What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: dark-souls-iii-2015615194341_12-2.jpg (800x600, 85K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Never played it looks like weeb shit. Why are you asking me?

it was different
get over it

3 is better than 1

>remember, LOL remember arbiter?

ds1 fags should kill themselves

This. “What went wrong” fags and memefags in general should be burned at the stake.

It did nothing original, this game might as well not exists and noone would care. It's pretty much a worse version of DS1 with a shitton of fanservise pandering. DS2 is also trash but at least it has an identity, something DS3 completely lacks.

Thanks to the recycled animation skeletons it's the greatest midget dickpunch and fisting simulator ever.

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dark souls isnt weeb shit but the best game series ever made how about you gitgud and start playing this absolute classic

What am i looking at

Nothing, it's literally the best game in the series.
DS2 fags are deluded.
DS1 fags are deluded elitists.

Loss of poise and rolling costing almost no stamina. Wearing armor felt meaningless, and the game tried to too hard to be Bloodsouls 2.

It tried to mix Bloodborne, which was already kinda muddy in its conflicting design of RPG and action game, with Souls to make a complete mess. That and the series was no longer under Miyazaki's sole creative vision and had to make the game accessible.

It has the worst DLC of all soulsborne games.

Attached: 1554127705604.jpg (394x379, 51K)

DS2 at least has the biggest world, most build variety, interesting/unique covenants, best NG+ mechanics and PvP. It also has the most unique atmosphere of the Dark Souls/Demons Souls games as it has a more “earthy” fantasy vibe to it. It’s less about castles and dungeons and more about ruins and forests and caves. It adds a classic nature to it. DS2 has some ground to be considered best. I honestly think DS3 is just an improved version of DS1, so you’re right, DS1fags are indeed deluded.

Wha happens when you are unarmed and riposte an enemy that's larger than you.

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The "fan"base

It was a rushed cash grab that tried to replicate Bloodborne, missed everything that made Dark Souls good in the first place, and filled with carrots-on-a-stick with a linear and unfinished map.
And then they went full anime with the Ringed City

Just the pc fanbase desperately trying to defend the 2nd one still.

But(t) then again, the other weapon animations aren't any better.

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Nothing it's the best one of the series and only Bloodborne is better in all From Software catalog
>b-but muh maps!
Hahhaha look at this dood

No fully fleshed out new ideas in the Deep, the Abyss Watchers, the Profaned Flame, or Aldrich/the Pontiff. DLC had the opportunity to expand on these ideas, but didn't. Shame, but still a game I play regularly, and a true testament to video game art direction and presentation; their contemporaries have absolutely nothing on them in this department.

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That's still not saying much, because they're all amazing.

Just once I want to see someone defend 3 without deflecting to the other games.
It's not the best in the series because it has the worst map, which defined 1 and 2, in both layout and design. Grey castle and swamp, over and over, with no decision making or exploration required.
Also it doesn't have Bonfire Ascetics for some reason

>to video game art direction and presentation
Brown: The Game isn't what I'd call good art direction and presentation.

Attached: DS3_Cathedral_5.0.jpg (2467x1383, 641K)

The problem is that DS2 can have all of those features, and I admit I like quite a lot of them, but it just feels like an absolute chore to play. Your movement is weirdly quick but your attack animations are super sluggish. Enemies react weirdly to your movement compared to 1/3/BB. It just feels totally off, and not a lot of what's satisfying about specifically controlling DS1 translated well into 2 imo.

Stop making these wall of texts. Just say "Must- Play" and they will dilate

I'm gonna say it

Fuck Lord of the Cinder, fuck the good Hunter, your games are Devil May Cry but shittier due to shoehorned "rpg" mechanics.

As for the peasants from the previous games, dont even @ me.

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Absolutely fucking based.

I'm sorry you feel that way.
>your games are Devil May Cry

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look at you retards shitting on ds3
>it was the same as ds1
>it was different than ds1
make up your mind ffs

>Posts more brown
Not helping yourself here.

I wasn't posting NK to counter the notions of brown. DSIII is brown and yellow, and it's worse for it. Color is a small part of art direction and presentation. In a perfect world, DSIII would be nicely colored. It got everything else about presentation right, sans those stupid demon piles in the ODK's arena.

Attached: Friede.jpg (2560x1090, 1.45M)

It was the same as 1 because it recycled lore and locations.
The only new lore that 3 provides is "The Pope is a dickhead lol, also here's this lazy leper prince"
The actual gameplay is not like 1 because it's too fast paced and has a much smaller world.

I just realized, doesn't DaS3 retcon DaS1, since Gwyndolin is still alive, despite being killed by TCU?

The Abyss Watchers not being fleshed out was lame, yes. The Angel of Dragons being re-purposed to Oceiros was stupid, yes. Anor Londo and Gwyndolin was good, and I've yet to see one rational argument against these inclusions considering the thematic relevance of each.

Gwyndolin is an optional boss so it works.

Behold, a game with good art direction.

Attached: Bloodborne Cinegrid (Colored - 2).jpg (5760x3240, 2.35M)

same = bad
different = bad
only thing that can help you fuckers now is a shotgun blast

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I haven't played DS3 but one of the things I loved the most about DaS was the variety when it comes to environments/color paletts, etc and the fact it was so naturally connected and felt like a world. Just see Ash lake, Darkroot Garden, Drake's Archives, Anor Londo, Tomb of the Giants, New London Ruins, etc. It was visually really interesting. The fact that people seem to agree DS3 and BB are just the same fucking area over and that it's not even interconnected is big fucking let down.

You're really stupid if you don't think all of the recent major From titles don't have stellar art direction sans large parts of II.

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DS1 elitist: The Post.
Serisously, shut the fuck you pieces of shit will never be satisfied since you're obsessed about the first game.

And yes, the actual gameplay is different and hopefuly it is since DS3 made everything better than DS1.

Get some taste or just, faggot.

>DS3 made everything better than DS1.
The absolute state of DS3lets.

Attached: Roll Simulator.webm (640x360, 2.85M)

>Ash lake,
>Darkroot Garden,
>Tomb of the Giants,
>New London Ruins

And yet they're all complete shit.

Attached: Dexfags.webm (800x444, 2.76M)

Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne have stellar art direction; Dark Souls II, III and Sekiro have passable art direction.

i don't see people getting backstabbed every 2 second there so thats an improvement

>DSIII is brown and yellow
We're not talking about DS2, buddy.

Attached: Look at all this brown and yellow.jpg (1920x1080, 729K)

Yeah because poise and chain backstabs were so great in DS1. ;))))
Blame the player for being shit and not being able to rollcatch.

SEETHE DS3fanboy lmao.

I suppose we'll agree to disagree.

Attached: The Dreg Heap.jpg (3840x2160, 765K)

>Red particle effects are sooooo pretty!
3 is a daycare for zoomers

>The third game in a trilogy about the flame that created all life waning has a motif of flame
>This is surprising
Pick one.

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Come again with arguments, babby boi

>The same fucking color palette in everything

This is vommit inducing.

You just can't appreciate how making everything on fire makes it look epic.

You start, seethe ds3fag, your game is shit.

The bosses are of better quality than the other Dark Souls games, that's it.
Everything else in the game is pretty uninspired

I'm sorry you feel that way.

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literally just the world layout
if it wasn't so goddamn linear it would be perfect

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thematic consistency
not true also mosto of the game being dark is thematic consistency
bloodborne does this much more and yet nobody shits on it
its almost as if you didnt know what the fuck you are talking about
if you retards are so st00pid as to think that art direction = more colors you deserve the rope

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God that last part is such bullshit. Always upsets me that people don't edit that part out. Pontiff was the final boss.

What the fuck. Any of those areas is by far better than anything in DS3, nigga kys.

The gameplay is different but whether or not is better isn't the point, the point is it's just not an RPG anymore. Builds all play the same, the stats may as well not even be there. What made 1 and 2 great was the precarious exploration, and 3 doesn't have that.
It's just a watered down Bloodborne clone.

>yet nobody shits on it
That's because Bloodborne's aesthetic is inherently more interesting and better realized. Dark Souls 3, by contrast, looks like someone smeared marmalade across every environment.

Attached: Cainhurst Castle Arrival.jpg (1920x1080, 433K)

It is funny how simple toy in kid hands so amazing to 'muricans.

>w-wait t-theres this one area in the entire game that is blue!!

This is the state of DS3 apologists LMFAO


>Ash lake,
Literally an empty beach with reused boss. Cool music though
>Darkroot Garden
I don't even need to justify that, it's just an empty forest with ridiculous enemies.
>Tomb of the Giants
lol it's so dark dude, follow the lights dude, take a 5 minutes walk to Nito dude, lose half your hp when falling in Nito's arena dude LOL
>New London Ruins
lol invincible enemies that go out of walls unless you use a limited number of consumables, besides that: dark ruins and nothing else

Darkroot Garden has tons of hidden secrets, though, and connects a lot areas to one another.

>it's just not an RPG anymore
And how so?

Aktschually I just picked a random pic from my DSIII folder. I'm just genuinely sorry for people who don't let themselves enjoy objectively good things and feel the need to be weird about disparaging it.

There are things in DSIII worth disparaging like the Road of Sacrifices/Crucifixion Woods, the Carthus Catacombs, the lack of fully realizing the interesting ideas introduced in DSIII; none of these things are being brought up to critique it because, honestly, none of you think that far. You look at the piss filter and that's all you can talk about.

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>DS2fags shitting on 3 again
Why do they do this when 3 is the best in the series.

End yourself or get some taste. DS3fag.

>Darkroot Garden has tons of hidden secrets
Such as?

>connects a lot areas to one another.
It's literally useless

What's going on in this gif

explain how without saying that cthuhlu is soooo cool bruuuh
its te same art team with a really fucking similar style doing shit that is even shaded the same
i mean we can play a game where you point out one super epic thing they came up with, me pointing out something from ds3 and then shitting on each other but fuck that

I don't think you know what this word means.


Attached: 21565-d7ea3f36.jpg (854x480, 88K)

>More brown that looks like shit
oh shit why didn't you post another pic of the blue area user, you are fucking up.

Arguments, slut.


Attached: THAT DOESN'T COUNT.jpg (1920x1080, 419K)

Attached: Paleblood Moon.jpg (4692x2639, 920K)

Any of those areas have far better design that anything in DS3, DS3 is shit, accept it.

Was way too fun in the early/mid game which made the late game feel like shit

Why would you use a pre-release screenshot to prop up the game positively?
Suppose we'll agree to disagree.
>Aktschually I just picked a random pic from my DSIII folder.

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my only major complaint with this game is that it's more of a straight line than the last 2. even ds2 had a split path at the beginning, the only real splits in this game is cathedral of the deep and irithyll dungeon. It makes the game seem shorter than it is.

>Doesn't give arguments but shitty opinions based on his low IQ
>Expects serious arguments

Nigga kill yourself already

Nope. The sole critique you fags make about DS3 is that it's linear, the level design itself is top notch.

>Optional boss
>Two illusory walls
>Shortcut to Sif, by the Hydra
>Elevator leading to Valley of Drakes
>The tower that leads to Undead Burg
>Grass Crest Shield

The fish is nutting.

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They never talk about the things worth talking about. It's quite strange.

I'd say the game would be much better if you could get to Lorian&Lothric without needing to kill the other lords, as it is you just get cockblocked at the archives' door for no good reason, that and forcing the Abyss Jobbers to be your first lord was a mistake, they should have kept the other way to get to Irythill and let you fight the princes whenever you wanted, these two things alone would have fixed the linearity problems of the game.

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>lelelel kill urself XDD
Reddit level of cringe.

it has the best bosses out of the three souls games, which automatically makes it the best

i would have been perfectly fine with that too man. It would have opened the game a lot more.

Agreed, to be honest the game would be much better if you started in the undead camp.

>Deflects to 2 when someone notices 3 is rushed garbage

Desu the problem with that is then figuring how to properly scale difficulty. The Dancer purposely has weak resistances/defenses because they expect players to take a crack at her to nab those extra items. But then if you give players access to the Carthus Catacombs from the Mound Makers' area, you could end up going through all of the Catacombs, the Demon Ruins, Irithyll, the Profaned Capital, and then go back to the Road of Sacrifices and now nothing in the Road of Sacrifices is worth a fuck.

asshole stabbing is a lethal, effective technique

>God tier
Bloodborn, DS1
>Great tier
DeS, Sekiro
>Okay tier
>Shit tier

Objective true.

Keep coping you fucking faggots, DS3 is the greatest game of the trilogy and nothing will ever change that

Attached: rewfer.png (600x600, 215K)


Keep telling yourself that, dumb frogposter.

Of all the souls games 3 is the most polished one, in terms of gameplay, weapon handling, graphics and balance.


Gameplay is king. I pity those who cannot enjoy PvP.

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a better example of the point you’re trying to make is that the lore references both ornstein and smoughs demise to entities other than chosen undead. and no they weren’t originally meant to be illusions - they drop their souls

I think I still like 1 the most. Maybe 3 would be my favorite if I'd never played a souls game before, I played 1 close to release so maybe it's my favorite because it left a bigger impression, idk.

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That's always a problem with nonlinear games that don't have any sort of scaling, all DS games suffered from this, especially DS1, there's a reason we still joke about Pinwheel.

Unless you go for some kind of hard counter system like Megaman games, where proceeding non linearly gives you different hard counters to different bosses, you have no real way to solve the problem, especially in a RPG environments with multiple variables, and there's not many people who like scaling mechanics either.

there are no true bad souls games, DS2 is only in shit tier because it's the lowest you can put it but the game itself isn't so bad, it's just bad by the other's standards.

1 had soul; 3 is soulless.

Brown and Grey: The Game
It's the least balanced out of the entire series

Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3 are subpar as all hell.
Dark Souls 3 feels like Bloodborne-lite. The only good things about it are the boss fights and the music.
3's areas are just such a fucking slog, and are plain boring to look at for the most part.
PvPing for Aldrich in Irithyll is pretty fun though, and I usually don't like Souls PvP.

>but the game itself isn't so bad

Attached: das2isagoodgame.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

>It's the least balanced out of the entire series
That is demonstrably untrue.

Attached: Outfucking skilled3.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

Objectively right.

>Muh graphics
BB looked better
Also Stamina is unbalanced, items are too fast, and the player character is too strong for PVE to be a real challenge

Considering that most play styles are borderline not viable, it's definitely true. The game seems to be balanced around rolling around with a longsword.

Are you from 2016?

Attached: Harald Curved Sword vs dex fag.webm (720x480, 2.87M)

post all you want, i don't need to defend what i said.

>your games are Devil May Cry but shittier due to shoehorned "rpg" mechanics.

explain yourself

>3 is the easiest game in the franchise
>Gets defended by a tuxedo frog
Checks out

Dark Souls II is not a good game, user. You don't need to defend everything this company does.

Attached: Souls Aesthetics Comparison.jpg (3838x3020, 2.36M)

>It's the least balanced out of the entire series
Such a dumb opinion.
Remember DS1? Shields, ultrapoise and dark beads? yeah that was balanced ;)

based retard

>dark souls looks like weeb shit
When was your last eye appointment?

Anyone that likes DaS3 started the series with it

I set out liking BB better than DS3 but I've reversed my opinion on this, the gratuitous chromatic aberration really ruins a lot of the BB visuals for me, making it extra blurry when it didn't need to be. DS3 doesn't suffer nearly as much from this.

i just like the game dude, even with all its flaws. defending my opinion here is like smashing my fist into a brick wall, i like them all even bloodborne even though i couldn't finish it

Do you know what balance is?

2 is the easiest, then it's 1.

The last boss in Dark Souls 3 is a guy doing anime flips with a repeating crossbow, with lightning going off in the background. If that's not weebshit, I don't know what is.

Nope, started with 1, I like all the games but I think 3 is just the best. It's equal to Bloodborne but a little higher on replayability.

Yes, but you don't.

Miyazaki decided to make metashit commentary closure with DLC instead of fully closing the series holes.

Attached: 1442188771282.jpg (850x565, 97K)

Why do zoomers think cherry picking is a valid form of argumentation?

Japan invented lightning, flipping, and repeating crossbows. I had forgotten.

Attached: Poise.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

Nope. You're a lying zoomer.

>If that's not weebshit, I don't know what is.
Sounds like you're underage then since that shit is tame compared to the average western epic.
Irish folk tales for instance have their heroes fight like it's a fucking musou game.

Was it because of the frame rate?

>"I'm aware there are some boss designs that get a bad reputation from some of the fans out there,"
This quote is all you need, its basically Miyazaki saying "I'd like to make games my way but I have to cater to fans instead" unlike Demons Souls which was an assumed failure and meant Miyazaki was free to do what he wanted, by DS3 the series was Namco and FROM's major title and the companies depend on it doing well, it needed to be as flashy, accessible, and have as much mainstream appeal while still using marketing to hype it as PREPARE TO DIE difficult.

>Arguing over PVP

Anyone who plays that competitively is a retard anyway, the system is meant to be used along with the single player as a nice side activity that makes sense within the world. If you are one of those retards in NH+99 and level infinity that unironically enjoys invading people trying to actually play the game and have good time and feels good for being an annoying retard kill yourself already.

I already do have taste it’s called your mom’s pussy

>all pvp clips


Name three (3) bosses you struggled with in 3, then name ten (10) regular enemies you found hard.
>inb4 Overtuned King

What a complete fucking retard

Attached: l-homme-qu-igor-et-grichka-bogdanov-auraient-escroque-s-est-suicide.jpg (448x252, 21K)

Dude I like 3 a lot but don't disrespect 1 I'll fuckin glass you.

>DSfags calling anyone else zoomer
Real fucking rich for a franchise that is barely ten years old.

Attached: Laughing guts.png (245x251, 119K)

Really, man?

Attached: 1532779301569.webm (600x336, 2.94M)

Twin Princes
Nameless King
The Champ

>DS3 isn't anim-

Attached: IMG_2025.png (1136x640, 1.01M)

>not using a straightsword
Improvement on DaS3 balance


>Anyone who plays that competitively
Nobody plays DSIII PvP competitively. They play it to have fun. You really came at this whole idea of balance half-cocked.
I accept your concession wholeheartedly.

Attached: Invading bosses.webm (853x480, 2.43M)

>Game gives you a wide variety of viable tools to use
Seems balanced to me.

I was really bad at dealing with bosses. I felt much weaker in bloodborne than i did in ds3/2/1 and after dying enough farming up items to try it again became a chore. I have nothing truly against the game, the aesthetic is beautiful and the combat is solid, but i just don't think it was for me.

You're just shit at pvp, go hide under you mom's tits while crying and let the big niggas have a real fight

A secret zone where everything except the sky is gray. From one shit palette to another.

Attached: 20180416111745_1.jpg (1920x1080, 649K)

>When the world rots, we set it afire. For the sake of the next world. It's the one thing we do right, unlike those fools on the outside.
>After you go to the literal end of the universe, Painter loli makes literally anything that is not Souls
I get that he doesn't Souls going the Ass Creed route but you don't have to make two DLCs to say so god damn it.

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>Twin Princes
>"Dude I'm gonna teleport off-screen by the way you can't really tell what attack I'm going for because my body is obscured by particle effects and light"
>The fucking hitboxes on his attacks
>Overtuned King
What amazing gameplay

>more weapons to try out = more builds
>better gameplay means its more fun to play
>theres no absolute dogshit levels that you'd hate doing over again, even le obligatory poison swamps of farron is okay
>the level design isnt as masterful as DaS1 but honestly finding out all the connections and making the mental map of how the DS1 world works is only fun once
Yeah, it's fun to replay.

>literal end of the universe
>people still parrot this meme when the dreg heap exists in the base game and is the actual end

Now what isn't a viable tool in DSIII PvE?

Attached: 1550224537286.webm (720x540, 2.51M)

I like DS1 too, but fuck DS1 elitists who consider that every other souls games are utter trash.

>Dude I'm gonna teleport off-screen
I hated this. The fact that it broke lock on made that fight a chore.

Physically painful to look at

Cry more. dS3 baby.

Dreg Heap is the end and during that you go to the Ringed City, which is also already gone and being held by an illusion. I don't get your point.

Easily the best game in the series.

Why is not taking the time to learn a video game opponents patterns now excusable on Yea Forums? Are you all 17?

That's called a challenge. Y'all niggas gonna shit on DS3 for being hard? Seriously.

>want to make a dancer of the boreal valley outfit with the swords
>don't want to go through the whole game again to do so but i'd have to because of the stats required to make the swords good

Magic is garbage.
Shields are useless, as you're better off rolling.
Anything sword that isn't a straight sword is inferior to straight swords.

>shitty reheated leftovers from bloodborne
>what went wrong!

I wonder what.

Sure user, sure.
Now there's four colours instead of two, let's see how much you can backpedal before you explicitly admit your wild desire to have a dark fantasy game be literal disneyland.

Attached: IT'S ALL GREY GUIZE.jpg (1920x1080, 689K)

>more weapons to try out
Laughable considering the atrocious weapon balance
>no dogshit levels
Undead Settlement -> filler area with corvians (holy shit this is chalice dungeon tier bad) -> Road of Sacrifices -> Farron Keep/ Cathedral is the most uninspired, boring stretch of gameplay in the whole series and it is nearly completely linear.

You combine the linearity, with bad areas, with bad weapon options and you have the least replayable game

>Poster count doesn't go up


Are you just posting or trying to pass that off as an argument?
>Magic is garbage.
Which ones?
>Shields are useless
Medium shields and great shields stop the Dancer, and many other enemies completely cold.
>Anything sword that isn't a straight sword is inferior to straight swords.
This logic doesn't follow.
>Anyone that isn't fully stacking poise is inferior to fast rollers and medium rollers.
I don't think you know what you're talking about and just want to shitpost. The sooner you admit this, the sooner we can go about our days.

>Magic is garbage.

Attached: 1536349354972.jpg (384x288, 41K)

i hate ds3 threads because i remember that i'm perma banned in this game and no longer can do pvp
fucking kill me

Attached: 1537284519698.jpg (383x384, 22K)

I don't who why he is using this point either, DaS3 desperately needed something like this in the required path to spice up the visual palette

>Dark Souls 3 had a shit aestheti-

Attached: Irithyll of the Boreal Valley.webm (1920x1080, 452K)

just posting.

You can make a boss hard without impairing the player's ability to see and purposely making the bosses hit too hard.
See Orphan of Kos or Burnt Ivory King

Linear as fuck. No replayability. Boring as shit.

>inferior to fast rollers and medium rollers.
to those who are* dunno how I fugged that up.
Delete your save and then wait two weeks or so.

That will teach you for cheating, cunt

>the bad areas, bad weapons bad, bad, graphics, bad, bad enemies, bad graphics bad game, bad, bad
>BAD game BAD game
lele I really wonder what made you people be so wrong about this game, did your ex like it or something

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The state of DS1 fags

Try killing bosses like Pontiff, Nameless King, Friede, etc. using only magic. Not only has it been nerfed, but enemies move so fast that it's borderline impossible.

>Laughable considering the atrocious weapon balance
Can you elaborate? The other guy won't.

I didn't bring up graphics once, good to know you can't read.

Only actual, illiterate retards defend DaS3, we have confirmation.

>Try killing bosses like Pontiff, Nameless King, Friede, etc. using only magic.
I did, I killed every enemy in that game bar Midir with Pyromancy and miracles, I should know.

Are you saying you don't wield any weapons and solely use magic? That wasn't even a thing in Dark Souls 1, why would you assume that's a thing here?
>I don't think you know what you're talking about and just want to shitpost. The sooner you admit this, the sooner we can go about our days.

>please elaborate something that has been known for years and is always brought up
Using most weapon types makes you want to blow your brains out.

How much of a noob are you?

>no argument
>it is so because i says it's so

>That wasn't even a thing in Dark Souls 1

Attached: firelink andre.jpg (1366x768, 111K)

No, it's not me, it's anyone who plays the game using something other than a straightsword

And it's nice to know that we have confirmation that DS3 haters are all fat scrubs that were either banned from the game for being shitters or just too bad to actually beat the game.

Attached: 1441103362198.jpg (427x449, 39K)

How so? Can't you niggers be slightly specific?

Based, I love seeing Dexfags being BTFO

No, it wasn't. You got the Moonlight Butterfly spear, Crystal Homing, Crystal Soul Spear, and that was your magic build. It made mincemeat of anyone because the AI isn't balanced around dodging magic, which is the crux of this entire discussion; the assertion that DSIII has the worst balancing in the series.
Why does breaking the poise of Lorian with a greatsword and doing a visceral make me want to blow my brains out? Do you guys have any real arguments?

Attached: Paul.gif (215x201, 507K)

I don't think such person exists. Everyone likes at least 2 out of 3.

90% of ds3 haters are shitter ds1 twinks, thats why you hear so much about "muh rolling" "muh poise"(because theyre too shit to use hyper armor) "muh longsword spam" like these things werent abused and viable tactics in previous souls game but to a lesser extent because those games were swimming in even more imba shit.

Then they try to fall back on petty criticisms like "oh the areas are bland", "all they did was take a bunch of references from ds1"

Really its the balancing of invasions and removal of twinking that has created this vocal minority of shitters that have hated every souls game since 1 because they have all done things to kill twinking and balance invasions.

Twinking and invading is what really created souls babbys and fromdrones back in the day, and now a lot of them cant invade successfully consistently and it frustrates them, I remember the mounds of salt from people complaining about ganks squads in ds3.


Why are you bothering to use slow weapons when enemies fall into two types: they get staggered by anything or they never get staggered

>straightswords are whats most available earlier in the game so most scrubs use them
>this means they're the only viable option despite countless of webms and videos of people using all sorts of weapons other than straightswords and greatswords to beat the game and have fun doing it
Again, git gud.

Why are DSIII apologists so pathetic? At least DS2fags admit that the game is shit but they still find some things they really like, that's respectable. DS3cucks unironically believe that tgeir fucking trash game is good, like holy fucking fuck, how deluded can you possibly be?...

lol, every thread about DS3 or DS2 is filled with them.

Because it feels good to slam bam an enemy with a hammer? Why are you asking this question?
>Do you guys have any real arguments?

>"all they did was take a bunch of references from ds1"
But that's true. The final boss is "DUDE, GWYN".

Attached: soulofcinder1_tc.jpg (1920x1080, 383K)


>At least DS2fags admit that the game is shit
No they don't.

Because they deal more damages and therefore stagger more? Because they give you poise? How is that not obvious? I'm pretty sure you never played the game

>The final boss in the series is an echo of the guy from the first game who started the ruination of time and space
Imagine my shock. What atrocious fanservice. Despicable.

Attached: Tucker takes on.gif (392x241, 1.48M)

True final boss is Memehacki's self insert though.

>Get BTFO once again

Attached: 1533849163434.png (661x893, 554K)

Look at the content that got cut from the alpha so that people couldn't bitch about it being too original like ds2.

>because it feels good to use a weapon with the same amount of stun, less damage per second, more stamina per attack, and are slower without anything for it
>stagger more
Enemies fall into two types: they stagger completely or they don't. You can R1 spam with something fast you can do it with something slow.

>wow the final game in a trilogy closes things off with some callbacks

like I said petty criticism

Attached: atrest.jpg (1251x1440, 45K)

>straightswords are whats most available earlier in the game so most scrubs use them

I thought the weapon variety was good and you weren't forced to take the same linear paths before getting your weapons though

>because it feels good to use a weapon with the same amount of stun, less damage per second, more stamina per attack, and are slower without anything for it
...Yeah? Again,
>Do you guys have any real arguments?

Attached: 1550225761026.webm (800x440, 2.78M)

>posts a screenshot where it's 90% shades of gray and 10% brown

Attached: 20180416112900_1.jpg (1920x1080, 153K)

>ds2 is shit
Kys reddit nigger. Ds2 is the most fun souls game. Mechanically it’s the best. I can’t understand that people don’t like the world design but this won’t change the fact that the gameplay was the best of every souls game.

And all of this doesn't matter when the combat is clunky shit

Name a single more EPIC tm moment when Gael mentioned DARK SOULS tm. I literally spilled my basedlet.

>because it feels good to use a weapon with the same amount of stun, less damage per second, more stamina per attack, and are slower without anything for it
>slow and worse
>feels good

Yeah, it feels good to pancake enemies. It feels good to send them flying with the Lothric Knight GS. Why are you trying to tell me that doesn't feel good? Is this how you intend to convince anyone that DSIII has the worst balance in the series? It's almost as if you have nothing else to add to the conversation.

Attached: Out fucking skilled.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

>Yeah it feels good to use a weapon with the same amount of stun, less damage per second, more stamina per attack, and are slower without anything for it

This is your argument. Slower and worse feels absolutely great, you sure DaS2 isn't your favorite.

That's right.

>Get BTFO once again
>Hadn't even posted in the thread

Whatever let's you sleep buddy.

very few new ideas

Why do people think that being a balanced game makes it a good game? I think dark souls sucks because it tries so hard to be balanced and polished but I like doing broken shit in the souls games. Especially in pvp one shot other players, heal the boss with warmth as a phantom etc. all those broken things made the game more fun and that’s why ds3 sucks ass. It’s linear and brings nothing fun/new.

>Slower and worse feels absolutely great
...Yeah? The animation, the sound, the impacts against enemies. I never once felt the need to go
>Boy maybe I should be using a straightsword right about now
Because these things are fun to use.

Now that that's out of the way, tell me why I shouldn't always stack Havel/Smough armor in DaS1 with a Black Knight Sword.

Attached: DSIII hitbox3.webm (1024x576, 902K)

>slower and worse feels absolutely great

Holy shit user

Oh, and let's not forget dark magic.
I dunno man it's just a huge non-argument that came outta nowhere. Talking about balance of PvP is more interesting, but this guy's weird.

Rolling and sipping. PVP became a chore rather than something you did for fun

>Havel/Smough armor in DaS1 with a Black Knight Sword
Cuz it looks like shit

>he can't walk through an attack for a free backstab anymore
don't act like ds1 poise wasn't the most cancerous shit in pvp.

>use poise to walk through attacks
>use lag to walk through attacks and then roll away 300 times using your inf stamina and take 10 sips in 1 second

Thanks for playing.
And pic related. Can't forget about switching weapons to get out of stuns.

Attached: 1550234521406.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

A speedrun of DSIII with a longsword was two minutes and change slower than a speedrun of DSIII with Vordt's Great Hammer.

>the virgin Miyazaki
>the Chad B Team



>story in series built around personal interpretation with very few concrete details
>expecting a resolution that explains every single thing

>expecting a resolution that explains every single thing
This but unironically.

>better combat = better game
Zoom zoom

A lot, but at least it wasn't sekiro

Sekiro is From's magnum opus.

Attached: Sekiro Cinegrid.jpg (4000x4055, 3.52M)

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion user but I really didn't find sekiro fun at all because too much of it was boss fights. Boss rushes really don't interest me.

>harald curved sword
>18 dex req
YOU are a dexfag user

>better combat = better game
yeah actually

>he only cares about beating things with a stick like some kind of stupid ape


>95% of the game is combat
>combat isn't the most important part
literal brainlets

Nope, Souls games have always been about exploring a foreign world and uncovering the combat was just the icing on the cake. Dark Souls 3 doesn't even have better combat than the first one, anyways.

Very little. It has fluid gameplay, little to no grinding except for covenant items, no armor upgrading, great bosses and easy to access pvp. The quality of it's level design is consistently good, making successive playthroughs a breeze. Overall world design is somewhat lacking and rollspamming can sometimes be annoying. Still a great game and it ended the series on a high note.

I'm at the Abyss Watchers, does this game get any fucking better? im bored as hell and just wanna replay bloodborne

>Souls games have always been about exploring a foreign world
Not really, nor was the lore. Those were just excuses to beat up dnd monsters. Only delusional soulsfags pretend they're more than that in an attempt make their games seem deeper than they are

It’s Dark Souls, what did you expect? They’re all clunky.

No, Dark Souls 3 is Bloodborne-lite mixed with Dark Souls-lite.

based, fuck weeb with their fucking katana's

Except the Souls games have some of the richest and best lore of any game series out there. Only brainlets disagree.

Too linear
Too much focused on combat and not exploration
Too much focus on pvp
Miyazaki was tired ifbthe franchise and it shows. The Ring City was cool tho, especially towards the ending. Wish the whole game was like that.

You didn't like it. I did. :^)

>some of the richest and best lore
Irrelevant, only autists care about that shit. The vast majority of players care about beating up monsters and other players in pvp

>spend 5 hours farming vertebra shackle
>only get one

>need 30 of them for the achievement



Ever tried pvp you idiot?

lacked the world design from dark souls 1 and was a bit short

also fuck you dexfags and virgin mages

>Enemies fall into two types: they stagger completely or they don't.
enemies have poise breakpoints that larger weapons will break faster than a straight sword

Good luck getting pale tounges online


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Swap DS2 and DS3 and it's perfect


Its the easiest covenant item to get

Yikes. Maybe look at Sekiro?

you mean ears
