How important is the writing and the lore of an RPG?

How important is the writing and the lore of an RPG?

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At least to the extend where people dont need to ask stupid questions on twitter.

I would say pretty important since most people say they do not enjoy the combat/gameplay of rpgs.

If they’re not interested in realism why did they make guns require ammo? Why didn’t they let you swing melee Weapons from 200 feet away?

>this one thing isn't realistic
>therefore any and all attachment to realism should be eschewed

Also I'm pretty sure you could mod those things in if your fanny gets that flustered over "realism".

Lore has to be consistent to the world.
When its not the lore becomes pointless, why have it?

Answer. Because a rpg without it is shit.

Ghouls dont need food or water to survive so I dont see why you should question that any more.

Why didn't Pete say that?

Well, if we look at Etrian Odyssey, the answer is "not very."

how important are meat and vegetables in a meat and vegetable recipe?

Because he was not interested in discussing how realistic things were in an alternate universe post-apoc game w/ talking mutants and ghouls, it's right there in the picure OP posted

The kid didn't start out as a ghoul.

Imagine being a musician and putting out a single, and a fan asks what type of pedalboard you used, and you respond
>lol you actually listen to that shit? Not interested in talking to weebs. Get a life.

Has Pete Hines posted anything on twitter since the launch of FO76? Is he even still alive?

But ghouls start out as kids.

How did he stay sane? Why was he still a regular kid after being locked in a dark cage for 200 years?

Nice analogy, except that music is actually a form of art and video games are literal toys made for children.

>Muh slippery slope
Do you think you're smart when you say things like this?

That’s an excuse for laziness. Even in the real of your fantasy you should strive to find a logic to your ideas even if they are far fetched or technically incorrect, because it makes the player feel better about the experience and makes them feel like the story and world is more “thought out”. Any sort of hand waving like that at attempts to explain the story is obviously a red flag.

Stop playing fortnite and minecraft

But Fallout 1 said they need water to survive, which is why they don't want to give you their chip.

What source is there that they don't need water?


In the same fucking game on a different part of the map exists a settlement full of ghouls that can be seen farming crops.

In Fallout 3 the ghoul exclusive city "Underworld" has a bar where they sell food an alcohol.

Ghouls aren't some alien race. They're just heavily irradiated humans with a severely decreased metabolism that makes them age slower than normal humans. They still need sustenance to survive.


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>In Fallout 3 the ghoul exclusive city "Underworld" has a bar where they sell food an alcohol.
thats it
im gonna pirate the game
doesnt bethesda know exclusivity is bad and anti-consumer

This, play some patrician high iq requiring 3rd person narrative for grown ups that is extremely engaging and thought provoking, and doesn't use the word fun

More then any other genere. RPGs heavily involve immersion so having a good story is actually integral.

>taking Bethesda Fallout seriously

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