ITT: autistic things you do while playing games

ITT: autistic things you do while playing games

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Talk about the game to myself like I'm talking to a friend about it

Exaggerated whining like a faggot when something doesnt go right in game usually rhyming words and pouting.

Why does this post always have homer smoking a cigar?

Finish certain levels in order when I don’t have to

Same, but I pretend it's my aunt who knows nothing about vidya and I'm explaining how it works and how it compares to other games

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i try to make inventory items end in a 0 or 5 whenever possible

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Similar to this but i review it. I do it avgn style if it was shit

I don't take handhelds anywhere, kind of defeating the point in a sense of it being mobile

Go back to facebook you fucking newfag zoomer.

Liking it instead of shitting on it.

Binge drink lole.

Whenever I am killed or easily defeated by a strong enemy. I crash my fists together like Obelisk the Tormentor at infinite power and shoot energy beams out of my fists. I am then obliterated by those energy beams with flames coming out of my eyes General Grievous style.

Im 34 lmao

Long explative filled rants and screeching with the door open so my voice carrys down over the valley and people know that a crazy sperg gamer lives there so go away because eye contact.


I seed and feed my games

Fuck off



ALWAYS rename it something memey thats in thread context. Dont just drag img off google and paste.. Its lazy


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Based Obeliskposter

browse Yea Forums



run around a room searching for something hide or clicking on all items around expecting something to read or poping up

fucking and sucking


Say gottem in chat every time in chat though i can just make a bind

If the playable character is a silent protagonist I usually end roleplaying in my mind what he's saying
And if the game is really slow I start to think what to say or to react as if in a let's play

I play video games.

let my little sister sit on my lap

Why not be a streamer instead?

Is it working?

Jack off while playing

Talk to myself

>commentate everything in English like I was streaming, even though my native language isn't English
>buy games then never play them
>rebuy old games on Steam and GOG even though I still have the physical copies on my shelf

I like to imagine myself conversing with NPCs around me. Take Skyrim for instance, I pretend I have a working relationship with Adrianne Avenicci, or when I freed Saerena, I filled her in on some of Tamriel's history between where I found her and her island home. Actual conversations.

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shout EPIC when ever i get reckt

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lift my hands up and make finger guns when i use vats in new vegas and kill nignogs

I really wish I could, but an internet with only 2mb/s download 1mb/s upload does not work for live stream!

because I lack the charisma and personality and stream culture is cancer

Id love to be but i dont have the personality that would attract viewers. I don't have the vast knowledge or spontinaty to be seen as confident or knowledgeable on the subject, nor am i a raging retard

woah, what's with the hostility bro...?

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>being this privileged
must feel nice

Headphones on or bust. Ilitterally cant stand having in game music played to anyone but me, hell music in general. For a lot of portable games back in the day if i didnt have a pair of headphones id play the whole game mute.

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Not autism.
Not autism.
Possibly autism, hard to tell
This is valid
COMPLETELY not autism. Neurotypical as fuck.
Possibly autism.
This is valid.
Still not autism.
Possibly autism
This is valid.
DEFINITELY autism, you are 100% superpowered.
Possibly autism
Not autism but still cool
This is valid
Not autism.
Ironic autism is not autism.
Not autism.
Possibly autism.
DEFINITELY autism, you are 100% superpowered.
Not autism
Possibly autism
Unfortunately not autism.
Not autism
This is valid.
Not autism.
This is valid if you actually do it. If you're just being ironic, then you are 100% Neurotypical.
Not autism but cool anyway.
DEFINITELY autism, you are 100% superpowered.
Probably autism but not definite
COMPLETELY not autism. Neurotypical as fuck.
Possibly autism.
Not autism.
Not autism.
The first two are not autism.
The third is possibly autism.
This is valid.
Possibly autism and also cool.
Based but not autism.
COMPLETELY not autism. Neurotypical as fuck.
DEFINITELY autism, you are 100% superpowered.
COMPLETELY not autism. Neurotypical as fuck.
Not autism.
Possibly autism.

Congratulations to those of you who are autistic.
And for those of you who are unfortunately neurotypical, I'm sorry for your loss.

Especially all those faggots who think talking -out loud- to a hypothetical other person is autism. It isn't. You have a very real conversation in your own head with YOURSELF if you are autistic, because you don't need to imagine other people in order to have a conversation

>stream culture is cancer
Stream 'culture' is whatever you make of it. The good thing about streaming is that you're in charge of your own channel. I ban every single faggot that sounds like a 12 year old and spams retarded emotes and memes and my chat is saner than most. Just don't be a pussy.
Let me tell you a trick about streaming. The trick is not charisma, the trick is consistency. Obviously charisma helps, but if you just do your thing regularly every day eventually some people will stick to you and you will grow some audience. How far you take it from there is up to you.
Myself I have a tight following with few people and an average of 15-20 viewers when I stream and I don't need more. It's like playing games with friends watching you. I don't need to get donations or make money since I already have a job, but since I'm playing games anyway... it's more fun this way.

Record my speedruns while commentating them and doing time splits
But I absolutely refuse to upload them to jewtube or to stream them

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social anxiety...

all me

Thanks for outing yourself as the most autistic person in this thread

Whenever I finish playing an open-world RPG, I take a final tour of important locations in the game and visit characters I liked. Then I go to an appropriate place with a nice view (or a home base if there is one), lay down or store my character's weapon and take a screenshot, before turning off and uninstalling the game. For instance, when I last finished Skyrim a while ago, I spent a night talking and drinking with Ralof at a tavern and afterwards retired to my character's home and placed my sword on a mantle on one of the walls.

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This is the most autistic comment I've read in this entire thread.

I can't help but savescum to a very autistic degree. Often even when I make it through an encounter just fine, I'll feel compelled to reload my save if I feel like I did the character injustice. Worst case scenarios are when quick saves aren't allowed and then reloading 30 minutes prior to my progress to redo a bit where I felt like I got my ass kicked too much.

Pure autism

Exactly. I know what is an isn't autism because I am one, and a lot of this thread is falsely claiming to be autistic when they are neurotypical as fuck.
You can't claim the rewards and respect earned by the superpower of autism if you aren't actually autistic. That's dishonest. If your neurotypical ass starts claiming autism and acting like a social-thinking fag, you're gonna bring down the opinion of autists everywhere, and that's no good.

If I'm playing an RPG, I choose a house for my character and I will not shut off the game until my character is back at his place. If I have something super important and I simply don't have time to do that, I genuinely feel unnerved or distressed about my virtual dude just standing in the open.

That's not autistic, you're just doing people a service. I fucking hate when I'm on the bus or at the break room at work and people listen to shit on their phones or with speakers some times at full blast.

fucking based

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Shut the fuck up biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch

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Whenever I play Terraria I only go for the mage build. I’ve tried and failed to be a different build but it fails every time. I have over 1 thousand hours in the game and have still never made and used non mage armor. What’s wrong with me?

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just shut up

Post on Yea Forums

I wish I could stop.

Try to play without weapons or barefist as long as I can

>having an opinion
O i am laffin

Oh thats understanable but I do this even at home or around friends who wouldnt even mind it at all. I just have this dumb paranoia about people knowing what music I listen to.

>The good thing about streaming is that you're in charge of your own channel.
Not on Twitch. They'll ban you for racism.
You could use Dlive, or sometimes Youtube but I wouldn't trust (((Google))).
You're not autistic btw.
Possibly autism.
DEFINITELY not autism. You are 100% neurotypical.
Not autism.
This is valid.
This is valid.
DEFINITELY autism, you are 100% superpowered.
Not autism.
You shut up, you stunted faggot. You're not autistic.
Possibly autism.
You shut up, you stunted faggot. You're not autistic.
Probably autistic but you never know, two posters in this thread seem unironically -proud- of being normalfags, the deluded nutjobs.
Not autism but cool.
Yeah we don't have opinions, we have facts. you're possibly autistic but it's not certain.
DEFINITELY not autism. You are 100% neurotypical.

>I do this even at home
Okay, that's still understandable.
>or around friends
Oh, I see. As long as you don't completely zone out and ignore them.

The fact that you’re autistic as fuck and extremely annoying

Again you are 100% neurotypical. Please stop. This thread is about autism and you are doing the whole Muh IRL friends shit.

That's YOUR problem.
Try not being so normal, you faggot.
This is my thread and you can leave now. Or stay here and keep being mad. Your choice.
If normalfags even make choices, that is.
If I'm annoying, maybe the problem's on YOUR end? Ever think of that? No, you just assume your emotions are correct like a total retard. Begone.

Why are you guys getting mad at this dude? Do you not want any feedback on your habits to see if they’re autistic or not? Isn’t that what these threads are for?

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>Not on Twitch. They'll ban you for racism.
Twitch has no control nor say on who you ban on your own channel. As long as you don't say stupid shit like racist rants or sexist crap and don't show any NSFW stuff on stream, you're fine to do whatever you want.

I won't deny there's a lot of double standards when it comes to the more popular streams (mostly women), but if you're that deep into twitch to come across that kind of shit, you're part of the cancerous twitch culture problem and not what the original post was talking about.

I don’t feel like autistic, like I’m pretty normal outside the fact I can’t break Yea Forums addiction.

Cringe and brownpilled

Because he’s a retard who is delusional and thinks he’s the second coming of Freud

Just retards being proud of being retards, and ascendeds being proud of being ascended.

I totally agree with you. Also, am i autistic?

>my thread
prove it

Projecting a bit hard there.
I have autism. That doesn't make me Freud. It just makes me better than you.

>stand up out of my chair when things get serious
>talk to myself in my head like a lets-player

Pretty based

Thread is about autism.
I have it.
Well I suppose it's not just my thread. I'm sharing it with all the other autists and it was wrong of me to say it was my thread alone.
But still, it's not a thread for people and their "Aren't I so AUTISTIC for interacting with other people Lmao!" No, no you're not.

The most successful people in the world have social skills, not losers with autism

I get incredibly mad playing fighting games.

If they're playing a female character I'm actually 100% sure they're 140 pounds and a faggot.

I don't respect any of my opponents unless they're using my main, and while I'm beyond sick of it, I still play once every other week.

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i just jumped in , congratulations on your autism

OCD over placement of sentrys, dispensers and teleporters in tf2: They have to be on 90 degree angles to things, I cant just shove them down wherever.
Same shit in Portal 2: Portals have to be flush with some tiles where possible, I'm not satisfied until the portal is flush with something or if the cube isn't positioned just right.
Open world RPGs I'm the fucking worst. I'll play normally until I get whatever I need for mobility then I'll systematically scan the map, left to right top to bottom, that sorta shit, crossing terrain normally impassable because god forbid I go around... I gotta stay within my search lines for collectible crap.
Borderlands 2, I did this thing in the fridge where I looped Scooter's ex gf, some big dude in an ice cave, and rakman over and over again until I got all their legendary weapons. I didn't even use them, I just shoved them in my bank and refused to touch them. I did this with every boss btw.
Sea of thieves I went full autism... "the sails have to be exactly like this, the loot has to be put exactly in these spots, i'll check fucking everything before I let us take off"

You aren’t funny you know that right? You’re a cringy tryhard. If you knew anything about Yea Forums autism you’d know that most of the users aren’t autistic and make fun of mentally handicapped idiots like you.

Not him, but you mind backing the fuck off you spastic cunt?

I take off my armour and /sleep in the bed in an inn when I log off Vanilla wow

Yep, definitely autistic

Jesus Christ dude.

You think you are funny but I tell you you are not.

> like I’m pretty normal outside the fact I can’t break Yea Forums addiction.
Could go either way. In general, if I don't know, I call autism because autism is good, and I prefer on the positive side.
Also could go either way.
This is autism. Grats.
This could go either way. Not sure if autism or not.

The most successful people in the world have nepotistic connections. Your ability to brag about how smashed bra you are is not a skill for success. Social skills are broad, and having low-tier friends does not mean that you will be successful. In fact it makes you more likely to be a low-tier person yourself.
Now, being social with high-tier people. THAT brings success. But are any of your friends high tier? No.

Thanks, I'm very proud of ascending away from being a normal!

You can say whatever you want about autists but at least they aren’t normalfags like you failures.

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I appreciate you giving me the benefit of the doubt, but my fighting game anger is 100% autistic.

And you think I care about the opinion of some faggot like you?
Get over yourself. You don't have autism. Your opinions aren't valid. Go blow a donkey.

I could not give a single flying fuck what you "make fun of".
Well actually that's false. You making fun of something means it's more likely to be good, because your tastes are just that shit.
I do not respect you. I do not respect your friends. I do not respect your opinions, and I do not respect your mindset.
Do you understand that?
I don't say what I say for your approval. You are TRASH. I say what I say because I approve of it. You can stay mad.

Will search every possible area to avoid missing things. Always anxious that I have missed an item or important side event. If I obtain something like Elixirs in Final Fantasy games will always forget to use them but will always keep them. If I beat a game and enjoyed it then learn I have missed some nice content I will become anxious and devote myself to planning a "perfect" run where I dont miss anything.

Hey bro, i'm not him, but hear me out. His replies... he's baiting you. Hard. He wants your angry replies. Just don't give him the (You)'s... he feeds off of it.

>people actually defending jewbook users
This fucking board.

God you are so fucking cringe

My nephew does it and it annoys the fuck out of everyone.

When i get killed in a game i smack myself three times on the forehead and yell “gamie gamie stomps his feet, because his game he cannot beat!”

Am I autistic?