Why does Pokemon keep getting better?

Why does Pokemon keep getting better?

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Twitter screencap threads should be ban on sight


Wtf? I love pokemon now

well apply as a janny then

good luck

first post is indeed best post

Why do these people always try to find their mental illness in everything? Why do they think this corporation would even think to include it in their product?



>Nintendo bans smash bros stages with LGBTQBBQLMAO+ flags on them
>"Hey guys! Pokemon starters are totally lgbt flags!"
Yeah sure makes sense. These cunts are fucking sick in the head.

>well apply as a janny then
I have. Not my fault they won't let me clean this shithole up.

triggered snowflakes

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we strayed too away from god to live in this world

I don't care if it was actually in there intentionally, I care when they try to insert their illness into media where it clearly is not.

its their entire life and personality
What I fucking hate are retards making these threads, it ever fucking ends, what are they even trying to prove?
We already know fags are insane, stop flooding the boards with trash

*honk honk*
Your rainbow is mine, fag.

Honestly, this. Especially tweets from random people.

Why would you care about the sexual orientation of little kids game animals unless you think about them in a sexual manner?
HAHAHAAH Do these people even realise how FUCKED in the HEAD they sound?

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Is that Tom Hardy on the left? He's hardly a conservative American.

Have sex

This x 10.
Then people will unironically discuss the aforementioned picture as if it isn't a literally who.
Who cares.

I don't care, it's just hilarious when conservatives cry about the same thing they make fun of

Thats how fatsos see themselves. SJWs think they are Beyonce or Ariana Grande and Conservative Snowflakes think they're Tom hardy or Taylor Swift

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Put those pokemons in a daycare and see what happens. The lesbian is gonna get raped to lay an egg the non binary one will have sex like a slut and the pan one would fuck an Ditto. They will all lay eggs so eho cares lemeow

I wish we had competents mods

Trannies should be killed on sight


Mods please.