Smash DLC being worked on since September

>One thing I do want to throw into the mix is that these files are from a much earlier point in time. Whatever was happening here with Jane's files, it was at a earlier stage in development of Joker/Jane. The files that have the Jane/Joker/Brave mentions in them are from 1.0.0, the day 1 launch version of the game. This means that these files were being worked on at a point well before the actual release date of Ultimate, back when the game had gone gold. For reference, Spider-Man for PS4 went gold towards the end of June, and it took until September for the game to actually release. Using that to give us an estimate, that'd mean that these files were being worked on back in September of 2018, three months before Ultimate came out. This leads me to believe a few things:

>Development of DLC was planned earlier and was underway much earlier than most of us thought. If what vaanrose said about .mchp files is true, then they were testing the hair physics on "Jane" right as they were finalizing the launch version of the game. That contradicts a lot of what we've been told by Sakurai about how DLC planning has been done. Supposedly DLC was finalized in November of that year, but looking at these files, we can see that they were already well into development on two if not three of the characters a whole two months earlier. Far enough to have a version of Joker/Jane's seventh costume already modeled and ready to test.


Attached: super-smash-bros-ultimate-world-of-light-trailer-001.jpg (960x576, 154K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>DLC already being planned much before game actually even releases

What else is new?

>Vergeben called SE character and Minecraft content back in summer 2018
>Development already started for two or three DLC characters from the pass

Steve wins again, baby.

Attached: 1543117712538.png (960x960, 924K)

It's really surreal to see literal who K. Rool in that cast of renowned & respectable characters.

>DLC worked on once the game went Gold

that's interesting


>this fucking level of cope
it was xenother, and he said that the character was playable, not worked on, even though we know that's not true because a real playtester said only the plant was playable in november

before user, before.

at least try to keep up.

Steve ain't in but we are getting at least one Western character. Not my fault that Yea Forums rosterfags are more often than not weebs who can't comprehend that it's possible for a Japanese person to like Western games

Whatever you say, refusteve.

reading comprehension retard

Can you tranny niggers keep to your own shithole

Attached: 1388849609702.jpg (368x427, 85K)

based and Stevepilled.

>early summer 2018
>In any way the same thing

I know I'm being memed but still.

I hope this means we'll see the other characters soon

>Supposedly DLC was finalized in November of that year
This is wrong. Sakurai never said DLC was finalized in November. Why are people so fucking retarded?

>anything on resetera
Good luck having anyone take this post seriously.

You have to go back

I think he meant DLC was already finalized at that point in response to people making character requests, not that they had just finalized at the *exact* time he made the tweet.
This was right after they announced the fighters pass and he probably got flooded with ''put muh character in!'' tweets so he just wanted people to leave him the fuck alone.

That was just to stop people from spamming twitter. That doesn't mean that DLC has been finalized in November. Hell, we know that DLC had to have been finalized even earlier since Joker's anime trailer would have taken even more than a month. Why do people twists Sakurai's words to mean shit he never said?

Lol at all the retards who genuinely thought they only started working on the Fighter Pass in November.

Didn't ResetEra also claim to know the ENTIRE BASE GAME ROSTER in April but wen't "teehee I'm not telling"

>DLC character no#1 didn't even get a proper trailer until 5 months after he was announced
>nah, DLC has been in development a while now
Fucking Eratards.

I wouldn't be surprised if DLC had been finalized by summer 2018. The process of Nintendo picking the characters, Sakurai approving them and then going to the appropriate companies for permission to use those characters would have taken a couple of months.

What, Joker got a two minutes trailer the day he was anounced.

Animated trailer.

Joker got an animated trailer for his reveal, which would have taken more than a month to make. And Joker's stats were found in 1.0.

I think the retard in the OP's estimate for when Smash Bros went gold is wrong. But Joker was clearly being worked on before the game released.

They obviously meant a trailer with actual gameplay dumbass.

According to the dataminers from the thread, there were modifications made that dated from September, meaning that the files were older, so they were created in August at the latest.


>tfw retards still just sit back and just accept getting fucked by greedy ass DLC
absolutely disgusting
>but its ok, its just smash after all
consider suicide

An animated trailer takes time to make, too. Obviously while the trailer was being made, they already started working on Joker.
Plus files for Brave and Joker were found three weeks before the game even released.