this game is fucking stupid
This game is fucking stupid
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I don't see a contradiction.
That's a penalty for you, faggot.
no u
The trilogy is amazing. You're just a faggot OP.
Imagine actually playing AA for the first time on this shitty port.
Come on, it's super easy to emulate it....
This game is fucking stupid awesome you mean.
Yeah that's like one of the best things about it
Play Danganronpa instead.
Huh? I don't see how that is relevant...
What the fucking shit is that UI?
user, the legal system in general is really stupid sometimes
>muuuh pixels
Have you ever noticed that the judge has no legs?
Good pixel art stands up to the test of time, forever
Phoenix Wright always had pretty high quality sprites
The shitty smoothing used in these types of ports make it look like a flash game
>discriminating against midgets
Long arms for a midget, don't you think
>Dwarfs are judges
As it should be
It's not smoothing though, the portraits are all clearly redrawn (sometimes poorly though).
Is there any way to change the UI back to the original?
Well whatever it is it looks like shit
Emulating when there's a PC version is just plain retarded, if I wanted to play the original version I'd just play it on the DS
>Emulating when there's a PC version is just plain retarded
haha yeah
The long arms of the law!
He does, he’s just short and his legs dangle from the chair
Yes, because PC is known for its high quality ports.
That would be me, pal.
The long penis of the law
God I hate this influx of new Phoenix Wright players who think they're playing a brand new game
OP is already complaining about AA
Danganronpa is far more stupid
yeah, fuck new people, am I right?
This is original art, pixel art on GBA was made based on full art, that they just scanned for the hd remakes
how dare these ANIMALS enjoy good video games that aren't brand new
Doesn't work nearly as well with how limited the animation is
I'm more disgusted that people actually bought a version made with 0 effort with butchered graphics
I don't know if you're trying to be ironic but that's a sentiment every single user has.
There are always fixes, even with the shittiest port you can have a decent experience if you do a little bit of research. Emulated version on the other hand will always have more bugs and issues than the native port because there's no such thing as a perfect emulator
Its because you are presumably western and think the game functions around western laws/courts, when it actually is designed to be like Jap court, which is more akin to military court (ala guilty until proven innocent).
>impersonates Phoenix at a trial
>uses a cardboard attorneys badge to fool the court
>everyone just goes along with it as he loses the case
>Phoenix is only aware a month later
Yeah it’s a stupid but fun series
That's clearly Wright's own fault. If he wouldn't show his badge off all the god damn time people would actually take a look.
Is discovery a thing in Japanese courts?
i started replaying the trilogy and i noticed that you can't present your badge to anyone during the first 2 cases.
The rereleases you mean? Non-canon bullshit I say.
This UI gives me cancer. Why couldn't they carry over the UI from the original releases over.
>Talk to Maggey
>P: "Why didn't anyone notice it wasn't me in court?!"
>M: "You said it was just a tan you got during your vacation trip to Hawaii, sir!"
>P: "Why didn't anyone notice my attorney's badge was fake?!"
>M: "You said your badge also got a tan during your vacation trip to Hawaii, sir!"
It was 3 a.m. and I was not expecting to laugh that hard in the middle of the night.
Will (You) be back in 7 years?
hahahahaha nice
I bet you prefer the original Umineko/Higurashi sprites
Not him, but the original umineko/higurashi sprites do have bad art, however they are much more expressive which makes me like them better.
I don't, but at least the OG Umineko sprites are full of SOUL
Meanwhile the AA ports have upscaled vectorized pixel art, you can't defend this shit