I'm feeling adventurous and bored enough to not dismiss every single JRPG as garbage. Which ones should I try? PC/switch

I'm feeling adventurous and bored enough to not dismiss every single JRPG as garbage. Which ones should I try? PC/switch

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Cute sharks

Chrono trigger

Shark Punch

Xenoblade chronicles 2


gorky 17


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Try some of the demos on the Switch. Octopath, Disgaea 5 and Lost Sphear all have demos, probably some more JRPGs too.

Play Ys.
The ones people suggest the most are Ys: Oath in Felghana, Ys Origin, and Ys VIII.

Where do I even start with this game

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Jaws Unleashed

I mean, those aren't really JRPG, they're action games with some RPG elements. Still really good though.

Can't go wrong wifh Tales. I would personally avoid Zestiria.

Shoot me a Tales game to start with

Persona 3-5
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario RPG
Paper mario 64
NieR + Automata

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Vesperia is a good one.

Start from the first you dummy

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Well now.
Seems that we have a stand off.

Vesperia is pretty universal. It's got a very basic plot but fairly complex characters as far as JRPG standards go. The gameplay is also more or less an introduction to the series, the only one I can think of with simpler combat is probably Abyss and the *very* old ones. Vesperia was my favourite until I played Berseria. Berseria might be more zoomer friendly, if that's your angle. But even then I would recommend Hearts R over Berseria to a newcomer.