Switch ui redesign mock-up

switch ui redesign mock-up

Attached: switch redesign.png (1920x1080, 895K)


>copying snoy


Funniest thing about Switch UI mockups is the added features and games that are never going to happen

Too cluttered. The Switch UI is already as simple and elegant as can be.

is this anita sarkeesian?

Attached: 1.png (165x130, 53K)

Regular ui is fine though
What we DO need is more fucking themes, it's been two years and there's only a light and dark one

Odyssey does have achievements

You can have themes if you hack it

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>2/3 of the screen is the nintendo switch logo

turn it back

>same thing now with cheevos



Zoo wee mama



Attached: HIRE THIS FUCKING MAN NINTENDO.jpg (640x854, 88K)

Why would you want achievements ?

The Wii had the best UI.

Attached: 14621321942779559936_screenshots_2014-05-29_00001.jpg (1024x575, 114K)

3ds did it better

There are CFWs that have better UIs than this

looks like trash

prove it


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I just want to be able to set the menu into grid mode by default while keeping the normal menu options.

i just want achievements :(


That’s some serious case of schizophrenia

My only problem is that you couldn’t use a GameCube controller


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Looks terrible, achievements and manuals can be hidden in the + menu, so it just changed for the worse. Just bring back the 3DS' game grid + folders + themes

Why did they change it? The menus on switch look tacky and shit.

The only thing I would change about the switch UI is a background theme. I hate this modern minimalistic stuff. It's so fucking dull. Put some background music in there for fucks sake. Even the ambience the Wii used was 10x better

Seriously though, is there any legitimate reason Nintendo hasn't added achievement systems to their games?
Fans would eat that shit up, my opinions on cheevos aside

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Attached: 1410904546894.png (400x504, 323K)

That's fucking awful

Because it took a year and a half to boot.

wii u menu was actually sick

Tacky? They're pure minimalism

So tired of all the flat, soulless, google mimicking material design.

but thats just the current UI. The only change is that the buttons are now on top