Is Ghost Recon Wildlands any good?

Is Ghost Recon Wildlands any good?

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user in the last thread said it best.

>Not the hottest of garbage imaginable
>Not Ubishits generic tacticool third person pooper with quasi stealth elements #458347583475345
>Not the same bland garbage formula they turned Splinter Cell into
>Not the same bland garbage formula they turned Rainbow Six into with Vegas
>Not the same bland garbage formula they turned Ghost Recon into and continue to rape it with
>Not the same bland garbage that spawned the Division
>LMFAO hit scanning dual SMG wielding snipers
>LMFAO endlessly respawning guards
>LMFAO bodies magically vanish after 5 seconds
>LMFAO your squad AI literally can't be seen by the enemy until "combat", can shoot through walls and teleport at will because LOL fuck doing proper AI, too fucking hard
>LMFAO guards magically know where you are because they spotted your buddy 2km away
>LMFAO Tier 1 mode that is quite literally the definition of artificial difficulty
>LMFAO grinding
>LMFAO more grinding
>LMFAO don't like grinding? Just buy a booster bro
>LMFAO $15 microtransactions for a single sniper rifle
>LMFAO loot crates
>LMFAO emotes
>LMFAO even more microtransactions
>LMFAO driving
>LMFAO flying
>LMFAO rifles that blow up cars and helicopters with a single shot
>LMFAO everyone in south america has a mini-gun mounted to their vehicle

The game could have been great, but it's way to compromised in virtually every respect.

Its ok, 3rd person far cry. Vehicles handle like arse though and its a bit repetative.

>LMFAO bodies magically vanish after 5 seconds
Developers need to learn how to fucking optimize, I was beyond pissed off that Doom 2016 did the same shit with any decal or bullet hole as well.


it's fun, kind of like mgsv taking over outposts loud or quiet, lots of gadgets and weapons, vehicle variety too. story is garbo but it's all skippable and pretty to the point. i watched sicario and felt like popping some heads, it's perfect for that. if you want you can turn all the assists off and make it very hard but i didn't do that


Not really, too repetitive and too shallow in the long run. Had fun for maybe first 2 territories, after that it just became a grind.

>I was beyond pissed off that Doom 2016 did the same shit with any decal or bullet hole as well

pc version is console port

pc version of eternal will probably be actual pc version

No it's awful.
I have 500 hours on it, ask me any kind of question and i'll be more than happy to tell you why it's bad.
t. received it for free because of cards

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>no its awful
>i have 500 hours on it
What in the fuck

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I suffered every second of it.

Not him, but it's addictive whilst also being mechanically shit.

Imagine if R6:Vegas were open world.
It's an okay game.

but he didn't pay for it, so it's perfectly fine

i have about 60 hours and i don't know how it happened, the game shouldn't be as fun as it is

It's honestly great. Beautiful open world, hordes of drug goons to mow down, assault or stealth style.

You're right, the first 60 hours\4-5 regions are fun.
Then you realize you're an idiot.

It's repetitive as shit, but if you're down to kill a fuck ton of beaners in beautiful Bolivia it's fun

Ita fun in coop, beautiful world, decwnt customization. Lootboxes though,, season pass, repetative missions

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I can’t be the only one who is mad over wildlands and siege because they play nothing like the original ghost recon/r6 games? I just want something like those games again, but no Ubisoft needs to stick the name on their latest shitstain to get more free Clancybux.

I got it for $25, 20 hours in and bored. It’s just a lifeless MGSV.

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Imagine if MGSV was made by Ubisoft, except with a story that made you wish it was as unfinished as MGSV's.
Absolutely horrible controls, too.

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it alright if you like doing the same thing over and over again. and it somehow the only game that drop frames when i play a movie/watch stream on my second computer screen

I'm on my phone OP give me a second and i'll explain it to you, I've been playing this since January

One thing I really have to give to the game is that it’s environments are fucking gorgeous and impressive, not many games can capture the feel and scale of large geographical features as well. All the mountains, height differences and vistas truly feel massive like they should.

The stealth mechanics are inexcusably bad for a game with as much focus on stealth as this one.
Mainly, the problem is that being discovered is basically a binary toggle. Once you or your co-op friends are discovered, everyone magically knows where you all are at all times.

imagine being this buttblasted

Ubi is pretty good at worlds. The shit they've done with the Division is neat as hell

It's a really solid 6-7/10 that could have easily been a 10/10 if they'd fixed all of this shit.
Instead they spent years releasing broken updates and jewtastic DLC. It's a deeply flawed game, but there's still enjoyment to be found if you want something tacticool. Hopefully they unfuck their shit for the sequel, but I doubt it.

Also adding permadeath to a game as buggy and fucked as Wildlands was literally the worst idea ever, as was the implementation of the Tier 1 mode that just ramped the artificial difficulty right up.

>Final mission of the game
>A mission that is already 200% bullshit
>Tier 1 mode
>Start mission
>AI spawns fuck up
>Spawns a ton of AI literally at the player spawn outside the safe house
>Everyone dies before you're even given control of your character

If we weren't manually backing up and replacing permadeath saves that would have been 50+ hours down the drain because of Ubisofts fuck ups, not to mention the other numerous occasions where people fell through the ground or other spastic AI, AI literally spawning on the player or collision bugs etc

He's not wrong tho.

With a group of buds it's really fun
set it to the hardest difficulty and and go super tactical. Don't pay more than $15 for it and don't buy any DLC. Not a great single-player game.

And it looks gorgeous on a nice PC

You don't need the DLC to play. All it adds in new game modes outside the main game. All the cross-over missions are free

What the fuck happened?

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Market is 90% drooling fucktards, too big of a market to ignore.

Mgs5 is already lifeless

what's the best one? i beat the original one which i think ends in miscow with tanks everywhere. i think it was probably my first 'realistic military' game


Have you played the Desert Siege and Island Thunder expansions?

If not check out those, then look into mods.

The original ghost recon and it’s expansions are the only ghost recons in that style, everything beyond is completly different

The original and expansions are the only good games besides Advanced Warfare

I think people finding it repetitive don't vary their tactics. You've got loads of different ways to tackle missions, even more if you've got human allies instead of the basic AI. Loads of vehicles, guns, items, faction-fighting, biomes, etc to vary it up.

The original GR style is much better served by Arma, and similarly original R6 by Squad and SWAT games. Siege and Wildlands at least offer their own niche, so as a fan from the beginning I'm still happy with them.

>lifeless MGSV
Human buddies > MGSV buddies
30+ NPC > bases 20~ NPC bases
21 regions > 2 regions
gun porn > toy hybrids
patrols chasing you between bases > empty overworld
guns/weapons to collect on map > guns to develop through gacha MB bullshit
endless tacticool gear options
> 20 camo skins, 2 sneaking suits and battle gear
skill upgrades that actually help on hardest difficulty > endless gadgets + buddies that plummet the already tiny difficulty
... and so on

Blows my mind that people think MGSV is better, it's easy shit with empty overworld and empty bases. In Wildlands you have endless hordes coming at you all over the place. It's Ground Zeroes level density but an entire open world on that level. The only thing MGSV has over it is way better/agile movement/controls (that are ironically wasted when there are few big interior levels).

There’s also Jungle Storm though it’s PS2 only

That makes it full of action though, you constantly have to stay on the move. Just move somewhere else and they won't know where you went.

Also insane vertical heights and beautiful vistas > ugly desert/plain flatlands

>brainlet doesn't understand the arcade mindset where you don't care if you lose 50 hours
permadeath is to make it like an arcade game

Jungle Storm is just a shittier version of Island Thunder with a few new missions.

Pretty sure those missions have been ported to PC as well in one of the fuck huge 20GB+ mod packs.

I really enjoyed playing dress up during a free weekend.

mgs has cqc

It's like an outpost attack mod for Watchdogs, it's that style of combat gameplay but with extremely simple and repetitive missions and a lot of arbitrarily gated content, it's the ultimate Ubisoft map cleaning simulator.

It's too concerned with being grounded and freeform to offer interesting enemy variety or mission design but also too gamey and grindy to be engaging like a proper tactical shooter.

The Division 2 is a much better execution of this type of design imo but it's gameplay is nowhere near as realistic.

MGSV has better mechanics and way better AI resulting in much better overall gameplay, even if the level design is fucking terrible.

The open world in both games is fucking awful and poorly utilized.

>It's Ground Zeroes level density
Except without level design quality and with garbage gameplay and controls.

>endless tacticool gear options
None of which change absolutely anything.

>21 regions > 2 regions
Not really when all 21 are just as empty and you do the same shit you've been doing in the rest.

Wildlands is the definition of a 5/10.

I covered that:
>The only thing MGSV has over it is way better/agile movement/controls (that are ironically wasted when there are few big interior levels).

MGSV honestly should have been a Splinter Cell: Blacklist killer. Instead it ended up a mediocre compromise between that and what would later be done better with Wildlands. MGSV is too little for its map size.

>intelligent AI
means nothing if NPCs are still fucking weak and have too small numbers to handle the player. What Wildlands lacks in NPC intelligence it makes up for in sending them out at you like ant armies. The AI is better in practise.

It got 4 player coop and beautiful sceneries, nice weapon and gadget variety.
It would really be a great game if not for everything that's already been said.

>Been waiting for another good Ghost Recon game for 17 years now.
Any day now.

>Except without level design quality and with garbage gameplay and controls.
Maybe not as good as GZ but certainly better than in the majority of TPP.

>None of which change absolutely anything
That's not the point, it's cosmetic.

>Not really when all 21 are just as empty and you do the same shit you've been doing in the rest
Any region of GR:W is less empty than TPP regions. And you have 20 times more of them.

wildlandd wouldn't exist without mgs5 showing the way, but you're not totally wrong

yes, multiplayer is fantastic

>wildlandd wouldn't exist without mgs5 showing the way
It would though, it's essentially just a military themed third person far cry game, I don't think anything from MGSV informed its design.

not really but at least you can tacticool it up and it has the best graphics on the market if your PC can handle it

Can we all just take a moment and laugh at how genuinely bad and half assed the new wave based horde mode was that they added in the last update?

It has got to be the most uninspired, poorly balanced, probably not even play tested and sorriest excuse for a horde mode, a formula that was pretty much perfected over a decade ago might I add, that i've ever fucking seen.

Meanwhile ALL of the game breaking bugs they introduced in the subsequent patches are still present.

>Maybe not as good as GZ but certainly better than in the majority of TPP.
Better in what way?
There's no level design at work here, it's the same shit of being able to enter from wherever you want, and you can even cheese it with helis.

>Any region of GR:W is less empty than TPP regions
The problem is that it's filled with the same kind of repetitive crap that MGSV is: the same 5 kind of pointless secondary missions over and over again.

>And you have 20 times more of them.
That's not good when they are still empty.
Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle.

Literally fucking what?
Wildlands is nothing but a 2000's era open world third person shooter with Ubisofts typical generic third person shooter mechanics slapped on.

just cause you might not be able to point at something directly, they still 100% looked in detail at how mgsv worked when designing gr

Possibly one of the worst games Ubisoft has made this decade.
This game is the embodiment of soulless.
Playing this is a goddamn chore.

>Is Ghost Recon Wildlands any good?
If it didn't have Denuvo meaning people could mod it, it'd be fantastic.

Unfortunately it's shit. Nice customization though.

It's 80GB of shallow, repetitive and utterly soulless Ubisoft drivel.

It also contains the most offensive loot box and micro transactions of any game i've ever come across.

Yeah, I got Wildlands on the PS4 and I don't pay the subscription online, so its a singleplayer game for me.
It's bad implemented. It's artificial difficulty because you are underequiped and facing threats the way you should avoid when playing the base game (I play on advanced without hud)
Shit mode.

You know it won’t be. They are still in the business of making money after all.