Why are people here so against owning multiple consoles or platforms?

Why are people here so against owning multiple consoles or platforms?

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They're children that are only allowed one platform or third worlders that have to spend 6 months paycheck on one. They have to try and justify their choice somehow.

I think the average veetard has a few consoles. Consolewars is all in jest. I have 17 somehow.

they're not, they're just poor.

Maybe I underestimate how destitute the average user is.

its just for fun. no one actually cares which console "wins" a gen or the snoy/söy memes

Spics who can hardly afford one.

a lot of eastern europeans and russians post here. its not their fault they dont live in the greatest country on earth.

>why are people against waste and inefficiency

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Having the illusion of wealth just because you can get in debt easier than us doesn't make the states the "greatest country on earth" famalam.

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Buying a console for the exlusives is retarded, buying them just because is even more retarded.
There is not a single good reason to own a console to begin with.

Having more choice is always good. I know you've deluded yourself into thinking otherwise, but consoles are very much worth it.

i really really like that comic, mind if i post it into the bookkeeping whatsapp group of my company? Stephanie will love this!

Yes, Bloodborne.

Sure! Have another one. Say hi to Stephster for me!

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because why the fuck would you buy a system for a few exclusive titles?
Most games are multiplat nowadays. Not every game os catered to me amd that's fine.

Too poor or mommy won't buy them a second console.

oh I forgot, lots of children post here too.

There are much more than that.

Because anything that isn't Steam on a self-built PC is a fucking scam

Because most of Yea Forums are either genuine kids, or 3rd World Shitters who are living in abstract poverty - neither of which can afford multiple toys to play with

Theyre underage

Older than you amigo, older than you.