Blaster Master zero 2 thread

Look at this Kanna

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Other urls found in this thread:!vmQXXYRA!uNLhXEyf_hNbgoUpYkD6Pkg4nSctrETBTQ6kGppyRzs[illusion]-koikatu-koikatsu-コイカツ!-betterrepack-r5-1-a-805798/

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So, is Blaster Master Zero any good? I only ever played the NES game

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Amazing how easily you can manipulate virgins with a couple of circles.

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Don't worry, I fuck your mother everyday

bend over

I know, you and this guy are so triggered by them

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what if the game is actually good and these circles are just an added bonus?

Yes it is.

Only bigger critique I have for it is that it is a bit too easy for my tastes.

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Yeah like said it's a worthy couple of sequels, but in my opinion the game could've used an additional difficulty option.

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I'm not saying the game is bad.

For those who have Koikatsu/Koitaku!vmQXXYRA!uNLhXEyf_hNbgoUpYkD6Pkg4nSctrETBTQ6kGppyRzs

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thank you user

Talk about a retardedly annoying character

It has a hard mode now, you know.


I did not know that, thank you for informing me

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This triggers me because she doesn't have normal feet

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That's a nice Kanna, how about this one?

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She does though.

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They knew what they were fucking doing.

There's no other explanation for some of this goddamn dialogue.

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How does this show that she has normal feet

There's an even smaller picture of Kanna where she has a little leg growing out of the pot showing she's got feet.

Oh man why can't Kanna be real? Bad enough to live in this horrible fucking existance but having intangible perfect girls in my face just destroys me even more.

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Use yandex you lazy kid.

>Bad enough to live in this horrible fucking existance but having intangible perfect girls in my face just destroys me even more.
One day I will kill myself over this.

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You and me both. Fuck this horrible reality. Let the niggers and muds inherit it by 2030. I'll be comforted with a nice big bottle of rum and .357 to the head.

So should I just skip this one? Every thread is just the plantgirl, no one actually talks about the game so it can't be very good

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It's amazing

Attached: BMZ2_Kenwood-2.jpg (374x568, 161K)

Yep. The game is just eshop shovelware. It's also been said that the devs are the ones spamming threads to try and cause a 2B meme waifu effect

Make up your own mind, retard. Plus someone asked this question earlier, it was answered right here:

I've watched playthroughs of it and it seems pretty good, but I'm still struggling to find some time to actually play it due to my insanely massive backlog and focus on drawing and improving my art skills than playing games.

I'll probably have a clearer opinion when I actually get to play it, but it seems safe to say it's at least a bit above decent.

The game is amazing, just short-ish. It's a vast improvement over the first, like, a MAJOR improvement, and they even made Jason (on foot) more fun to play than the first.

The devs are shilling it here, so you're gonna get a bunch of posts blindly sucking it's cock. The game is pretty shitty.

>Japanese devs come to Yea Forums to shill their game

>little potted Kanna sitting on the dashboard
>make eye contact with her
>little green leg slides out of the pot and brushes against the side
>"Oh, see something you like?" *wink*
what do?

They way I look at it is that they wouldn't have bothered with a sequel for a game like this if the first wasn't at least well received, so make of that what you will

Well, I was getting ready to jerk it to Splatoon stuff but I guess the game plan has changed.

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I just imagine that Splatoon and Blaster Master 2 take place in the same universe even though it makes no sense, but more importantly Kanna and Marina scissor all the time

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Was there a megalink still floating around with lots of the booru's stuff?
Is it up-to-date?

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>Kanna and Marina scissor all the time
I need this to exist.

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Why is all the fanart of her so amateurish and awful? The teckworks pic is the only one posted so far that has managed to make my dick twitch.

Fertilize it and keep it healthy so I can fuck her when she fully grows

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plant sex would be kind of boring though. I mean, look, her reproductive organs are on her head. All you would do is just jerk off into the receptacles.

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It's all western. Japs hardly give a shit about her. Big surprise.

what do you think squid vagina feels like? is it sticky? does it have suckers?

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Feed it the cum it obviously desires.

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>Kanna and Marina double teaming an user into submission and making the poor fool their slave

This must happen.

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Is there any art of the robot loli yet?

>Japs have shit taste

What a surprise

user you gotta post both parts of that image.

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why are her tits being enlarged there must be a reason for this

Must be a new facet in the evolution of cephalopods

if there was an actual reason the pic would be hot
random BE is unattractive

I'm ok with this mental image

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>that negro facial structure

Cool story bro


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I want Kanna give me LOTS of hugs!

Post your own much better Marina fanart then

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this makes me shudder with cringe
at least this contains you autists in one thread so you stop posting marina in my loli threads

Because god wants you to suffer

Kanna ask why you'd want that

>I purposely entered threads for things I don't like to tell them I'm glad they're not entering my threads
You're a moron

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What did i do to him to deserve such a fate?

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You the same guy who was getting mad that people like the idols more than the generic avatars?

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gonna cry? piss your pants maybe?

uumm... I'm leaving now

>I purposely entered threads for things I don't like
I don't see Marina anywhere in the OP

Well, considering that he was cringing at the OP image and came in anyhow, I'm still correct.
Mostly just laugh and say thanks for the bumps

>Good game has a character with huge tits in it
>Game gets more exposure and attention because of this
>This is somehow a bad thing

I wish these people would just leave these threads

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>people make a thread on a video games board about an obscure character's tits and don't actually care about video games

These days it seems like people just want everything to fail so they can bitch about politics or what have you more.

>Good game has a character with huge tits in it

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Probably really random (or cliche) depending on what you browse, but has anyone drawn Kanna wearing Rouge the Bar's outfit yet?

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>Fake plants

Go buy a fucking day lily from home depot for like 10-15 bucks dummy. Keep that shit in the bathroom where it gets steamy and out of direct sunlight and it'll live forever if your dumbass can remember to give it a good soak once every 1-2 weeks.

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user clearly it's more important to enter threads and be angry

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Her outfit is already good enough on it's own though.

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Nothing really, people just gotta suffer for god to exist. If people didn't suffer would they even consider looking for spiritual enlightenment?

I'd water Kanna every day if she was real and with me.

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I think a fishnet outfit would suit her a lot more

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Guys Im having hard time masturbating to the melon breasts regardless of what Ive seen

Am I okay?


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Take a break.

Imagine the melon milk

You might have the gay if you can't blow your load to this potted perfection.

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I havent dont it at all

I have an ample collection of images of fictional women with large breasts that solve my penis problems but this one doesnt do work for some reason

Well user you see everyone is different and has different tastes, I know this is a hard concept to grasp but you're not the same as everyone else

Nah, you definitively have the gay alright if you can't give Kanna your cummies.

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maybe youre right


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>Go to F-list and add a bunch of Kanna profiles to Bookmarks
>One of them comes online, give them a warm greeting
>They reply in such a manner

That's gonna be a YIKES from me

Attached: kannaRP.jpg (1186x202, 75K)

Please respond. It doesn't even have to be lewd.

For a website entirely about sticking imaginary genitals into each other, some users there are weirdly hung up on "gender" bullshit.

fuck i kinda wanna grab that image and start shitposting about how kannafags are all trannies

>>Good game has a character with huge tits in it
>>Game gets more exposure and attention because of this
>>This is somehow a bad thing

The gatekeepers dont want young/independent startup developers to realize this and use it sell their games.

"Just cut your own balls off and self-censor" done be rebellious, be poverty and stay in your lane.

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I have met some of the absolute weirdest and unexplainable behaviour on that site, user

I swear some of the people who use the site have never even talked to a human being in real life

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Well its a site filled with lonely men and I guess Fujos what can you do ?

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Please don't deface Kanna with mentally ill trannies.

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F-List is where my intense hatred of hyper preg and any form of "girl with dick" comes from. Place is a fucking shithole the likes of which would make /d/ feel disgusted.

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Too late, I'm already thinking about Kanna's cucumber

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Please kill yourself, Kanna is a GIRL.

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what mods you fucker

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sorcerer's tits look horrible here and amazon is just gross overall


Plants are hermaphrodites

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Hold it.

You're forgetting that she's also an alien. Aliens don't have to obey the laws and logic of puny earth fauna and flora.

For all we know the plant she's from isn't one.

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But Kanna is a full girl though.

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Also what
So screw your faggot tranny delusions Kanna is pure alien plant girl.

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so why don't they talk about the game

Ultimately she can be what ever I want her to be because she isn't real.

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>blaster master is now waifushit
What the fuck happened

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You're right we should go back to nobody talking about it

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I already said I have plans to play it, I just have to deal with everything else on my current list of shit i need to do that's higher priority, like learning how to draw better.

Actual skills > Video games

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Attached: itimu-fruitgirlthing-2.jpg (1298x2048, 390K)

If the waifu isn't strong she'll fade with time.

and only one character they pretend to care about because they think it makes them special to jack off to a potted plant with tits

I've only found a small handful of Japanese Kanna fanart

Attached: itimu-fruitgirlthing-3.jpg (1620x2048, 472K)

I've made 3 threads this week trying to talk about the game. Guess what ? None of them made it past 2-3 three posts so kindly fuck off I'll take what I can get even if it is waifu posting.

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You just gotta add rice and fish. Maybe some onions sauce. Sounds good, actually.

Attached: itimu-fruitgirlthing-4.jpg (850x850, 121K)

it's delicious irony since you accuse anyone who gets fed up with your autistic circlejerks of being a tranny


...Are you having a stroke or something

There's really nothing to talk about with Blaster Master. It's just a fun game where you shoot shit and listen to cool music. All the waifuposting just makes me think nobody actually plays the game and only wants to fuck a plant with big tits.

Kanna would be better if she was an actual potted plant in a mech suit, with her "tits" being actual melons and the light-green "cleavage" being a leaf semi-tightly wrapped around it.
Prove me wrong.

Attached: 1433878692257.gif (133x133, 2.23M)

>All the waifuposting just makes me think nobody actually plays the game and only wants to fuck a plant with big tits.
I played the game, but like you just said there's not much to say really. It's not like we have a lot of plot stuff to theorize about or something besides guessing what BM3 will be about

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>How to make watermelon girl attractive to japs
For black people you add chicken and hot sauce, for white people you add organic overpriced foods. For anons on the internet you add thicc and sauce. It's not that hard.

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Okay, but has Eve gotten any art yet?

Kanna happened. Luckily, the game she's in is still very good in its own right, albeit too simple to really discuss at length for long.

>saying dumb shit
Yup I'm thinking he underage

Attached: D4giw5YUcAAgK2Z.jpg (716x1000, 107K)

I'll take it.


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Reminder Eve is very boring compared to best girl Kanna.

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Says you. Kanna's fucking everywhere in this thread, heaven forbid someone else gets posted once or twice.

I like them both! though i do like Kanna more Eve is cool.

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Tesset is superior.

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>dumb shit
>not on Yea Forums
Forgot to take it off the name. No (you) for you user.

Attached: fruitplantgirlthing.jpg (681x496, 362K)

>caring about (you)s
Confirmed underage

Kanna gets really fucking boring when I have to sift through 150 pictures of her to find a single post of actual value


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If only

Attached: billygod'slight.jpg (1200x675, 71K)

There's also some Kanna miis you can save as well.

is there any artwork where she has a big belly haha

Who is this nutella excella

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>He doesn't know who dogmom is


Attached: a7c2838a2145473d23327c2b0b886329.png (1860x2340, 1.4M)

I don't either who is this


then go to e621 and search for her

I hope you have a wonderful evening

Kanna is cute!

Attached: c35e3c7bad0f542ce0e69944cce470a92e4c0b1e.jpg (708x1129, 81K)

hotglue when

>This thread

I'am gonna buy this game now.

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It looks as if she is fapping.

Needs to be an actual plant first, gotta cum in something that can appreciate it.

The character is just called dogmom?

Okay, so, to actually discuss something about the series...
I realise that Blaster Master Zero 2 is a whole new original game, and that know BM Zero 1's story is an adaptation of the US and Japanese version of the NES game, but what about the level layout and general gameplay? Is it the same between the original Blaster Master and the "remake"? Does playing ZERO 1 mean I don't need to play the NES game? And what about the Gameboy one? Is that worth playing, or is it just a downscaled port?

>And what about the Gameboy one? Is that worth playing, or is it just a downscaled port?
It's another game entirely that was rebranded as a Blaster master game

>Does playing ZERO 1 mean I don't need to play the NES game?
I'd say yes but it's entirely subjective.

Zero one is basically a retelling of the first game. you really dont need to play it. But if you really want to go ahead.

keep in mind the game is hard as shit.

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I wonder if plants can get hot and sweaty haha.

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according to the internet plants do sweat,

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I heard about the rebranded game, but I was talking about the other one, pic related. It looked a lot like the nes game, but I honestly don't know enough about it to judge it as anything.

I guess I'll just play one or the other then

Thank you bros

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>Kanna Thread


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I just make a new one if I don't see one in the catalog

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I mean we COULD atleast speculate the arising situation surrounding sophia and its place. in the war. didn't look like it was under attack or anything.

I swear these threads made me develop a plant fetish

now I want to see more plants with huge tits

Leibniz DLC will be about edgy fucker's time on Earth

Zero Three will be a full on metroidvania on Sophia

Plantgirls are top tier. Feel free to check out the /aco/ thread.

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They're using some really strong fertilizer on this plant

Ayy, that's pretty good.

>jason not choosing eve in a heartbeat
That's how you know Kannafags didn't play the game

There have been women in blastermaster before Kanna. Dont act like this is new.

If Jason did choose Kanna, Eve would kill her

thank you user, looks like I'll become a regular there

I don't think the two hate each other that much.

In fact I'm pretty sure they don't hate each other at all.


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who knows maybe that DLC will come sooner then you think it could be the DLC for Zero 2.

You dont steal a support driod's pilot. Bad things happen.

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So what is this characters personality like? All I ever see is people posting her tits, so surely there's something more than that for people to like her so much.

>the rebirth of /pfg/ happened because of Kanna.

Goddamn this is good.

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they can always grow BIGGER user

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From what I've heard, she's an airhead.

her breasts get even more massive with every new picture now its getting kind of ridiculous

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She's an airhead. Super smart being a botanist but without the emotional vices and nihilism we have.

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Would this be considered scat? since tantalizer is shit?

people just talk about the best part of the game wich is, naturally, Kanna herself

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Dont take it too seriously, user.

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shes cheerful pushy and always willing to help you out. she operates on her own level of things capable of teasing you relentlessly. she also is also a pharmaceutical specialist who knows what herbs and fauna can you use to stave off infection or sickness so underneath her airhead nature is a scientist always conducting experiments.

In the game it is pretty much a given had Kanna not given Eve the medicine she probably would've never made it to sophia.

she's definetly not as innocent as she looks, damn why can't she be real bros

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I don't know but I'd kill whoever did it because it would take something quite hurtful to make Kanna cry.

No shes not and Kenwood has a hard time I bet with it..

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>Kannafag RPers are all trannies
Like pottery

why do trannies have to fucking ruin everything?

>you are now realising that there is going to be scatalogical breast expansion of her

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Trannies are the root of all evil

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compost necessarily doesn't have to have poop in it.

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people are always gonna do the things we dont want.

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>t. gardeninglets

But that's what Watermelons do, they grow and get bigger

What a spoiled brat. Kanna should learn some humility instead of pouting all the time. Personally, I'd lock her in a room until she finally accepts her loss. If she's stubborn and gets too weak, I'll just sit in there with my dick out until she has no choice but to suck out my juices. Then I'll spurt on the floor and watch her lap it up like the dog she is. If she doesn't submit, I'll beat her until her fruit has bruises. She will endure my beatings until she wisens up and announces herself as a loser. I'll give her the water and tend to her injuries. At last, she'll know her place as an inferior plant specimen who's only purpose is to please her master.

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yo guy who made this I'am currently uploading everything right now but its gonna be a bit. But my game is a repack so I'am gonna just give ya the repack because most of everything that I had on hand is in it.[illusion]-koikatu-koikatsu-コイカツ!-betterrepack-r5-1-a-805798/

so just download that or wait till mega stops being a slow piece of shit on uploading.

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I can't help but wonder if Kanna's the kind of person that either finds puns impossibly funny or is ready to kill a nigga after a few bad plant ones.

I mean, that applies to any fruit/vegetable/plant.

I hate to say this, but there's only one way to say it to you:

Have Sex.

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I think she'd enjoy them.

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i think it would be better if that guy didn't have sex

danke purveyor of 3D melon goodness.
I'am not sleeping tonight.

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Probably the latter. There's no indication she's a judgemental, spiteful fuck like the rest of us. She's really goofy but no way mean or evil.

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Should I finally take a break from drawing and get to playing the damn game? Been getting frustrated recently so

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Take a break but remember always practice your art.

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At least you're honest about it.

I'm not complaining

help i cant stop fapping to her melons

well to be honest her tits rally are that massive. so much that people and myself get their size completely wrong

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you aren't the only one, user

Someone post a link to the Kanna imgur album

There is a booru you know.

I'll do you better

Someone please post a link to the Roommate story

Do you think Kanna sweats like an animal Yea Forums?

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it was okay I guess

first one was better, earth's caverns had more to explore and better atmosphere, and the movement abilities were fun to play with plus 1's BIG FUCKOFF LAZER was excellent

the planets and their return, and all the planetoids, felt kind of barren and like there wasn't much to do

eve's journey at the end was alright and it was neat having a water-based metal attacker but sophia zero was hella more fun to play with and the opening bits of her solo pilot form part were kinda weak

still want a 3 and leibniz's edgy adventure and I hope you get more discussion about the game

Attached: whisper.png (261x200, 25K)

thank you

Leibniz no doubt jobs in BMZ3's opening and gets saved by Jason at the last second.

I honestly believe the poor fuck deserves his redemption, losing a waifu is pretty hard.

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Anytime. Here's another one that's being worked on, waiting for chapter 2.

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fuck I hope he isn't dead from wagecucking. that part where she mentions Kenwoods watering is too good.

Personally I liked the planetoids better as they serve their purpose as mini obstacle courses that test you.

>the revolving/moving platform planetoid.
Holy fuck it was frustrating.

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I kinda liked the maze like one the most.

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I'm about to finish MBZ 1, what am I in for in 2

An overall improvement over the last game in difficulty and gameplay and Corrupted and
big melons.

Attached: 74031358_p0.jpg (945x1329, 645K)

Slightly more linear but the on-foot sections are a lot more enjoyable to play.

>Kanna lewds by Plantpenetrator never because he got buttmad about an unrelated issue with the game.

I didn't mind the planetoids, barren as they were, even if most of them consisted of conveniently reminding you why it sucks playing Jason outside of the tank.

Also, fuck Planet Stranga's fruit fetch quest. Who the fuck thought it would be fun having to waste a mountain of time shooting a seed up a wall into a pot?

He doesn't have a switch

alright nigga spill it. why is he mad ? Nigga is not living up to his name and new /pfg/ is curious.

Not him but my guess is he's busy with other projects? Im not too sure myself.

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He's not mad at it, whatsoever.
I know him

fuckin rumormill.

good to hear alot of us in plantgirl general have been hearing stuff for awhile now.

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Well plants dont sweat, so no.

Dont worry, her memory is stored in the choker. She will be rebuilt!

But they do.

She's wearing a watermelon bra, but her melon's are solid green - so are they honeydew flavored?

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>plants can not only breathe, but also sweat
>plants can absorb nutrients from literally anything anything
I'm genuinely learning new shit thanks to a plant waifu.

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It is actually dogmom. Although in recent months the artist sertled on the name Mabel.

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C U T E more people should draw Kanna in different outfits.

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Just started playing the game, kicked Gonbei's ass. Shit's decently hard.

Overall I'd say the game is __fun__.

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isnt there two others? what are they called

Uhhh, you missed an item.

What item? I got the drill after beating Kanna and the machine gun upgrade as well. Didn't make any less frustrating.

Good user glad you're having Fun.. Gonbeis a pretty cool dude and Tae is a YEEEEEEEEEEE.

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>Tae is an enginner too because she manages the MA.


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this thread needs more eve.

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We don't need this, generic looking boring psycho bitch at all user.

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Shush, both are good provided there is no violence. We're all playing the same game, dudes.

this needs nipples/areola added to it

I-is that melon juice?

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>Kannafags trying to start shit with Evefags
Come on son, keep it classy

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Theres always that one guy we're all degenerates here.

>this fucking model though

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gib milkies

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Why isn't there more kissing art? Preferably on my cheek

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Actually canon that Eve can't cook for shit.

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That’s a good image but I do want to always know the wife game in my games

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Thinking about it for a bit, the Blaster Master Zero universe is rife with possibilities for something like a side game or comic. I wanna see all them dorks go on space tank adventures, dammit!

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And Fred can't dive without a scuba:

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theres a few but its a rarity, People dont like Kanna with lips for some reason.

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This game is fun but Kanna is a bitch, literally worst character. Also the technical aspects of her face make me sperg an autistic shitfit.

how can you hate this ?

Attached: my_favorite_flower_by_edxtreme_dd4in8w-pre.jpg (827x966, 69K)

Impossible to hate

Attached: arabian_jungle_by_edxtreme_dd3r0h1-fullview.jpg (1280x1840, 316K)

The game really is a lot of fun and the world and dialogue really help it feel like an adventure through wacky space.

>Helps Eve survive her condition after a huge misunderstanding.

the only real bitch is leibniz for attacking every MA he fucking sees. Who then is driven off by fucking Kenwood.

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Because she doesn't have lips in-game familia. She's a potted plant with an emoji-tier face.
To put this into perspective, it would be like giving the Martian Queen from Duck Dodgers a mouth and nose.

More like wastes almost more time than she saves...

Attached: melons.png (1920x1080, 2.13M)

>Melon Top
>Wire Net

That's seven articles of clothing(assuming she's not wearing underwear), so would need to answer eight questions perfectly to unlock the bonus scene.

Considering how much love and lewds Kanna gets I am Kinda dissapointed this is the olny stage she got!

Despite everything shes still pretty niche, Plant girls in general are atill pretty niche monstergirls.

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What ?

Bonus scene what ?

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