mouse and keyboard that would be a million times faster.

Then use the desktop menu


Then quit being a bitch.

What in the fuck? Has RA finally entered the 21st century? Or are some options not available on this? I remember back in 2016 or so RA had no desktop pc menus really, besides a few toolbars at the top.

Wtf is this a modded vita?

As far as I'm aware you can't change most settings from this view, you still have to do it through the normal view or by editing the cfgs.

>be mouth breathing Sony retard
>good at haxing
>"PS3 is the best!! I won't pay for Nintendo hardware or software so I'll make the UI look like the best Sony console!"

You have to keep your mouse in the center of the window in order to click the item currently selected. If you click another item, it does nothing but scroll.

Why the fuck would you use a mouse with XMB.

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Literally no other UI has beat steam. Maybe it's just the access to a mouse and keyboard, but it's unironically really intuitive.
>type D O O
>doom is selected
>can start the game with the enter key
Almost every console UI sucks because you have to navigate it with a controller.


Reminder that Wii and Wii U have the best UI of 7th and 8th gen.

Friendly reminder that Switch UI is the best of 9th gen (I can only imagine how terrible and slow PS5 and XboneX2 will look) and is to the point because video game hardware should be about getting to your video games as fast as possible without lengthy updates or pre-installs.

Apparently there's some, "desktop", "mode", that you're supposed to use...? Didn't say anything about that on the website.

>if you click on something other than the thing you wanted to click, it doesn't select the thing you wanted to click
No shit?

Attached: eeeh.png (898x444, 130K)

>retroarch ui
the subject comes up in /vr/ sometimes
basically its meant for ports to consoles only, and it's ui on pc is better hid behind a frontend launcher

You can change it or design your own bitch.

If I have selected item 5, and I click item 3, it doesn't activate item 3, but rather it selects item 3 and in doing so scrolls the menu. In order to activate an item, I have to first have it selected (i.e. displayed in the middle of the screen), then click it.

So in order to select item 1, I have to click item 1, watch it move, then click item 1.

Ok so still shit, figures. I didn't expect SP to change his deranged anti-PC approach any time soon

Because it was only added a few months ago and is still incomplete.

What a shit piece of software.

It's made to work with a controller. It does its job well for the mission it's trying to accomplish.
And that's just the default UI menu, there are multiple ones.
What a tiring and repetitive complaint. Retroarch has other problems, UI ain't it.

Wii U's UI was trash. It was just a slower version of the Wii's UI with early 00s glossy buttons and forced you to press a button to switch between displaying it on the TV or Gamepad (because apparently Miis were too important to just have the menu visible on both screens at once).

Oh, I see what you mean.
Well that's a product of a ui designed for a controller I suppose.

Well if its new its good that they are adding it. I dont want to bash them too hard when theyre finally moving in a good direction to answer what a segment of the userbase wants

>im too stupid to know what these settings do so they should do away with them
You morons are a special bunch

retroarch is fine, you act like its some product someone sells, its open source you are free to design your own UI for it and cores/shaders

I wish it would detect which core to use automatically when trying to associate a file to open with it, instead of needing to specify the core as a command line argument. Mednafen handles this just fine.

Press F5 in retroarch

It was originally a ps3 emulation box you'd use with multiman so that design crossed over when they released it on other platforms

You can associate a directory with a core, I think.

How do I reset all of my retroarch settings
How do I reset my library, because scanning a directory will just make multiple listings for the same games
How do I record my gameplay

Mednafen was made by an actual emudev, not a front end coder.

>How do I reset all of my retroarch settings
On the main menu, Configuration File > Reset to Defaults, or delete your retroarch.cfg.
>How do I reset my library
Delete the files in the playlists folder in your install directory.
>How do I record my gameplay
There's a hotkey for it, no idea what it is by default. It's in Input > Hotkey Binds.

>Retroarch doesn't naturally detect PBPs for Playstation in scans
>have everything sorted into their own folders,
>manually adding 100+ games requires doing it folder by folder or PBP by PBP
fucking hell

Recommend me some obscure japanese PS1/Saturn games.


He means PSP and onward, faggot

Will they ever make the Sega Saturn core run polygonal games without everything slowing down and losing framerates? Last time I checked was half a year ago, but I'm fairly certain you're still unable to play Panzer Dragoon games without the core shitting itself.

>using pbp

I don't understand what problem Sony has with allowing you to order your shit or delete all that extra garbage is. I had to toss all my vidya in one folder and all the crap in another just so the UI looks somewhat not retarded.

try using something with actual ghz's not some ARM 1.xghz shitter mc shit cpu

Beetle Saturn runs at full speed for me