Remember I still have GW2 on my PC

>Remember I still have GW2 on my PC
>Uninstall it
Where did it go so wrong?

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>and while we don't have monks in guild wars 2, the guardian class is a new class that will make monk players feel right at home
>play guardian
>it's disgusting

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Remember Guild Wars? They didn't.

It was pretty bad before but HOT killed any fun for me, got a refund. Sometimes log in, realize it's garbage and uninstall. PVE is an absolute joke in this game.

Why are you complaining? It's vastly superior to 1.

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Sounds like someone couldn't handle the pocket raptors.

HoT is unironically the best MMO content ever made, though. I know it's not a big achievement but after the patch it actually made group events and exploration fun. Nothing in WoW, ESO, TERA or FFXIV compares.

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No trinity.

Post butt of char

I'm still mad they charged for a full price game and locked off inventory and bank slots behind a premium cash shop currency.

>needing extra space
>you can convert in-game currency to "premium" cash shop currency

When did they add the Moonlight Greatsword to the game?

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>start gw2 with friends
>friend 1 is casual and continues playing PvP on free version
>friend 2 only buys Path of Fire to ride mounts
>friend 3 drops the game in base game
>stuck 100%'d entirety of the world of achievements including PoF and HoT completely solo
>condemned to run world bosses every day after work and running fractals
>never find a guild with people willing to raid
>never raid in my entire life
>stop playing

I always feel like i'm one of the few people here who enjoyed the game. The leveling was fun, wvw was also sometimes fun, and the pvp was awesome. Maybe i just have a wrong impression of the game because i only played elementalist and no other class.

>female human legendary greatsword


actual cringe desu

I got the same feeling playing GW1 at the time, it was hated everywhere outside of its community because it was different and supposedly nothing more than an instanced WoW for poorfags.

It was a vocal minority and it still is one for GW2, if you were reading threads here at the time of its release GW2 was going to be death in one month. There's a reason it's still going strong 7 years later.

Should have joined the Yea Forums guild when it was still alive.

every Yea Forums or /vg/ related group is just bunch of spergs that have that one faggot everyone else is orbiting

I kind of want to reinstall GW just to check up on my birthday gifts but the dead online would just depress me.

HoT was an improvement over vanilla though.A huge one at that.

Haven't played the game lately,huh?There are tank specs and healer specs that are mandatory for endgame content

Farm gold and buy more slots then what's the matter?Making gold hasn't been easier.

Thanks for reminding me...

I genuinely enjoyed the game but launch was horrible and incomplete.HoT made the game complete and PoF was a decent addition.If only it had open world PvP and sieges outside of WvW it would've been incredible.

I am not saying that GW2 is a bad game, don'Ät get me wrong. But GW2 isn't Guild Wars for me.

I miss mmos guys

Me too wanna cuddle?

it's actually gotten better with hot and pof. CUs and story is pretty nice, and they have a steady, albeit slow, stream of content.
It's never going to be gw1 though and i will never not be mad about it. I'd legit pay money to have gw1 remastered.

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>decide to play gw2 again recently
>online buddies bitch and moan how it is not completely f2p and hop off
>left alone to level

lots of people still play it actually

Its not gw1, thats the only complain. Its still one of the top 5 mmos today with FFXIV AND GW1.

Based horizontal progression means I can stop playing 6 months then come later and with some minor adjustments Im up to date and still can do the hardest raids

What dead online? Even the first maps are full of people

No fucking endgame.

These wankstains thought they were geniuses for subverting the genre standard and making gear irrelevant and max level. Surprise fucking surprise there was nothing to do at level 80 unless you enjoy playing dress ups in which case you'd be better of in FFXIV. No idea what they've added since but the gameplay was so boring that it permanently destroyed my will to play.

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>What if we took a unique "mmo"
>and made it like every other generic mmo

absolutely fuckin' genious


You've got raids and fractals for pve endgame.What else do you want?Higher stats that will be useless in the next patch/expansion and do your weekly cap for said gear?What an absolute waste of time.Horizontal progression is better and collecting rare skins and titles is what the game is about.

I did but I have to wait 24 hours to delete one of my characters so I can play.
My main has so much shit in his inventory that I don't remember, and I don't remember how to play at all.

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Which is why the game is dead by comparison to other MMOs. Most people couldn't give a fuck about horizontal progression. It should exist as a fun activity beyond the core gameplay. The gear treadmill is not ideal, I will not argue that point, but a tangible sense of progression is necessary for the longevity of any RPG and GW2 lacks that.

Its really nothing like any other mmo. In fact, thats the main complain. That people wanted fixed role trinity and vertical progression

See this user, he is complaining that its nothing like other mmos while you complain its the same as the others

>Which is why the game is dead by comparison to other MMOs
Is this a joke right? fractals, meta events and raids are full of people at any time of the day

Dead by comparison. I don't doubt people still play, but it's really a niche game that isn't even brought up in half of MMO conversations.

I still log in for hot erp with my toned fit tomboy sylvari with tanlines and small tits. Literal charr magnet.

Explain? And what about all the people who spent a shit ton of money to get ahead, will they forever be ahead now?
And what about the facebook energy mini games?
Other then cosmetics what can you spend real money on?

it was this man's betrayal
>Refugee from Mythic, hired late in GW1 development
>Eventually given the reins to design the GW sequel
>Makes a sequel for DAoC and WAR instead
>Game stays on a downhill trajectory through his entire tenure at the lead
>Comes up with the temporary content model that literally nobody wants; has to concede to players after one season of that shit
>Oversees shitty expansion design
>Suddenly leaves Anet after expansion sales fail to meet targets
most likely he bailed before NC could fire him

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how so?

I did come back for an hour or so but was shocked at just how shit the whole game looks

Mobs scaling to your level and press B to reach end game. Both stupid and contradictory ideas.

there's a "fresh start" server for new accounts with no old characters

Too much focus on single player open world

>Create a game without a Trinity because we want to be different
>Create content that still requires the Trinity
Yeah they fucked up

They use super servers to give you the impression it’s full of people

people waah about muh trinity but the reality is the class design in the game is just fucking trash largely thanks to the incredibly limited combat + buff/debuff system. every class feels the same because they fucking are, they all use the same buffs/debuffs and have the same abilities with different cooldowns and aesthetics.

classes all need more, unique skills and the skill bars need to allow at least twice as many active abilities.

How does that prevent p2w?

>will they forever be ahead now
Obviously but it's significantly easier and cheaper to gear up.That being said it's not fast as paying.

that doesn't make the game any more or less full than it is. if anything, it gives a more accurate representation of the overall player base than if you were stranded on a single server that was either too crowded or empty

90% of the content can be completed without a need of a traditional trinity.Even dps classes have some group healing and aoe boons to mitigate damage but it you want to raid you will have to compromise.

Servers are absolutely useless nowdays.EU and NA megaservers is all you need.People don't form server communities or care enough to foster one so guilds are what matter.Why end up on a dead server instead of a unified one where every zone has people in it.


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What I like:
- There are toons of people in all the maps, even the old ones
- For me, the exploration is the best of any mmo
- Interesting class mechanics
- Mounts are great
- Is one of the less weeb-looking mmos
- I like fewer but more meaningful cooldowns
- I like horizontal progression
- HoT was great, I like the fact that enemies hit very hard and are always in groups, I also like the verticality of the maps

What I dislike:
- WvW and open world is just a zerg-fest
- Game need more structured pve content (dungeons, raids, fractals)
- They need to solve the zerg nature of wvw
- Too much visual clutter
- There neigther damage types nor damage resistances
- Even when mechanically the classes are different, the all end feeling almost the same because no-trinity
- I fucking hated trahearne
- Story is cringe
- Old maps feel very outdated

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