Has massive armor

>has massive armor
>no weakness to fire, firecrackers, poison, ranged, confetti, mortal blade, anything
>takes a million hits to get through one phase
>melee and charge attacks have terrible hitboxes
>charge attack is impossible to avoid unless you stand behind him, and deals a shit ton of damage
>constantly jumps away and fires in the arena making it hard to position correctly
>because it's hard to position correctly, don't get to spam hits on him often, making it take even longer to get through a phase
>jump attack has two hit instances, meaning you can dodge properly but still get knocked back
>fight location makes zero sense
>phase two long range fire attack is completely unavoidable, grapple point might as well not exist with how small the timing window is
>phase two homing attack is dodged by just sprinting like a retard, but even then you'll still get hit sometimes
>he often follows his unavoidable charge with the unavoidable fire attack, killing you even through a revive if you revive too early
>posture will never break
What the FUCK were they thinking? Did they make this guy in one week before release?

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I think they just wanted to stick in some kinda souls boss.

hey everyone get a load of this guy he has trouble on the demon of hatred

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Tell me how to dodge his charge and fire attack, then.

Fireball attack? Just literally run sideways (and away from him if you're close) until it finishes.

The charge? Just jump into him, it misses so often anyway.

The rest? Just circle him, wait for him to miss,and hit him like 4 or 5 times. And repeat.

It's more of a Souls boss than a typical Sekiro boss.

Mist raven on charge and for the fire attack you can run sideways and jump into grapple.

Jump. It never hit me if I was in the air
>fire attack
Which one? He has like 4 and the fire umbrella blocks all of them.

If I run sideways I still get hit, don't get a chance to jump. I'll never have enough spirit emblems to mist raven on every attempt.

senpai just jump

it's a sweep not a charge

All you have to do is sprint at him from the beginning and never stop sprinting directly towards him. If you're fast enough, you can dodge his fireball attack by simply being close enough to him.

Hug his belly and relentlessly attack him, parry the kick / headbutt attacks, run away from his jump and turn around and grapple to him when he lands, dodge the charge attack by jumping.

Same thing for the second phase ; you can use the Suzaku Lotus Umbrella to block his fire wave attack.

For his last phase, same thing. You can use malcontent 3 times to take away about half his hp.

>no weakness
Malcontent, you double nigger

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Why the hell doesn't it look like a sweep then?

You are reacting too slow. Learn the animation for his long range fire attack and you can always run jump out of it. Also why don't you have spirit emblems? Really the only prosthetic you need to use this fight is the mist raven and even that is optional. Only use it on the charge attack and nothing else.

charge just jump up to the left the moment you hear the perilous attack noise. you've probably died so many times to it you know what's coming
i assume you mean the slam down arm into line of fire by fire attack, run right and jump before it hits, and then grapple

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>Double fireballs after charge
Run forward, then back dash, then keep running forward. Exact spacing to not get hit is something you have to figure out on your own, but it's a free 2-3 slashes each time.

>Fireball Dance
Diagonal circle strafe.

>Jumping explosion attack
Jog away, then jump before he hits the ground and mash on grapple hook.

>he hasn’t used the malcontent whistle

Lorelets...when will they learn?

literally just hold sprint

you can keep close to him so he can't attack you with melee, but not far enough to trigger his other attacks

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look at his non fire arm next time he does it. he's charging with his arm dragging on the ground doing a sweep. only the hand has hit box you can just jump towards him and his momentum wont hurt you.

Whoops, answered on wrong post

I actually forgot about Malcontent when I fought Demon. I didn't know that it completely trivializes the final phase.

The boss is shit but that's not an excuse for being retarded
>>charge attack is impossible to avoid unless you stand behind him, and deals a shit ton of damage
just jump
>>constantly jumps away and fires in the arena making it hard to position correctly
just run after him and use fire umbrella to block is fireballs when you can't get close fast enough
>>jump attack has two hit instances, meaning you can dodge properly but still get knocked back
just run away and spam grappling hook after he landed to avoid the shockwave knockback
>>phase two long range fire attack is completely unavoidable, grapple point might as well not exist with how small the timing window is
just run to the side, jump and spam the hook. You can grapple to him from any range
>>phase two homing attack is dodged by just sprinting like a retard, but even then you'll still get hit sometimes
yeah, if you sprint into stuff, like a retard
>>he often follows his unavoidable charge with the unavoidable fire attack, killing you even through a revive if you revive too early
just jump jesus christ how did you get this far into the game he has literally one kind of perilous attacks so just fucking jump

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>bait attack
>sprint in
>get hits
>cheese final phase with malcontent for extra easy mode

i have no idea how people have trouble with the none deflect based bosses they are all a joke

>has massive armor
What does this even mean
>no weakness to fire, firecrackers, poison, ranged, confetti, mortal blade, anything
He's weak to confetti, and Malcontent stuns him.
>takes a million hits to get through one phase
Not really
>melee and charge attacks have terrible hitboxes
His slam has an iffy hitbox, but that's about it
>charge attack is impossible to avoid unless you stand behind him, and deals a shit ton of damage
Jump you dumb nigger
>constantly jumps away and fires in the arena making it hard to position correctly
Just keep running toward him
>because it's hard to position correctly, don't get to spam hits on him often, making it take even longer to get through a phase
Just keep running toward him
>jump attack has two hit instances, meaning you can dodge properly but still get knocked back
You run back to avoid the initial slam, then you jump and grapple to avoid the shockwave + get free hits
>fight location makes zero sense
It's a giant battlefield
>phase two long range fire attack is completely unavoidable, grapple point might as well not exist with how small the timing window is
You just run left and completely avoid it, then jump + grapple
>phase two homing attack is dodged by just sprinting like a retard, but even then you'll still get hit sometimes
Or use Suzaku's Umbrella. He shouldn't even use this if you stay in the offensive.
>he often follows his unavoidable charge with the unavoidable fire attack, killing you even through a revive if you revive too early
Both are easily avoidable as mentioned above, and are your ticket for free damage
>posture will never break
I posture killed him on all of his phases at around 20-30% vit. He's bulky but not unbreakable.
Like every other endgame boss.
git gud lmao

because you are obviously supposed to just know his entire body wont have a hitbox during his charge for no reason
just git gud bro

I am at the final boss fight anons, I don't want to end it

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Laurence the first vicar was harder than demon

I ended it too quick. I was going to enjoy taking days against him like some anons here... oh well

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I must have died about 30 times to Sword Saint (and about 10 to Genichiro). Felt good to finally Mortal Blade that dickhead.

Malcontent doesn't even work for me, whistles all have a low chance of working at all.
This is a troll post. Stop replying.

>don't get to spam hits on him often
this is the easiest boss to spam hits on the entire game. he just stands there and lets you do it.
jump faggot
strafe faggot
>jump attack has two hit instances, meaning you can dodge properly but still get knocked back
then you didn't dodge properly then did you faggot? not only is that attack easily avoided but it's explicitly designed for you to grapple in and do some free hits
>phase two long range fire attack is completely unavoidable, grapple point might as well not exist with how small the timing window is
do you count timing windows in ice-ages or are you seriously this inept?

Umbrella trivialises this guy like every other boss.

Don't lock on. If you literally do not lock on you would not have any of the problems you listed.
Also save whistle for phase 3.

Jump forward and to your left.

I literally killed him in like 3 tries he’s not even that hard

>red candy and divine confetti
>his vitality fucking vanishes
Just keep attacking and pray you have time to jump the sweep

I can consistently defeat this dude without even getting hit. He is not that bad.
He is great fun though.

you know you don't even have to kill him to beat the game?

Sad bro, I had shittons of fun with Demon of Hatred, what's your top 3 boss fights?
Did you shout something when you inserted the blade?

You can use Suzaku umbrella and dodge his block all his attacks.