Is SOMA the best video game ever made?

Is SOMA the best video game ever made?

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No, but one of the few with a character named simon.
Why is that name never used?

Simon is one of the most boring names

>shit """gameplay"""
>stupid theseus ship riddle that could be explained in a couple sentences spread into a """game"""


A running simulator made for zoomers to cope with the fact that they did not grew up with the golden age of survival horror. Gotta keep the future waggie alive somehow.

I'm not seething at all, it's just not much of a game and the whole concept of it is a literal 3-line riddle smeared all over a shitty game.

I see you don't know what a "running/walking" simulator is. Checks out that Yea Forumstards don't know anything about games.
Keep seething.

>running simulator
sorry zoomer, you missed out, enjoy the indie breadcrumbs that's all you will get

Your shitty games will never come back, boomer. Just give up.

No, but it's a fun experience and the ending section with the abyssal plain is one of the most atmospheric portions of vidya I've ever experienced.

Attached: soma.jpg (1920x1080, 262K)

You're seething. Nobody think this is best-of-anything except you and I'm perfectly happy lording my superior and unilaterally accepted opinion over you while you strike at me in vain from your temporal ditch covered in shit.

>when the fox can't reach the grapes, it screams that they are sour

This level of seething is unhealthy.


Have children.

>make the thread to get attention and validation from strangers on a chink forum
>don't get the type of attention that pushes you through the rest of the day

Have 3 children. One named Sarah, one named Oliver, and one named Alice.

I have children, now COPE

>moving goalposts
it just keeps getting better and better. is the whole fanbase of this genre like you? no wonder people despise it

Its a very interesting concept put in the shittiest genre possible.

You're the only one who despises it. Shitty boomer.

>at least one other user thrashes you while the rest of the board doesn't even bother to reply
>you're the only one
keep going son *tss* it's a nice game. are you winning? what's happening there, you move left and right and then restart the game? Oh that was the deep message. Good going son, the girls will love you.

You will never be daddy's little girl, you filthy transgender.

>2nd goalpost moved
keep going kiddo, nice soma thread you have, i guess no one gets it, it's too deep

Is your fucking vagina falling apart?

is that a quote from your deep intellectual game you're shilling here?

You're a man.

No, but it's okay.
The game part is kind of tedious but the atmosphere is a solid 9/10.

>Tfw you lose the coin flip

There is no coin flip you dumb fuck.

yes i am, what's new?

I love this type of game, and the voice acting is so cringey I literally can't even finish it.

It seems like a game built around a decent but simple concept but then you realize it's just a really simple and bland survival horror with really shitty enemy-of-the-level deisgn and tight corridors that enforce a really obvious path of execution. The best parts of the game were by far the atmospheric ones and those were just walking simulators and lore dumps outside of the main gameplay points.

sure thing Simon

>Boomers and their shitty opinions

No, it was ass to play and the definition of trying too hard. The only two standout moments were Carl and when you split yourself to get into the suit. It was on the whole pretty uninspired. Frictional peaked with Black Plague and it was all downhill from there.

SOMA >>>>>>>>>>> shit plague

Please, split yourself from the consciousness that made that post and then shoot that double in the back of his head.

Eat shit plague.

lol kk bud sure

I'm not a fan of horror games where you're a completely defenseless bitch. An entire game of hiding is very boring. Same problem I have with stealth games, but even those aren't as bad because they do allow you to kill SOME people if you're sneaky about it.

Grow up. Have sex. Have children.

no it's a mediocre sneaking game that just happens to have great atmosphere, all ruined by the whiny little bitch boy of a protagonist

people will support simon and bash YIIK when it's the same kind of douchebag in both games

Simon is dull for a very specific reason that's extremely important to the plot.

you first

FEAR did a good job of balancing that. Yeah I don't like Amnesia and such much because of how little you can do about the threats, on the other hand Clock Tower was great.

Great game. Underrated.

It's good and the sound design is Dead Space-tier which is top notch, but it's very easy and it's only got the story and atmosphere to go by. I can complain about how the game almost never explains how the monstars work on a meta level (except for proxies and the teleporting thing), which can make the first playthough just frustrating to get through. I found it to be extremely enjoyable when you can just take it all in on a second run.

HAHAHAHA what the fuck are you even talking about you massive faggot? The voice acting is bad, and they all sound like millennial faggots like you hahahahahaha look how ass-blasted you are at the truth, HAHAHAHAH!

It was a fun game, and interesting enough that I completely forgive the walking sim feel it had

Did you fucking make the game or something? How butthurt can you get over people not liking this walking simulator with monsters?


However, it's one of the best if not the best in writing.

It would have been a better game without the monsters.

If a game makes me think about it for days after I beat it, then it is great. It is in the Top 3 for me.

>being bored by a name
Fucking zoomers man

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Having Amnesia blow up on youtube back in 2010 was the best and worse thing for them. It gave them the power to hire Chinese room to make another Amnesia, while they work on Soma at their own pace. Both of these games had the same problem, they didn't make the game Amnesia fans wanted. People were expecting A Machine for Pigs to be Dark Descent 2.0, but instead they got a way scarier Dear Esther. That disappointment then made fan expectations even higher for Soma. Just like MfP Soma went more story driven and added little to the Horror gameplay loop. It sucks because both of these games are good, but might not be perfect Amnesia sequels...

>but might not be perfect Amnesia sequels...
Good. We don't need an Amnesia 2
SOMA was scary in its own way.

Good games are just as good as good sequels imo. Amnesia is itself like a Penumbra sequel, so I felt sated by the time MfP came around.

penumbras >>>>>>>>>> this zoomer shit

This. Amnesia was laughable but Soma has very creepy atmosphere. And claustrophobic.

>theseus ship
nigger what are you on about
did you actually play the fucking game?

you are a brainlet

Great atmosphere, shame it didn't really sell that well. Supposedly it sold enough to keep the company going for as long as necessary for a new game from the studio

It's another hide and seek game, correct? No methods of fighting back?

For 2 new games*

Yes. People still complained it was too "video gamey" so they added an option to play without the monster.


>People still complained it was too "video gamey"
Wrong. Nobody complained about anything, they just added a safe mode for those who are too scared to play the game.
>so they added an option to play without the monster
The monsters are still in the game though, they just can't kill you.

ITT seething boomers who think tank controls and pre-rendered backgrounds are good design choices. lol.

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