Gungeon Thread

Have you unlocked him yet?

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Gun

No. Im determined to aquire him by not doing a rainbow run.

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Yes and he's OP as fuck but also the most fun character. I honestly can't go back to playing guns with no synergies. It's like I just realized that 70% of the guns are just boring as hell if you don't have the synergies for them.

Same. Good luck user

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Yeah, it’s super fun to know that even low-tier weapons can actually be surprisingly great with him. There’s just so many synergies that I’ve never experienced before unlocking him.

Still trying to beat the ratfucker. The path to get to him is super inconvenient and it feels like if I don't play perfectly in addition to getting lucky I don't stand a chance. It's a cool boss though.

>mfw he starts piloting a Metal Gear

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30 hours into this game
still haven't defeated the dragun
how do i git gud

i want to FUCK synergrace

>have almost everything unlocked
>find most of the game easy enough that the replay value isn’t that high anymore
>yet Resourceful Rat’s mech phase still anally devastates me every time I go to his lair, and I can complete it only with the most OP loadouts possible
Anyone else feeling this? I just feel that his attack patterns are the hardest in the game (even Advanced Dragun feels easier), and he’s so fucking tanky that you can’t really win him in damage race at that point unless you get super lucky with both weapons and survival items.

Dodge roll as a last resort, try to maneuver around bullets whenever you can

Game doesn't get much fanart unfortunately

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Have you beaten the rat in punch out yet, user?

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Same as well. I'm getting more consistent at bullet hell but double lich fucks me up bad

Consistency is key. You should be able to kill the first and second floor bosses without taking a hit except ammoconda, fuck him
Don't open blue or brown chests unless you really need a gun, save them for green and higher

Just did the glitch chest for the first time, that's a lotta loot

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It’s also a fucking murder unless you’re already OP. Unfortunately, RNG only spawns it when I’m having a shitty run, so I’ve had to skip it every time after the first.

Nuclear Throne is better

I beat the lich as paradox in a rainbow run, then got him and got an akey 47 that carried me through the game again and I forgot to pick up the past bullet

So fuck it, I'm not doing it all over again

Learn to perfect bosses and always go to the Oubliette unless it means that you won't open a A/S tier chest on the first floor, since the boss is free and you'll get more money/loot.

Also use Marine instead of whatever meme class you're rolling with since what matters the most in this game is the starting weapon.

I fell for this meme and dropped $13 on NT. Explain yourself and tell me how to get good.

>conserve keys, don’t waste them on brown and blue chests
>go for Oubliette: yeah, you need to skip some chests in first floor and it’s kinda hard level for a unexperienced player, but it’s worth it
>avoid pointless dodge rolls, better to just dodge by walking
>learn best spots to stay in boss fights, helps to avoid damage and ultimately get some master rounds (which are super important for survivability)
>focus more on dodging than shooting keeping your eye in your character instead of enemies, keep your distance, better slow and steady than pointlessly risky
>you always get 2 blanks for a new floor, so don’t hold on to them too tightly, you want to use them on bosses to get master rounds

Honestly, the biggest thing is just learning how to conserve health, so you don’t waste money on hearts and can get more keys to get better items and become more powerful.

Only had a Wingman and Membrane but managed to do it

Rainbow Run is the only way to play the game now

>Also use Marine instead of whatever meme class you're rolling with since what matters the most in this game is the starting weapon
This used to be true in release days when the game was stingy as fuck with ammo and you actually had to clear rooms with starter weapons even in the late game, but now? You can usually get something to replace starter weapon on the first or at least second floor, so it really doesn’t matter that much anymore.


Good Lord how did they fuck up turbo mode so hard, why would you keep the players shot speed and reload speed normal but make everything else universally faster

Meh, not really. It’s super fun to ham with OP items at first, but it gets kinda boring to overpower the game every single time.

Also, because most of the best synergies are reserved for lower level weapons, Rainbow Runs kinda defeat the point of the Gunslinger.

It's still true because even the Gunslinger with his absurd synergies can't compete with Blasphemy which is a weapon you can clear the whole game with.

At least you only need to beat the Dragun with it, thank god you don’t have to suffer through Bullet Hell.

NTT has a 60fps hack that works well

>barely any decent Cadence art
>even less of it gets her eyes right (including this one)
Sad world.

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I fucking hate the klobbe

>get a run where I might have been able to finish 2nd run to unlock him
>forget bullet to kill the past because it still goes to bullet hell
kill me

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>have to pay 7 credits to play as the Gunslinger
He's already hard enough and RNG reliant to unlock, at least let me use him for free

>Take a hit on accident
>Armor blank reveals hidden room

All planned

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There's so much bullshit on screen, but at least when you kill REX the punchout is easy and you get so many items to make up for what resources you used during the fight

how do i unlock him, anybody got the TLDR version if its complicated?

I've not killed a past yet.
I suck.

Kill lich as paradox (use little Galaxy clouds around levels and complete the game to unlock him)
Immediatly after, you start a run as gunslinger, kill double lich as him to unlock him

>Find some blue portal shit randomly on ground
>Interact with it
>Kill Dragun in the same run
>Unlock new character
>Beat Lich with new character
>Starts new game with Gunslinger
>Beat Lich with Gunslinger to unlock
>If you lose you need to do it all over again

Meet this bitch and learn she's awesome but my game crashes 2-3 rooms after getting something from her every time, it's like they do it on purpose

Yes. It took me a 4 hour rainbow run, but I got him.

>Gunslinger past boss is just double lich

>forgot to pick up the past bullet
I did this, before this last update as the robot. There are few worse feelings.

>>Kill Dragun in the same run
I think you have to either clear bullet hell or kill your past.

Beat Lich as the Void, this will start a new run as the gunslinger. After that, play the game normally, get the bullet that can kill the past and then fight the Lich.
That's it.

Also, remember to pick up the bullet that can kill the past, because you’re supposed to use that as Gunslinger in the unlock run. Normal entry to Bullet Hell is locked there, you use the gun and end up in Bullet Hell that way.

>get laser gun in rainbow chest
>oh I'll pick it up to see what it's like

Not yet, but I have a run going that I saved last night that's doing pretty good. I have no clue how I'm going to beat Lich though.

Also, I keep getting owned during the punch-out phase of the rat fight. Any tips aside from "Git Gud"?

He's your final reward. At that point, you shouldn't have any other Credit sinks. And even if you do, he pays for himself. 7 Credits is just 1-4 bosses depending on if you can flawless them or not and a bit of RNG.

So if the Gunslinger is actually the cloak, who is wearing him?


It’s either hard trial and error, or looking up his move patterns in Youtube and memorizing them. Know when you should punch him, know which attacks to dodge and which to block (btw side dodges are useless, only use block and back dodge) and that’s it.

Still, the margin of error is small enough on most of his moves, that you’re unlikely to get all the super charges even if you look it up on Youtube beforehand. Doesn’t also help that it’s a real bitch to get at him and gain some practice on punchout, it was the last thing I mastered in the game.

Yeah, it was annoying. Picked up Chamber Gun in 1st floor's shop and knew as long as I got to hell it was a win for me.

He makes unlocking everything else pretty trivial, glad I came back to the game now instead of trying to 100% it when it came out

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You are missing out. Do a rainbow run and then play normal runs with the gunslinger. Totally worth it.

Where's the evidence for this

Good Paradox run, good GS run, forgot to get the bullet from the Forge.


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The cloak blinks.

No it doesnt

Stand still for a few fucking seconds and watch.

Get the gunslinger and stand still.

Just beat him for the first time but got fucked up during the punchout section. I'm surprised it doesn't kill you for losing

It's humiliation enough getting punched out.

holy shit guys, i just got the sprun for the first time.

is there anyway to have it activate during the dragun/lich boss fights reliably? or does it turn into the game randomly?

I think the developers knew that most players would either lose or not understand how to to win that part of the fight. I like that you can fight him, lose, but still keep going on a playthrough.

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Nah. The rat is tough but the only attack he has that's genuinely a bitch is the rings covering the screen. I usually blank through that and it's easy from then in.

can you find ser junkan on a rainbow run? since i blow up every non-rainbow chest, i get a ton of junk. ser junkan would be great to find but i've never seen him drop from a rainbow chest.

I don't think that matters, with paradox you have to go to bullet hell I was told. Which you don't need the bullet for.

I never have, but you can play as the robot for his hidden passive, which is 5% increased damage per piece of junk.

Depends on what your trigger is.
It is randomly assigned one of these triggers:
>Use your last Blank
>Take Health damage
>Lose last piece of Armor
>Have a Gun run out of ammo
>Get set on fire
>Get poisoned or shocked
>Fall into a pit
>Flip a table
>Use an active item
And figuring out which one you have can be a pain in the ass.

What the fuck are you suposed to do when he uses the brassknuckle

I'm fairly certain he is drop disabled in Rainbow mode since they know you'd be picking up a mountain of junk.
Also, Trash Cannon is fucking great on Rainbow.

Honestly I'm really disappointed with Gunslinger's Past.
It's just Lich and a Jammed Lich.
Like fucking IMAGINE having to fight Kaliber or the Gungeon itself I dunno.

Don't forget, this was supposed to be a paid expansion, then they said "fuck it" halfway through and taped what they had together into a free update.
R&G was probably not going to have the hodge-podge of enemies it does and we were probably going to get the desert floor.

How are you having trouble? Games at the easiest it could possibly be right now. Paradox can start with some god tier items and then the Slinger himself is way too easy to win with that you would have to almost throw intentionally to lose. Last run I didn't even get any Master rounds or other health ups and still won handily.

Kaliber would be awesome, but given that this was a free update it's kind of unreasonable to expect.

I'm actually more annoyed with the gunslinger himself, since I never feel like playing a character so obviously broken.

How is he broken?

He means he forgot to get the Bullet for the Gunslinger. Which does matter now. Originally it didn't and I forgot it before they updated again. Credits rolled, but I still got sent to bullet hell to fight the Paradox Lich. Was so relieved.

He has the liches eyes from the get-go, giving any gun all of its synergies makes them insane, even the basic ones. It's such an incredible force multiplier that no other character can compete in terms of power.

Yes. Being able to have almost every synergy for whatever gun you pick up makes him stupid powerful. Guns that I would almost never consider picking up and keeping become effcient room clear and sometimes boss killers. Other guns that were already good become insane. Scrambler? Flare Gun? Dark Marker? All of these guns completely change. Void Core is probably one of the best to pick up with him, free Rocket Launcher that shoots twice everytime you reload.

no i lost the one fucking run i found the rift since i took on the rat with shit guns and now i haven't been able to find it again
very annoying

If only the damn thing's synergy actually got implemented. Having two triggers would have been much better.

Just make sure you are exploring all rooms between 2-3-4. It can even spawn multiple times if you forget to pick it up, which is what happened for me when I saw it on floor 2 and didn't get another one till the last room of floor 4.

FYI it's always on levels 2-4, so those levels are the ones to comb for it.

does it spawn on turbo mode? it's generally the way i prefer to play the game nowadays, can't recall if i ran into it on that or not

so you're supposed to do a normal run with the paradox to get to be gunslinger, and hope you find good enough items to beat lich, then you're pretty much guaranteed to win since any gun you find with gunslinger will be overpowered?


have been playing this game for 2 weeks, completed Pilot's past and beat dragun like 4-5 times, now I'm looking to unlock the bullet and robot characters and beat other pasts

yes and yes. but you dont need a lucky run to beat the lich a lot of players can do it pretty consistantly.
Then gunslinger is just the cheat mode as a "well done you beat the game" reward

just unlocked the paradox, now the hard part begins x_x

i havent been able to kill lich yet with my favorite character... so yea doing it with this fucker then doing it again right after... this should be fun

How much of the shops have you unlocked? Make sure to get any bullet modifiers when you see them. Most of the items in Goopton's shop aren't very good, with exception to the Membrane, Compressed Air Tank, Evolver, Monster Blood.

Pretty much yeah. Even his double lich fight is arguably pretty easy, since he doesn't have to fight the other two phases. as long as you can burn one down relatively quickly it's ez pz.

What part do you have trouble with? I use to have a lot of trouble even getting to Floor 4, but then the game clicked and I stopped doing stupid shit and was able to clear bullet hell just fine.

all of them I think, and yes I have figured it out, trying to get as many passives as possible and also any gun in the big robot shop that looks strong on the display

actually I think the door above the elevator guy in breach is still locked

Why the fuck does that stupid-ass face on the poncho make it look cooler


i can make it to bullethell 9/10 games

just once i get there shit just goes wrong
any tips on how to make it through hell and to lich without a decent amount of hearts/armor? i just try to rush through it atm & find the boss door with as much health as possible

Ammoconda is actually quite easy as long as you have an average level weapon. You just need to keep following his movements to find out whenever he drops shit on the ground and then kill them immediately. As long as you do that, he never gets the buff and if he never gets the buff he never turns ultra aggressive.

>mfw I get Black Hole Gun
Literally a free run

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setting skill aside, it's so late in the game that it really comes down to what weapons and gear you have. Bullet hell can potentially be the biggest slog in the game depending on the route you take, so ideally you'd have a really good room-sweeping weapon setup. If you're trying to get to the lich to practice I'd focus on that first and foremost.

yeah, that thing is dumb. My best run got the black hole gun, lich eyes, heroes' banadana and orbital bullets. Never going to top that for the rest of my games for sure.

bullet is overpowered
real men play robot

Finally unlocked gunslinger. King Bomber synergy is disgustingly OP, my final money count was 1817

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>Magic Lamp+Magic Sweet+Scattershot

Easiest run of my life

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>mfw egg scrambler + hip holster + that item that shoots from the back

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>Knight's Gun

I love the bullet modifiers in the game the most. They weren't my easiest runs, but when you get shit like scattershot and frag bullets in the same run it makes any weapon a joy to use even if just for absurdity.

>in the oub
>sad because I don't have enough money or curse to enter the demon face
>break blue chest
>golden casing drops from it

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>RC Bullets + Snowballets + Heavy Bullets

>his past is just going through bullet hell again
is there an item that reveals the floor map cause I always get drained of my resources by the time I get to the lich

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Maybe if you have either the liches' map or a lucky cartography ring reveal, other than that no.

Cartographer's ring has a chance to reveal the floor upon entering it. The run I won was because of it.

>finally set to unlock paradox
>game gets stuck at loading when going to the R&G department
just fuck my shit up

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>people actually have trouble with the rat's second form.

Are you serious? His wizard circle move is so easy to dodge it basically a free "let loose" session

If you force quit and reload I've had good luck with it remembering the run.

Bullet hell gets way easier the more you do it.
It has the same basic layout every time so once you start to recognize it bullet hell trips take a fraction of the time.

first form on turbo is far easier to take damage on, since the whip and knives come out so fast
i've stopped fighting the rat since once you beat it, the run feels like a free win since you get so many items

That’s kind of the thing of Bullet Hell, it’s an endurance gauntlet that you can’t really bypass. Mapping items are so rare that you have to just luck out on finding the boss room, and if you have shitty items and/or bad luck with ammo, there are no tricks to save you besides from your ability to dodge shit long enough to kill the enemies with weak weapons.

Ammoconda is much easier then he use to be, not only because of the DPS cap decrease, but because a lot of new guns hit multiple segments and the health on the pellets was reduced. The only thing to keep in mind when fighting him is staying away from him so he doesn't run into you and knowing which attacks you want to move towards and which you want to side step. Trying to run parallel to any of the snake shots is asking to get hit. All Floor 2 bosses are pretty good right now. It's floor 3 and 4 that have the shit bosses. Cannonbalrog and High Priest, can't stand them.

Wizard circle ain't that bad.
Ratto's first phase is pretty easy though.

worked, thanks, but it took my fucking rift skin
this is bullshit

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unlocked him on day one

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Bullet hell will always have the same path to the Lich, refer to the map
>at the start there's one dead end room and two paths that converge and lead to the next junction
>second junction has two paths that form a loop and one that goes to the third junction
>third junction has two dead end paths that are 2 rooms long and one path that leads to lich

Attached: Bullet_Hell.png (916x371, 12K)

The way that it works is that the game will try to put the boss room as far away from the starting elevator as possible. So pick a direction and if it looks like it's doubling back around, leave and choose a different direction. The floor will do this three times, so if you ran into a three section room, then you know you went the right way. This should allow you to elimenate rooms as well, since the boss room needs enough room for itself and it won't move back towards the elevator. The rest is just about memorizing room layouts and what spawns there so you know how to handle it. Things like the presser room, you shouldn't go to the middle right away, you want to make a corner safe as well, so get the pressers to chase you to the same corner and then engage the single hell bullet.

I haven’t unlocked any characters

What am I doing wrooong

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Big stomp is also stupid easy, just roll towards the bottom wall at center to dodgr all three stomps.

Reticle it just running along the outside of it like a merry go round, then dodging in after the bomb drops.

Also, learn to never dodge in punchout and just punch when he shines yellow. He shines yellow during the third wind up of his brass knuckles, and the sling back has a hesitation period bedore you can slap him.

For his regular forward punch, he actually always throws it out three times during round 2 and 3. You can buffer this by blocking the first punch so you have enough cognitive reflex time to easily slap him midpunch when he goes for the second swing.

All this because i never learned to dodge, never seemed to work for me.

Dude, before they nerfed that shit, it was insane. I dug up 10 gold casings back to back. This was on the same run that I had King Bomber too, so I ended the run with 5k money and I had gilded bullets too, so double damage.

Have you beaten any pasts yet?
Every unlockable character besides robot is locked behind beating at least one past.

fav starting character? mine is Pilot

>Have gone entire runs without being hit before but I keep choking to the Bullet's past
I swear to fucking god it's going to end up being the last thing in the game I finish

Tbh im still on v2.0.12 and I have the rat to beat since everything else is unlocked.
So far only grief I get is from challenge mode,thats the only shit i cant beat.

Hunter, almost always get a good amount of extra keys from dog and crossbow is an amazing side weapon.

I've had some stupid good runs with Pilot though, blackmarket never felt so good.

So I need to craft the bullet first? I’ve been going for that but haven’t gotten it yet

Marine and Robot's accuracy passives make shotguns amazing

Beat every other past first try but stopped with the game after dying to Marine's past 3 times in a row. And after reading what you have to do to unlock gunslinger, it's just too much and the game has gotten too boring and repetitive for me.

I did a run last night with that thing
Wasting all ammo to dig THEN filling it back up led to a fucking WALL of glass guon stones! I WAS PARTING THE RED FUCKING SEA.

Pilot's starter and lockpicks piss me off SO MUCH when when RNG cooperates holy shit are Pilot runs good. Plus is B-Skin is so good.

That shit is seriously just being good at Zelda. For the chain gunners, focus on one first so that they don't start crossing themselves. If that happens, you'll have a bad time. Cannon can be an issue, but that's also just knowing how to deal with LTTP Ganon's attacks.

Try to get the galactic medal of valor and lots of blanks and armor. All of those things will carry over to the past.

Of the OG crew the marine, sue me. His reliability and non-ass starter always seal the deal, and his knight costume is great. Second place would be the hunter, though she's pretty RNG laden with her dog.

Out of the entire cast, probably paradox, but that's only because I've been playing for so long that the variety is a huge plus. The bullet and gunslinger are increasing levels of overpowered for my taste, and the robot is only optimal for certain types of runs (curse runs, junk runs etc.)

I beat bullets past on third try.
It aint even being good at it just need to remain calm.
And get this last hit was a with a dodge roll.

>pre-nerf Shovel

That was an instant win, even more with the synergy.

>"hey this game is on sale let's check it out"
>consumes my fucking soul
I'm sinking so much hours in this shit, it's an obsession. I have beaten my first past today and now I'm going for the others

It's really easy if you are VERY patient since Cannon doesn't get harder besides the falling platforms.

I don't remember having this much trouble fighting actual Ganon in ALTTP, goddamn

Yep. Craft the bullet and kill any one of the main 4's pasts and then you'll be able to find the stuff needed for bullet and paradox.

You will be back at it dont worry.
Ive dropped the game twice in a year but always came back in order to finish 100%.

What are the odds modders will be able to produce what people were really after?

High since its Unity although i dont know the status of gungeon modding scene.
It looks pretty dead to me honestly.

>doing gungeon proper over and over again for high dragunfire


> high dragunfire

The game's code is so bad the devs struggled with it, it's basically the reason they released Farewell to Arms as a smaller free update, rather than a paid expansion. I doubt modders would be able to do much.

Highly unlikely. The modding scene for gungeon has never been that robust I don't think, and the devs have admitted it's a bitch to work with, which is why the planned xpac was cut.

I've just accepted I'll never get High Dragunfire. I've found rainbow chests, glitch chests, almost every other variant of secret rooms, but never that gun.

i cant even pass the first room

A better, alternate version of the dragunfire weapon. It's most important feature is high dragunfire breaks dps caps. The only way to get it is to find a very rare secret chamber with it.

Gun you can only unlock in the general drop pool by finding it in a rare chest that only appears in secret rooms on the second floor

>over 700 hours on isaac, have it 1001%
>absolute shit garbage at this game

Enter the Gungeon is fun and all but the past taking all your shit away is total bullshit. Literally the stupidest thing I have encountered in a rogue-lite to date.

Resetting for brimstone isn't being good at isaac
In all seriousness it's just a different game. You need to get used to it

They're not really the same kind of game
And it's harder to get ball bustingly broken in Gungeon, it can still happen but shenanigans like Infinite Ammo Bandanna + Yari Launcher are a lot harder to get than Brimstone + anything

i dont even like brimstone, normal tears with damage and fire rate on them is better

I don't know how to unlock the new characters

The fights are balanced around the loadout you're given

Not really, the gun that can kill the past doesn't transport your physical self back, it just returns you to a given point in time so you can make the right choice. Why WOULD you keep your stuff?

From a gameplay perspective it also lets them design tighter boss fights since there's very little variance in how players will deal with them, which is a nice change of pace sometimes. Also means you have to earn the pasts, since you can't really coast through them with OP RNG.

you beat the past once and never again
i think it's fair enough to make them balanced fights

Based fellow chad pilot. His alternative gun skin kinda lackluster thro

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Once you've beaten one past, a starry void will appear on levels 2-4, press the use key on it to absorb it. While absorbed, you have to go beat the lich. This unlocks Paradox. To unlock the gunslinger, you have to beat the lich as paradox, then play through the game again as the gunslinger and beat the double lich. This is one continuous run, if you die as the gunslinger you have to play again as paradox to get it started.

ok I thought so, I've only seen the space shit one time

>R&G enemies aren't in the ammonomicon
disappointing desu

I'm trying to get the finished gun since I did everything else already. I'm still missing two of the rat items though since I fucking suck at punch out.

Lockpick is only worth a fuck if you have zero keys and the game gives you plenty now
Pilot's store discount is his best trait

cannonbalrog is the easiest boss in the game

I've gotten nearly everything else in the game done but still haven't gotten the rat at all. I should just shortcut to the 2nd floor a few times to dump cash into the gnawed key

You should use the lockpick on any brown or blue chests

easiest way is to do hero shrine runs then head to the oubliette since jammed enemies drop more cash

>orbital bullets
>fat bullets
>stout bullets

all at once
What a clusterfuck

what's the easiest way to just get to gunslinger? keep retrying until paradox gets blasphemy?

If you're relying on broken runs then you're not consistent enough to get gunslinger
Or just bitch out and do rainbow runs

Can there be more than one secret room per floor?

>play as gunslinger
>get lil bomber in first chest
>murder everything in the game and end up with 2000+ shells

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I forgot I hadn't been to bullet hell yet at all

So I did a regular Paradox run, killed the Dragun and realized I was retarded.

they realised what a fucked infrastructure they had, which is why the switch port took a gorillion years

Any way to not have this game crash constantly? I feel like every time I get a decent run going I crash and I lose all will to finish since it reset the whole level and with my luck I lose out on black/red chest

This, Cannon is nothing but a patience test, most of his moves are predictable as shit and you can just exploit his downtimes. It will take really, really long and be annoying, but it won’t be hard.

The easiest time to hit him? When he floats to a new spot? The second easiest? When he starts shooting a ring of bullets, wait until it expands, whack him, and dodge roll when it starts to close on you. Just avoid all other attacks to be sure. Agunim and Chain guys need no advice, they should be dead easy if you just keep your distance and only strike when it is safe.

I played this game when it was released for free on ps+. About a year or so ago?

Has it changed significantly? I couldn't beat it because im garbage, but i still had fun with it. Should i get back into it?

Basically everything that was wrong with the original version got fixed.

Yea, there’s more content and the game got a new loot balancing update last summer that made it somewhat easier to get into. It’s still not the easiest game to approach, but it’s far less frustrating to get good at it now.

New synergies, new items and the DPS cap of bosses was reduced "slightly".
Also new floor, new boss on that floor and 2 new playable Gungeoneers..

Those past bosses are all easy as fuck.

Marine's used to be a lot more difficult.

Okay, sounds like a plan. Ill boot it up i guess.

I thought there was something off about it. I did it recently to unlock the alt starter and I remembered it being tougher at launch.

Its a rsr you zoomer twat

350 hours in NT here, I won't say I play the shit out of the game because of the same reasons I play gungeon, because I find the two to be very different games. To be honest I equate gungeon with binding of Isaac, another game I have about 400 hours in, with weapon synergies and being locked into certain rooms and the long boss battles and backtracking to find items and finding all kinds of crazy items that really shake up a run, but Throne is a completely different kind of game with a completely different kind of feel to it. It has the same kind of unrelenting difficulty but it doesn't come from learning enemy bullet patterns it just comes from making sure you are at all times equipped for whatever is in front of you as in making sure you have enough ammo or strong enough weapons. Since bullets move a lot faster and are completly random in throne the focus isn't on dodging the bullets so much as not being in front of bullets ever
As far as getting good goes I would say focus on offensive capability over everything else and as often as you can just put yourself in cover and enemy fire. Compared to gungeon throne moves at a blisteringly fast pace, and you're definitely rewarded with aggression over everything since damage doesn't scale. Getting stuck with a low tier weapon or low on bullets is essentially a death sentence and getting the best weapons is essentially the only way to beat the game. Make sure no matter what you always have a melee weapon I can't stress this one enough. There's no invincibility frames in the game at all, and you can be destroyed from full health in less than a second. The game is a lot more simple, it has less weapons, and a lot more simple art style too, but I think it has a lot tighter focus on the themes of the game and how to best use whatever weapon to have at the time
Thrown kind of grows on you after a while even if you also already play gungeon, at least it did for me

Is the scrambler still ridiculously op for its tier, or did they finally nerf it?

Does anyone else feel like some items just disappear for long periods of time? I haven't seen the Fightsabre in like 50 runs. Shit's ridiclous

No, it’s still awesome for its tier.

Yeah, I truly miss my dear Daruma. It has been something like 40 hours since I’ve last seen it.

super hot watch is absolute shit, why is that in the game?

Some items just seem to be rarer than others despite their tier. I've been playing the game since launch and had like 400+ runs and didn't see a single armor synthesizer or AU gun until I did rainbow mode a few times.

it's a free win, but it's horrendously boring

if you get glass cannon the two work really well together

yeah, I got a black hole gun with him so I had already won

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>mfw i killed another red caped bullet

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>find black chest on first floor
>get giddy
>it's a super hot watch
Every time

>shitty human gunslinger
>not the Lich himself as a character
Fucking why? You have a cool character that's a boss that can easily be made into a character. Your competitor did this with ??? and Azazel.

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They say that, but it's really noticable. Beam guns now chew through bosses really fast. Got Disintigrator and it normally it would run out of ammo just barely getting through Dragun, but it was able to do it with 200 ammo left. I was shocked.

poncho cowboy gunman is cooler

Poncho's are gay.

Even the fucking Science Gun can nearly kill a 1st or 2nd chamber boss before it's out of ammo

I find the DPS of beam guns is really strong for the first 3s and then quickly drops off

I never realized this with all the gunfire but holy FUCK Dual Lich's theme goes HARD

But it's a living poncho disguising itself as a human.

Super Hot watch is god tier fun with Scattershot, just how much bullets you shoot out in a short amount of time after standing

Anyone found busted "synergies"?

I had Blank Bullets, Gold Ammolet, and the Heck Blaster.

Blank Bullets are short range only, but because of the gold ammolet every blank did heavy damage to enemies. Pair that with the Heck Blaster and its absurd rate of fire and I could clear rooms (even in the forge) by shooting at the fucking wall for a second or two.

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Nah I dont even have bullet or paradox and I've got 50 hours. I'm a shitter

>two Lead Maidens spawn

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Gold Ammolet + Clown Mask (Blank minion)
Everything just dies

>get hit on the first boss

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Also I gotta say getting the JK for the first time gave me a fucking laughing fit.
It's a fucking sad droopy gun

It really does.

I reset if I don't ace The Trigger Twins, Bullet King, The Gorgun or The Beholster. I have only aced Gattling Gull and Ammoconda once though.

bullet crown and remote bullets
everything just dies
it just dies

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Yeah, I unlocked him pretty early on. I'm at 49/54 achievements now, this final patch has been a whole fucking lot of fun and got me playing again. Makes me wish Nuclear Throne would get a fucking patch to up the framerate/resolution.

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well, the DPS cap was raised, not removed. You're just hitting it in those 3 seconds.

Gatling Gull is actually really easy as long as you stay as far away from him as possible and try to make only small dodges instead of running around like a loon (not to even mention if there’s pillars to abuse), but yeah, Ammoconda is shit and getting Master Round can easilly be fucked up if it decides to crawl up to your skin. Probably one of the most RNG heavy bosses in the game.

The boss room you can get for the Gull where it's just a garden with 4 TNT barrels is awful
If they were gonna give him multiple layouts it should have been varying setups of pillars

Only once then I got fucked by the advance Dragun
Also, I love how they went full with the MGS references
>Cultist acts like Meryl
>the R&D boss is the Helicopter fight
I like him but I find his final boss to be super fucking boring. I was waiting to fight the gungeon itself like pic related

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>The game's code is so bad the devs struggled with it, it's basically the reason they released Farewell to Arms as a smaller free update, rather than a paid expansion.
They also just wanted to finally move on to a new project. They've been a Gungeon Factory for years and years.

As long as you can beat the rat consistently you can win every game
Look at all this shit I have by the 4th floor, it's ridiculous. Makes me want to turn the game off since there's no tension.

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Fuck Treadnaught holy shit

just walk in a big circle, what's the problem?

u heckin w0t m8

Dude just keep leading it in circles, I get master rounds on 9/10 times I have to fight Treadnaught.

how do you even unlock sunlight javelin?

reach the cultist's past in co-op or kill the Dragun with a companion.

what defines a companion then? Cause I beaten it with the alien thing, wingman, some turtle as well I think? And I let them do the last hit on the Dragun and it never unlocked

dreadnaught is easy to no hit, I have problems with beholster

The Cop or one of the Payday guys counts

The fuck? He wates half his time on that dumb beam sweeping attack
The Ammoconda, Mine Flayer, and the 4th Chamber bosses are the ones I have trouble acing consistently

I always get hit by the small eye spawn

> tfw got him after paradox and beat high dragun but forgot to bring the bullet that can kill the past

I'm actually retarded.

redpill me on the black hole gun. I've gotten it a few times and it sucks up bullets, but it doesn't do that much damage. Is it good just because it gives you time to spam another weapon in peace?

I get fucked by him taking an "inner" turn instead of staying around the outside.

Base game is too easy but difficulty modifiers mess with the spirit of the base game by adding dumb obstacles instead of making the enemies better.

What is this hell.

reminder that with the rat ring you can trade the bullet that kills the past for an S tier item

Attached: ratring.png (1920x1080, 285K)

it's godmode, simply put. It disables all enemy attacks while the projectile is in motion, but once it is behind the enemy you can switch to another gun and do regular damage. Once you get the rhythm down there's no boss in the game that can touch you.

Black hole gun is basically a free run, no boss can damage you ever.

Also works really well with orbital bullets/bandana

how good is commando + volcano cannon?

Anyone else play the Switch version? How do I unlock the new characters?

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>Had shit luck dodging in some shity lauyout rooms in Oubliette before before boss, so I end up with 1 heart remaining
>Beat blobulon with the Beehive and the remaining bees dash toward the reward pedestal
>It was a mimic and it kills me with the jammed shot while camera was just panning away from Blobulon south of the boss room.

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i just need one more bloodshrine before i 100% this game

forgot my webm. it wasnt even my most broken synergy that run

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Wish i could just play gunslinger without having to unlock him. He seems fun to play. Not very good at the game so don't think i could beat Lich without a random clone popping up in an already good run.

>want to play a rat run
>the game literally refuses to drop even one single key all the way to Mines
>Bello doesn’t stock regular keys so I can’t get in
Fuck this game with days like this

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>those shields

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i had a run like that today and i had pretty much abandoned the rat, but then i ran into a shop selling the charm horn which allowed me to steal it
felt very nice, stealing is a great thing to have

Rainbow Runs make it easy enough that anyone regularly being able to reach Bullet Hell can do it.

And while paradox Liches may sound intimidating, remember this: you don’t have to face the phases 2 and 3 of the regular Lich battle, so finishing it doesn’t take that long, especially considering Gunslingers crazy synergy potential. I found it far easier than I expected, and I didn’t even use Rainbow Run for it.

Dont be ashamed to playing rainbow mode, they made it specifically to unlock gunslinger.
I played it, but its kinda hard for me to play aneone outside marine. Pick starting class, found a blue spot on 2-3 floors, looks like when you reloading planet gun, or like spots in blacksmith room. Interact with shit puddle and beat the dragun, its gonna unlock paradox. When do it all over with gunslinger.

It's easy for picks to be a trap I settled to NEVER using them unless I had no keys(Exceptions for locked doors). Having keys and broken chests goes against why you're playing the pilot, to get more loot.

>Everyone that plays this game is as good as I am
Don't be an ass dude, some people don't have 1000 hours sunk into this

dunno if things have been adjusted but brown chests used to be even more worth opening than blue chests thanks to having some solid brown tier items (guns were still shit though) and the high chance that the chest would also give you a key, basically paying for itself. Still a gamble but much better than blue chests.

No, and I'm not going to unlock him, or play his shitty game. Rogue-likes are simply an excuse for a game to have no story, shitty balance, and poor level design

I'm never gonna unlock the finished gun. It's been like 200+ hours and I haven't even found some of the items that were just in the base game.

but you save your keys for chests that are green or better if you're only using them on browns and blues. Worst case, you didn't really need to open that chest anyway and if gives you a chance at Sir Junkon. Best case, free item. I've had games as the pilot where the game was dumping green chests on me in the latter half and I was glad I hadn't been blowing keys on brown and blue stuff early on.

have sex

>tfw you keep killing the red caped bullets

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how many fucking caped bullets do i have to spare to unlock Bullet


your loss

I got lucky in a normal run with Gunslinger. Platinum bullets dropped in Fllor 1 :)

What item?

5. It took me a lot longer than it should have, had absolutely shit luck with their spawns and also often had room clearing guns that don’t really discriminate between targets.

How am I supposed to fucking learn the bosses when I get destroyed the first time around, and the second try doesn't come for the next 5 runs.
What the hell, I would be able to master these if I had more tries and practice, but I simply can't walk in into a fucking new boss knowing exactly how to beat him.

>try to spare it
>nothing happens for half a minute
>kill it
>next wave of enemies spawns

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Guess it's just the heart synth actually. The rest were update items and a few of the ones they just added.

you get 5 hits from the start. then there's armor and heart containers and blanks and all the other shit. just keep your distance and learn. don't rely on dodging too much, just sidestep

Damn, reading this thread makes me think either Yea Forums is shit at video games or I'm really good. I just play this game as a mindless thing to play while watching tv or youtube and can have entire no hit runs and people are struggling on simple shit. I also was shocked by the reception of Sekiro on here. Sheesh, Yea Forums is fucking trash at video games.

>kill first Lich ezpz
>start the Gunslinger run
>Lil Bomber off the first chest
>800 moneyz starting floor 2
Sometimes you just need that one weapon..

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I was surprised when I went on the steam forums and there were so many people bitching for an easy mode like the entire time the game's been out. Might be a little rough at the start, but the bosses usually have really easy patterns to learn aside from a few and after you unlock some decent guns/items you steamroll everything.

>tfw Gungeon finally grows on you
the updates probably helped, i remember getting fuck all drops at release

People just dont wanna spend the time to learn all the patterns.
After 200h ingame, of course I wont get hit by anything until forge/bullet hell kicks in

try to unlock the gunslinger asap, his starting passive makes for very entertaining runs

It was pretty damn boring before the synergy update.


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Yeah, the game kind of just clicks at some point. I remember struggling with the first and second floor for a while, only rarely reaching mines, but then I managed to reach Hollow one time and after that it took only maybe 3 days before I was regularly killing Dragun and got all the main pasts done. The transition from shit to OK took only something like 15 hours, which is not bad when compared with the absolute desperation that the game was at first.

Anyone having trouble should just stick with it, won’t take long until you learn patterns and can conserve enough health to make it further and further.

So the most important thing to win for what you're saying is to get the best weapons?, that sounds shit game design


It will eventually disappear on its own and the next wave will spawn that way. Gotta have patience

Advanced Gungeons & Dragons helped a LOT. It was still a pretty solid game at its core but RNG was far too inconsistent and 90% or runs felt like a slog or a straight up struggle but then AG&D dropped and fixed so many problems. Then we got AFtA and it just got even better.


>tfw Blessed Rainbow Gunslinger run
Holy fuck this is amazing

>walk into a room
>no cover

Attached: NO.png (240x311, 43K)



>mfw shades of evil

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Do you need high dragunfire for the finished gun?

>Those worm bullet fuckers on hell that shoot those wiggly shots
I take more damage from these fuckers than the Lich itself

They’re easily the worst regular enemies in the game, it’s fucking impossible to avoid their bullets if many of them shoot you at the same time and you don’t have a big enough wall to block all of their shit. Always kill them first when I see them, and they still often manage to fuck me up.

>unlock trash knight
>never see him again

Has anyone ever actually gotten the Cormorant transformation? I think the most I ever managed to get was 3 pieces of the armor, and most runs I just never find any.

>get a perfect run with Fightsaber
>don't get a rift
Fuck man why does it have to be a 20% chance per room AAAAAH.

This game sounds like a slower, less satisfying binding of isaac

Its actually like a better Binding of Isaac where you can actually aim

Binding of Isaac itself became less satisfying every update with mcmillen's (((((balancing))))) and fun policing.

Half the thread sounds like they're having a good time. Other half of you guys sound frustrated.

I get why they made it so that you don’t have 5% chance of getting him every time you get junk, because Junkan meta was too good when it was so easy to find him, but yea, the current drop rate is a joke. I’ve played the game for something like 60 hours after unlocking him, and I haven’t seen him once in that time.

It's fucking awful I hate it, he was such a bro.

>Isaac started out great
>Gungeon started out as a mediocre downgrade
>As more and more updates dropped Isaac got shittier and Gungeon got better
Blessed timeline

I wish the new floor was just a bit more polished. It's really not worth giving up a master round to go there as is.

I got it on the Switch a few weeks ago and I can't even beat the fucking Dragun.

Got like 75 deaths now.

At least we have sorta-Liquid as a boss.

I really hope dodge roll's next project takes place in the same universe, Gungeon should be the start of a shared universe. A Guniverse if you will.

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i have 250 deaths and i play turbo for fun now, though i did get it on release to be fair.

>make a new floor with an entire set of unique enemies
>it’s short and has a fixed layout every time
what were they thinking?

>unique enemies

R&G Dept. is just a show off of unused shit that couldn't get the cut, Kinda sad once you realize the whole Killithid eldritch shit subplot will never be shown off ever.

a lot are reskins but a couple are unique

To be fair, with all the bonus floors it's easier to get a fully upgraded Junkan now.

Advanced update was a much needed metamorphesis. It turned a bad run of shitty garbage memeguns into an op combo that was fun to use.

>why did you nerf lilith into the ground
>cause she made greed mode a joke I MEAN cause she wasn't balanced

Fuck imagine if that led to a bossfight with Kaliber or some shit
Speaking of Killithid I can't be the only one who finds the Killithid and Mine Flayer cute, right?

>add hush
>everyone hates it
>add delirium
i will never understand

Hush is a neat boss and only casuals hate him.

considering i like gungeon i have no issues with bullet sponges, but it just doesn't fit well into isaac. half the fun in that game is rolling it.

>get the super hot watch
aw yeah finally I unlocked it! literally FREE wins here I come
>actually use the super hot watch
oh god, I hope I never get that item again, that was horrible

He's a hard optional fight for more loot/better score in daily runs so it makes sense for him to not be a pushover.

They're lads.

Yeah, the watch only works well with a couple items and using it to avoid bullets feels terrible. I get what they were trying to go for, but it just doesn't work well for Gungeon. I'm glad a bunch of the previous shit items were buffed though.

>mfw all this in one run
>Unlocked The Bullet character.
>Brought busted TV to forge and unlocked The Robot
>Barely got any ammo drops so I had to swich between tons of mediocre guns I had
>Killed Dragun with only 1/2 heart left in the end
>Used all blanks and dropped to 1/2 heart fighting the Marines past and killed it.

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at least in this game you can drop shitty items, unlike isaac

>Laughs in repentance

Attached: tAvbGyA.jpg (1440x900, 195K)

>Blessed run
>The software was closed because an error occurred
haha nice

>"This artifact of Kaliber was lost to time until the coming of the Mine Flayers and their interdimensional kin."
>"Dodge Roll developers have said that this item may be related to the lore of a future expansion.(citation needed)"
>tfw it will never be officially resolved because the devs got burnt out

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Hope for an expanded Guniverse in the future.

shitty runs of issac are 100x worse than shitty runs of gungeon.
>less satisfying
you break the game literally every other run in isaac and it is never any different. you get one amazing ass combo every few runs of gungeon and still end up finding more since items arent piss easy to get

I think I'm gonna try to unlock the robot next pray for me anons.

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>glitch chest on floor 1

i did the game 100% before advance after advanced and after gunslinger came out
and i still haven't got this shit
it's boring as fuck trying to get it too

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>bello's "you have fine taste" hasn't been turned into a reaction image yet
there's a few good faces in the ammonomicon that could be potential reactin images as well

what is the problem besides it makes the run slower i never lost a run after getting it
besides bullet hell

>find the king bomber on floor 1 as gunslinger
>get 1000 dollars by the time I kill the trigger twins

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It's not that difficult when you realise you can just toss the TV down or let it drop from the roll and then clear the room.
Just don't be hasty and forget to pick the TV back up.
Frankly its a huge relief once you hand over the TV to gunsmith, as I managed to do this crazy thing My hands are still shaking like crazy.

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>there are anons itt who haven't seen a rainbow chest before the rainbow runs got added
Let's laugh at these RNGlets,

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oh wait it's a huntsman synergy
i get it now

after finishing everything on this game i gotta say it tho
the ''challenge runs'' from isaac was way better doing it since it made you use a setup to face the game and felt different while the ''challenge'' mode from gungeon was fucking awful the pots and the hammer one is infuriating
>enters a room
>enemy shoots at me
>breaks a pot behind me
>the pot shoot at me

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rainbow runs are broken
also turns out that Super Hot Watch makes you laugh at the DPS cap

Attached: okay this is epic.png (1920x1080, 284K)

How the fuck do i unlock any characters?

portal aids
beat the game again

>no ammonomicon entries for new enemies in rng department

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>needing cheats to beat the game

I once had a literal 0 hit run thanks to getting Black Hole Gun on the first floor and Abyssal Tentacle on the second.

First time I got the 5 master rounds in one run and first time I beat the Lich, felt fucking cheap


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>TFW It took me over 50 hours of play time just to see my first A and S-class chests
>MFW I have never seen a Rainbow or Glitched chest in over 200 hours of play time

I really hate the RNG in this game sometimes.

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>Try out a rainbow chest run
>It's gay and boring
>Try a normal run immediately after
>Rainbow chest first floor
Get out lucklet.

What's the worst gun in the game and why is it the Sawed-off Shotgun

I want to like this but the runs start off kind of slow for me and i bought it back around the time i got nuclear throne which honestly kept calling me back and seemed to have a little more charm to me. I'm gonna try to givr gungeon another go.

Klobbe is still the #1 suckage gun that everyone hates.

At least sawed off shotgun still acts like a shotgun at extreme close range and does the same damage. Klobbe and Nailgun desperately need stat boosts just to be viable.

Now, what is the worst synergy in the game and why is it the one that makes the Snowballer into an extremely shitty shotgun?

Don't remember if it was a freeze ray or Megadouser synergy, but it creates ice on the floor.
Fuck that shit.

I don't play shit games, so, no.

It's the Megadouser. Don't forget the Megadouser synergy that turns it into even more of a GPU destroying gun and completely removes its ONE USE by making it shoot fuel instead.

The flare gun's synergies turn it into a fucking monster though.

its interesting to see how the gunslinger makes previously worthless guns like the nail gun and flare gun worth using every time you get them because of how much of a fucking beast they become

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yaaay I've just unlocked the robot, Im the same user from this thread that got grabbed by the hand and the rat stole the tv, finallly got it, after like 5th legit tries

Congrats. I've done it twice [rebought it for Switch] and it's a bitch of a challenge.

Let's not forget the fucking CACTUS

Good job, dude.

Ive yet to get the cactus as him, but I remember it carrying me through my first dragun fight
Mahoguny on him is so fucking good though

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ok so can the robot gain hearts?

>2.5 damage a quill to 20, with every shot firing five projectiles at once
Cooking with oil there.
Not my favorite gun, but I love the fucking feel of it.
Robot's gimmick is that he only has armor. Armor drops are not increased. Good luck.

Robot is the easiest character in the game not counting Gunslinger

>get arm quest for clone unlock
>always find the blacksmith in the last path I explore and the mob with the balloon is dead already


I guess it will teach me not to get hit

>Dueling Pistol + Ring of Triggers
>Literally any automatic Gunslinger-boosted gun with Platinum Bullets
>Void Core Cannon + Cog of Battle + Scattershot

>Just because he's got a good starter and double accuracy off the bat
If you're already used to the game of course Robot feels easier. It sucked for a shitter like me who needed 100 hours to get good.

You're supposed to pick up the balloon. It stays with you until you pick up the arm and send it up a floor.

But it doesn't spawn until you get the arm and by then I've already cleared the room because fuck me

Now that Rainbow Mode exists, Robot is just plain easier.
You start off with an S tier item every floor and you get more Junk than you can handle.
It's faceroll

>Ancient Hero Bandana + Knight's Gun
>on Robot
>get a full ammo drop
>spend the next ten minutes firing off the knight's gun and filling it back up when it finally empties

Attached: 1530305072443.jpg (638x636, 100K)


>Rainbow mode
Just play as the Lich. Turns half his guns into S-tier weaponry by default and you don't have to have a boring run where you get the same 5 S rank items that you always do because they're all better than literally any other option. I turned off Rainbow mode immediately because I could be getting 3 to 6 items every floor with the chance of 10% being S rank without cucking myself out of literally anything else.

>waiting to pick everything up after you've emptied the gun fully


how exactly does that shovel knight gun work? i was using it to clear rooms for the entirety of a rainbow run and i only ever dug up a map and a shitty active
gave me a fair bit of money i guess but i was expecting more items

if you empty a clip completely, reloading has a chance to spawn a bomb, map, money, ammo, glass guon, trash, etc
it has to be used a lot to get good drops but it stands on its own as a solid gun, too

It apparently has a specific loot table, and it doesn't really have anything gamebreaking besides on-demand maps, golden shells, glass guon stones, and a couple consumable items.'s_Gun

I did say "not counting the Gunslinger"

>finally beat the dragun for the first time
>kill the huntresses past right after
>put the game down for a day
>now cant even ace a single boss
>haven't even made it to the forge since then
what the fuck HAPPENED

Also rainbow runs with very few S rank items unlocked are very sad.

orange and spice are both run winning items desu
chaff grenade is also a solid one, and junk is good for the bot

I'd still argue that Bullet is easier just because he doesn't have the armor gimp and can zentatsu his way through bullets.

>Knife Shield
>Backup Gun
>Shadow Bullets
>Super Meat Gun
I too like my Switch running at 5fps in a bullet hell.

Jesus FUCK you know your Platinum Bullets buff is HIGH when the JK is firing like a regular AK

where can I check how long I've played this game for? I bought it on gog because it's a pain in the ass to torrent games like this, but I never used the launcher

It just feels awful to use whenever you don't need to move. if I'm in a safe spot and I want to shoot at a bullet sponge enemy, I need to keep running around just to shoot the guy. it also makes your dodge roll your riskiest move since it makes time resume for a fixed amount. The ideal playstyle in superhot mode is to just shoot all your guns once, walk a little, and repeat; this really isn't a lot of fun, especially if you only have machine guns and the like.

>You can get Orange from it
What the actual fuck, Alexander?

Attached: GD Look.jpg (184x184, 10K)