Spend 2k on PC

>spend 2k on PC
>this is the exclusives coming out

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Other urls found in this thread:


>like Mass Effect

I thought it was a xcom clone

Fucking useless journalists

>more diverse indie scene
>porn game with actual gameplay
>resetera claim this to be bad
you never pass as a girl

>actual gameplay
Sure lad. Keep eating up tech demos and don't forget to donate to star citizen

>Be huge AAA studios
>Make decent looking chicks and maybe you'll bang em.
>Start making disgusting looking "women" to satiate rabid feminists (they hate women).
>Be angry when porn games take your customerbase
Theres a reason Skyrim is one of the most played games in the history of MANkind.
Pro tip; It's not the riveting gameplay.

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days gone is few days away user
don't you have to shill it somewhere

The girls are not very attractive. I am surprised it got this big.

>mass effect
>but without anything similar besides space and romance
What the fuck are these comparisons

>caring about exclusives

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>build a pc for exclusives
made me reply/10

Nah I'm playing RE2. Real games.

Skyrim VR looks like THAT ?!

Why do so(n)yboys seethe so hard at non cencorship and titties?

no wonder we have actual porn with gamplay these days, no one outside Japan and some based studios here and there like CDPR is willing to make hot women in videogames, so of course someone else will take advantage of that untapped demand.

brought to you by the same ilk that shoehorned Dark Souls into every comparison ever

It's not VR but I suspect VR has pretty much the same GFX as SSE?

so what is this game about? and what is the gameplay like?

they really want videogames to be respectable and palatable to the masses in order to be considered and validated as art, in order to remove the stigma of being a toy for white boys

space romance, casual x-com

No tanlines short hair girl, that's a big no from me.

Nah. Skyrim vr looks like360/ps3 game. Looks good in dungeons and towns and like ass outside. Only reedeming quality is looking at females and your gollower closely from all angles and combat is amazing with move controllers


SSE is the backbone of what the VR version was made out of. Shame they charged full price for it.

>more diverse indie scene
Very Funny. PC indie gaming scen has been terrible since 2013. Get over yourselves

apparently VRSkyrim is compatible with mods, so you can get your fill of being a horse's dick holder while on a travel.

>spent 500$ on console with outdated hardware
>get 1 game
>get free censorship
>have to pay for exclusive internet


Is this new kickstarter porn game the dark souls of scams?

You playing the PSVR version? Because it looks fine with 2k texture packs and npc remodels


Doesn't really look like it.
Looks like fun to be honest, if they release decent VR headset at some point I'll prolly get it.

Nope, vr doesnt look nearly as good as sse



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>buy a helicopter
>don't have a licence or interest on driving one
kill yourself

>releases snorefests yearly
>only carried by the "graphics"

not just gaming. indie comics are also making millions with crow funding simply by bringing back hot and cute girls after years of sjw/feminists infection of marvel and dc.
if you are indie sex is still the easiest way to lead to big sales

>tfw it turns out to be cuckshit

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Oh its out on pc,well yeah. Im pleb who has it on psvr

can I skip the xcom and only play the romance/sex part of the game?

What? PC indie gaming scene started to get good after 2013.

>Cuckshit being shilled by PC Gamer

What a world we live in.

Only thing worse is cuckshit being shilled on Yea Forums

nothing makes games seem less then art then a big company telling devs what they can and canĀ“t put into them and forcing massive censorship policies on them.

>Keep the girl you love the most for yourself
>Let the others get plowed into next week by alien guys with four dicks

could probably look up a playthrough on pornhub

I couldn't give a fuck less about PC exclusives, I've got it for emulation, modding, and the best possible version of multiplats.

Why do they call the slaves "waifus"?

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horse pussy

Have sex.

Wow, just started playingg andromeda. Never believed it would be so horrible, all characters are fucking ugly. Are there mods to make it any better?

i don't like the bodies, they're too cartoony
look at those tits


They still fuck other aliens and monsters user

it's in space
therefore, it must be like Mass Effect

Does he still review dragon dildos?

Subverse is unironically better than console exclusives.

This is not cringe, this is pure yikes

Because seo, and easier to market in general to horny idiots

What? It looks good.

>Anons are willing to masterbate to cuck porn to dab on feminists

Incel Effect?

More spam/garbage=Getting c

PC cucks are literal bottom feeders.


>gives positive coverage on erotic mass effect ripoff
>thinks senran kagura was of the devil and shouldn't be allowed to exist and that rance should never ever be allowed on steam
What's up with this? I am not even opposed to Subverse, but where is this double standard coming from? I thought they hated everything erotic.

>girl you love the most for yourself
>loving space sluts
it's not that type of game, user

Hold hands.

>one brown girl
>shit hair w/ bimbo body

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>cuck porn
jee user, i dont know, don't do the NTR route if you dont want NTR porn?

I'm gonna fap so much to this game

westerners hate japs

>no tits
>caked in makeup
fuck these devs

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I honestly think it's the crowdfunding aspect
you can handwave away the "insignificant community" for games like Senran because the numbers aren't as readily available
you can't deny that Subverse is one of the most successful Kickstarters in recent memory, so it's harder to say they're insignificant
now that's a double-edged sword; if Subverse had tanked, you can bet your ass there'd be articles about how people don't want titty games in [current year]

>using quotes to make your point when the devs have no actually used that word to describe her
She's a loli, not a shortstack you fucking idiot

It has the Mass Effect map system

It's too bad the awful VA's ruined this, looked like it could have been decent

>the NTR route
They're all NTR routes. Your goal is to get with one girl, the girl's goal is all to spread the idea of sexual liberation to fight the prudish galactic government by fucking everything that moves.

Skyrim women are ugly without mods though

lolis aren't whores caked in makeup

>can't keep up with a girl's sexual needs
>surprised when she leaves your ass.
you chose the bed you lie on,

>Porn game

>Makes over a million

I guess this makes sense.

>will be available for free on f95 anyway

>Your goal is to get with one girl
you could just fuck them all, you know

>tfw I was a one of the first backers
Feels good to be right see you Biocucks

It's not about their sexual needs user, they're making a political statement by fucking as many things as they possibly can. They're sex pirates, not frustrated housewives.

>no gameplay videos yet
i just wanna know if it's going to be an actual game or just some dogshit to jerk off to

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fake and gay

Whatā€™s up with the cuckoldry meme, if you play stupid games by trying to wife a hoe then you win the stupid prize of her sucking dick behind your back. If anyone thinks this game is supposed to be a dating simulator theyā€™re fucken retarded

The main character's goal*

It's like Mass Effect in that it's about sleeping with alien chicks. The game part is a bullet hell game and a separate xcom game.

>thinking that's a loli

No wonder why ironic weebs fell to this crap.

>Theres a reason Skyrim is one of the most played games in the history of MANkind.
I can't understand why anyone would play Skyrim on consoles, like what's the fucking point you retarded mongol, it's a base game that you mod into a porn game

>pc gamer
woah, nelly

Is this a thinly veiled 1984 rip off?
The dog alien starts fucking the crew if you don't feed it

>doesn't look up game
>complains about lack of information
weebtards strike again
space battle is shmups
ground battle is tb tactics
both have working prototypes but it's doubtful they're final

Any worthwhile recommendations? Their forums are so full of bottom of the barrel games in alpha that never got a single patch and there's no way to filter them out.

we don't need to hear about your dick, my dude.

>They're sex pirates, not frustrated housewives.
so what's the problem here? you're not putting a ring on them so it cant be NTR since that requires a minimal form of trust between partners so it can be broken.

>but without anything similar besides space and romance
so it's literally mass effect?

>The dog alien starts fucking the crew if you don't feed it
fake and gay

Ok fair enough. The guy's trying to turn them into GFs but there's not actually a relationship there.

People on Yea Forums think that youā€™re a cuck just because Susan Suckmoore down the street is sucking off her boyfriend in their own house and youā€™re not the one getting the suck, just ignore them because theyā€™re all brain dead idiots

Not even close to being a loli, hell I wouldn't even call her an oppai loli.

I do wanna fuck that robot girl tho

I wish they said all the xenos that can fuck will be humanish


Fuck off sjw

Also its a sex game that made a me3 joke, it isn't mass effect game

Being told what it is and short gifs aren't enough to make an opinion

I'm not spoon feeding, look it up
If you don't feed the "dog", its fucking your waifu

In this case, it'd be more like if Susan Suckmoore down the street was sucking off a dozen dudes a day and you wanted to turn her into your wife.

The trailer blatantly makes fun of ME3
There was never any doubt about it being a mass effect parody.

I hate you faggots that are so loose with the term loli

>pop culture le reference """""""""humor"""""""""

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>Imagine Mass Effect
oh, so it's gonna be horrible because I mean, look at the last Mass Effect.

>make claim
>dont back it up
>"Y-You search it."
im not sure how it works in Reddit but here we back any claim with credible proof not the shit that comes out of your ass.

The trailer had a bunch of dated memes, thatā€™s just fows attempt at humor

Why would you want to turn her into your wife then? Call me crazy, right. But I donā€™t imagine that StudioFOW is going to include marriage scenes like itā€™s fucking Fire Emblem in subverse

on the steam page retard.

Here comes the airoplane, say aaaaaaah!

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>Cuck games
Yikes, no thanks

>overwatch character design
that's 1 yike from me

>don't even try

Nope, shortstack. She is of small stature, is stacked in the breasts and is of high libido

so what makes this different from any other ayy? the sexual position? get out of here with that tame shit

I wonder if he's still friends with broteam. I miss their videos.

Are you a captain of a spaceship going around banging alien babes or what

>Spend 300 bucks on playstation, 300 bucks on vr, also spend 500 bucks on a laptop because its a tool you need regardless of gaming
>this game is not available on ps4

>N-not real bestiality
Enjoy your cuckolding by your pet dog when you forget to feed him
Made a fucking MILLION with over a week to go

>sour grapes the thread
enjoy you soistation with censored everything anons!

No, the aliens bang the babes whilst you watch.
There is nothing you can do about this, so don't even try.

>no arguments
>when you forget to feed him
dont be a shitty pet owner then faggot

Is this gonna have VR mode? Otherwise not interested

How much did you back mr reddit ironic weeb?

stay seething censorfag

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>no arguments

where does it say his goal is to only fuck one of them?

yes, but the babes also bang other things when they aren't banging you, and spergs are sperging because of it

Not true, pc is also getting an exclusive agony sequel
And indeed when they finally did uncensor the original only pc got it.

Build a new pc just for that. Fucking hell, we need to bear with Todd's streaming garbage because nothing comes close.

>Complain no source
>Beg to be spoonfed and bring up reddit
>Gets spoonfed
>D-doesnt count
My cuckomiter is off the charts, back you go lad

It got big on brand name. Studio fow are pretty well known.

Damn son your back must be tired from moving that goalpost.

That doesn't mean what you think it does

i dont play porn games for female empowerment, just female degradation, only japan gets that right, westerners are cucks and think women deserve to be pandered to as well

Citing your source isn't spoodfeeding, you sped.

>porn should be political and not entertainment
kys, you're same as sjws

politics and culture shape all forms of media, nothing is truly apolitical you dense faggot

gotta protect those nipples x d d

>indie comics
>making millions
On what fucking planet? Marvel and DC still dominate comic book sales in the US, and most of the stuff that surpasses them in the US is aimed at children. The only thing selling more than Big 2 comics are manga and those only outsell the Big 2 comics in Asia, a market the Big 2 doesnā€™t give a flying fuck about unless itā€™s the movies. The only indie books that compete with the Big 2 are Image books for crying out loud. What? You think the ComicsGate crowd is making millions by selling outdated shit comics as bad as the ones they complain about? No! Theyā€™re making short term sales and delivering piss poor work. No indie comic scene is making THAT much money, dude. Do some research and youā€™ll see that.

fuck this gay SFM visual style desu
it's like the geometric halfway point between stylized and realistic
it'd be a lot hotter if the characters looked like the Claire nude mod

anyone have a link to thread on resetera about this?

What's weird is that these girls are fucking literally everything with no thought. They'll get picked by chads, aliens , beast aliens at the drop of a hat, but for some reason the MC has to earn it

>getting the news from the twitter of a normie outlet

Welcome to 2 weeks ago ultra faggot

For one, the women in Subverse arenā€™t underage and donā€™t look like children.

this game really is a 1:1 of real life

yeah they all look like 35+ hags way past their prime

>he thinks there will be NO bestiality in a FOW product
Oh, sweet summer child...

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If it's on pc only its not "exclusive"

would steam allow the game on their store if they did that

>Spend 599 USD on a console
>Sony erases all tiddies.

>no m/m content
why even fucking bother making m/f content
just make them all lesbians if you're going to make male characters and not fully use them

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Steam never care about fucking dogs. Steam only cares about big titted loli.

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Hey, load up factorio on your PS4 and let's play.

whats wrong with that?

They said they were exploring more diverse options. I'm kinda iffy because while I like the idea of having a lot of options, I'm not prone to having them All forced on at once.

i assume that's a representation of fucking God.

A-are they for real?

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I don't see it as empowerment, so much so as "sluts being sluts"
chick 1 is getting banged by thing right now? just walk on down the line to chick 2
problem solved

fuck off fag

I can't wait for all the NTR scenes featuring some pantreon whales neon colored fursona

I've heard it was a star control 2 clone myself, what the fuck kind of game is this supposed to be?


Fuck off, one Japanese publisher employs more people, has more writers and artists on the payroll and publishes more material than Marvel, DC and Image combined. The US doesn't have a comics industry.

>A million quid
Time to become an animator.

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alright, don't take my money then by using models you already created. triple baka desu

i mean, they may as well? i don't expect it to be the focus, but if they've bothered to actually make male models, why not use them to the full extent and get even more money?

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It's studio fow, i am surprised that bestiality wasn't front and center from the start

>The US doesn't have a comics industry
>90% of iconic comic characters are from the US
Really makes you think

That's stupid, you're stupid.

>fucking a girl who fucks dogs

I hope the whale scenes are at least labelled so I'll know I'm in for some shit

>watch human women get plowed by xenos
>not plowing the xenos yourself
Wow studio fow are fucking plebs

Fag pls go

they're westerners, cuckoldry is all the rage in their scene

animation takes a lot more man hours than modelling
plus nobody likes fags

if you have to model a penis then you're already gay, it's too late

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FACT:The best thing fow ever made was royal treatment


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what am i supposed to see here

>Misread hername as Elesh Norn
God dammit whens a good Magic The Gathering hentai dating sim gonna come out!

Attached: 300px-Cute_Elesh_Norn.jpg (300x420, 23K)

shit that's actually a pretty convincing argument.

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You can see the vagine, I guess hiroshimoot is gonna send me to jail lmao



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Whatever Sony Doesnt want you to see!

>space sluts are sluts
stop the presses.

You are not forced to play the game bro, just donate and skip playing

Are you all talking about what's "going to be" in the game or is there some beta release already?

>not liking ntr
You are mentally challenged. Sorry kiddo.

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It's a porn game who cares

Hopefully at least this game is modable so I can change all the ayys to female and add them to my harem.

I greatly anticipate watching webms of the sex scenes and never actually paying for or playing this "game."

Itll probably just ask you at the start "Are you okay with gay, futa, alien bestiality, lesbian whatever content" and you hit yes or no to each one before they relegate it to an options menu like ive seen other h games do.

Monsters with gigantic cocks destroying petite girls is still in, right?

Imagine actually saving this

It's actually on the way out currently

It's gonna be petite girls with 12 inch horse dongs but yeah

What do you mean?

This on pc, movies on consoles

as long as you admit to being a cuck if you play this

like half the OW "fans"
you're an unpaid marketer practically

>Could fuck the evil out of Avacyn
Thats pretty hot.

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>Like Ntr
>But only when itā€™s a chick stealing a guy away from his girlfriend

Why is this so much of a pain in the dick to find. It seems like it should be fairly common.

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unironically kill yourself, the cuck bullshit has gone too far

You're complaining about people OTHER THAN YOU having sex, do you even watch porn? How do you live?

It's pretty easy to see that what you said is on the way out and that lovey dovey girls fucking a generic faceless male that is easy for the viewer to self-insert as is going to be the next big thing.

What about werewolves? Werewolves in?

>have no romantic relationship with a woman you're fucking
>she fucks someone else

> It will also have "nine waifus" for you to romance. The fact that they use the word "waifu" about 15 times on the Kickstarter page probably tells you everything you need to know about Subverse's tone.

Yea Forums BTFO

Get out of your console mindset. People play on PC because of a myriad advantages like better framerates, resolutions, free online and even better sales on games. The initial investment is higher but you actually save money down the line.

I have the feeling that those captions have a multinal source

Netori Netorare sort of. Guys wife is an intolrable fuck and gets taken by Shots while Clone loli sister and her army of clones takes her husband for herself.

Are they even going to release some videos anymore, or are they done with that?

hmmm cuckolds???

>No Romantic interest
>you romance the "waifus"

* blocks ur path *

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>you're an unpaid marketer practically
I'd have to actually post the webms instead of just hoarding them and fapping for that to be the case.

it's just a clickbait OP to get people to start talking about the game
this is the only way to make video game threads now

Wouldn't it be better if they ditched the original characters and put, proven by years, DOA girls in it?

it's a porn game about space sluts you delusional self-insert fag

It's called cuckquean or netoru

this is a codeword for normalfag trash

said who? not me that's for sure

the only reason im going to "play" this game

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Fuck off shill

>be captain of a sexually liberated fleet of sex soldiers
>Still be a virgin
>Been wittling down the walls of your crew for weeks now
>Your favorite soldier even touched your hand!
>Walk down to the chow hall one day
>One of your crew mates (who youve been pursuing for a while now is getting rammed up against the wall by something that resembles what a dog and a horse would give birth to
>Can see her stomach fill up with it's massive cock as a torrent of cum spills out of her
>She gives you a meek salute and asks if you're still up for tonight's date
>You smile and nod like a good boy
>Just another day on the SS cuckopia

I don't know about you mate, but my dick is ready.

You are on Yea Forums, literally everything makes you a cuck

Sounds good, where do i donate for this?

Playing dumb now eh?

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LMAO seething weeb

you do realize it's the same model everytime reskinned right? studioFOW are not known for being hardworking people

>only hornier
Go on...

porn games legal and on every platform when? imagine a world where you can release porn games openly. many studios would suddenly appear and compete to make the very best in porn games. porn rpgs, porn fps, porn third person adventure games, porn mmorpgs. a new age can begin, if we allow it.

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The earning sex part is so weird. Imagine if you're in a lineup and someone was walking past shaking everyone's hand, but skipped you. Naturally your first instinct is "wait why didn't I get a handshake? Why am I here? Did I do something wrong?" . It implies that there is something inherently wrong about your character. I have a hard time imagining why these super sluts , all 9 of them, would hold out on their captain

But you do have romantic ties to the women

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After Gen Z's kids become old enough to fuck at the earliest. Millenials and zoomers are lost causes.

In today's economy? Everything would be DLC with EA Erotica or whatever dominating the market because they have cash to spare

>porn murder simulators
>porn tycoon games
>porn kart racers
>porn shovelware titles
>porn educational games

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 9K)

Just erase every console in existence. There, no more wall. Delete iOS and MacOS too.

wrong, it's just make them more expensive, currently they are free or cost peanuts since they can't pay for advertising.

Yep. Already I don't care about it

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I fully fledged brothel tycoon game that isn't made on a budget consisting of 3 dollars and some string would be GOAT

who gives a shit? dont let your autism get in the way of making your dick hard, youll make yourself miserable

Why do people support terrible western porn titles?

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The only correct way to play this game is to be chaste and make all the women emotionally dependant on you only to deny them sex, therefore cucking them not only physically, but emotionally.

>game is a huge success
>Bethesda, Nintendo, Valve get into the porn business
>Sony doesnt
>Sony dies

>that means they are already tied to the character
a definition by (you)

Is this game gonna have the Scout from TF2 in most of the scenes in the background making goofy faces and shit?

It's not like there are any big budget porn games on PC, no company wants to risk damaging their image and possibly losing all sales from the US due to retailers being prudes

>tfw porn games not only have better designs but better gameplay than most modern games too
what went wrong

Attached: file.png (1024x576, 1.16M)

porn souls when?

that looks like shit though

user they still fuck dogs and animals while you romance them.

This would be so fun, I just wish that this kickstarter would open the eyes of some companies.

>Spend 500 on PS4
>Only thing i got was movies
Should have gotten Netflix instead

Good thing retailers are dying now. What we need now is decentralized digital distribution. But someone will upload CP on it, and everyone involved will be in jail including people who be part of the blockchain.
You just can't win.

Nothing wrong with a cheating fetish and enjoying it in games and media.
>noooo /pol/ told me it made me want to have my gf fucked by black men
Well they were wrong, besides nobody is imagining being cheated on or promoting in in the real world for enjoying cheating in a game or a doujin.

*if you fail the very easy task of not staving the fucking dog
you forgot to write that, dont worry i got you.

>Design a love scene of your choice with an ingame waifu
Is this okay? Doesn't this always ends up with furry degenerates paying for their degeneracy?

why do western porn artists/devs always have their stories revolve around women cheating on the pc or 'women empowerment' meaning they sleep around? are they all cucks?????

For a second there I thought the tits were getting bigger as the character dealt damage.

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they legal right now, it's just that private companies decided it's their turn to be moral guardians

what is this game called

blood and violence like that really doesn't fit anime artstyles im afraid

nah Jerma refused to sell his likeness to them, wouldn't look good for him to be associated with the game.

conservatives need to step up and back the game for a marriage path complete with a catholic ceremony + a consensual missionary scene for the prupose of procreation


>coming out
You mean forever in alpha state just like every other western porn game?

game over animations when?

>Nothing wrong with a cheating fetish

Attached: 1537706601341.jpg (388x464, 16K)

>Nothing wrong with a cheating fetish and enjoying it in games and media.

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Ok, you better bite the pillow tho

>Nothing wrong with a cheating fetish and enjoying it in games and media.
oh no no no... oh no no no no no

>the only way to sleep with the women is to invest time and interest in them
>Due to the rules of affection by prolonged association you WILL develope some emotional attachment to them
>They WILL have sex, possibly frequently, with other aliens and maybe even other conscious beings who did not put any time into them and only see them as personal fucktoys regardless if you like it or not
>Some of these can't even be avoided viewing as some are plot points.
>If you pick wrong, at one point you WILL be forced to watch someone or something else fuck your waifu
This feels like something even more that traditional cucking. This is like calculated cuck training


Anime fighting games never have blood in them, so this just looks wrong.

only if you're the one doing the cheating, if you helplessly let your woman cheat you're a cuck

>Nothing wrong with a cheating fetish and enjoying it
Go back to

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Correct, stop following braindead /pol/io victims "logic".
>not enjoying a gyaru slut fucking the nerds brains out behind her boyfriends back
Men of taste you are not.

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>This is like calculated cuck training
studio FOW is funded by the jews that make BLACKED porn

I just want continuation of Mila fucking the dogs, not... this...


It probably will be a still image like this


Nice space outfit

that's not how /pol/ works friend lmfao

>possibly frequently, with other aliens and maybe even other conscious beings who did not put any time into them
>who did not put any time into them
says who? are you monitoring them 24/7 and know they aren't getting to know other people or do you believe the world should revolve around you.

>millennial opinions

why does a robot need a vagina?

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that's not what's being talked about at all you fucking mongoloid
if the (You) in the game is getting cheated on, it's cuck shit and if you like it you're a fucking cuck

Ok keyboard racewarrior

>porn games with gameplay
cringe, just play TK17 modded if you're not a complete brainlet

What game? Or is it just one of those non hentai but looks like it would be games?

Well i hope, it's not the only dog in the game. They have a reputation on the line, so they better not fuck this up with human vanilla.

No look at the campaign goal dummy and the part about the Maniacs

t. cuck
As expected from a millennial.

delete this

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It's by studiofow
What do you expect?

Every single time.
Still, watching the Titanic sink is a show in of itself , I suppose.

>Did I win yet?

I doubt that will be the only feral alien in the game. These two just happen to be the only meant to be netorare related content we know of so far. Bulgetto is an unavoidable story thing that we don't know how it'll pan out and Chodestool is apparently a game over or fail state. We don't know if chodestool's stuff results in a game over or if it's a minor fail state we have to deal with and continue from. Either way, that one is avoidable, though it permanently locks us into having to manage checking up on it just to not get those scenes.

>Collect rare DNA samples across your adventures to create vicious bio-weapon monsters called MANTICORES (Mantics) to fight alongside your waifus. Outside of combat, your troops can serve another purpose by keeping your waifus satisfied. Yes, we totally mean by banging.

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>wtf let me enjoy my cuck fetish
Oh no no no.

Attached: 1535540879423.webm (720x720, 765K)

>expose your retarded fetish
>get laughed at

the absolute state

You're that retarded anti pc console cuck that always say precisely 2k when trying to make fun of the superior platform.
OP is pic related

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people are actually funding this shit? lmfao

so you create what is essentially a living dildo, big woop user i sure you will spin this into becoming NTR despite it existing for years as a normal fetish.

Fortune looks as young as your Senrans.

...and not even a sample of a scene is out? Lol, i hope you didn't donate.

>so you create what is essentially a living dildo
That's a weird way to say you create your own bull

I don't understand how people are misunderstanding the point of "earning the sex" so much
it's because so many sex games use sex as a fail state, not as an extension of good play
so you have to pick between two dopomine triggers of "win at game" and "jerk off"
this way, you can satisfy both

Yeah, a million dollars with barely 30,000 backers. That means some of those guys have A LOT of money to spend. Good on them, but Iā€™ve seen games backed with far less money and more people delivering way more ambitious games. Just look at Skullgirls, Shovel Knight and Divekick.

So what excuse will fow use for why this will never come out

a mindless bio-machine/robot who's only purpose is fight and fuck, again what is this so different that makes it NTR?

every time
they're the only ones with the autism and capital to make it happen
well, them and diaperfags

Can people not go a single day without thinking or talking about Sex. Jesus christ.

When you have girls that are complete sluts that will fuck everything but you until you make them love you that just makes the game seem stupid.

I am actually surprised someone even gives them money after their "one month one video released" statement.

>Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, and many more insanely popular characters still selling to this day all belong to the Big 2
>dismiss it because it destroys his argument of ā€œmuh indie shit makes millions moreā€
Seething faggot.

>A mindless machine that only knows how to fuck
A living clone that just fucks your waifus. It's not a machine at all.

who says they have to love MC to fuck him?

oh now they are clones now? i thought they were
>vicious bio-weapon monsters called MANTICORES
so which one is it.
and you're still not telling me how is this different from, say, a sexbot.

link a steam game with beast

The Romancable part and the fact devs said you have to do quests for the specfic girl to unlock those scenes

Strangely very well said


Do you know what bio means? Did you also skip the DNA sample part? Do machines have DNA now?

Huh? Whoā€™s god here?

So what's the progress of this game so far?
Any available art / gameplay?

Why wouldn't a sexbot have one?

okay, but here's the thing:
who says the quests will be "do this thing or I won't fuck you"?
it could very well be you do the quest with them for some reason other than fucking, and then "you fuck at the end because why not?"
see the difference?
also, romance doesn't necessarily imply love; it could just be seduce

and nothing about that makes it NTR, do you think Threesomes are NTR? are gangbangs NTR?
NTR is all about breaking trust between relationship and not giving a guy sex while the other does, what you described is a guy making bio-sextoys.

Glad I went with Sony. Can't wait for Tlou2 and Death Stranding. Long live the King

About the same as percentage progress on several of their unreleased videos that they deleted from their homepage.
In simple words, "sorry guys we have to push the release".

People who pay for porn are retarded, especially people who pay for porngames.

So did they win the naming rights against that butthurt youtube e-celeb?

Self insert fags are the most cancerous people ever and i want them banned from all porn discussion on this board

It's not NTR but it is cuckshit

>1 million USD for cuck shit
But why

>also, romance doesn't necessarily imply love; it could just be seduce
Don't be retarded. The game references there being romance, casual sex and netorare on all their sites.

How about instead you take your porn to the porn board instead of Yea Forums

>ea getting btfo by a bunch of neckbeards who make sfm porn

What a time to be alive.

Cool movies user

lewd discussion is unironically the best thing about this board faggot, except for these cancer threads

That's beastiality no wonder you white supremacists love this.

you do realize Neatore is cuckholdry in Japanese right?

Don't worry, it will get pushed so far, even people that donated 1k to them will forget that they did. And they will get away with it again.

words have different meanings, user
and they're clearly taking the piss out of waifufags

apparently i had a stroke

>who says the quests will be "do this thing or I won't fuck you"?
Becuase that's the reward for tge quest you bafoon go read the campaign



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you can filter them, but even then its hard to find anything good. When I filtered on completed and no 3d model shit the only good stuff I found were nip games.

>arguing over cuckholdry is the best part of Yea Forums

Game Review sites are dying.

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I read what they wrote
"sex for winning, not losing"
doesn't say anything about the context in which the sex happens

>and nothing about that makes it NTR,
It makes it cuckshit
>do you think Threesomes are NTR? are gangbangs NTR?
depends are you in a relationship with the female getting gangbanged?
>NTR is all about breaking trust between relationship and not giving a guy sex while the other does,
And until you make them love you they won't give you sex

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I specifically said "except for these cancer threads". Retard

>one Japanese publisher employs more people, has more writers and artists on the payroll and publishes more material than Marvel, DC and Image combined.
That is absolutely wrong and youā€™re full of shit. Weekly Shonen Jump, the most popular manga publisher and imprint in Japan, has only 22 titles being serialized right now. Image Comics is currently publishing 50 fucking issues every month. Marvel publishes HUNDREDS and DC tends to publish around a dozen or so books less than Marvel. To match the number of books Marvel, DC and Image publish TOGETHER, youā€™d have to combine WSJ with all the other Shonen Jump imprints. The major difference here is that, admittedly, WSJā€™s top manga sell millions more than Marvel, DC and Imageā€™s top books do. They sell those in Japan, though. That market doesnā€™t affect Marvel and DC.

>implying itā€™s ever anything else

worked into a seething shoot

Just looked up sub-verse and holy shit is it a good kickstarter campaign. No wonder it is doing so well.

I'm working on my own space game in unity and have recognised most of the assets they bought off the asset store (I'm even using that same ship in my own game).

As a game developer and somebody who has made their own kickstarter in the past, I can tell you that they spent less than a month putting together the kickstarter. But it's still impressive that they have such a huge team. 12 people is almost a small studio, but with 1.7mil they can easily rent a space and happily pay each member 100k salary for the year.

Anyone know how long they were advertising before they launched the kickstarter?

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>>Learn their backstories, earn their loyalty and they'll do other stuff for you too. By other stuff we mean in bed. Like, you know, copulation. Just in case it wasnā€™t absolutely clear, you can bang your team members. Are we good now? Okay.
You earn loyalty from loyalty quests

desperation, who would have thought that Yea Forums of all places would praise StudioFOW as saviour of all western eroges and demand a place for it on Steam, worst timeline

You should join the special Olympics.

in what way Senrans look like children other than Mirai?

I bet they do all sorts of naughty shit with the rest of the crew but only the player has to earn their loyalty before he gets to do ass-to-mouth etc.

Virginvanillafags vs Chadntrbulls

Shit posting never changes

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>Imagine game journo reviewing it
>Imagine the game is actually successful and Resetera is having a stroke because of this

I just want this to be a thing just for the laugh

what's it like being outargued by a tard?

This is a day 1 pirate for me, pretty excited

I have to agree, so tired of the indie quality shit on PC, Sony's games have the Hollywood level production values and cinematic look I expect from modern video games. Since I was raised on Hideo Kojima and PlayStation I could never get into Piss Sea Gaymen, it looks so bad, and PS5 is right around the corner and backwards compatible, fuck the PC gaming platform, what a load of shit. You fags have been trying to convince me PC isn't garbage since 2006, everytime you repeat the same shit we already heard and PC still has no fucking games

I'm exclusively into female degradation shit but you're still an absolute, obnoxious faggot with your tired WOMYNZ SHOULDN'T BE PANDERED, THESE POLITICS ARE RUINING MUH HOBBIES like you're not spewing the same forced political garbage as your dumbass SJW.

Fuck off.

by your own retarded logic we should all enjoy guro, scar, furries and tranies .

So this is full admisson that subverse is a cuck game? Don't cucks usually picture themselves as the bull anyway?

Bulgetto was confirmed as the NTR char a while ago. He's literally an unavoidable story scene in which the MC finds him somehow on his ship fucking Lily as his introduction.

Of course.

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>pcels are literal cucks watching girls get fucked

Attached: weebedition.jpg (546x767, 113K)

Imagine the amount of salt once it's released.

It's literal cuck porn so they'll love it

Netorare is cheating, NTR is cucking. Its an NTR game, you're literally gaining goodboy points so the girls will take a break from fucking their bulls to give you a reward.

You know it would be kinda cool if the player could just go full alpha and shoot any crew members who touch the women he claims for himself. It's his ship, his territor and its his prerogative to mark the bitches as his own.

/pol/ thinks about blacks rent free, so yes that is how it works.

They already complaining because it's exist.
They will hate it.

What do you think NTR stands for retard.
Netori is when it's from the bulls perspective.

Guilty Gear has, and it looks similar to that gif.

Perfect Cells?

Stop being so insecure

>you're literally gaining goodboy points so the girls will take a break from fucking their bulls to give you a reward.
which is fucking, which contradicts with the whole NTR aspect of it.

I enjoy guro, furries and futas if that counts, aside from NTR. Im a sadist, I love watching bad things happen to good people.

okay, so he's fucking Lily
so what?
other people fucking the chicks doesn't matter
am I still going to fuck them? yes?
then who cares?
am I going to fuck the other chicks too? yes?
do you see my point?
it's an orgy ship
I don't understand the fascination with exclusivity when the whole point is depravity

Why is this website so obsessed with cuckshit?

They'll love it once one of them sees the bull
It's not insecurity bby it's facts
>its not ntr because they give you Sloppy 40s
You know NTR can have the girl fuck her lover while saying how much his dick sucks compared to the bull right

Love it.

You have problems.

>It's an Orgy ship but I'm the only one that has to do things to gain these girls loyalty
>The bulls will let be fuck my waifu after they get tired of her so it's ok I'm not a cuck

Fuck off shill

Is there truly no end to the suffering? This fucking shit has ruined hentai. It's spread to everything.

Attached: NTR.gif (250x164, 574K)

>I don't understand the fascination with exclusivity when the whole point is depravity
Where does it say that depravityi s the whole point of the game?

>Enjoy a wild ride through the main story arc as you assume the role of a stranded human in a hostile galaxy. Tired of your meaningless existence, you take up arms against your alien overlords as a tale of absurdist comedic harem-building revolution unfolds.

>You know NTR can have the girl fuck her lover while saying how much his dick sucks compared to the bull right
and what tells you it will the character not be the bull again?

Is this the center of the galaxy from Spore?


>Science chick is obsessed with making/breeding monsters and 100% fucks them.
>robot girl is a rogue sexbot that acts as your ships AI. Has full knowledge of your internet searches and deletes them for you, no questions asked
>red alien girl used to be a pirate queen but is not anymore and is upset about it. Probably keeps a few studs around her
>Hacker is free spirited and probably fucks when She's in the mood
>Catgirl thief is obsessed with fucking the captain, aka you

This isn't Yea Forums you fucking faggot. kys immediately.

>using "waifu" to refer to female characters
Oh great, weeaboo developers.
Weeaboos have never made a single good game in their goddamn lives, don't even try to prove me wrong because you know this is the fucking truth.

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>torpedo tits


>lol i say dumb thing

Cool movies user

Never change Yea Forums....never change.

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Someday a real life Tracy Jordan will save the gaming industry.

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they're using it ironically
they're space sluts

>ironic weeaboos
That is even worse.

It's a Mass Effect parody with Star Control 2 space navigation/combat and XCom groudn combat, with the main goal being humping up to nine space babes.

>user LITERALLY videos
>Girls dick free
>lot gay scenes
>ok sony Yea Forums
>big love
>publishes actual possibly xcom
>faggot pay hate
Some good strings in here.

Yeah, and rather than a harem master, the player is just a beta (spaceship) provider who sometimes gets sloppy seconds.

Based. I feel bad for insecure console-cucks like OP though.

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Imagine being the Yea Forumsirgins who pour all of their essence, their beings, their purpose for existing into porn games as the MC. Then imagine screaming and crying your head off nonstop when the fictional nonexistent women have sex with other fictional nonexistent people along with your fictional nonexistent projection vessel who is also fucking every other fictional nonexistent character.

Then imagine going onto Yea Forums and pretending to be a chicken constantly saying "cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck".

>all these sluts gave their virginities to someone else than the player
>surprised they aren't actually faithful to you
No hymen, do diamond space ship.

It's hilarious how you people always assume and jump to conclusions just to have something to make yourselves angry about. "Oh my god this slut can fuck other people that totally means my character gets tied up and forced to watch and will never get laid except maybe sometimes boo hoo boo hoo!".

>thinking this will actually release
Why are people so stupid?

>imagine being this upset over some virgins' opinion on some porn game that you not only read threads about their whining but feel the need to spend valuable moments out of your day to mock them

I am going to make these whores fuck so many disgusting monsters.

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I am enjoying myself quite a lot actually. I would be angry if I fell for a game claiming to be about building a harem of alien waifus only to get cucked but since I didn't pledge and won't play the game even pirated, I get to enjoy shitposting and making slut loving cucks mad.

Laughing at people whining about sluts in a porn game =/= being upset.

what is the site / tool used to make this?

I used to love 2d, now it is the same shit as 3d

You certainly seem mad enough to come into the threads and whine about a bunch of fictional characters fucking.

>game made by degenerate furry porn addicts
>wtf why isn't it wholesome?

More like "Why can't these fictional women be faithful to my fictional avatar, it hurts me in reality?!".

Journalists have disliked Japan for years, user.


I would love to whine about real women being sluts but that battle was lost decades ago.

>literal cuckold game
Master race indeed.

These are fake posts for the purpose of being screenied for Yea Forums
stop it.

Does that mean you wouldn't fuck a pair of hot twin sisters you fag?

That trailer was written by 35 year old boomer Jews

You ate it up like reddit are up the Deadpool trailer

Kill yourself

Get over it, there's 4 billion women on the planet, you'll find your soulmate someday.

DEMI and Lily are best girls

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The only problem this game have is the cuckshit content other then that it's ok I suppose

I thought it was a parody of Shepherd fucking everyone

I like cuckshit but I don't like being the cuck, that's pretty fucked up. I enjoy watching women degrade themselves but now I have to play in the shoes of a beta male? wtf man

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This logic only works in normal porn. Not in a video game. You are the active agent in things, you cannot picture yourself as the bull because you are by all accounts not.

The MC in Subverse is his own character with his own voice, personality, goals, desires, etc. You, the player, are being "cucked" no matter what because you're not fucking anyone, he is.

i don't get why everyone acts like the game should be made to fit their tastes... it's a part of the game's story line, not a fucking simulator where you decide what should happen ffs

>mandatory bull prepping quest

That's exactly why Yea Forumsirgins are tantruming over it.

I still cant even play skyrim cuz either microsoft or nvidia completely broke win 10 gaming
Now i have to,hope win 7 works on my,ryzen and,spend 100 bucks to buy a copy of it
So it just sits in my room and i play ps4 remasters and pokemon
I miss win 7 / 8 pc gaming before the cancer

Isn't the point of kickstarter that you can fund and influence a game before it's finished? I would say that voicing concern over NTR during this phase and possibly just unpledging in response to the intentions of the developer before the campaign finishes, is exactly what people should do.

Attached: Lily's jubblies.webm (1920x1080, 2.95M)

Sluts are female degradation. Hedonistic holes for any phallus to fill.

I wouldn't be surprised if FOW put some explicitly mocking, fourth wall breaking NTR moments into the game just to spite the small but vocal crowd of people complaining about it.

>mad sjw comics shill

they should use CoC's system for hiding weird shit

I don't mind NTR at all, but doing petty stuff like that would annoy me way more.

That's in the real world where women aren't slut AND super geniuses at what they do. Here they are strong womyn who need no man, don't have to worry about any real life consequences of their hedonistic lifestyles and can just ban you from their pussies if they feel like it.

These women are supposed to have most waifu qualities except for chastity/purity and will still be depicted as being so desirable that any man would gladly take responsibility when they end up pregnant.

>adding a niche fetish into a game that only panders to a very small subsection of the western kink population just to spite other potential owners.
>in a kickstarter game
not a smart thing to do if you want to make money, but whatever, cuck fetishists are fucked in the head anyways so it'll be par for the course.

>letting other men fuck your harem
Congratulations you found another word they're using incorrectly.

They already are a small studio since they already did stuff with 3D porn animation and are pretty well known already, I like them cause I like raping monsters and beastiality, but I really wanna that they would focus a little more on gameplay since their game is getting huge loads of money

Yes, but's that's not really the point of the post.

Wait, Sorceress canonically wears pasties for undies?

That's a quote from the kickstarter page, it's Studio FOW that's calling the game a harem game.

>B-But I had fun playing Skyrim on PS3!
Those people are either very easy to impress or are just downright dumb.

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What if i am a complete brainlet?

M A G I C Pasties

Mass Effect was already a horny alien fuck simulator.
What happened?

Console players care about exclusives. PC players want the hardware to work above 30 fps checkerboarded

Kek. I wouldn't have known or backed this game if he didn't make a 30 minute video on it

>people crying and bitching about the space sluts and your man-slut avatar being sluts
>nobody mentions the absolute most depraved thing about the game

Attached: oh my GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD.png (1920x1080, 285K)

That's you projecting your insecurities into the game. Unless they force you into marriage, there's nothing "waifu" about these sluts other than trying to trick "muh purity" anime fags into donating. Doesn't matter how smart a woman is, she's still a dirty slut. In fact, having an intelligent, powerful woman reduced to a monster's hole is even more degrading than a toothless whore fucking for money.

The real question is how much Epic is going to throw down for that 1-year exclusivity

This meme was never funny. Graduate highschool

Yes, they're using the word incorrectly. A harem is a place where you keep women you don't want other men fucking, or also sometimes those women themselves.

>us memers, amirite? XD!


>Here they are strong womyn who need no man, don't have to worry about any real life consequences of their hedonistic lifestyles and can just ban you from their pussies if they feel like it.
Can you point out where FOW said these things? Because I haven't seen it said anywhere at all.

Bunch of fickle hypocrites, aren't you.

>spend 2k on cutting dick off
>non stop shit post about boobs in video games


>betas get 10 harem quest games a year
>we get one (1) cuck game
>wtf why aren't they pandering to me!
Have sex.

If you find it funny then congrats, you are exactly the type of 'ironic weebs' they were targeting.

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As long as the porn scenes are as good as their regular animations, I'm interested. FOW has improved a lot recently, I've jacked it god knows how many times to their 2B production.

What do weebs have to do with anything?

How the fuck is the game a cuck game is it's about super sluts fucking shit in space? It makes no damn sense guys! For you to think that then you surely think of these one-off chicks only appearing in this one piece media as """""waifus""""" right? But why? Why would you think that? Don't you wanna see this sluts get fucked??

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NTR/Cuck-shit? PIRATE IT!

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That wasn't supposed to be taken literally, it's an inference from the descriptions of the "waifus" and the fact that they are called waifus.

Anyway, I would bet 100$ that the game will not degrade or shame the girls for being sluts and the player will hardly have any recourse if he doesn't like it that they fuck disgusting alien abominations other than "hiding" it, i.e. it happens but just isn't explicitly shown (which obviously only matters if you are "immersed" in the game).

>Implying that a high quality porn game is somehow worse than Sony's "interactive" movies
Don't you have HRT to take?

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So your problem is that the fictional nonexistent women won't be punished for being promiscuous. How do you feel about the MC being just as much of a slut as they are since you're able to fuck all the women?

That's not official art of the Sorceress, it's fanart by Nadeara Bukichi, a guy who really really likes maebari.

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>high quality
Thanks for the laughs

They shill this, every, fucking, day!

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Waifufags are mostly purityfags.

Gee I dunno. And I was refering to ironic weebs, the type of people who would loosely apply anime references or memes to anything regardless of them knowing what the fuck it means.

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I was responding to someone saying that being a slut is degrading and just told him that it's not degrading for these women because it's literally just them having fun with giant alien cocks with absolutely no negative repercussions. I don't want them to be punished, personally I would just prefer pure waifus but I am not even upset by this.

And it's sort of stupid to think that a harem protagonist having relationships with all his harem members is the same as love interests being promiscuous. Regardless of what you may think about real life, in this sort of fiction different standards apply to the harem members and the harem haver (just as in a reverse harem story the female is obviously going to have multiple partners but you would expect her harem to not have other women on the side).

>ctrl+f subverse
>tfw already 500 replies

based new thread when

games are used as escapism, to get out of the reality where you're a human man with a human job and become anything and everything.
from a space marine shooting aliens at high speed, to a pro skateboarder who doesn't need to pay hospital fees after breaking all bones in his body.
from a cyberpunk espionage man to a tacticool espionage man.
from a hot bounty hunter killing anything that stands in her path to a tomb raider doing flips and dual-wielding pistols in a high-adrenaline non-scripted action scene who also somehow manages to make it all look easy even i the gameplay is hard.

why would i, a self respecting games player, want realism in my escapism from reality? i'd understand if it was a simulation game like Arma or Kerbal Space Program or Children of a Dead Earth*, but Subverse is not a simulator of anything, except maybe being a cuckold, which i am not interested in.

*in a way, since those simulator games can also be used to simulate the unreal, they can also be escapism. in a similar way, Subverse is escapism too but do you really want to escape to a world where hot space slut chicks bang everyone but you?

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