Was this series ever actually good, or was it just the novelty of the blood that made it stand out from other fighters of the 90s?
Was this series ever actually good...
the gameplay was good, the story was a mess
Sadly it peak at mk 2
The history was allways like a B tier movie
you know cheesy moments if you want the quick run down whatch the movie the first one thats exactly the feeiling this games have until armagedon\mk9
It was decent and even rivaled Street Fighter at one point however it got surpassed very quickly and couldn't keep up resulting in a title that was decent, but you enjoyed it for it's B movie feel and cheese instead of a legit fighter and personally I was ok with this. A shame it hasn't even got that anymore.
Mk was one of the first fully realized fighting games from the west. It had no real competition at its time. The violence and the realistic style was the attractive aspect of the game. It lured kids and adults alike. The fatalities inputs were a secret that was passed around back then until the strat guides came out. Thats on the surface level. In reality mk is a series with many ups and downs. The most annoying is the ai it has. It was made to cheat on you so you put more coins in the arcade machine. The problem is that they never tried to fix it and make it more believable in the console versions and that thing sucks. Also good luck making a fatality in the old versions of the old MK games. The timeframe is so small to perform them, that is annoying. Mk also was never balanced. MK3 has 100% damage combos and some characters(noob saibot for example) were broken. I had some good fun playing MK with friends though. In the end MK series werent not to be taken seriously as a game
*In the end MK series werent not to be taken seriously as a game but only as a fun fighting game that has some b movie karate movies aesthetic*
It was a blast in 90s, most kids from my hood was playing it, memeing and making sounds from the game. Some was dueling for money. Mortal Kombat was culturally influential in my area (eastern europe)
it was always bad.
Define "good". Compared to Street Fighter II it was a fucking joke but it's still pretty fun. Lots of MK ripoffs coasted on gore and secrets alone and aren't anywhere near as fun, so there's at least something there in the gameplay.
It was always based and redpilled
It's the whole cheesy kung fu movie appeal, the story is saturday morning cartoon tier which was great. Now it takes itself too seriously and the characters swear and look like they belong in Injustice or the MCU
>Shang Tsung and Kano casually shooting rpgs in the forest
>The gameplay was good
Says who?
It's always been a clunky, stiff dial-a-comb fest.
God I miss this.
it was mostly blood and gore combined with digitized sprites that made it as popular as it is, but it would still have been forgotten if the first games didn't have decent gameplay for the time as well.
>27 years and going as strong as ever
Also there were many MK clones that died off since the series first launched.
UMK3, 9, and Shaolin Monks are the only MK games worth playing
>Old 2D era
decent, peaked at UMK3
>3D era
a complete joke
>new 2D era
loses charm after 9 but starts improving the gameplay
>That scene when Baraka takes a gun from a Tarkatan who was handling it like a child
>"This is no toy"
This is what peak Mortal Kombat looked like
>UMK3 and not trilogy
>no deception
I think its time for MK to move on, and for Killer Instinct to take its place as the definitive western fighting game
it's done nothing but coast off of pop culture hype for more than 20 years
I just want another story-mode like Deception with chess Kombat and everything
It was always carried by gimmicks and minigames. The gameplay was never anything special. Now it takes itself way too seriously
>Was this series ever actually good, or was it just the novelty of the blood that made it stand out from other fighters of the 90s?
You mean like Darkstalkers?
Killer Instinct doesn't get the credit where it deserves.
people say modern mk combat is bad, but what makes it bad? and what games are better and what makes them better?
Ultimate was the peak.
Mechanically it's never been a very good game. I'd say the new ones at least try. The original games were all about the violence and unique graphics.
MK2 was actually good. I also liked Deadly Alliance but since then it's been pretty awful.
>likes DA
>doesnt like Deception, MK3/UMK3/Trilogy, or even Shaolin Monks
homosexual gayme
Kano looks like seven dollar Pedro here.
>warriors from Earthrealm for you to win the tournament you must engage in Mortal Kombat 4(tm)
Really Boon?
Everything about MK is great except playing the actual games. Theyre all ass, play like ass and make no sense. The only one that was good was Shaolin Monks and thats a stretch.
Horrible animation, inconsistent hitboxes, terrible useless mechanics like stance switching.
Play like any other fighting game. Even as poverty as it looks even KoFXIV doesn't have those problems.
Most of these characters do make some sort of sense being shirtless though.
Trust me, I'd also like to 100% see more less clothed females but most of the guys do make some sort of sense being shirtless
If the guys make sense for arbitrary plot reasons then so do the women.
How so?
Man Yea Forums is trying do hard to hate this game
Zoomers really need to be genocided. Like your generations opinions on everything literally everything is shit.
The gameplay has literally never been good.
Mortal Kombat is trash, has always been trash, and will always be trash.
Darkstalkers was actually really innovative for its time. Stuff like chain combos, air blocking, air dashing and guard cancels all come from Darkstalkers.
>CDkeys.com said in 4h
>Steam said in 23h
Which is correct?
Who gives a fuck
Skarlet for example drinks blood through her skin, why the fuck is she dressed like a desert Walker?
Isnt her outfit also made from blood?
The gameplay has never been good. It's always been clunky, jerky, stuck in quicksand crap. Luckily when the series was fresh though, all sorts of TMNT/Beverly Hills Ninja/Go Ninja Go! Hollywood cringeshit was popular. If it had released 5 years later it would have been more dead than Clay Fighters.
He means the story. I don't think anyone disagrees ultimate had the best gameplay out of the klassics.
>Everybody is hype and loving the game
>Good reviews, people are saying it has the best gameplay of any MK
>Only Yea Forums hates it because no fanservice
It's shaping up to be real good, can't wait to play at midnight.
I don't recall that being a thing, I think you're confusing her with Bayonetta.
She looks alright aside from those shoulder pads that look ridiculous.
>it has the best gameplay of any MK
That's like being the smartest kid on the retard bus
So where we at right now? I honestly only care about MK 1 and 2 characters/aesthetics, but MK 9 delivered on that. Is this game more of that or nu-MK shit?
MKX was a blunder but 3 and 9 were great
I always hated how they changed all the inputs for MK 3. Fuck having to relearn every fatality and pit fatality for every character.
I hate because no fanservice for the hetros small cast whoring out Shao as a pre order bonus. Microtransactions grind walls multiple currencies to make "timesavers" more appealing, The it's just cosmetic excuse still being believed disrespect to fans. Only good dlc character idea is Spawn rest suck. Many characters look like super hero rejects. And pointless DRM.
But there is fanservice for gays and SJWs, just not straight white males.
Who the fuck even cares about fanservice when games don’t even show the woman’s nipples
You fucking idiots
imagine being this pleb
Does nothing for me.
And also sauce pls
Liking futa doesn’t make me gay.
Ded game
i dont know man, if you need the dick on her for it to be hot you’re pretty gay
The dick isn't necessary, it's just a pleasant bonus.
>Was this series ever actually good, or was it just the novelty of the blood that made it stand out from other fighters of the 90s?
You present your question as if those two things are mutually exclusive. Mortal Kombat was good BECAUSE it pushed the cultural boundaries of what was acceptable to publish in the 80s.
For some cultural context, this was the generation where Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles got censored and had to loose the Nun-Chucks because they were "too violent".
Sure, the gameplay itself was not as smooth as Street Fighter, but the blood, gore (and scantily dressed women) unambiguously multiplied the enjoyment of a teenage youth who had never seen something like this before,
Wrong. The story, and lore, was Kino, and Mortal Kombat was the fighting game that made other fighting games care about making their story compelling.
>this was the generation where Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles got censored and had to loose the Nun-Chucks because they were "too violent"
>>being a britbong
In britbongland they were called the hero turtles.
The fact that he calls them ninja turtles shows he is not from britbongland
Try again
No, this series was never good from a fighting game standpoint, but it did its job with gratuitous violence, simple, mash friendly gameplay and single player focus.
But then Story happened, which only IX did a decent job so far.
Then forced online happened
Then preorder DLC happened
Then legacy characters being dai 1 DLC happened
Then lazy and grindy single player unlocks happened
Then SJW pandering happened
RIP in pieces.
Gameplay is better but the games themselves lost all the fun campiness they used to have, it's still there but not nearly as much.
There's a reason Johnny Cage is one of the fan favorites
This so much.
None of those oldschool fighting games were meant to have a story that takes itself seriously.
If Street Fighter ever makes a story that doesn't look like a saturday morning cartoon, the series will be ruined as well.
I don't know about better or worse but just by watching a video of old MK you can feel the difference. The kung fu flick vibe is gone.
It had passable combat, a big roster, and a very unique live action mo-cap art style that set it apart from other games.
MK died when they stopped using the live-action mo-cap actors IMO. Especially since nobody at Netherworld can animate for the life of them.
Nostalgia is the only reason people still by this tripe.
man I havent bothered with MK9 but MKX gameplay is some real no neutral 50/50 garbage.
hard to believe that 9 was worse.
9 had some really wonky shit, like 60% of a life bar off a combo that started with a jump kick.it got to a much better spot after all the patches, but game was dead at that point.
>MK "gameplay"
>Mashes buttons
>Character does a move that moves him forward and if it hits and you're still mashing it does a chain combo
>Fight gets interrupted every 5 seconds by a 10 second cutscene of x-ray gratuitous violence
>BLOCK BUTTON in a "competitive" 2D "fighting" game
>Motions for special moves are baby shit like down down, back back, back forward or forward forward
>Dial-a-combo shit so hit confirming doesn't exist
>Block button auto corrects so cross-ups don't exist
>Block button makes it possible for silly stuff to happen like dashing forward and canceling the recovery into block
>Slow walk-speeds coupled with slow jumps make it so the game is all about doing random mid-screen blockstrings hoping to catch someone not holding the block button or being hit during the move's start-up frames
>EX Bar gone forever, now you get fucking cooldowns on ex moves, COOLDOWNS
>The entire game is a string of high-low-throw mix-ups jumping as already pretty bad but now it was nerfed and even more useless
MK has been bad since always, but MK11 looks like an even bigger pile of shit.
didnt know people where this retarded
It's been the only really successful western fighting game series, which is kind of neat. Unfortunately it's never been as good as it's Japanese competition, and considering the state of the western industry that's not likely to change any time soon.
Does anyone in universe ever call Noob-Saibot by that name or just Bi-han/Sub-Zero?
It was always about the style and never the gameplay. But damn the style was good in MK2 and 3.
Show me the fan service for us lesbians, cuck.
So what's everyone's preferred ending, bromance with Raiden or romance with Kitana
Jade and Kitana
Kitana end.
Liu deserves to bang her for eternity after the shit he's been through.
It's not a terrible game at all, but the exclusivity kills it
The game was always a quick cash grab. From recycled assets to impossible to beat without using more cash, the series has been full jewry since the begging, but now they are at full force with microtransactions.
>best gameplay of any MK
That's what they said about MKX, and MK9 was still more fun
I'm 35 and I identify more with zoomers in this regard.
Liu may be a god but even he worships those thighs
answer please
It's on Steam.
relative to what in the era?
>Xbone, W10 and Steam
>and has crossplat play
>MFW I was gonna buy this
>Remember i hate fighting games
>I just want the story
>Watch the story on youtube
>Story sucks
>Jax ending lmao
>MFW I saved 60 bux
You can't be fucking serious.
I like her new face, but not her flat butt and non existent boobs.
3D fighters > 2D fighters
Playing a 3D fighter you feel like you are in control of your character.
Playing a 2D fighter is like playing Typing of the Dead. You don't control your character so much as you just punch in codes and then watch things happen
What the fuck does any of that even mean? Have sex.
are we gonna fuck
Relative to every fighting game.
Kof, SF and even tekken were all stiff and clunky back then but they've improved.
MK is still the same mechanics
Just look at this newest MK. the only thing people are talking about is the violence.
It'll be dead within a month because the violence is the only thing it has.
Boon said he would love to do a MK vs KI game
>flat butt
nigger, please
I would prefer if doublehelix/whoever the current KI devs are took over the gameplay if that happened.
I can't bring myself to trust Boon or his beautiful eyebrows anymore. Not after Injustice 2 and now this.
the machines were louder in the arcade
>the violence is the only thing it has.
And its story and all of its SP content.
How long until we see how complete the story enemy only characters are compared to full characters? Barracka was like half a character in X wasn't he?
>I can't bring myself to trust Boon or his beautiful eyebrows anymore. Not after Injustice 2 and now this.
Why? I hated the first Injustice game, but loved the shit out of 2 and MK11 already play and has a much better roster than MKX.
>Story is
>Time manipulating shennanigans that went too far
Messing with time traveling for too long, eventually backfires. Mk11 doesnt break the rule
This shit was what the next 2 mk games are missing. They have become too serious for their own sake
Took 11 games but liu kang is finally based.
Finally someone who knows his shit. The majority of MK shills have no knowledge on fighting game mechanics. The block button bothered me since MK3 when they added the dash. Also add to the list the redundant pose switch button. It could have been a taunt button but no no no, just watch your fighter awkwardly changing his posture
One of the only exclusivity things that has ever pissed me off. But it's fair, everything has one.
Such a kino thing would never be allowed to happen.
They're literally turning into the ps2 era games again: takes itself way too seriously and has too many boring OCs instead of characters people actually give a shit about
Nigga MK1 and 2 were easy to do fatalities in just hold block and do the input. 3 on the other hand was a bit difficult.
everything between Trilogy and 9 was shit. Shaolin Monks is the only good spinoff.
Nigga do you even played the game on their respective ports? Mk2 on ps1 has like 2 seconds time to position and pull the fatality. Thats like one shot. Its not impossible, but its anoying as fuck
Not him, Your response to someone breaking down fight game mechanics is have sex man you people are unimaginative seriously why do think real life sex is so important.
The power of the pelvis bone
Same reason Injustice suck. Clunky combat and it feels like you're moving tanks, not responsive as you would like it. Also takes itself waaaay too seriously. And the fatality system is a joke.
Basically the same problem most modern fighting games has. Takes itself way to seriously to be fun for just people to hang out and game with, like back in the day.