Why the fuck are digital games so expensive?

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Because people are willing to pay the price.

>Games are cheaper now than they were 20 years ago without even adjusting for inflation
They're not, you're just poor.

You can buy games like 15%-40% under steam prices on day 1 if you're not retarded and can manage to google for cd keys

This. I’ve done exactly this for the past 3-4 years now and I’ve saved hundreds

>Not just buying US gift cards to purchase it for 60 dollars instead
>Not waiting for a sale
>Not just buying a physical copy and selling it on when you're done
There are several ways you can buy Sekiro in Bongland without paying the digital retard tax.

Compared to the volume sold and expense of creating a AAA title, it's not that much. The only games that make an assload of money are ones with successful microtransaction models nowerdays.

you can also pirate any digital entertainment without consequences on day 1 if youre not retarded. ive done exactly this for the past 3-4 years now and ive saved thousands

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Because the only thing that'd keep them competitive is dying (physical)
You didn't actually think prices would go down when digital is the only choice, did you?

I dunno, lol ¯\(°_o)/¯

Not if it’s multiplayer

I do that for good games by shitty companies I have no will to support like EA, not competent developers like From.

yes thats the exception. but all the good multiplayer games dont cost much anyways

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because you'll pay it, it's really fucking simple

if people refused to pay 59, the price would drop till people did buy them.

If the only price people would be willing to pay was $10, all games would cost $10.

think about it brother. your 60 bucks are absolutely nothing to a big company like fromsoft. you dont really support them by buying their game because your "support" is insignificant. i only buy the games of small companies where my money actually matters a bit. why buy all these vidyas made by big companies when you can just pirate them without consequence? youre more in need of those 60 bucks than fromsoft. its nothing to them.

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I just don't understand why physical and digital are the same fucking price. Digital should be AT LEAST 10% less.

Sekiro is well worth the cost though

If they see that they aren't making money from these games they will stop making them and all you'll be left with is cheap low budget (but not necessarily bad) indie games.

they will make money though. always. thats my point brother. i dont support them because my support doesnt matter. 60 bucks is like what? .0000007 percent of their sales?

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The technology is cheaper and games are easier to make. They should be cheaper

It's that expensive so publishers can more advertise any game.
Without it usual price for AAA game is like 20-30$.

literal retard

I know they will still make their money but imagine if everyone thought about it like you do.

Because they can get away with charging the same price as the vast majority of people the past decade have been OK with paying the same. This needed to be addressed years ago but the precedent has been set now and companies want more and more people to go digital so they can increase their profit share.

Me in the middle

literally the opposite

>easier and cheaper to make

Are you a literal crack addict? In the 90's you could make a best-selling AAA title with a team of 12 people in 8 months for 800k usd.

The cost of discs and cases is so low that it's barely even a factor.

I bought Sekiro for 44€ via third party key sellers.

>the biggest games with the most impressive graphics were made by teams of less than 20 people
>the same team would be considered a small indie team today