Next-Gen Xbox Reportedly More Powerful Than The PS5

Will it end up the same as this gen bros, will they have the exclusives to back it up with?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why does Cerny always look like he just got done with a dose of heroin? Is that why Knack exists?

Microsoft will have exclusive subscription services that you can continue to play no games on.

When will MS learn that games > hardware? Even after an entire generation of getting spanked by yellow monkeys they still haven't got the message. Halo and racing games can't carry them forever.

>Halo and racing games
especially when both of those are on PC now, who would buy an xbox?

Sonyfag here. I'd rather go with Nintendo next gen if Sony fucks up really badly.

Fuck Xbox.

>muh exclusives
Literally who gives a fuck if they give us good shit like Killer Instinct 2

Perks of Xbox have always been better online service and back compat

>XBox 4 will either use Vega VII or next to top shelf Navi
>XBox 4 will use 16c/32t Ryzen
>XBox 4 will use somewhere between 32 and 64gb of RAM
>Just so Microsoft can tout a bigger dick than Sony or Google

Isn't xbox going with a cheaper streaming machine and more expensive powerhouse? It's like the X being more powerful than the Pro.

And yet Sony fanboys love shitting on Nintendo who is well known for less powerful consoles but better first party games. Ironic that you guys say "Games > Hardware" when there's a more powerful console than yours. Otherwise it's just "LMAO. PS MOST POWERFUL CONSOLE. MUH GRAPHICS"

PS5 is gonna be huge, the biggest thing since PS2, Sonys unstoppable, they got the games, they got the momentum, they got the mindshare

>343i (Halo)
>The Coalition (Gears 5 and 6 to finish the NuTrilogy, Gears Tactics, after that new IP)
>Playground Studio 1 (Forza Horizon)
>Playground Studio 2 (Fable ARPG)
>Compulsion Games (small scale story-driven adventures)
>Relic Entertainment (Age of Empires 4)
>Undead Labs (zombie survival)
>Mojang (Minecraft, who cares)
>The Initiative (Quadruple A "AAAA" third person action games [so far hired a bunch of devs from Rockstar, Sony Santa Monica, Crystal Dynamics and Insomniac)
>Ninja Theory (divided into 3 teams, all working on games on scale of Enslaved) [3 teams]
>RARE (started working on a new IP and will let other studios work on their older IPs like with Battletoads atm) [2 teams]
>Turn10 (revolutionizing sim racers with Forza Motorsport 8)
>Obsidian Entertainment (new project directed by Sawyer already in development, best version of Outer Worlds in native 4k and 60FPS and possible sequels are exclusive) [2 teams]
>MSGP funding more 2nd and 3rd party games like Sunset Overdrive, Cuphead, Killer Instinct or Ori
>new Xbox Division in Asia
>inXile Entertainment (CRPGs) [2 teams]
>close to buying IO Interactive (Hitman), Deck13 (The Surge) and Asobo (A Plague Tale: Innocence)
>the best versions of multiplats
>native 4k 60fps
>backwards compatibility
>GamePass ($1 a month to play almost 200 games)
>they're not censoring games unlike Snoy
>using the W10 store means you're in the Xbox ecosystem

Sony is LITERALLY on life support next-gen

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>comment about how xbox is making the same mistakes as this generation
>>b-but sony fanboys and muh nintendooooooo
lol no wonder everyone makes fun of nintendo

>they got the games

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>who would buy an xbox?
People who don't have a $1500 gaming PC aka the majority of people.
Not to mention the few people that have a gaming PC dont even use the W10 store

all i want is killer instinct 4

Who cares about owning an Xbox at this point when everything just shows up on PC too? Waste of time

There's only 1 Sony game in that image, I was talking about Death Stranding and the other Sony games

>death stranding

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>can load games 19x times faster than PS4
Shitposting and console wars aside, does anyone actually believe this?

>W10 Store

Its critical for xbox to beat sony in power this generation so yeah it will probqbly happen

they had em beat this gen though. 360 basically pumped the ps3 too with 99% of multiplats running better on it

Whatever it is it's a system seller and worth buying a PS5. Unfortunately no other platforms have games so Sony wins by default with notions of games. Actually everytime Sony promised a game it came out, Unlike Xbox or Half Life 3, Sony is more reliable, it's better than getting shit on by Gabe and Phil

They have 23 studios making first party games currently. They have full backwards compatibility with OG Xbox, 360, and Xbox One.
They have Xbox game pass. Over 200 games.

I think Xbox will win this gen.

>got the power
>got the games
Snoyboys will cry at this years E3

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>$1500 gaming PC
If you truly believe this then you're an ignorant retard, you can make a good gaming pc cheaper than the price of a PS4.


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When are Deep Down and WiLD coming out?

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Thats nice will it have Scalebound?

didn't matter, 'member the "trade games with friends" bit, this one, that is all it took for Xboxone to sink into the ocean


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Scalebound is just like Death Stranding except Sony is intentionally bleeding themselves dry to have any game launch.
Both games are shit

Why would you build a PC when PS4 has every multiplat and exclusive? That's why you idiots can never understand why Sony is dominating, it's better, easier, cheaper, has games, think about it, PC fucking sucks

>good gaming PC
>for around $200
If you truly believe this then you're an ignorant retard

>fewer, bigger games
What the fuck is Sony thinking?

I only cared about this game when it got cancelled, I never mentioned it otherwise. Lmao.

not even a pcfag, but why do companies keep on comparing how powerful their home consoles are when pc will always be the most powerful of all?
Its true you got your dedicated consumers of your products but is there there really any point? its like watching two average sized guys compare their muscles and strength and try to show off to other people while the bigggest, strongest guy in the room is still there?
personally home consoles are just for exclusives that aren't on pc or aren't ever coming to pc, I don't really care how "powerful" they are, as long as my game is fun and runs at a consistent frame rate, I'm good

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But will it have developers?

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Still in development as of last E3, Sorry to break it to you, Sony will go 10 years if they have to, if the game has potential Sony will nurture it until it's ready. Just look at The Last Guardian, only Sony would make a great unique game like Wild, Death Stranding or Dreams

because any person that knows his crafts looks like that.

Uhhhhhhh you know Michel Ancel already abandoned the project and moved on to Beyond Good & Evil?
WiLD is dead and so is Deep Down.

What the idiot probably meant is that you can get a decent gaming PC if you take your funds for a new internet/office/streaming video PC and combine that with the money you'd spend on the console.
Combine that with games almost always being cheaper on PC.

Weird how all these threads always pop up at around the same time of day.

They're thinking God of War made a ton of money and Gravity Rush lost money, they want to make more money, have bigger system selling IP


What's the point in PC gaming when you're going for the console experience with shitty mid-end hardware?

Microsoft, you have the perfect opportunity to swoop in and be the best console of this gen.
Sony is censoring games with "hate speech" and any kind of sexual imagery and has already angered some of the japanese developers.

If you manage to surpass PS5's tech but also MAKE GAMES for your new Xbox system, then Sony will be in tatters and you will have won this gen. DO IT, MICROSOFT. DO IT.

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and my PC is more "powerful" than either of them

More God of Wars and Spidermans
Less Gravity Rush and whatever the fuck

And honestly they're right

Maybe he's making both of them? Until the game is formally cancelled that's the situation.

This gen Sony won with only like 3 exclusive titles

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>more games
>library carries over 'generations'
>one less appliance to potentially break
>easy pirating
>kb+m or controller

PS4/5 and the Switch are gonna keep burying you, FYI.

That game currently is not in development user.

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No one trust Microsoft anymore. Microsoft has also begun censoring sexually suggestive content in upcoming videogames. So either way, do not expect any sexist and overly exotic women in videogames in either console or PC. Welcome to the no fun era Boys

They won because Microsoft disassembled the Xbox division 2007-2013 and tried to sell a Kinect cable box that also plays multiplatform games, Microsoft has no right to make a console

Or you could just get a PS4 and a garbage bin laptop.
You'd also get to play actual good exclusive games.

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Where's that Xbox fanboy pasta that says the same thing for 5 paragraphs? Not feeling at home right now lads.


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Steam coming to Xbox is going to kill PS5 in the west.


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Maybe they'll ship them with a ssd instead of a hdd

>Caring about 343i after the have made literally nothing good

Cuphead is multiplat but not on PS4.
Forza is multiplat but not on PS4.
Sunset Overdrive is multiplat but not on PS4.
All Halo games through 4 are multiplat but not on PS4.
Quantum Break is multiplat but not on PS4.
Ori is multiplat but not on PS4.
Sea of Thieves is multiplat but not on PS4.
State of Decay is multiplat but not on PS4.
Among others, with even more next gen because of all those studios Microsoft bought.

>Sea of thieves


I'm willing to sacrifice TLG and Bloodborne to have what I listed in my previous post.
I hate the feeling that comes with knowing I can only play my games until the console breaks. Gamecube and PS3 both have disc reading errors now.

i thought i had forgotten about this goober

Halo is still good.

A lot of people still play it.
How many are playing the SP of Unfarted?

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Not entirely true. The Wii U had games and people just ignored that console.

None of those games amounted to anything except Cuphead. If you think Cuphead alone is meaningful enough to mention as a detractor to PlayStation you're mistaken


Why has Sony changed their stance on backwards compatibility? Everything MS does must be so meaningful to them.

>Persona 5
I wish. It and Bloodborne are genuinely the only console games this generation that I've seriously wanted to play as a PC only fag.

those games at least have fun gameplay

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>having to compare replayability of a MP title with a one-shot campaign

>Forza amounted to nothing
>literally killed Gran Fartismo and Dudclub

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You mean other than Forza, Sunset Overdrive, Halo, Quantum Break, Ori, Sea of Thieves and State of Decay?

Yeah, the worst 3D Mario ever made, generic 2D Mario, a Mario Tennis tech demo, Mario Party: Still in the fucking Cart edition, the worst Paper Mario ever made which also killed the franchise, the worst Star Fox waggle garbage ever made, a bunch of Zelda pointless remasters, no exclusive Zelda, no Metroid and the worst Animal Crossing spin-off ever made.

Sorry but Pikmin 3, W101, Bayonetta 2, Smash and Mario Kart aren’t enough, especially when only 2 of those are actual system sellers.

>MP game that can be played for 1000s of hours
>singleplayer moviegame that you finish in 9 hours and never touch again
Sony needs a good MP game.

>When will MS learn that games > hardware?
They did with the 360. But then they forgot for some reason.

Who cares though, after PS4 eating their lunch, PS5 having backwards comparability for all their great games already made it win unless they REALLY fuck up. MS is probably going to do some dumb shit like not have a disc drive anyways.

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>You mean other than Forza, Sunset Overdrive, Halo, Quantum Break, Ori
Those are all good though?
If Sunset Overdrive was on PS4 you'd especially dickride that one.

they always report their console will be better but then the devs make shit games with terrible framerates anyhow.

Nah, Sony needs to focus on SP, multiplats are already the best non-Nintendo MP games.

How did you manage to fuck this joke up so badly? The absolute state of snoyniggers

>Sony needs to focus on SP
But that's ALL they're doing right now. Cinematic one and done sp games.

I don't know why Snoyfags are so against there even being a single co-op or mp game.

Cope harder Pajeet.

nintendo rehashes its 1980's lineup, though.

Do Xbots actually exist on Yea Forums or are people just false flagging?

PS4 already sold 95 million while the Xbone hasn’t reached 40 million yet.

Fucking Horizon Zero Dawn, a b-tier new IP outsold Halo 5.

It’s clear who is doing things right and who is already preparing their exit out of console hardware, enjoy them PC ports senpai ;)

They're both going to be trash. Xbox is mostly Western cuck shit, and any Japanese developer still publishing for the PS5 will be making cuck shit too.

I have a PS4, Switch, and PC, I just also know how chocolate rain goes, you dumb fucking nigger

It’s mostly Nintendofags who can’t be bothered to defend Nintendo when they get shitposted back so they just falseflag as Xboxfags to shitpost without a single care in the world.

>I-it's totally more powerful than whatever Sony will put out! Trust us!
switching from 360 to ps3 in 2006 was the best decision of my life

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All I see is how fucked Nintendo is. Once again their console is by far the weakest, and it stopped getting system sellers two fucking years ago. It's the Wii all over again.

that's the thing. everyone is cracking down on lewd shit it's not just sony. tumblr outright banned porn

>enjoy them PC ports senpai
I already am, thanks.

>It’s clear who is doing things right
>It's popular so it's good.
I guess Islam is the best religion too, after all most people are muslim. Clearly it must be good, right?

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Nintendo will be bending over backwards too, not only to Japan but to their chinks overlords

but only if you play on easy, otherwise it turns into just another cover shooter

Deep Down is not a Sony game
I expect WiLD to resurface on PS5, Deep Down is cancelled.

It was going to be exclusive to PS4.

If I could play my steam library on a xbox I would actually buy one.

Oh well, it ain't Sony's fault. Sony didn't cancel their games , Microsoft did. You should ask Capcom that.

>buying new gen consoles on release

You know what would save the next gen xbox? Actually going to japan devs and promising they won't censor anything if they made games for it instead of Sony. Sony has gone so woke that they won't realize what hit them when move weeb games shift from PS to xbox and Nintendo.

It would be a masterpiece move by Microsoft, but I doubt they have the brains to do this.


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I own all 3 consoles but I play the Xbone the most, so I wouldn't say I'm an Xbot, I'd say I'm an Xchad.

Death Stranding is coming to PC bro

what am i looking at here

>cancels SOCOM and kills Zipper Interactive
>cancels Motorstorm and kills Evolution

Halo and Horizon are two of the gest games of their respective genres this gen and snoy has no exclusive answer to either of them.

Same here. My PS4 gets used mainly for MLB The Show. I don't own a Switch and am cautious with Nintendo since the Wii U hapened.

All trash.

video games

>Xniggers still seething over losing Kojima

kek bunch of faggots, suck it down

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>It's okay when snoy does it


Censorship didn't matter back when Blue Dragon and Last Odyssey came out. Sony didn't censor back then. Right now, sony's censorship is a hot topic and many japanese devs, nips and weebs all hate it.

Unlike back then, censorship matters now when games are being censored left and right by Sony. Microsoft could potentially come out to win Japan if they campaigned against censorship there for their next gen console. The timing is perfect to go anti-censorship.

>empty environments
>walking around
yeah, nice game
at least it has z tier celebrities

They didn't cancel announced games faggot
Nice try


You retards still pushing this line? Microcuck do the exact same shit.

yeah they just come out 10 years later

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They unironically got Omega Labyrinth Z canceled.

>All these busted Reddit talking points
Man I can't wait for DS to keep Xcucks seething.

I think next gen will be an easy win for MS if they market it better than the Xbox one. Sony will most likely have worse hardware than the Xbox and Xbox will probably have bigger launch titles like halo infinite. They just need to double down on good triple A exclusives and they won next gen.

Please specify what "line" you are talking about. Also what exactly do "Microcuck" do that is exactly the same.

It's coming to PC, bro

Xbox is having 2 SKUs, but will the cheaper of the two also be more powerful or will it be a PS4/Xbox One minor difference. If both Xbox SKUs are better, why fucking bother having 2?

Microsoft E3 2019
>Xbox Scarlet, two new consoles in same style of Xbox One S and Xbox One X.
>Xbox Scarlet games playing natively on PC
>Many BC titles on PC including Xbox One, Xbox 360, and OG Xbox, expected to launch October 2019
>Xbox Scarlet game development will allow games to be sold on Xbox One/PC at discretion of publishers
>Xbox Game Pass expanded - day 1 first party/second party games, third party AAA games a couple months after launch, indie games all the time
>More studios acquired, expect at least 3 announcements
>Xcloud detailed, stream from your xbox console to your PC/iOS/Android/Windows devices, will eventually offer streaming from Microsoft Azure servers.
>Play Anywhere now applies to everything. If you own it digitally, download it to your Xbox or PC, or stream it to your Windows, iOS, Android device.
>Xbox Live Gold will continue to offer the best complimentary games for subscribers each month
>New Xbox controller variations. Standard, Elite, and Hybrid
>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Fable RPG
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Rocksteady DC game
>Harry Potter RPG
>Killer Instinct
>Splinter Cell Reboot
>Ninja Theory's Bleeding Edge
>More than 30 games shown off

Meanwhile at Sony E3 2019

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>MS will do better if they make a more competent job of polishing their turd

The funny thing is, you're right. There are still enough Xfags clinging to the busted remains of Xbox and the retarded Phil Spencer cult for that strategy to be viable.

Even tho Xbox one has less people than PS4 their meme content is still better than the yellow snoy face

Thanks for the selfie, snoyger

this e3 is gonna be a shitstorm isnt it

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4 has an extremely underrated SP campaign and 5 has the best MP of the entire series, but ok.

90% of console players dont even know a PC can play games they're a completely different target audience then you or I. Microsoft knows this they don't expect you to buy an Xbox, just play it on PC.

a glorious shitstorm

It will be like last year but with more pro Xbox posters and less Sony seething since they can't fuck up E3 this year like last year with the flute and other BS

Isn't the Xbox one more powerful than the Ps4? It doesn't really mean much.

Holy shit you gotta reach all the way back 2 generation launches and that's all you got on Sony? That's an unbelievable track record for Sony, if you knew anything about game development you just proved Sony's superiority over the competition, Nintendo has cancelled more announced games, games people were waiting for, games people bought consoles for, they let the fans down. Microsoft let the fans down, remember Miyamoto's Robot Wii U game? It never came, he let us down, Nintendo has shown so many games that never came out, but somehow Sony managed to release the last guardian and hasn't cancelled an announced game in over a decade. Like I said Sony is more reliable and better

>Forza, Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, Halo, Ori
>amount to nothing
This is absurd. Halo and Forza are literally the peak of their genres on consoles, and I think it's fair to argue that Ori is one of the best Metroidvanias ever made.

They are now, but launch Xbones were worse because they were bundled with kinect

I hope they "cancelled" Scalebound to move it to the next system.

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peak on PC too, although there are better racing sims on PC I suppose. No good FPS at all tho

If you think Halo is at the forefront of anything besides fan backlash you're mistaken

They cancelled more games than MS and closed just as many studios as MS.

Keep coping Sonyggie.

>Yea Forums shitting on a game
>fan backlash

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More powerful machine = less limitations on games you can make with it. Bigger games, better features, greater depth, etc... all are a product of higher specs

>Forgetting about the 4TF Lockhart

I can't wait for the meltdowns from Xbros

>but why do companies keep on comparing how powerful their home consoles are when pc will always be the most powerful of all?
Because all PCfags get is console ports.


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Unless you're using a GPU accelerated AI I don't see how it will be a problem. The CPU and RAM will be plenty capable

But yet you can't name any of them. You remind me of Phil Spencer, that's why you X-cucks get fucked by him, but it can't work on me. I was there I saw it all happen. Xbox has no games and Sony is the good guys. The only good Xbox was original Xbox but even then they was pretty shitty. Remember True Fantasy Live Online? Remember Peter Molynux B.C.? One of the most anticipated original Xbox games, but microsoft let us down. Luckily Sony is giving us the prehistoric survival game Wild, it hasn't been cancelled until B.C and Scalebound and Cry On and Blue Dragon 2 and Gun Loco and countless others, many Japanese developers were hurt by Microsoft

Bigbig Studios
Incognito Entertainment
Studio Liverpool (Psygnosis)
Zipper Interactive
Evolution Studio
Cambridge Studio / Guerrilla Cambridge

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How is Halo the peak of FPS at all. It isn't in quality or popularity so what are you talking about?

Can't wait for power of the cloud 2.0

Again no anticipated games cancelled, no hype letdown, lesser known studios and nobody cared or notices cause they have 15 other teams. Everyone noticed everytime Microsoft cancelled a game because they have no games and desperately need them. Shutting down a shit studio only bad when Sony does it, when Microsoft does it it's just part of business, even when their console is going out of business due to lack of games

>Sony is the good guys


>those games at least have fun gameplay
Not really. That webm may be flashy, but the game never incentivizes you to do any of that. It's more effective to just play as a generic cover-shooter

>Most anti-consumer console company are the good guys
Are all snoy boys this retarded?

I asked a buddy of mine who is a developer about this. He couldn't break NDA, but hinted that they'll both be about the same in power, both are mid-tier computers, will not be focusing on exclusives, and have solid state, at least for booting.

You're just mad that Sony likes diversity, don't you? stay mad as I use my wonderful gaystation 4, shitlords.

It's funny because based Phil killed more studios on 2016 than Sony has in the last 17 years.

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Oh yeah the secret sauce will work out this time, Blue Nugroho

Only thing Microsoft makes is more HaloGearsForza so who cares.

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Next gen is going to be expensive as fuck.

This has been proven wrong multiple times in this thread already

That’s embarrassingly bad

Yeah, Microsoft used to have a diverse library. Then they decided to completely focus on American dudebros.

From 2009-now they're the only console maker who consistently provided games for their fanbase. Video games are really the most important thing about video games, that's why Sony always wins. You fags will always push the conversation away from games, but it failed. This generation Microsoft was able to fool a large amount that they still had games, they won't have the benefit of doubt next gen, this generation has done irreparable damage to Xbox's image, it's the no games console, meanwhile each Sony exclusive gets bigger and bigger sales, hype and critical acclaim, it's over nigger, Ninja Theory can't save the Xbox

Sonic 2 is shit, Cerny

they are going to do the same shit right more powerful but release 1 year later

If it doesn't have Japanese games the crap box is going to fail.

Halo5 and Horizon are two of the best games of their respective genres though. Sony exclusives are fine, but not the be all of vidya like you seem to think.

He killed about nine studios in 2016 :)

Umm negro The Last of Us has surpassed Halo in sales and popularity and ranks up there with the Original Halo, when Halo was fresh and fun and exciting , That's how people feel about The Last of Us 2, Halo is done, TLou2 multiplayer will be way more hype and populated than Halo whatever

TLoU isn't a first person shooter, brainlet

>It's been almost 6 years

It will be like 7th gen.

yeah and TLOU is a linear moviegame with limited replayability. Halo5 has been supported with substantial updates throughout the entire gen including a customs mode more extensive than anything on PC right now.

>90 million PS4s sold
>over half of them are new skin rebuys

>20th Anniversary Limited Edition Console
>Batman: Arkham Knight Limited Edition Console
>Bloodborne Limited Edition Console
>Call of Duty: Black Ops III Limited Edition Console
>Champion's League Limited Edition Console
>Destiny Limited Edition - Black Console
>Destiny Limited Edition - White Console
>Destiny: The Taken King Limited Edition Console
>Dragon Quest Metal Slime Limited Edition Console
>FINAL FANTASY Type-0 HD Suzaku Edition Console
>Frozen Limited Edition Console
>Hyperdimension Neptunia VII Limited Edition Console
>Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Limited Edition Console
>Psycho Break Limited Edition Console
>Star Wars Battlefront Limited Edition Console
>Street Fighter V Limited Edition Console
>The Last of Us Remastered Limited Edition Console
>Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Limited Edition Console
>Yakuza Zero Limited Edition Console
>Hatsune Miku Limited Edition Console
>Final Fantasy XV Luna Edition Console
>Gold Limited Edition Slim Console
>Silver Limited Edition Slim Console
>GT Sport Limited Edition Slim Console
>Call of Duty World War II Edition Slim Console
>Days of Play Limited Edition Slim Console
>Star Wars Limited Edition Slim Console
>Star Wars Battlefront II Bundle Limited Edition Pro Console
>Monster Hunter World Limited Edition Pro Console
>God of War Limited Edition Pro Console
>Gamestop Limited Edition Pro Console
>Kingdom Hearts III Limited Edition Pro Console
>Marvel's Spider-Man PS4 Limited Edition Pro Console
>PS4 Pro "500 Million Limited Edition" Pro Console

Why does PS4 have more skins than games?

Mr Ybarra, please. This isn't Reddit.

>more power
For what? The fuck are they using the power to do? What new shit are they utilizing the power for? Are Sony and Microsoft being run by a son of Sparda?

I'm pretty sure the fps genre peaked in the mid 00's and has been in stagnation like Halo and the Xbox brand, failed to evolve gameplay. Nobody wants to play the same shit Halo and Forza games for 20 years

Fuck Microsoft.
Fuck Sony.
Fuck console fags.

lol cope

Wild Sheep Studio is still hiring and they still mention Wild as one of their project, on their site.

>Sucks off Uncharted and TLOU2
>but sequels are bad guys!

okay retard

I had to buy 3 Xbox 360's due to rrod, and so did my friendss. Maybe Xbox 360 wasn't as popular as you thought it was, Maybe millions of people bought 2 or more 360's due to rrod

I said sequels were bad? No I didn't. I said Xbox's sequels are bad,

maybe you should have stopped after 1

but they're some of the best games of the gen lmao.

If I knew all the good games like Bioshock and Mass Effect were timed exclusive I would have never bought one, I would have laughed at the joke of a console it really was behind the smoke and mirrors

Halo 5 nearly killed the brand, the next one will seal the deal

Still an amazing game, but I forgot we're on Yea Forums where the only thing that matters is our corporate overlord's bottom line :)

>Objectively the best multiplayer of the entire series
>still incredibly popular
>nearly killed the brand
okay retard

>the worst 3D Mario ever made

Rather telling that even the "worst" 3D Mario game was still super fun

How much more powerful will it be compared to the PS4? I know MS is doing multiple price points so they can cater to different preferences. I'm curious because multiplats are usually the deciding factor to consumers.

I'm sure the 150 active players agree with you

cope :)

>I have never played halo in my life
Pathetic zoomer.

to be fair, CE and 5 are the only good ones...

>Next gen Xbox is more powerful than the PS5
No shit PCs are more powerful than fucking consoles...

>okay guys so what you want to do when making your PS4 killer is take all the free parts out of your old computer and put them in a new tower
You are fucking insane. Every time people say they can make a PC that runs the same games that the PS4 does for less than a PS4 it always goes that way. EVERY TIME. I sure am glad I was able to harvest another PC for all of its' spare parts. Now I'm just going to go on ebay and buy a used graphics card and I'm set!

>Or you could just get a PS4 and a garbage bin laptop.
How stupid do you have to be to think this is a preferable method to play games?