Thinking about picking up the Castlevania Anniversary Collection next month. Which game would be a good start for a newcomer?
>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
>Super Castlevania IV
>Castlevania Bloodlines
>Castlevania the Adventure
>Castlevania II: Belmont’s Revenge
>Kid Dracula
Castlevania Anniversary Collection
Gee, maybe Castlevania.
Yeah dude, start from the beginning, its aged surprisingly well for its era. If you want something more accessible you can go with Castlevania IV too. Stone cold classic.
>Hey, Yea Forums, I'm picking up a chronological list of every single game in the Classicvania subgenre
>Where should I START, if I want to START THE ENTIRE FRANCHISE
Rondo is honestly the only one I enjoyed. I might just be a casual but having something resembling smooth controls was nice.
>Castlevania the Adventure
Man it should have been ReBirth. No one likes this games
What is that really the lineup? How the fuck do they leave out Rondo or any of the metroidvanias? Who approved this shit?
Isn't 4 a complete remake of 1 or something?
Konami's all but admitted this is just the first Castlevania collection, and they probably still want to wring a couple bucks out of that weird duology release of Rondo/Symphony before they pump out CV Anniversary Collection 2 or whatever
Good. I don't want my purchase of Castlevania Requiem to be wasted. You fucks better shell out that $25 like the rest of us if you want it so bad
Collection 1 = Classicvania
Collection 2 = Igavania
And Rondo goes... where?
Rondo has always sort of been a package deal with SoTN for some reason, I guess due to the two being somewhat connected.
Bloodlines and IV are the most accessible.
on virtue of being sotn prequel, IGA
Direct sequel, with the intro of SotN being a remake of the final stage in Rondo.
Nice no faggot METROID Vania games on there.
People only like SOTN Because it was the first easy castlevania they could fucking beat. My favorite is probably bloodlines. Spear gameplay is so good.
save super castlevania iv for last cause it's the best one and everything after will feel like shit
>People only like SOTN Because it was the first easy castlevania they could fucking beat
But SCIV and Rondo are some of the easiest in the franchise.
It's casual garbage with the worst level design and the worst music. Rondo was the peak of Classicvania, and it's not even in the collection. Bloodlines is way better than IV.
Castlevania 1 is a very solid game with a good difficulty curve. You'll probably die a few times per stage, increasing with stage number, and get your ass whooped by Dracula a few times unless you abuse a certain mechanic. Great game, great visuals, great music, pretty short. Great place to start the series.
2 is garbage for several reasons, "save" it for last, if you even play it. If you do, you're probably better off with the fanpatch emulated version that helps with some of its issues a lot.
3 is really hard and really good, it's like 1 cranked up in every aspect.
IV has the same story of Castlevania 1, but the game is completely redone. It's easier, but it's absolutely great. Top notch visuals and music, probably my favorite in the series in those regards, and the gameplay is fucking perfect, you can whip in every direction, the whip is so good that you can mostly ignore sub-weapons, and that's great (though I tend to avoid using them in the other games for the most part anyways). Also a good place to start.
Castlevania the Adventure is really janky, but playable, and has really good music.
I haven't played Bloodlines yet, looks great and I will play it soon. I haven't played II Belmont's Revenge or Kid Dracula yet, maybe I'll give them a shot in the future.
All things considered, I'd say: start with either 1 or Super IV. Both are great and different approaches, if you like a challenge then definetly start with 1, otherwise you're better of with IV. Not that 1 is that hard, but it's no cakewalk. If you feel like it was too easy, then get on to playing 3 after it, otherwise, go for IV. After that you might either wanna play more Classicvanias, or go for one of the Metroidvanias (Symphony of the Night or Aria of Sorrow are probably the best ones to start with).
the only good one desu shit went downhill FAST after
>Konami's all but admitted this is just the first Castlevania collection
No, they admitted it outright.
When the page for the Castlevania Collection was originally released, when we only knew four of the games, the original statement on the page was "The first Castlevania Collection will contain...", and they since changed the wording of that paragraph.
Nowhere probably.
Castlevania Requiem, the package of SOTN and Rondo, seems to be exclusive to Sony since Sony handled that port themselves.
I wouldn't be shocked if we only got a pack of the GBA and DS games and they charged $30+ for the collection because they had to rework the DS features.
>Castlevania Requiem, the package of SOTN and Rondo, seems to be exclusive to Sony since Sony handled that port themselves
Yeah, weren't they just copy/pasted PSP games? It makes sense that they would have exclusive rights to that, they even had the shitty new dub the PSP game had.
anyone know if each game will have a platinum trophy? these sort of games usually have enjoyable trophy lists
>Doesn't have the GBA/NDS games
It's a different game. That'd be like skipping RE2 because REmake 2 exists.
That will probably be a seperate collection. Konami won't pass up the change to sell multiple collections. Hell, I wouldn't even put it past them to sell a GBA collection and an NDS collection separately.
You can't die in fucking SOTN. Don't be retarded, is the easiest castlevania by far
>People only like SOTN Because it was the first easy castlevania they could fucking beat.
This is true, the amazing pixel art is a nice thing tho,but SOTN praise usually comes from people that had Ps1 as their first console too, baby's first Castlevania.
Castlevania III
>casual babies castlevania
castlevania IV
rondo of blood
>who cares
Kid dracula
Simon's quest
>who cares
>Kid dracula
You take that back.
Rondo is not on the list, you're missing Belmont's Revenge
Who's handling the emulation?
Still confused as to why they didn't use the WiiWare remake of Adventure
So they can sell you that later for more money.
John Wick 3 and this only a day apart? god DAMN
The story, yes.
The game isn't a remake otherwise.
>classicvania nostalgia collection
>Why not use the WiiWare remake?
You already know why.
>Kid Dracula
This is cash money
>No Chronicles
>No Rondo of Blood
>Classic Adventure instead of Rebirth
This isn't cash money
>Classic Adventure instead of Rebirth
Honestly I don't know why people were expecting this. It wouldn't really have fit.
>A 2D classic Castlevania remake wouldn't fit with a 2D classic Castlevania collection
I'll fit my foot up your ass.
It's obvious they're going more or less in chronological order. This would mean that the remake would come at the very end.
I would recommend Rondo of Blood followed by Symphony of the Night (don't know if they're on the anniversary collection but they've recently been re released together.) Rondo is one of the best Classic-vanias and Symphony is the first Metroid-Vania style game. Symphony is kinda the sequel to Rondo too so you get a nice bit of plot progression if you play them in order.
If you like Rondo more check out the original Nes games (other than 2), Super Castlevania 4 and Bloodlines. If you prefer Symphony check out the 6 handheld games that followed it. Aria of Sorrow and it's sequel, Dawn of Sorrow are the ones that follow it the closest so try those first. But you can't go wrong with any of those 6 GBA/DS games.
>easiest for beginner
As a filthy zoomer who started with the series last year, 1 and 3 have aged way better than most games from that era and are still extremely solid today. IV is great but I wouldn't recommend playing it first because the multi-directional whip can trivialize the game a lot.
With the recent closure of the Wii Shop Channel and there being no official way to buy it anymore, people just assumed/hoped it would be on the collection.