What is the best modern equivalent of this game?

What is the best modern equivalent of this game?

Just got laid off of work and need to escape to my ship and kill some time...

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star citizen

I'll tell you when you find a new job lol


Freelancer still. There is no good modern equivalent though someone is working on one.

Star citizen looks nice. I don’t follow game news tho so I don’t get the joke if there is one...

That’s disheartening. It seems like there are dozens of space sim games on steam I figured one has to be good.

It’s a scam that’s taking forever to actually get anywhere.

Elite Dangerous maybe, sometimes I'll get drunk and plug in my flight stick and just fly around

Closest thing I can think of is Rebel Galaxy. Mod in some Dark Country and I spent a good long time on it.

Starsector is an adorable top down 2d space game stuck in perma-dev hell.

Any necessary mods or patches to get Freelancer working on modern computers in widescreen?

>zoomies missed on the Yea Forumslancer server


I feel bad for you, bros.

Attached: boomer street preacher.jpg (443x455, 96K)

It's still Freelancer.
3030 Deathwar is the top-down 2D lite version of Freelancer.
Upcoming Rebel Galaxy Outlaw may be good


I wanna go back, bros.

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Yea Forumslancer revival when? This shit looks fun.

Maybe you should spend that time looking for another job instead.

helium rain seemed similar

she actually reminds me of victoria from cowboy bebop so i dig her
I hop this game turn out good

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Freelancer with the discovery mod is still the best space game

Star Traders: Frontiers

Rebel Galaxy was fucking awful I don't understand why anyone likes that trash game

>star citizen started as modern freelancer
>it's now some bloated multiplayer focused monstrosity
Keep throwing money at it, fucking boomers. Maybe it'll make you happy one day.

Finally a cheeky Han Solo type ship captain who's a strong, independent woman. About time. Thank you, western devs. Will keep an eye on this one for sure.

This. Trese Bros are geniuses. I still play Star Traders RPG on my phone.

While game is genuinely good and expansive as fuck it has almost nothing common with freelancer, outside of being space themed.

So this one's actually proper 3D instead of the spaceboat autotarget embarrassment that was the first one?

Yeah they lost a bit of my goodwill with that move and the decision to make it an Epic store exclusive for 1 year. Still, the gameplay looks solid.

Yes, which is why I'm cautiously optimistic about this one. The original game was a bit of a letdown.

im not digging the stuff on the radio on this gameplay stream for outlaw but the game looks decent enough so far

Man i loved playing this online, farming money and doing pvp events

>it's now some bloated multiplayer focused monstrosity
Sounds like most Freelancer servers.

Star Citizen is not a game. It's a scam that sells concept art for an "upcoming" game that had its deadline in 2012.

It can't be worse than the whopping two cowboy buttrock songs that the first one endlessly cycled between

yeah he was talking about that in the beginning of the stream
apparently people like the western theme but not the lack of music
so now theres a whole gta style radio system with a bunch of different music types, doesnt sound great but i guess worst comes to worst you can just mute the music and put on your own stuff

have sex

What if having sex only made things worse?

Everspace has similar core gameplay (flying and shooting) but is structured like FTL. It's fun for a while and on GoG so an easy pirate if you wanna try before you buy.

guess I'll have to sail the seven seas again

Seconding everspace. Also fuck weeber drones

Why don't they put this game on GOG? It's one of my favorites and it makes me mad that I'm not able to play it anymore.

Isn't there mods to play it on modern PC ?
Check the pcgaming wiki.

Probably because it's in such a deep copyright pit that no one bothers to dig it out.

This. x3 came close

Fuck graphics.

>ASCII Sector (latest version 2016)
Free to play Wing Commander Privateer greatly expanded and now in ASCII only graphics.

>Star Fleet I: The War Begins (1984)
Defeat the Krellan and Zaldron in mission after mission as you work your way up the ranks. Manage every system on your starship, adjust shield strength, aim your torpedoes, deduce where the cloaked Zaldron enemies are, rescue space stations, board enemy ships and tow them to starbases, and wreck shit for as long as possible in between resupplying your ship with marines, energy, and torpedoes at your local friendly starbase.

Star Fleet I: The War Begins is an absolutely amazing and chill game. Be sure to track down the manuals in PDF form. It'll take you half an hour to figure out how to play but when you do it's really easy and lots of fun. It's a great game to play while sipping a beer.

BEWARE: It only runs properly on the absolute cutting edge newest DosBox releases. It runs fine on DOSBOX SVN r4088 (turn the cycles down to around 300). The save files will get corrupted on earlier versions.

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