post your gamer tats
Post your gamer tats
what pushes a man to get a tattoo like that
>paper before 64
it's also from Thousand Year Door specifically
This is just ugly. Tattoo should be visually harmonic, this looks like turd from far
>be anti-capitalist "commie"
>tattoo one of the most recognizable iconic commercialized characters on your forearm
Peak irony.
This is actually an alright tattoo, though. I mean, it's still shit (because it's a tattoo), but the weird Stalin joke at least makes it not entirely cringe
There is literally 0 indication that this man is a commie.
Imagine getting a tattoo of the worst dark souls game.
This really didn't age well
Lmao, next thing you're going to tell me is that Mussolini was a Nazi
Why let him tattoo the url too?
I got that cool symbol the bad guys used in Wolfenstein it draws a lot of attention
>getting the 2nd largest mass murderer in history tattoo'd on your arm
Is this cringe or a powermove?
Stalin didn't kill enough people
>Let's change society somewhat
>And yet, you participate in society, you hypocrite. I am very clever.
2nd? Who has the highest score then? Please don't be a brainlet and say Hitler.
this nigga right here
>Ms paint comic says this
>That means its ok to be a hypocrite
the state of basedboys
A new challenger appears!
What happens when "now" becomes 20 years ago?
People stupid enough to get a tattoo aren't thinking about the future.
This guy is right
If you're going to include insect lives like the Chinese, you might as well consider the Orkin man the greatest killer in history.
> insect lives like the Chinese
Racist plz stop being so cringe
I always like how absolutely nobody ever gave a fuck about Leopold II despite the man having "brutal colonialism" as a hobby, just for fun.
Look, I liked a Bugs Life as much as the next guy, but that doesn't make Asians human.
x-box players for everyone.
>i am silly
Dude plz, as asian myself i know that we are humans with human feelings and hopes.
Stop being so racist to our asian kind
1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre
Winnie the Pooh
Hong Kong belongs to Britain
Taiwan is the true Chinese government
Wrong country, friend
I'd get this if I ever decided to get a tattoo.
Are those the pedophile symbols?
Wrong friend, country
What is a man?
well said friend.
Superior choice.
The Demon of Razgris! Cool tatt
"Le geek culture" and onions
It's clear that the dude is from Japan.
>17 million
Where'd that number come from?
And you missed it again.
the estimated kill count for Leopold are actually pretty questionable, its been a while but I believe the supposed killcount would've exceeded the entire population of the Congo at the time. What he did was terrible, sure, the numbers just seem a bit iffy.
I think people also dont care much because the whole hand cutting thing ended up being an inter-tribal issue where they provided hands of other tribes as tribute for not meeting quotas, so finding someone to blame might get a bit iffy.
probably holocaust + casualties of war + civilian deaths directly caused by his regime?
Didn't like 60 million Russians alone die in WW2?
>leopold II is depicted as a butcher because of shitty administration but nelson mandela is a hero when he does it
I believe 60 million is the total WWII death count on all sides on all fronts.
the Soviet military losses are estimated at 8,800,000-10,700,000 but a lot of soldiers died from exposure and disease and the like. Im not sure how the chart calculated the deaths.
>casualties of war
Then it would be way fucking higher
>literally gets a tattoo of a commie
>not a commie
Fuck off chink
obviously stalin killed them
i doubt it was intentional but
yeah that's pretty close to the nambla logo
i have a cool triangle earring i bought off ebay that i didn't realize was that close to the logo
>paying for fucking your skin up eternally.
My brother and I are planning on getting a set of matching tattoos, we've narrowed it down to adol/dogi or cuphead/mugman
This bothers me the most.
Tattoos are for emotionally unstable people who think that they have something to prove by getting a gaudy disgusting ink stain picture they feel is somehow relevant to making themselves be special. Protip: tattoos make you look like a fucking tool and are not the beautiful emotional things that you think they are.
Absolutely do not get a tattoo of some random anime fuckos please, Cuphead would be bad enough. For the record I actually think tattoos are cool, but both of those sound like near future regrets
This post seems to have been written by someone who understands mental and emotional stability yea
The only acceptable vista tattoo
Why the ink on others bothers you so much?
t.ugly NEET
>probably holocaust
So a few thousand? These numbers ain't addin up, T.
>Asian = chinese
Is this mutt education?
have sex
Statistically and autistically speaking it's the most likely scenario, if you're just talking straight numbers
>from 8 bit mario to 8 bit mario to gc paper mario to 64 mario
>le stalin meme worship
You've read too many online tattoo stories where every single rose tattoo has to have 20 years of backstory and importance.
Have a relationship lasting longer than 2 months.