Ninth Generation

>"Pushing 12 tflops"
>Expected retail price: $499

>Next Xbox
>"Better than the PS5 performance wise"
>Expected retail price: $549

The ball is in Nintendo's court, where do they go from here?

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Other urls found in this thread:

They will move on to 7th gen.

Nintendo is a handheld company now. Right down there with mobileshit. 2 gens behind in hardware. They're not even part of the console industry at this point.

10 year old hardware, ports of games from this gen, and games created solely for babies that retards also play because they're retarded.

They'll create a tablet with equivalent power to the iphone/Samsung galaxy two-three years ago. I shit you not.

have the next console improve on the switch's design. they have a market that the other two aren't entering so there's no reason to abandon it until it stops working.

>Finally get a real generational leap after 7 years of gimped mobile CPU consoles
>MS and Sony trying to outdo each other in terms of performance specs
>24GB of shared GDDR
>Knock-on effect on PC gaming because consoles with decent specs and servicable desktop CPUs actually become the baseline that devs aim for now


>Nintendo is still charging $300 for a fucking iPad 2.

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>Insult Nintendo
>Wouldn't dare say any of this to the face of a Nintendo fan, or at a Smash tourney because you know you'd get beaten up

lol, faggots.

*ahem* I think you forgot the REAL winner, OP

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Nintendo knows they are a gimmick toy company now. They will have another WiiU tier flop next gen and exit the hardware industry for good. Then they will start putting their happy meal games on other platforms

How's Switch going to get ports for next gen games? It's a 9th gen console that sometimes struggles on 7th gen games, the console itself is a fucking disaster of hardware had it not sold purely on it's gimmick.

I guarantee you I could spit in a nintard's face and all they would do is continue to sit there in their own shit-filled pants.

based atariposter

>They will have another WiiU tier flop next gen and exit the hardware industry for good
lmao you faggots said the exact same thing about the Switch. This is the pathetic.
>Just you wait 3-4 years from now, your console will flop!

Maybe Sony will actually have some games this time

I hope Nintendo makes a ps4 tier handheld. For playing on my living room with high specs I have my pc

Its not. Its going to be a repeat of the Wii. Too weak for next gen ports but its too popular to ignore so third parties will be forced to make shitty exclusives for it or else investors will have a shitfit.

Yeah, "games" like Mario Party and Wario Ware amirite?

Retarded newfag kek

>shilling for PC boxes while shitting on iPads
good goy

They don't need ""performance"", they aren't selling ""performance"", they're selling fun at a reasonable price.

They just released a VR set that is literally cardboard and plastic you set up on your switch, and it's extremely fun to use, all while only costing $40. That's like 15% of what PSVR costs, for a more fun-oriented experience. Congrats PSVR, you have ""Performance"", at a very high cost.

The next Nintendo console will probably be like 10tflops tops, and cost like $300 bucks, and that's looking like 5 years into the future of course. It'll still be more fun than either of the competition.

Is this one supposed to be shitting on everyone but Sony or just Nintendo? Because the skeleton Xbro looks rad as fuck and the Pcbro is an absolute unit.

smallest increase in power ever
the game will look the same with many cross platform titles
they are going to sell very poorly

Its why sony is pushing vr, to give more of a reason to buy one
but vr is dead

>10 year old hardware
TX1 is from 2015

Who are you quoting

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The switch is an xbone tier flop already. Less sales too

I'm done with Sony next gen, the one-and-done movie games just aren't worth it. Bought a Pro hoping it'd have a library by now and Bloodborne and Gravity Rush 2 still remain the only exclusives worth a shit, all those other "japanese exclusives" ended up coming to PC anyways.

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Maybe you should get laid.

I rarely glance at Yea Forums, and every time I do I see these threads and remember why I don't come here. Why the hell do these threads stay active? There's 0 discussion here, it's literally autistic circlejerking of "ERR NINTENDO MAKE SUCCESSFUL CONSOLE, THAT BAD! NOT 12TFLOPS? THAT BAD!!!"

Is it literally just pic related where autists see other autists shitposting and do it to fit in? Do autists derive fun from pretending the game console they don't own is some massive trainwreck even when it's successful and people that have it enjoy it?

Attached: You see we are all the monkeys and we follow past shit just because in the past it made sense but we (1196x890, 361K)

Oh, you mean Sony's Kinect? Next gen is going to be an exciting time to shit on SonyPonies

>having gay parade movies
Fuck off faggot.

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Switch is about to surpass Xbox One sales, 2 years vs 5 years bby

The switch has been out for like two years you won’t see shit from them for a while

Looks like just Nintendo to me.

Another gen and another 10 years of only nintendo and microsoft making profit

Post THAT webm

>That's like 15% of what PSVR costs, for a more fun-oriented experience.

The head tracking is shit and it has absolutely no dedicated software though. The challenge with VR has always been visual clarity because it's literally two OLED screens taped to your fucking eyes. The hardware NEEDS to be adopted and improve if we're ever going to see the market develop.

Like how fucking dumb are you?


Back to /jp/ shitter.

>nintendo jumping from 0.5 to 10TFLOPS
the A12 bionic can't even achieve 1TFLOP and that is a chip used in a $1000 device, what makes you think nintendo can somehow get over 10x that performance?
Yes, the next switch will be faster but be realistic

Just bought pic related with Joust, Adventure, Pac-Man, ET, and Space Invaders a few weeks ago.
Aside from Pitfall, what are some other must-have games for this?

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The only real answer

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If they don't go full Wii U they could just have a strong launch catalogue while the other two are playing catch up.

Imagine actually paying $300 for Tegra 3 Ouya era hardware architecture. That's what nincels will be doing in 2022.

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Sony sells hardware at a massive loss and usually is brought down by their other markets failing
Lile they're planning on shutting down sony pictures

Nintendo will be Sega in 10 years, mark my words

>it has absolutely no dedicated software though
It comes with a game card with software, there's like 8 main "games" and then 64 minigames, alongside dev tools to build your own games, 33 videos you can watch, and a bunch of other little shit. They're putting more stuff out there too, Mario and Zelda are both getting free VR DLC updates this week.

It's $40 senpai, I don't know what you were expecting for that price but for $40 it's a fucking steal.

already did, a lot. probably because I wasn't busy shitting my pants and marketing myself as a retard by playing toddler games in public.

No better than paying 500 dollars for some weaker PCs

I specifically said 5 years from now. Nintendo is generally about 1 gen behind in tech, and 5 years from now 10TFLOPS is about what you could expect if Sony and Microsoft are both putting out 12+TFLOP systems right now.

There's kind of a deep irony that this experiment never actually happened yet it gets recounted none the less

Imagine paying $500+ for no games.

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river raid
donkey kong

Nigger Astro Bot was one of the best games of last year and it was so good Nintendo is now adding a "VR" mode to Odyssey that plays just like it

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yea sure you do

PS5 and NextBox will almost certainly be sold at a significant loss. Combined with the giant economies of scale both companies command in the supplier marketplace, that means you're not going to find a better priced PC of equivalent power (at launch anyway).

Meanwhile Nintendo charges you $300 for technology that's featured on $100 Chinese tablets.

Cope more, Pokemon will have made 200 Billion by the next 10 years, Nintendo will be making consoles long after You die

Nintendo doesn't even attempt to compete with Sony/Xbox/PC anymore, and I say that as a huge Nintendo fanboy
they're running a completely different race than every other competitor

Literally impossible, if Nintendo was ever in danger of failing all they'd need to do is say "Hey Microsoft, want to buy the rights to some series we don't use anyway like Star Fox?" and they'd get enough money from the deal to survive instantly.

Of course that's nonsense as they not only profit on console sales, but basically every 1st party game they make has huge profits, and they even do side projects like mobile games now, which also pull in millions monthly with no end in sight.

>It comes with a game card with software, there's like 8 main "games" and then 64 minigames

And they are all complete shit. This is like shilling the fucking packaged minigames that come with the OR for goodness sake. Are you really that starved for games? I mean I know Nintendo's had a quiet 2019 but jesus.

>50$ more for better hardware
I don't see the problem. The X was 100$ more than the pro and the difference between the two were night and day. It will be the same case here, but at an even less difference.

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Pretty much, they're so much bigger now owning the largest media franchise, even bigger than star wars and marvel

Not an argument snoyboy. Fun > Graphics


This. They are the only fish in their own pond.

It doesn't have to have actually happened to explain modern Yea Forums, it's very clearly a case of shitposters pretending to be retarded until real retards saw that and thought they found a home full of other retards to nest in.

The real question is: Who is the current majority? People pretending to be retarded, or real retarded people?

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>that means you're not going to find a better priced PC of equivalent power (at launch anyway).
imagine actually believing this

Switch owner and long time fan here
Nintendo needs to move into next gen, because the current switch hardware is too behind to keep up with what will be coming out on next gen. A switch update won't be enough cause It'll still have the limitations of the switch. Ps5/xbox 1080 will be to far of a jump from where the bar is set by the current generation. Switch can barely already keep up.

Sure thing user.

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Yea, but it's gonna be worse than a high end pc from last year

>Have won the previous 4 console generations
>Will win the next one

Keep seething Nincels. Sony is here to stay.

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>pay triple the price for performance, or regular price for something that's actually fun

Attached: bait.png (817x1264, 22K)

>who is the current majority? People pretending to be retarded, or real retarded people?
Is that really such a distinction

Sony lost the ps3 gen and ps1 gen

I don't get it, McDonald's has a console now?

>The ball is in Nintendo's court, where do they go from here?

Simple, they continue to not let the west coast dictate what is and isn't in their games.

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this, they have no stake in this. They were already pushed out of the competition and doing their own thing now.

Hey guys I'm thinking about starting a patreon, the funding will go to me tracking down Eric and giving him a rusty reaper.

Both of these people are just having fun, so what's the problem?

>but it's gonna be worse than a high end pc from last year

We'll wait until launch, given that the PS5 is likely to cost Sony $100 per unit sold, I doubt very very much you'll be able to buy a PC of equivalent performance for 499.

Bear in mind that the component marketplace has been completely destroyed for retail buyers because of buttcoin fuckers too.

>If you don't like snoy you are nintentoddler
This retard pictures the actual state of this board.

I still don't think mobile GPUs will reach 10TFLOPS in 5 years. Even if you don't account for the moore's law plateau you'd need over 6 years to reach that point

Nintendo can get away with it because unlike Sony and Microsoft they've literally always had a 100% guarantee that they would produce quality 1st party games found nowhere else (legally). Nintendo is the owner of like 30% of all IPs worth owning in videogames, and of like 90% of all IPs that are known by normies.

>Component manufacturers will sell me GPUs at a loss
>I can command the same prices as a giant manufacturer buying 20,000,000 parts at a time

The absolute state of Nincels.

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>Sony lost the PS1 era
>Best selling console several times over

lmao'ing at your life nincel.

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instead, they'll let china dictate what is and isn't in their games.

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This shit was spewed for the PS3/360 and PS4/Xbone. The new generation might be the first to natively have 1080p60fps, but more than likely you'll still be looking at 24fps for the majority of games.

>PS5 12 flops $499
>Nextbox better than that $549


oh and Mario: Mushroom Kingdom the Boardgame $199

Mario Kart expansion to the Mushroom Kingdom board game $199


Nintendo fans, what are your thoughts on this video?

Spoiler: Nintendo have been censoring games for decades now.

>Nintendo is the owner of like 30% of all IPs worth owning in videogames

jfc, this is your brain on Reggie's dick

A few million is not enough to keep making consoles. They will just focus on tablets and smartphones like they've been doing

>Literally too retarded to see the point
Sony put out a great VR game last year, so fun that Nintendo is copying it for their VR
And it's made with cheap cardboard and has garbage tracking

So in 2018, one single Sony division made more money than all of Nintendo, including its mobile games?

>This shit was spewed for the PS3/360

Correct, and they sold at a loss at launch and represented a genuine generational leap.

>and PS4/Xbone

Incorrect Nincel/P-Cuck. Both Sony and Microsoft stated categorically to investors they wouldn't repeat loss-leading pricing strategies for the PS4/One, which is why we got gimped mobile CPU tech for both. Massive recession plus PS3's abysmal launch were what contributed to that.

le gabe xD

>starved for games
>on the console with the most high quality exclusive titles coming out per year
>that is now even taking previously console exclusive titles like Cuphead and likely Halo too.
>when we got free Smash level editors with online sharing literally this week
>when we're getting Pokemon and Metroid and Animal Crossing and Mario Maker and god knows how much else in the next year or two

Attached: BLUB.png (468x560, 241K)

whoever made this video seems to be enjoying themselves

Nintendo will still take a few years because they offset their releases by about half a generation. You'll get a PS5 in 1-2 years, then a new Nintendo console in ~6 years and then wait another 4 years or so for the next Sony console. Nintendo stopped directly competing with Microsoft and Sony ever since the Wii cause it's just a power struggle and gamble on who gets the best 3rd party support. The prize for the winner is black numbers, while the loser gets red.

But Yea Forums isn't a place to be aware of that. It's much better to ignore it for constant console war shitposting. Might as well watch these curves and shitpost according to those.

Attached: SonyVSNintendoSales.png (1303x605, 72K)

>he thinks he knows about the ins and outs of console manufacturing
You're just a retard falling for PR talk in the end

>It will be better than PC
>And the other guy's shit too
Everytime they say this shit
And you gobble it up like its actually going to happen
Every fucking time

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honestly what would happen if Nintendo released a home console in the range of this power?

It's true though, they factually sell hardware at a loss. Quite obviously you won't be buying PCs at a loss.

>Jewpanese working together with bugmen.

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>that is now even taking previously console exclusive titles like Cuphead and likely Halo too.
Nice, I play primarily on PC too, but we're discussing the Shitch/Onions-tendo here.

12 tflops of bullshit, microsoft and sony are trying so hard to make their console "Gaming PC as Appliances".

both of these are already outdated by now
why would i want to play a censored game at 30fps 960p upscaled with fake raytracing

Well yeah, at least people that are truly retarded have an excuse

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>ins and outs
Yes, I'm so pretentious "pretending" to understand really advanced concepts like loss-leader pricing and attachment rates. Sony and Microsoft just completely made it up in the PS3/Xbox 360 era, they didn't actually sell them at a loss at all. They just doctored their accounts to make them seem worse than they actually were... which makes absolutely no sense.

a gaming pc is already an appliance you fucking retard

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Why indeed when you can play a game with mobile quality graphics and smartphone quality draw distance rendered at 720p and running at 20 frames like Zelda: BotW?

You don't because you dont work those companies

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>says someone on Yea Forums, who hyperactively swaps between hating on all the different consoles he plays even within 1 thread
Seriously Yea Forums, you can't post these threads and then claim there's nothing wrong with people just having fun. This entire thread is you making fun of people that just have fun!

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>some autist makes a video acting like a retard

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How did it lose the 5th gen when it sold triple the amount of the second best selling console (n64) of that gen?

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Says right there they made less profit every single year the PS1 was out.

i didnt mention the switch because i was talking about consoles, not handheld on a super gameboy.

>ps1 gen
>outselling N64 multiple times

Who said it would be mobile? Nintendo could go for an actual console in 5 years, and a successor to the Switch in like 7 years. Similar to how they succeeded a full console with a hybrid, they could later succeed that hybrid with a full console, and then continue the hybrid line in the other direction than the one it started in. Nothing stops Nintendo from having 2 "home consoles" in 5 years, just like nothing stops them from having 2 "mobile consoles" today.

Only shills care about company profit

Not him but you're retarded. The PS3 started retailing at something like a $200 loss. The 360 significantly less (like $100 or something). This is factually established. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here. Are you claiming that console manufacturers lie about selling their products at a loss? Why would they do that? It's not something investors like to hear, they'd prefer each unit generates a profit when sold.

What division are you talking about? SCE or Sony Corporation as a whole?

What non-Nintendo IPs in gaming can actually rival shit like Mario, Zelda, Kirby, ect? There's no chance in hell Nintendo has under 30% of that tier of IP.

Why would you support sony with the recent shit they've been pulling?
I don't understand, Nintendo fans hated censorship during the Wii U era and they ended up being changing it for the switch

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Reminder that China was the only reason PS4 outsold Switch.

Nothing, because Nintendo doesn't care about power, they care about quality games. Sure, they would get the "muh performance" fags to buy from them, but at the same time they lose sales from the gamers that can't afford an extra $200 to make the console slightly more HD.

I don't understand people that jerk off over hardware and specs, yet are still dedicated console warriors.

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name 10 videogame IPs that rival Pokémon, Mario and Zelda. I'm waiting.

Maybe Mario and Zelda, but Kirby? Or fucking Star Fox? These franchises aren't as popular as you think outside of core Nintendo fanboys. Things like RE, MGS, Halo and even Half Life have far higher brand values than Kirby m8.

> Nintendo fans hated censorship during the Wii U era

No they didn't, they just called you a sony fanboy if you complained about the shit they pulled with Fire Emblem etc.

t. Have been on Yea Forums for years.

PS4 outsold Switch in NAM, LATAM and EMEA too though.

Pokemon is literally the most profitable brand on the planet

You've named their three biggest franchises, which are admittedly huge. But outside of those three, things like Kirby and Star Fox are simply not that well known or popular anymore.

Remember how the WiiU was $399 at launch?

>PS4 outsold Switch in NAM, LATAM and EMEA too though.
Never happened. Keep seething.

>Things like RE, MGS, Halo and even Half Life have far higher brand values than Kirby m8.
Yeah, those 4 outrank Kirby, but that wouldn't push Nintendo below 30%.

>PS4 outsold Switch in NAM
No it didn't actually.

>Trying to insult sony's product with Microsoft's fuck up
You got that backwards there bud, sony isnt the one trying to spy on you 24/7 and ban you for saying fuck.

>all this falseflag sonychad posting
Nintendo will still win cause 2D SOUL. Xbox and playstation going for that soul LESS 3D.

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>they care about quality games
I'm going to stop your bullshit right here nigger.

Nintendo hasn't made quality in atleast a decade now. They still don't have anything of Bloodborne's calibre. Nor of God of War's. They just cling to the same safe toddler-oriented ideas over and over again. Zelda was raped. There is no other way to explain BoTW but a complete raping for the western open-world audience. The rest is the same recycled toddler shit for decades. Nintendo does not make quality games. They make children's toys.

Attached: innnovation.jpg (2054x666, 282K)

Gonna be very tough to convince me to buy a Piss5 after all the games they're censoring.

none can rival the power of Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon, but Halo, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, and Elder Scrolls alongside multimedia franchises like Star Wars, Marvel, and Disney can compete for popularity

>Switch has sold more than the PS4 everywhere but China

Where are you getting this from?

What about Fortnite, CoD, Minecraft, Uncharted etc? I could go on for a long time.

Buying a console is like buying a prebuilt, except one of them has games made for it

You say that, but if I remember correctly there were people that were very upset about minor changes and memes being in their localisations.
Hell there were constant threads with the censorship stuff, I only learned about the Fatal Frame, #FE and Fates censorship from here.

They continue making handhelds until mobile pushes them all the way out, then they go software only

The PS4 has been out two years longer than the Switch, of course it's not going to be keeping pace in 2018. Lifetime sales are another matter. How do you think the Switch will be performing in 2021 when the new consoles have arrived? Pretty poorly.

Those are people who happen to own Nintendo platform(s) and enjoy games on them. They're not "Nintendo fans" per se. That's a different cohort entirey: think Dobson, MovieBob et al.

>God of War being even worth considering
>Zelda was raped.

Attached: hey.jpg (900x1200, 128K)

>where do they go from here?
They'll associate with Google and have the power of Stadia™ in the Switch.

Attached: Stadomination.png (1200x1200, 707K)

Age does not matter in the long run. Appeal does.

PS2 was outselling PS3 in its first few months, because it was more appealing.

God of War is the type of game that Nintendo will never make - ambitious AAA mature-oriented games with proper mythology and story on top of great gameplay.

Nintendo takes no fucking risks.

We'll see. Nintendo fans haven't been too accurate with their predictions until now.

And we all know what age does to Nintendo products.

Attached: ps-wii-comparison.jpg (756x759, 47K)

Yea just like Switch was going to sell worse than the Wii U lol

Wii was the outlier due to it being a fucking fad. Patternfags were a mistake

>God of Every modern AAA narrative and gameplay cliche

Attached: Superman_Face.jpg (464x550, 152K)

>God of War
>3rd person over the shoulder cinematic game

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The fact you even find consoles valid forms of gaming entertainment is the real problem

Nintendo is already irrelevant to most core users. Even if they decide to release an upgrade, it will be a shit tier one due to their poor choice in hardware.

Labo isn't a game, autist, it's never been marketed as a game and it doesn't try to be one. Labo is the equivalent of an art project/gaming hybrid, the concept is that parents can spend some money to get their kid to actually do something creative and thought-provoking instead of playing Fortnite all day, all while in the guise of a videogame. It gets the kid to spend 10 to 15 hours on art projects and actually utilizing basic skills like following instructions, paying attention, and patience, which makes it easy to understand how your autism keeps you from understanding the appeal labo has with kids.

Pic related isn't supposed to be some hardcore "muh dark souls" experience, it's an art project where your kid spends 3 hours building a fishing rod and accessories, and then gets to experience a little fishing game, with just about as much immersion as possible, where they literally hold a rod, reel the stuff manually, see the results as they happen, and have all the matching visuals, physical feedback, and sound required to make the experience compelling to children. The end result is to try to get kids interested in the world outside of gaming, which prevents wastes like your autistic ass from becoming sorry excuses for humans. Labo is anti-autist insurance for parents, teaching kids basic skills and getting them experiences outside of Fortnite, without being "un-fun".

Attached: 184941-nintendo-labo-variety-kit-3.png (1080x1080, 1013K)

Nintendo is seen as a great secondary system for non poorfags

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What is a teraflop and why is Yea Forums posting about them in the consolefag threads

More ambitious than the same rehashed bing bing wahoo shit from the 90's that's for sure.

Attached: gow-art.jpg (1280x904, 143K)

The Switch didnt even outsell the PS4 in 2018 despite having zero competition for new electronics.
It didnt even meet its target sales last projection.

2020 early 2021

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>Wii was the outlier
Really? Ok because Wii U and 3DS also had shit for legs. Same with Gamecube and N64. NDS stayed alive for ages but that was before smartphones.

>better gameplay than BOTW
>better than anything else Nintendo released in the last year
>won GOTY
I mean, it is. Sony is keeping single player games alive while Nintendo is making shitty multiplayer experiences with awful systems like timed map cycles.

You can emulate BoTW on PC already. There's no need to get a Switch.

>Zelda was raped. There is no other way to explain BoTW but a complete raping for the western open-world audience. The rest is the same recycled toddler shit for decades. Nintendo does not make quality games. They make children's toys.

Attached: rapingforthewesternopenworldaudience.png (1431x799, 336K)

Xbro looks Modern Day Spinal.

>Calls bing bing rehashed
>Meanwhile GOW is the 7th game in a franchise

Attached: gigglepe.jpg (218x231, 10K)

>"Pushing 12 tflops"
you don't actually believe this, do you? it's gonna be 7-8

Same score as RDR2.

Do you think RDR2 deserves that score? Does BoTW?

>The Last God of Us
Maybe graphically. The story of a parent and their child has been done to exhaustion.

I have a Switch and never use it. I dont think its an important part of anyones choice since it has next to no fucking games.

t. Switch owner.

Which is a soft reboot of all its mechanics and a complete overhaul of setting and story. Compare this to Smash Ultimate which is just TR4SH with more characters.

You literally just said Zelda was "raped". Sounds like they applied changes you apparently disapprove of, so much for the '90s rehash

>What about Fortnite, CoD, Minecraft, Uncharted etc? I could go on for a long time.
You could, but you still wouldn't push Nintendo below 30%. Yeah, Fortnite is popular with kids. CoD and Minecraft too. But Pokemon eclipses all of those combined when looking at actual lasting appeal and the massive empire Pokemon has built up.

TLOU and GoW are nothing alike in narrative and is telling you've played neither game. Not to mention them being completely different in gameplay aswell.

Imagine being so scared of the switch you have to pretend Next Gen is the winner

>Not even close, PC gets most of the Switch library through ports, including the indies.
>Comfy is a meme, no adult plays on portables
>The Switch's library is mostly 30 fps and BELOW more often than not.

Nice false advertising.

Pokemon is irrelevant compared to Fortnite now. Don't kid yourself. Kids don't care about Pokemon. They care about Fortnite, Roblox and Minecraft.

they wont. i dont know what their plans are to keep the switch alive but the switch will experience a giant sale drop once the next gen releases.

most next gen games are gonna look better than rdr2 looks now. the switch struggles with ps3 ports. even with switch revisions they just cannot get proper third party support next gen. this gen is already stretching it too.

Attached: 1522765010921.png (670x869, 22K)

Oh boy another console war thread to talk about specs as their only advantage

>new electronics
You are being awfully specific mate. Also PS4 had its price slashed multiple times last year and got games bundled with it while Switch barely got anything
Also companies slash their target sales constantly, where have you been?

>Do you think RDR2 deserves that score? Does BoTW?
Not him, but yes.

>Labo isn't a game
>but you're not paying $70 for the cardboard, you're paying $70 for the game!
choose one, nintendo fanboys.

Nice userscore, seems more accurate.

Not him but
>The story of a parent and their child has been done to exhaustion.
When before Last of Us to the point its exhausting? N

The only thing risky about it was that they made another GoW after 3 and it wasn't another prequel for once.

No it's not for kids fucking sony fanboy! It's for adults!!!! Stop trying to act so mature!

>it's afraid

Anyone else remember after the Wii's library completely dried up and Nincels started pushing the whole PC+Wii thing?

The thing is, outside of Zelda I have absolutely no interest in Nintendo first party titles anymore. Mario Odyssey was boring precisely because it felt like Galaxy was impossible to top, likewise for Galaxy 2.

I mean I loved BotW but beyond that, my Switch basically gets no interest or attention at all. It's a shame because it's a genuinely fantastic game, despite the open world having a lot of flaws.

Yeah, when you ship units out to literally everyone that could potentially buy your product it turns out sales drop afterward.

>NES lasted until 1994
>SNES lasted until 1997
>Game Boy lasted until 2003
Its not that hard to cherry pick user

eshop PC app to play keyboard and mouse yes please

They probably bought a ps4 or xbox for themselves and the Switch for their toddler age children.

They will wait some company to fuck up and get a big stock of something powerful and cheap, then buy those chips and design a console around it.
And if this plan don't pan out, a newer, 5nm tegra chip that will most likely get around the PS4 pro level of power, but with 16GB of memory to be able to store the next gen assets.

Why mention that it won GOTY when Zelda did too. How come it counts as a valid accolade for one but not for the other?

Don't need to be specific. It literally released in a lull period of not only no console releases, but general electronics. Imagine still losing despite the competition being a long ways away from true next gen.

> got games bundled with it while Switch barely got anything
The Switch was literally ALWAYS bundled even if its first year, the Mario bundle was the best seller for the time.

Those are very old systems. Their three latest systems before Switch all died prematurely.

>won GOTY
so did BOTW
You admit BOTW was GOTY material then
>Soft reboot
So did BOTW, why does GOW count as an overhaul but BOTW counts as a rehash

Nintendo is in a comfortable position with the switch

Half way through next gen they will make a successor the switch with the same concept since it’s obviously working and will continue to get support from third parties since literally nobody else wants to make a handheld

Teraflops are a completely useless measure of power, as it only measure how many times per second you can repeat the fastest instruction in the chip.
It's entirely possible to design for example a GPU that have 50 Teraflops of power but still perform like an S3 Virge.

Because GoW's overhaul was to the benefit of the series while BoTW's overhaul just ruined the series identity and removed level design and adventuring in favor of EMPTY OPEN WORLD GAME

Yes, its just a meme. PC users dont give a shit about Nintendo. It's just a bunch of toddlers building PCs to abandon ship and have a crutch.

>70% of people who own a Switch

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can someone explain how switch will get 3rd party support next gen when it can barely run ps3 games? im genuinely curious.

Splatoon2 is the best game on switch and yet all anyone talks about is BOTW

>Expected retail price: $549
Are you stupid? It's going to be $499. I can't believe you're doing this dumb shit again, Microsoft can take a loss, Sony can't.

God of War didnt have a console being given away with it to every outlet, review venue and youtube personalities to review it. The userscore is also close to the meta, MUCH unlike Zelda.

BotW on PS5?

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Does Splatoon 2 have any more than a handful of maps now? I played it and it just reminded me of those gimmicky multiplayer games you find on Steam.

It wont.
Not even Square is keeping exclusives on it.

>can someone explain how switch will get 3rd party support next gen when it can barely run ps3 games?
The same way it gets third party games like REmake 2, DMC5, Sekiro, etc. It won't.

Yes on both counts. Why wouldn't either of them? They are both games that even normies couldn't resist playing. Fucking South Park had to make an episode about RDR2.

Are the games perfect? Of course not. Do they both break some boundaries and try some new shit, in a way that is attractive to both hardcore gamers and also people that normally avoid games? Absolutely. Do they deserve high scores because of it? By definition, yes.

Also notably botw has a user score of 85 and RDR2 has an 80. Both obviously have troll reviews, but a 5 point gap means something.

Attached: rd.png (1030x768, 425K)

Is a console supposed to sell more because no new systems are out? Why is a console that has barely has any games supposed to sell more than a console that is cheaper, has more games and more enticing bundles
>The Switch was literally ALWAYS bundled even if its first year
They were still over 300 dollars.
>old systems
Moving goalposts I see

Its already on PC and better than playing on any Nintendo platform. And it can run on potatoes because the game looks like shit.

>The ball is in Nintendo's court, where do they go from here?
Supporting the Switch until the the next generation.
Until then you're most likely only getting a revision or two.

>Youtube personalities don't gosh behind fucking GoW and PS4 AAA games
Your rationalizations are completely delusional and tryhard

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As long as the new Nintendo console can push native 1080p I will buy it. I have a PS4 and a Switch and probably my favourite two games of this generation were Bloodborne and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. XC2 was a beautiful game with excellent environments but it was massively damaged by how it ran. Docked was ok because of the smaller screen, but playing it on my 65" 4k TV was fucking painful. It's like 720p upscaled to 1080p so it looks like you've smeared your screen with vaseline. I just want an averagely powerful console or a working Switch emulator so I can play weebshit.

why do redditors such as and love empty open worlds with no content so much?
we will never get another proper 3d zelda or another game as soulful as red dead revolver thanks to these plebians.

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This is actually a much more complex situation than you think it is.
The PS4 barely can run PS3 games because the power of the CELL.
A CPU designed from the ground up to be absolutely horrible at anything regular CPUs are, while being great at things that regular CPUs aren't very good at.
If you try to run any high profile switch game on the PS3, you would have to drop it to 600p and hope for higher than 20 FPS frame rate, also completely ruin the textures because the 512MB of memory ain't gonna fit the 3.5GB you can put on the switch.

>Pokemon is irrelevant compared to Fortnite now.
the key word is "now". 5 years from now Pokemon will be huge still, and Fortnite will be forgotten.

Pokemon will regain a huge burst of popularity when Sword and Shield come out later this year, but even right now it's in a good spot.

Nobody is keeping exclusives on any consoles

Sony lost Yakuza exclusivity the same day

>Is a console supposed to sell more because no new systems are out?
Nintendo ones always do. Front heavy sales, moreso after all the mainline stuff is released.

For both games, the user score is more accurate than the shill paid scores. Neither BoTW or RDR2 deserved the scores. And you missed the point entirely - don't rely on shitty journos to rate games. BoTW is a joke towards the Zelda series. Same for RDR2 being a joke towards RDR1. But with literal drones like you sucking corporate cocks, we will have to endure more bad games who slavishly obey MC.

Attached: rdr2 lag.webm (1280x720, 1.41M)

Everyone who isn't a Nintendo fan should be happy about MS and Sony finally pulling their finger out and delivering some decent desktop-tier hardware for next-gen. Like people have already said, developers shoot for Sony and MS's hardware as their baseline standard, that's why the PS4 and One era saw only very marginal graphical and technical improvements.

It's fucking fantastic both manufacturers are going back to delivering a real jump, for everyone (again, except Nintendo fans). So why can't we all just celebrate it?


Neither Bore of the Ubishit or RDR2 is attractive to hardcore players. The userscores reflect how overrated they are.

I'm an idort, I'll probably have it either way
but if you think its gonna rival a $2500 GPU in power and be cheap enough to incite the console normies you're a retard

>5 years from now Pokemon will be huge still, and Fortnite will be forgotten.
That's some nice future seeing you got there buddy.

In computing, floating point operations per second (FLOPS, flops or flop/s) is a measure of computer performance, useful in fields of scientific computations that require floating-point calculations. For such cases it is a more accurate measure than measuring instructions per second.

In computing, floating-point arithmetic (FP) is arithmetic using formulaic representation of real numbers as an approximation so as to support a trade-off between range and precision. For this reason, floating-point computation is often found in systems which include very small and very large real numbers, which require fast processing times. A number is, in general, represented approximately to a fixed number of significant digits (the significand) and scaled using an exponent in some fixed base; the base for the scaling is normally two, ten, or sixteen.

The term floating point refers to the fact that a number's radix point (decimal point, or, more commonly in computers, binary point) can "float"; that is, it can be placed anywhere relative to the significant digits of the number. This position is indicated as the exponent component, and thus the floating-point representation can be thought of as a kind of scientific notation.

When OP said PS5 is pushing 12tflops he meant the PS5 would be able to do 12x10^12 of these floating point operations in a second second.

Attached: source is kiwipedia.png (481x554, 121K)

No, PS4s werent given away at launch with GOW. And no, there was not a huge shill campaign for GOW on the Night Show and other venues like the Superbowl.

Fun games.

>We don't live in best timeline, where the console race is between Atari and Sega
feels bad

>PS5 Expected retail price $500

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>Nintendo ones always do
Not that I recall

Don't forget this gem too

Attached: Nintendo paid reviews.jpg (609x696, 98K)

Best post of actual substance here and no responses. This board is dead. Also on topic, my little cousin is 8 and has a Switch. Was thinking of getting him Labo to build stuff with. I'm sure his dad would appreciate the hands on activity being constructive.

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You're paying for the whole package autist, that's why they sell you the whole package. One Labo Kit comes with 10-20 hours of art projects where you build the shit, and then you can spend time decorating or customizing them, and then you spend whatever time you like playing with them using the game card.

You don't buy "just" the cardboard or "just" the game card, you literally buy 1 package of all of it, and it all has value.

Nintendo isn't in this race for performance, they do their own shit and reinvent gaming experience each time they release a new console.
Sony/Microsoft = performance
Nintendo = Experience

>Anything I don't like is Reddit
Name one thing you like. Anything.

Nah, Nintendo is just losing literally every Jap dev they had on the DS and 3DS. Making it useless to even own the Switch.

they'll lie about everything, like console makers have been since the beginning

People responded you soýlent fat fuck

Yes, I would say your image represents at least 70% of people who own a Switch.

>no ape escape 4

2D 8k, 3D 4k raster, raytrace 720p effects over 4k rtaster.

Right, exclusives like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Astral CHain that will likely be trash?


Attached: Nintendoshill lies.jpg (900x506, 95K)

Name the devs they've lost

XBros report in!

Attached: SNOY BTFO.webm (1280x720, 1.92M)

With what? ports, lack of features, and poor performance?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

You're a shitposter, not an hardcore player. There's nothing "hardcore" about the faggotry behind review wars

Attached: the legitimacy of muh userscores.jpg (674x867, 82K)

What makes Astral Chain look like trash?

Capcom for one.

They went from making high-calibre 3DS exclusives to just late low-effort ports.

Games will run at a cinematic 8 FPS to further immerse the player in the experience

Capcom and Square. Everything releases first on other platforms too.
Literally no point in even playing shit on the Switch because you expect things to be SHIT.

As expected, the toddler is unable to engage in an actual conversation when his precious MC scores are being debunked right in front of his soýlent face. You're a disgrace.

Attached: Nintendo critic.png (1893x1728, 937K)

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The previous 6+ Platinum games that have been garbage.

he means cinematic experiences.

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All games drop in userscore autist, RDR2 has a mere 80 userscore.

But yeah, if you want to claim the 3 best games of all time are Witcher 3, The Last of Us, and Xenoblade Cronicles, then sure pretend userscore is all that matters.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (659x915, 135K)

Finish the switch gen hoping Orin chip can perform good enough to be used in the next system if they want compatibiity. Or just pick whatever. For them the specs are (1x cpu that plays our current games tailored to it. Not so much pushing boundaries as pushing the limits of avail HW. Though something in a 8-10Gflop would be advised if they want to deliver BotW ideas on a technical level as well.

>12 tflops
Thats it? So its worse than a Vega 64.

Nintendo is currently king on cinematic framerates.

Attached: loal.webm (1066x600, 2.8M)

>$2500 GPU
Holy shit, do you have a Quadro or something?

Honestly, except from Witcher, that's a pretty decent list of games.

That shit means nothing brainlet

Attached: kirby.png (381x390, 8K)

>pokemon having more cutscenes than mgs4
This can't be real, was the "cinematic sony game" meme wrong all along?

>it's another eric gets upset that sony lost npd episode
Are we really going to be doing this every month now?

Capcom got lazy and greedy is what happened. They would rather put old ass ports on the system and upcharge them for absolutely no reason other than want money.

I don't see in any way shape or form how Nintendo lost Square Enix. They've put like 6 Dragon Quest games on it, a (timed) exclusive, and the definitive version of DQXI. That ain't losing shit

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BOTW has an accurate actual score from the users. Yea Forums was always like this. If the score if too off from the meta, its a bullshit review like BOTW.

It's funny how it's Capcom that got lazy.

And not Nintendo for selling a refurbished Nvidia Shield. If Nintendo wanted proper games, they should've made a proper console.

Nope, Capcom has made more profits than ever avoiding Nintendo.

And yes, things like DQ were already on a ton of better platforms. A feature patch is hardly worth waiting for, Square doesnt give a fuck.

the sad part is, at least kojima's movies are good (well, except for mgs5).

You just posted the same thing lol, what the fuck are you talking about? The stupidity in my pic involves RDR too, is that a onions toddler game now?

Just like how the PS3 promised 1080p@60fps and the PS4 promised 4k, only a few games will have it.

>24gb GDDR
>12 teraflops
Don't tell me you guys actually believe this

How the fuck can you be triggered at high game prices and be a Nintendo fan at the same time?

Attached: nintendo family friendly company.jpg (1198x280, 80K)

When it has ten times the sales of every other console on the market due to it's very fast initial sales, 2 year headstart, library of games, and price tag half of the competitors, then companies will intentionally make games for it.

>Capcom makes exclusives for the 3DS, a system weaker than the Gamecube
>Switch is being developed, Capcom asks Nintendo to increase the RAM so they can put some of their current games on it
>Nintendo obliges
>2 years into the Switch's life all Capcom has put out is old ass overpriced ports
Explain to me how that is not pure laziness

I won't buy the PS5. Don't get me wrong. Having the opportunity to play PS4 games and having powerful hardware (for console standards) is quite impressive. But it is not enough of an incentive for to buy the system. From what I have heard that subtracting the PS4 games, the console itself has barely any games. Especially since they announced that they don't want indie games anymore and censor games with sexualized content. They want fewer and bigger games. And honestly, this will backfire tremendously if these games should fail. To be honest with you, maybe PC gamers were right all along, Maybe were console gamers are just stupid peasants that fall for everything and enjoy getting fucked over.

Yes, they've slowly been adding maps the whole time since launch, they've also added a new mode and a shitload of weapons and shit.

i started losing hope for the switch after 2018 had nothing interesting coming out but holy shit the ps5 announcement makes me lose all hope. nintendo cannot compete with a literal ipad with next gen consoles

>Avoiding Nintendo
So why are they being lazy and still putting out old ports on the system if they're avoiding them?

>Capcom got lazy and greedy is what happened.
no, what happened is that nintendo got lazy and greedy by selling a refurbished last-gen console for the third time in a row. why should capcom gimp their games for nintendo in exchange for minimal sales?
>They would rather put old ass ports on the system and upcharge them for absolutely no reason other than want money.
so they're doing the exact same thing that nintendo themselves are doing? the only difference is that you guys defend nintendo for it.

Capcom realized they can't stay in 2005 forever. It was either to modernize their IPs or have them slowly rot on Nintendo.

They didn't get lazy, they woke the fuck up. It took way longer than should've been but it finally happened.

Attached: capcomscore.jpg (1149x623, 154K)

Don't you get tired of this war shit?
Why not just stay in threads for the games you like?

Also can someone assassinate Eric please

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>itsokwhenjewtendo does it
For switchfags

With gameplay. Not a single Nintendo console plays the same,each one is different and has it's own gimmicks. They always try to innovate while Sony and Microsoft basically keep releasing the same console but with updated hardware

It sucks that publishers (including Nintendo) can use "muh portability" as a excuse to sell old games for way more than they should be on Switch.

They need a headstart so they'll usher in next next gen earlier and earlier

I don't know if viral marketers did this, but "owning" the Xbone nickname with a skeletal mascot was genius.

Nice false equivalence. Its a shitty overpriced minigame compilation but Capcoms is even worse

>3 Gamecube games cost 19.99 on other systems but cost 29.99 on Switch for no reason
Literally defend this and explain it to me

>Not a single Nintendo console plays the same
This isn't a good thing. Most of the time, their controllers have been absolutely retarded why people are forced to buy a Pro controller to bypass Nintendo's gimmicky shit.

I thought switch was a console though, or is it a console only when it benefits people pushing meme statistics?

People who own a Switch are desperate for ports because they beg all the time.

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>for no reason
The port maybe cost extra much to create? Or maybe the cartridges are expensive? Or maybe Nintendo takes out greater part of every sale?

If you want to whine about high prices, you're doing it wrong beneath Nintendo's overpriced balls.

>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Forza Horizon 4 Expansion and FM8 next-gen trailer
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Killer Instinct 2
>Fable from Playground
>Bleeding Edge from Ninja Theory
>Banjo from Playful
/our E3/

Attached: xbrop.png (488x663, 103K)

They haven't innovated at all in the last 2 gens. What plays differently between the N64, Gamecube, Wii U, and Switch?

you can thank switchfags themselves for touting "muh portability" as a reason why every game in existence should get ported to switch. publishers see this and get dollar signs in their eyes.
i have literally seen people say that "you pay extra for the portability" to justify the switch's bloated game prices. meanwhile, games were $30 on ds and $40 on 3ds.

>why should capcom gimp their games for nintendo in exchange for minimal sales?
They already did that for the 3DS and sold millions, why did they get lazy here.
And Nintendo didn't charge 30 dollars for some Gamecube games
>Capcom realized they can't stay in 2005 forever
If that's the case why are they charging 30 dollars for a 2005 games? Where are the new games on Switch? Why did Capcom become lazy fucks?

IMagine paying $60 for a fucking portable port.

MK8D which is just a Wii U port with some extra content still costs full price two years after Switch launch.

You're throwing rocks in glass house here. Nobody likes expensive games.

Hell Pokemon is about to be even bigger, possible the biggest movie franchise in the world, Detective Pikachu is going to kill every other video game movies chances forever.

Also while it won't be there, The Initiative is working on the Perfect Dark reboot.

other companies in this industry innovate with their games. nintendo """innovates""" with forced gimmicks while rehashing the same games.
and even then, it's questionable. for instance, how is nintendo "innovating" with the switch by ripping off a feature that the psp had in 2007 and removing features that the wii u had?

Attached: psptvout.jpg (680x510, 285K)

no one can deny this

>with some extra content s
Its literally the same game with DLC and patch tier updates.

Literally proving my point. Why did Capcom lazily not give the Switch literal PS2 games?

If ports cost extra to make, why are they all coming out the exact same day?
If the cartridges are expensive, why is only Resident Evil 0 getting a physical release and Resident Evil and Resident 4 digital only because Capcom are cheap ass fuck
If Nintendo takes a greater part of every sale, why is every other Capcom game priced the same as other systems on Switch?

Not a single one of your excuses adds up. This is all on Capcom being greedy and lazy.

>Banjo from playful
i wish

The Capcom ports don't even have any extra content, so why charge 10 dollars extra?

Labo is worth it for an 8 year old that has a bare minimum of patience, check best buy or ebay or amazon and you should be able to snag a full non-VR kit for like $40. Labo does a great job of explaining every little detail of the entire process, like for the VR camera they have you put a cardboard gear into the camera which not only helps it in "focusing" the "lens", but provides both physical feedback and a "clicking" sound just like a real camera. By the end of the building process kids will not only have experience using their hands to create something mildly useful and "fun" out of plain cardboard and rubber bands, but they'll learn a little about the real world in the process, all while they enjoy the hype of getting to use whatever they build in the game they want to play.

Yea Forums can shit all over labo if they want, but it's one of the best things you could get for a kid that's extremely into gaming, a game that teaches some minor skills and patience and shows a bit of real world to the kid. My 6 year old wanted to go fishing for real after playing around with the Labo version, and even if she wasn't quite patient enough to wait for the real fish, she was a hell of a lot closer after Labo than she'd ever have been before it.

Imagine actually paying for video games and being a consolefag in general

Have any of those not actually contributed at all yet?

>companies hire sexual deviants who don't even play games to flaunt their perversions on streets

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 173K)

>They already did that for the 3DS and sold millions
then they stopped doing that, put monster hunter on real platforms instead, and it became capcom's best-selling game ever without nintendo.

WiiU's gamepad was a gimmick that some games used effectively
Switch's gimmick is the fact that its portable and most games that are local multiplayer can be played at any time with individual joycons
just because you don't use their gimmicks doesn't mean that no one uses their gimmicks

>Not a single one of your excuses adds up. This is all on Capcom being greedy and lazy.
So they learned from the platform holder. Good for them.

Nintendo never cheaped out on carts, nor did they charge 10 dollars extra for decade old games

>Capcom still puts in the effort to localize the 3DS game
>Gets lazy, doesn't unlock the framerate, and charges 60 dollars for it
They still want money from the Switch, they just don't want to put in effort. That's laziness.

>nor did they charge 10 dollars extra for decade old games
they are literally doing that right now with bowser's inside story on 3ds.

There's definitely a Nintendo bonus in review scores, but I don't think it's always subterfuge. Part of the problem is that review sites hire a dedicated "Nintendo reviewer". Which is the equivalent of hiring someone like MovieBob to review Nintendo's games. Of course he's going to give almost everything Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Kirby related a 10. They're fanboys, it's what they do.

Finally: BotW deserved the hype and praise. Mario Odyssey by contrast was a 7-8/10 game pushed to 10/10 by said Nintendo bonus.

Bowser's Inside Story was a 40 dollar DS game.
Its now also a 40 Dollar 3DS game. And its a fucking remake, not a lazy port.

Not the same scenario

Could explain why Nintendo's consoles went to shit after the GCN and GBA and finally got their shit together with the Switch. Gimmicks are stupid and hold the systems back.

The switch has it’s market, it literally just needs to get a stronger successor

It’s a ticket got third parties to have a proper portable game

Dreams is too hard for nintenbabies with no creativity and logic skills. I wish there was a similar game for PC so there weren't limitations like on the PS4.

>sold millions on PS4/X1/PC
>puts a lazy 3DS port on Switch doesn't sell well
I think you just proved his point

>muh tee-flops

Name 1(one) game that stutters or fails to run on any current hardware that is due to hardware limitations and not shitty optimizations or driver/software compatability.


This thread only exists because Snoy ran out of shitposting fuel so they have to suddenly care about NEXT gen

Your not getting away easy faggots
Your embarrassment is only going to continue when E3 strolls in and everybody had fun except you

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They don't need to go anywhere, they have exclusives, as long as they have LoZ/Mario/Smash/Kirby/Starfox etc... they don't need state of the art grafix

>having fun looking at trailers and corporate marketing
Imagine being this much a complete soýlent corporate tool

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Why don't they just buy DMC: HD on a non-nintendo platform? Are there really Nintendo fans who are so hardcore they've never owned a non-Nintendo platform? Seems really bizarre tbqh.


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Dreams is probably going to be a cross-plat PS4/PS5 release mate. How good is it anyway?

>ITT: people pretend they are dumb and don't know how generations work.

Attached: For The Retards That Dont understand What Generation Means.png (455x614, 31K)

I'm being serious. Stop fall for hype culture. It has done nothing but ill for this medium. The past E3s have all been shit too. Empty promises and so on.

The latest Star Fox didn't sell well and wasn't received well though. Smash is just a literal rehash babby fighting game, Kirby is a babby platformer, Mario has run out of ideas since Galaxy 1. Zelda's cool though. I'll give you that.

>snoy is 56% 5'11let

>benefit of the series
I think someone is a biased snoy

Why does Nintendo tend to attract a certain type of fan? Usually entry-level anime watcher (shounenshit), Pokemon obsessive, never really played games outside of the Nintendo ecosystem before etc.

MovieBob admitted he'd never played MGS, Half Life, Halo, Mass Effect etc. It finally made me realize why they can genuinely think games like Xeno Chronicles X and Octopath Traveler are good. It's all they have.

the switch would melt trying to run mhw. you're essentially asking them to either dumb down the game on every platform to acommodate nintendo's shit hardware, or make a special gimped version for the switch (which you're already complaining about with mhgu). mhw's historic success without nintendo proves that capcom doesn't have to do either.

I realized this when they overshilled BoTW to oblivion. For anyone who has played the many open-world games of the past decade, it doesn't come off impressive at all.

>MovieBob admitted he'd never played MGS, Half Life, Halo, Mass Effect etc.

Same with Dobson, he shits on Sony/PC/Xbox but he's never actually played a single Final Fantasy game outside of the ones that landed on Nintendo consoles.

Even if they sell at a loss, they will not be able to compete with google. 12 Tflops for free, on any device you want. Nintendo is smart by not trying to compete in that market.

enjoy your input lag, compression artifacts and cinematic 10fps framerate, google shill.

Attached: 1553051306131.jpg (1920x1080, 271K)

Only pro smash players wannabe with no GC controller adapter buy the pro controller.

>WII U Gamepad
>Hybrid console

>they can genuinely think games like Xeno Chronicles X and Octopath Traveler are good
Yeah, based REAL gamers like me know that Switch 'games' like Octopath are obsolete, and trash like FFIII or Live a Live even more so, because modern masterpieces like FFXV and persona 5 are objectively the superior JRPG experience. Check out those metascores!

The Switch is A LOT more capable than the 3DS is. Capcom got so fucking lazy they could not even be bothered to unlock the framerate. MHGU is not gimped, its lazily ported. And they still charged 60 dollars for it, a 20 dollar increase.

Capcom doesn't need to do anything for anyone after MHW's success. They can just scrap any game that's not Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, or Resident Evil. But they still put out MM11 and DMCV didn't they? Capcom's Switch support has shown, yes, they clearly want money from the userbase. They have put out over 16 games on the Switch, but besides Mega Man 11, they're all old, cheaply made ports. They just don't wanna put in any effort, when they're charging 60 dollars for 3DS games and 30 dollars for Gamecube games. That is pure laziness and you damn well know it.

>Implying DS/3DS/Wii is shit

octotrash is garbage. the fact that you're actually trying to group it in with live a live like they're on the same level of quality tells me that you've never played live a live.

They were though.

>paying half a grand for a bluray player

not that user, but fucking fantastic.

the ds wasn't. 3ds was mediocre and the wii was the most rancid piece of shit nintendo ever made.

Nintendo refuses to make good hardware that third party devs would actually port their games to.
>1st party Nintendo exclusives
>all the multiplat games
>Snoyboy censored games and AAA movies BTFO
>Xbone nogames BTFO
>NES era 2.0
But muh shitty gimmicks tho

Have you played live a live? The game is a good idea surrounded by mediocre mechanics, poor music, and terrible writing. The translation might not have fucked up as bad as Octopath, and Octopath's shitty Unreal Engine lighting ruined the graphics, but that's the only cons I'd give it in the comparison.

Ps5 please have an ultra blu ray discuss drive. And please patch uncharted 4 and God of War 4 to run at 4k 60fps. And please enable gyro aiming.

Then I'll get one in place of my Xbox x

Agreed, I'm so happy they got their shit together.

What's their classes?

Hacked Wiis also function as a hacked Gamecube

>console ants

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i have, and live a live shits all over it when it comes to writing, atmosphere, and creative ideas. oersted alone is more memorable than any character in all of octotrash. i really hope you're not trying to hold up "your excellency": the game as an example of quality writing.
saga also did the "multiple stories" formula better than octotrash several times.

Persona 5 is garbage mate. Complete trash. All Megaten games outside of DDS1 and 2 are hyped by ironic weeb girls on twitter and garbage. DDS 1 and 2 are saved by actually having an interesting story/world. Something neither Nocturne, nor any Persona games (including 1 or 2) have.

>some game journalist can't aim so that means this is true for everyone

yeah. it's just too bad that the wii u didn't sell well even though they got their shit together, so they went back to making gimmick shit for nu-males after that.

the fov is so low I can see the imps nostrils

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Why can't Sony break the internet like Nintendo and Microsoft?

>muh performance (that's what PC is for)
>muh graphix
It's the same shit as ever. Sony hasn't made a console worth getting since PS2

PS4 = VRShit.

>pc shitters

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>record breaking sales

Wii U was a shit gimmick though and the Switch is a return to gameplay being more of the focus this time around.

They'll make games instead of knock off PCs.


>make games

Game & Wario LOL.


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plus its AMD terraflops which beat nvidia but you know the deal with those

Nintendo wins by not censoring shit like mentally ill Sonytrannies

But the PS2/3 games were better than this boring turd

>not censoring

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I can just get a bunch of FPGAs and build a device that have like 50 Teraflops with ease.
They won't do shit, but it will be 50 teraflops of pure power.

I liked PS3 more then the PS4 at this moment of time. Some franchises died and there hasn't been really much continuation or new franchises. It kinda feels like ps3.5 only with paid online, it's party system and community pages is just boring.

The Switch has a few things. Though, I still can't play a majority of games that came out in the past systems.

Honestly just need to make unique addicting fun games.

>Spending the better part of a grand on a console
the absolute STATE

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Big N already has the Switch.
Buying a One X and the new Xbox later.
I expect total Xbox (6th to 8th gen) to work on the new one from discs, not downloads

I'd like to play SC3 CT in 4K

>Big N


>censoring perverts who post disgusting pornography in the user creations section that can be seen by little kids
All the consoles do this. He was talking about censorship of games in the current year.

They will never have 100% backwards compatibility, someone has to go and do the work for EACH game to get it to work, they will never have an emulator like Higan for xbox/360.

image the smell

Then why are so many Nincels trannies and degenerates? Why does it attract so many SJWs like MovieBob and Dobson?

Is maximum compatibility mode still not playable on any computer that currently exists?

I've beaten MGS 1, 2, 3, Peace Walker, and I'm almost done wit the Phantom Pain. Komani doesn't want me to play MGS 4 so I can't beat it
I've beaten Half Life 1, Opposing Forces, 2, episode 1, and Episode 2
I've beaten Halo 1 and that's all I can beat because Halo 2 is unplayable due to deep GFWL integration.

Most people have multiple consoles and PCs.

user I made the strawman to knock it down myself

The DS and 3DS weren't held back by anything, if anything, they allowed new games and franchises to appear that couldn't have otherwise.

why is xb skeltal missing an arm?

A single article

its playable on toasters, but I would go with the bsnes mercury retroarch core instead, no need for those special chip files and bullcrap. Point was there are no specific rom hacks needed except chip emulation, xbox BC is basically written settings/ romhacks for every game thats why it only has like 40% compatibility

>Big N
What did he mean by this?

>Gimmicks are stupid and hold the systems back.
Those "gimmicks" are the only true progression in video games.

>the Switch is a return to gameplay being more of the focus this time around

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How can you even dispute that?

They were held back by the touch screens and the 3DS's 3D, even removed that with the Switch. The Switch is the first console since the GCN and GBA to not have some stupid forced gimmick shoved up your ass.

The N is big again. Nintendo is back on track. They know their role.

Then why are they gone?

Are you trying to be retarded, Nintendo's direction with the Switch is why I'm returning to Nintendo, the Wii and DS killed all of the interest I had in them and it also led to them damaging a lot of their franchises only for them to not be getting back on track with the Switch.

just look at the library. it's full of full-priced ports of those supposedly "non-gameplay-focused" wii u games and shovelware for children like labo and yoshi's crapped world.

That's how you do pride correct, everyone is clothed and is celebrating civil rights and not perversity and pedophilia

>They were held back by the touch screens
Oh yeah, that Elite Beat Agents, The World Ends with You, Etrian Odyssey, Trauma Center, Kirby Canvas Curse, Phoenix Wright, and all the countless other titles that greatly utilized the touch screen and dual screens and couldn't even be possible without them were totally held back by it.

Am I fucking dealing with an underaged here?

And as for the 3D, you could just turn that off. It hurt framerates, but once you turned it off, it would be fine.

>waaaaaah why can't you put an xbox one x in a handheld!
use your brain before you post

and yet waggle shit disappeared after last generation because everyone got sick of it. touch screens never caught on beyond nintendo unless you're desperate enough to count mobile "games." the psp was doing remote play six years before the wii u did it and had tv out a decade before the switch did it.
quit justifying nintendo's gimmicks. they only exist to distract people from how cheap nintendo is with their hardware.

>PS4 had like 5 good exclusives
>Not even close to being as powerfull as a current pc
>Posting wojaks
Nice try faggot

Something underpowered and chock-full of gimmicks not even they will use outside of one or two launch titles, I'm sure

Oh yes because the handheld that didn't have 3D pushed gaming so far with titles like... like... um.... panty simulator 8?

Yeah, and now we're getting those games without the gimmick, the gimmicks for the Wii DS, 3DS and Wii U brought nothing to the table, it's as bad as Kinect, Move, and PSVR.

I'm not talking about weebshit.

8K will be for netfilx and yt, not for games. Raytracing will be used for audio and not graphics, which means less rays to trace.

Ok? Then how did the 3D on the 3DS hold back games?

Why would Nintendo care what Sony and MS do? They will continue their trend of being more "family" games and console/mobile hybrids. they have no real reason to come out with competitive hardware, and in fact haven't bothered to since the Wii, which reminder sold incredibly well, and the Switch is also sellling incredibly well. Their only hiccup was the WiiU which was a flop due to very poor marketing decisions first and foremost.

Nintendo will continue to keep consoles "just good enough" for some low end ports of last-gen games (say, Dark Souls, Skyrim), and they'll keep pushing their own games. If you buy a Nintendo, you aren't buying it for fucking multiplats, you're buying it because it's the go-to place for stuff like Luigi's Mansion, Metroid, Zelda, Smash, and Pokemon.

There. That's it. They'll continue with their $300 consoles that are outpaced by their competition and it won't bother them that their consoles don't have 8 gigabyte equivalent GPUs and 16gb equivalent RAM. It isn't really a factor to them.

You want COD? Battlefield? Last of Us 2? Metro: Exodus? Witcher 3? PUBG? Far Cry? Divinity: Original Sin 2? You aren't buying a Switch. They never even considered those, I bet. You go buy a PC, PS4/5, Xb1/Scarlett, whatever. Emulate, if you wish. But Nintendo clearly doesn't care about the competition that way. And Switch probably has a good 6-7 years of life in it before Nintendo will consider a new console given how well it is currently selling

The dual screens weren't gimmicks you 13 year old. They were inherit to many man games core design. Elite Beat Agents is dead as it can't function any other way. The world ends with you wouldn't have existed without the DS existing, Etrian Odyssey was built for the DS, Trauma Center is dead and couldn't literally only work on either the WIi, VR, or PC and none of those provides the level of accuracy that a stylus provides, Canvas Curse is impossible on any other console and Phoenix Wright played best on the DS.

You clearly weren't around for the DS.

The handheld was weak as shit to the point where Nintendo needed to make a stronger model and even then it was still weak.

*in fact haven't bothered to since BEFORE the wii
To be clear, the Wii was not competitive hardware-wise with PS3 or Xbox360 in any way. The Gamecube wasn't even strong, but it at least was in the same relative ballpark as PS2 and Dreamcast.

Then why are the dual screens gone? I'm so happy we're never getting another DS and Wii and the Switch is Nintendo's future.

Nintendo Switch is still the most powerful handheld for the money, unfortunately.

consumers today demand higher res and larger displays. having two is no longer viable without a compromise.

>Their only hiccup was the WiiU which was a flop due to very poor marketing decisions first and foremost.
If you look only at the end results, then yes. But people tend to forget the 3DS was doing no better than the vita at launch and Nintendo had to tank a loss to be able to get the thing off the ground

>Then why are the dual screens gone?
I don't know, why is the gameboy series gone?
They aren't gone because they failed or because people disliked it considering the DS and 3DS sold a combined 230 million units.

Yet the handheld with even faster hardware than the new 3ds STILL didn't bring anything revolutionary or push boundaries

So their getting gtx 1080 Ti - 2080ti performance for 599usd? No way they aren't selling these as massive loss the ssd memory setup alone + gpu would cost that much
Guess early adopters win if they have a shit pc

It would have been weak with or without the 3D aspect dumbshit.

/our guy/ dabbing on the Snoyboys

Continue with the open waters approach that has had them raking in money

Thus it was a worthless gimmick no one asked for or needed, glad we're back to square one again.

Switch feels like an evolution of the Game Boy series, Nintendo used to make add-ons that allowed you to play Game Boy games on the TV, that stopped when the DS came to be.

Why did it need to? Just be a great handheld that plays games.

It would have been stronger than it was.

>Thus it was a worthless gimmick no one asked for or needed, glad we're back to square one again.
Again, how is it worthless if it was the impetus for multiple franchises that wouldn't have possibly existed otherwise?

lmao at still believing that nincel fanboy's "blue ocean strategy".

>Just be a great handheld that plays games.
And it was. Just like the DS was, and all the nintendo handhelds before it

The "Switch 2" will prob be on par with PS4/Xbox One and able to run more graphically intense games

> Pushing 12 tflops
flops metric doesnt say much. You can make the same by many different ways that require different amount of operations. Not mentioning that "floating point" doesnt say anything about precision.

You don't measure fun in tflops or dollars.

Xbox Adaptive Controller

you don't measure it in cardboard or full-priced ports either.


Because it forced you to stop playing the game to use the stupid ass stylus.

And it fucked up many of their franchises, let's not talk about the DS's Zelda games.

Nintendo will release another gimmick just as powerful as a PS2 to match with the visuals of their overpriced B-rate kiddie games

Agree. Cardboard, VR, 4K, portable, gyro, online and other stupid gimmicks mean nothing. People just want to have fun. Everything else is just a fad. Consoles are sold thanks to exclusives, not gimmicks.

you're delusional if you actually think the switch compares to the ds' library.

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yeah, the ds actually had zelda games - not far cry with zelda characters modded into it.

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>Nintendo is a handheld company now. Right down there with mobileshit. They're not even part of the console industry at this point.

They chose the Apple business model and it's a huge fucking scam.

This, don't know why Nintendofags are defending gimmicks, I don't buy consoles to be forced to use some gay ass gimmick, I buy a console to play fun games without the forced gimmicks.

DS had shit Zelda games, it wasn't until Nintendo started to realize that the DS gimmick was retarded with the 3DS where they stop making gameplay with it a priority making ALBW play more like a classic Zelda game over that DS shit.

That's the best idea they came up with, Microsoft is doing the same thing, gimmicks almost ruined gaming as bad as SJWs are doing now.

based and redpilled


Where's Stadia-chan?

>Nintendo have been censoring games for decades now
>Sony is now taking this task for themselves while Nintendo doesnt care anymore.

>"Nintendo has good ideas but I wish I could see what they did with more powerful hardware"
>Mfw I'll be saying this for the rest of time

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I LOVE console war bullshit.

Since when hating Nintendo got so popular?

>good hardware means better games

absolutely love this pleb consumerist meme

My PC has better hardware than any of those meme machines, and it has better games too. Coincidence? I think not.

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check this 0

These threads are like that Jan Svankmajer short about communication. But sadder.

Nintendo has been at least a gen behind in terms of hardware since the Wii. The Switch being underpowered af is nothing new at this point.

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Nintendo truly is finished.

When Sony fans realised their asses are getting destroyed next generation. It's a show of fear.

You mean
>pushing 12 fps

what are you twelve or did you only recently acquire an internet connection? ''Nintendoomed'' has been a thing forever


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I mean here on Yea Forums. We have been having these threads a lot nowadays.

Nintendo will probably make something that costs $299 and it will be on par with xbone.
It will sell bretty well, and unlike the other two won't be sold at a loss.
This has been the trend for over a decade now.
a few generations from now they'll release a flop and then do gangbusters after in spite of shitposting.

Sony has no future with console gaming and Nintendo and Microsoft changed their terrible directions into something that works and are now taking gaming seriously again while Sony keeps fucking up. They know it's over for Sony next gen and Nintendo and Microsoft will take over as the consoles to play next gen.

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That's not an excuse though

They currently have a ps3 and 360 port machine so I guess a ps4 and one port machine

>buzzwords: the post

Nintendo is garbage for kids or bearded fat american loosers. I hope you're not playing it past being 14yo.


Clearly the battle Royale is gonna last forever

It is when Xbox needs to pair up with Nintendo. That's called market control and experience

You're expecting a portable system with Xbox Scarlett specs? That's not going to happen. If it does, then people will complain about the $900 price and 30 minute battery life.

All these PS5 specs are cool and all, but where are the video games?

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Developers are barely getting started with this generation and are still having issues. And you want to move on the the next already? This is gonna fucking kill the business lol


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>kiddie doesn't know 7th generation were untouched by PCs

I am severely surprised by the lack of falseflag crying wojaks ITT, you're slacking Eric

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Didn't developers just settle in, how the fuck are they gonna move on so quickly.


Since always, were you born yesterday?

ps4 is more than 5 years old already, its not suprising to hear new consoles coming

>Nintendo has been at least a gen behind in terms of hardware since the Wii.

It's worse than one gen. The Switch is using a 720p screen in 2019 for fuck sake.

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I know, but it still feels so fast , especially with tech these days. There's gotta be more of a hook for developers and consumers other than a generic "more powerful"

>le current year maymay

And yet Microsoft finally used their heads and figured out the one truth to this video entertainment industry, strong games and long lasting design.

Something they had to go to Nintendo for. That already speaks volumes

this is by far the worst generation of all time both console hardware and software wise. both xbox and ps4 were underpowered garbage on release sporting shitty mobile hardware and there has been more flops of big games this gen than i can ever remember. all the big franchises which were once staples of the industry like fallout, mass effect, battlefield, halo etc are fucking laughing stocks now and there's still more to come (tlou2). also graphics have barely gotten better since 7th gen and all games look like 7th gen games in 1080p. this new gen looks more promising with actual good hardware specs (and modern tech support like RT) and i just hope the games are good too because fuck this gay industry if they all flop again because of muh diversity and shit.

Nintendoomed since 1889, am I right?

>The ball is in Nintendo's court, where do they go from here?
Nintendo already made their move with the Switch. They're ahead of the PS5 and the next Xbox.
>b-but specs
Irrelevant to what a generation is in the context of engineering.

>Irrelevant to what a generation is in the context of engineering.

Not just that, reality is starting to hit the gaming industry the longer Nintendo stays in business. Specs are important, but they aren't the whole shebang anymore, everything regarding:

>Curating and developing young talent
>fostering growth of IP that will last
>Maneuvering the business landscape of not just today but the future
>Developing and protecting your brand.

what resolution is PS4 and xbone's portable screen?

Dude I can buy five cardboard boxes, some glue and scissors and give it to a kid together and call it a value.
The cardboard included is worth less than 5 usd so most of the money or value for worthwhile purchase is in the games.
Let me put this in simple terms
Lets say you buy 100 usd of labo. The cardboard is worth 10 usd and the games due to the price is worth 90 usd. The bulk product is the games and most of the worth is from the games. If games are bad 90% of product is shit.

To add to this , it's also about laying the groundwork for your successors, letting long time and short term employees understand that shit isn't gonna go south if the gaming industry changes, as it always does.

Yes they are relevant just dont cry when you dint get thier games.

you know the cardboard cutout stuff for labo is free, right? Nintendo just sells the cardboard in case you need any

The Switch already is ninth gen.

Are TFLOPS the bits of the latest generations? I mean, the rage within the 3rd - 6th gen of consoles was bits

>And yet Microsoft finally used their heads and figured out the one truth to this video entertainment industry, strong games and long lasting design.
and yet they have neither.

Unlike Microsoft, Sony at least has the balls to push support for their add-on device. Also where the fuck is Hololens? During the reveal, they hyped it as being Xbox compatible (same with VR).

yes, but that's only because they are a pretty good measuring stick for GPU power even if it's not the be-all-end-all of it

The power gap between the PS5 and Next Gen Xbox probably won't be very much. I would expect it to be similar to the PS4/Xbox One gap at the start of this generation.
They will both use AMD tech. We already know Navi is going to refresh the 580 line, but not really update the Vega/Radeon VII line. CPUs aren't a huge impact on games these days.
So really performance wise they are competing on load times and how much RAM the system has.
No one commissions their own tech anymore. They just go to AMD and ask them to tweak existing tech.