So playing this game only to peragus so far but it seems pretty good

so playing this game only to peragus so far but it seems pretty good

why does Yea Forums hate it?

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Hate? I only see good things about it

It's one of the most acclaimed games here you autismo

People like this game a lot. I think everyone just agrees they wished it wasn't rushed in the end.

the one downside is cut content

Peragus? There's almost nothing to do differently on replays and it's followed by yet another forced location so the first 2-3 hours of every playthrough are pretty much the same regardless of alignment.

but im not replaying it this is the first time
its better than anything i have played in the past 10 or so years including the witcher 3

>at peragus
>durr game is better than anything I have played previous to this
you haven't been playing games for 10 years if this is your opinion. kreia is what makes this game great, not the controls

i am 32 and have been playing games since i was three

>comparing the witcher 3 to this masterpiece

what is so great about this game then that you haven't found in any game the past 10 years, grandpa boomer

whats wrong with the witcher 3?

>tfw no grandma nietzsche to read u bedtime stories, tuck you in, and giv telepathic lectures
why live bros

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No one really hates it, they just love to meme about it.

Old Yea Forums hated it like the dogshit it is. Because it's a very cheap reskin, doesn't have a fraction of the creativity its prequel had poured into it when it comes to quests or locales, takes a light hearted space adventure and turns its atmosphere into this bleak and grim garbage for Linkin Park fan little kids and genuine fedora tipper autists, introduces absolutely retarded concepts as plot devices like force zombies and force black holes, the party members are nowhere near as charismatic (except for Kreia, and the ones they had to copy paste from the first game), it's a really buggy and unfished shitshow and even the finished parts have painfully stupid writing. It's the perfect equivalent of The Last Jedi in video game format.

Nu/v/ likes it because saying the words deconstruction and subversion makes them feel special.

>I'll pretend to speak for the cool kids who supposedly share my opinion.
Whatever helps you feel better about yourself, champ.

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bao-dur and mission are both shit but mission has zaalbar so mission>bao-dur
zaalbar>mira as well because mira is boring
mical a shit so bastilla>mical
kreia is a much more fleshed out and deeper version of bindo so kreia>>>>>>>jolee

I have never really played g0t0 so I don't know

Every time I want to replay it, I remember the beginning of the game and the fact that it actually only gets good >10 hours in.

Yea Forums doesn't hate this game, there's just guys like this in every thread

if you can't finish peragus and telos in less than 2 hours I genuinely feel bad for you

Peragus is kino though.
>stuck on a space station with all sorts of shit and everyone is already dead

I've lived to see the day when someone compliments Peragus

This is the canon face of the Exile, whether you like it or not.

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>Anything from EA

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female exile is shit

It’s good the first time through.

Kotor 1 and 2 are amongst my most played games during my teenage years when they came out. I must have replayed them 7 or 8 times.

1 felt more close to the star wars movies while still taking a lot of lore from extended universe/darkhorse comics. It was well rounded and things that we take for granted now (some fun twist and this karma system) were pretty new at the time.

2 is to 1 what is evangelion to gundam. It's a deconstruction of everything and anything. While it does present some very interest concepts and characters, it feels more empty and that's not just the fact that it was a completely unfinished game. You can fan patch it to an extend but it doesn't fix all the damage inflicted on it by lucasarts forcing obsidian to rush it out.

Peragus is completely the same except for one piece of dialogue if the game detects you already completed it. It's 2-4 hours of a bland abandoned station. Finding out the mystery may be fun the first time around, but any time after you'd rather just use the 'skip peragus' mod. The end part in Malachor V is supposed to be not just an epic conclusion of the game but also the end of your character arc. It's the central part of their backstory. Again, due to the development being rushed it's a mediocre conclusion at best where you go through a boring wasteland in between two boss fights that are far less interesting than Malak was in Kotor 1.

That being said, kotor 2 does have very good improvements that make me like it as much as 1. Some fights (notable Vrook) are challenging enough that you may need a couple tries, unlike in kotor 1 where you can easily blast through everything. Your character options are far improved, the UI looks better, places like Nar Shaddaa are actually really cool and most party members have dynamic alignment that adjusts with you.

2 also has far more options for weapons and items and I also really liked the idea that lightsabers were somehow tough to get a hold of, considering their raw power.

a very small percentage actually hates it. mostly kids who grew up on minecraft and never actually played it. the rest is just doing Yea Forums things and roleplaying retards

Yeah, I do agree with that, and after that Telos planetside is fucking awful. Telos Station is decent but Telos the planet deserves to die, god damn it's so boring.

>except for one piece of dialogue if the game detects you already completed it
What is it?

Sion and Nihilus were much more interesting than Malak.

Goto fleshed out wasnt a bad char interesting story but weak compared to others in the line up

kreia nearly ruins the game.

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But that's Obsidian's signature style

There's one extra option when you free Atton, I believe, where he makes a snarky comment referencing Carth.


I love KOTOR2 to pieces but I cant bring myself to play it on console again due to the lack of the RCM. It hurts bros

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Legion's cities. There was an idea to introduce Legion to a player not only as insane football playing slavers.

The characters? Perhaps. The fights however weren't. Malak took place in an interesting arena and immediately gives you a bit of creative dilemma when he's at half HP with the jedis in stasis.

Nihilus' arena being the bough of the ship is alright, but not in the same scale. Sion's is even worse in a random room in Malachor. Both of these combats were more boring to me. Sion's saving grace is that you can talk him into giving up.

its 10 dollars on steam
same on GOG
and the GOG version is free on piratebay if you are broke

Legion was supposed to be a full faction with their own infrastructure and cities, not a bunch of retards fucking men in the ass while laughing at the idea of medicine. The "civilized" part of Legion got cut and all that was finished was Caesar's special needs boys. Also postgame content and more.

Does anyone have the
>you will not erode my will
>you have eroded Sion's will
image? I always get a good kick out of that.

It was a fantastic game.
>why does Yea Forums hate it
Oh you are doing that reverse psychology trick that shills frequently employ.

It frequently goes on sale for -75% too if you're too much of a cheapskate for $10. $2.50 to never have to deal with 4 disc installation ever again was great.

In my top 3 favorite games of all time, easily

The one piece of advice I can give you is that if you didnt start with sentinel, branch into the jedi watchman class when you can. Its the only one that doesnt curbstomp all combat encounters (which still happens no matter your build) but it lets you access more skill options and other things like that which are far more important to the primary mechanic and quality part of the game (the dialogue system)

the dialogue and the influence system are far better and more fleshed out than what youd probably expect on the surface and certainly infinitely better than anything in the first game. Almost every skill (awareness, repair, wisdom, int, demolitions etc etc) affects your dialogue options instead of just persuasion and the influence system actually makes sense instead of just being "be nice to everyone" (even if it is the answer for certain characters)

you most likely wont do it on your first playthrough especially without a guide but you can convert almost every single member in your party into a force wielder of your OR even the opposite alignment depending on your usage of influence


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this is so true

>b-but story so deep really wize old woman :o
never read a book in your life heh?

KOTOR1 didn't have a story that great, but it was a good SW story, and the universe they created was incredible.
Obsidian failed to build anything on the universe Bioware created, they just made it more shady and ambiguous, that's it. The only good part is the mandalorian wars stuff and event hat part felt underused.

The ending is pure garbage.

Even if the premise was great, KOTOR2 is nothing but wasted potential.

You're right about Malak's fight being interesting, I still liked the fight with Nihilus more because of the environment. I also liked that you had to convince Sion to kill himself more than killing the captured jedi on the star forge.

obsidian makes games for people that dont like RPGs

Bioware didn't create shit. You are probably a zoomer who wasn't even alive when it came out
They took the unique Old Republic setting from the EU and completely shat on it and made it a copy of the movies. Right down to a fucking Yoda in the Jedi Council

The only really good parts of the KOTOR 1 story are the Revan reveal and the force bond with bastila. The rest is generic star wars.

Kreia wasn't wise though, she was a hypocritical cunt that no matter how much she tried to be neutral, she always ended up being more dark-aligned. She was just seasoned.

>Kreia wasn't wise though, she was a hypocritical cunt that no matter how much she tried to be neutral, she always ended up being more dark-aligned.
Gee, I wonder why?

>and the universe they created was incredible.

>being canon even in the old EU

By the standards of this board, it's very well liked.

Not him but you're retarded. Their setting doesn't take pretty much anything from the comics aside from a few references. It's completely different both in aesthetics and in the depiction of various factions and customs.

It's mostly inspired by the movies like said but he's also a braindead fuck because the game's setting does have several unique qualities not found in either the movie or the comics.

>Old Yea Forums hated it like the dogshit it is. Because it's a very cheap reskin, doesn't have a fraction of the creativity its prequel had

>more than double the amount of feats
>more than double the amount of Force Powers
>the addition of a new influence system that makes character interaction much more interesting, including the ability to train companions into Jedi or Sith and teach them Force Powers
>the addition of a new in-depth crafting system where having a higher rank in a skill (repair/computer/awareness/demolitions/stealth/security/treat injury) lets you craft different items, equipment and equipment mods
>the addition of actual skill checks; in Kotor 1 only (Force) Persuade was ever checked in dialogue and it was basically an insta-win button for quests
>lightside/darkside points are now attached to all interactions and dialogue responses, not just for completing quests like in Kotor 1
>equipment is far more interesting and varied
>various other improvements, such as the addition of unarmed combat, prestige classes, force forms and lightsaber stances
>much more variety in gameplay and level design; there is nothing in Kotor 1 like the defense of Khoonda or the vision quest on Korriban
>a beautiful orchestral score, with each area in the game having its own unique track; Kotor 1's score consisted of low quality synthesized music, and the same tracks were lazily reused for different areas
>12 companions, an increase compared to Kotor 1's 9 companions
>a humongous leap in the quality of storytelling, dialogue and voice acting
>all this with a development time of barely a year and made by a newly formed studio; by comparison, Kotor 1 had a development time of more than 3 years

Kotor 2 makes Kotor 1 completely obsolete, it's that massive an improvement.

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Find what you’re looking for, amongst the dead?

My life for yours

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>Peragus is completely the same except for one piece of dialogue if the game detects you already completed it.

This is blatantly false. Peragus has several quests/obstacles with multiple solutions, e.g. there are two ways to get the voice code: if you have a high enough Persuade skil, you can convince HK to say it. If you don't, you can splice together the voice code yourself from the audio logs you find.

Another example is if you have a high enough computer skill, you can program the droids into fighting for you.

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No you are the one with a low reading comprehension, Bioware took the Tales of the Jedis setting and fucked up with the OT aesthetic and then they did the same with TOR and the clone wars

Always some Biodrone coming in.

>1 felt more close to the star wars movies while still taking a lot of lore from extended universe/darkhorse comics.

When will this meme end? Kotor 1 completely shits on its source material. The game is supposed to take place in the Old Republic Era, 4000 years before the movies, which was extensively fleshed out in the expanded universe. It was a more primitive universe with its own take on Star Wars tropes, like Jedi having to use lightsabers with cables and battery packs, and spaceships with sails.

So what did Bioware do when they made a game set in the Old Republic? They completely got rid of anything unique or distinctive and just copied everything from the movies. Not just every single plot point, but even the level of technology and society.

Obsidian tried to bring back setting-appropriate stuff like the Beastriders of Iziz in the sequel, but by then it was already too late to reverse the damage Bioware had done to the setting.

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I'd rather fuck Kreia.

Yeah, I found my lovely grandma, that is (you).

Your command echoes still, General. And I obey, as I did at Malachor.

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>the universe they created was incredible.

>copy-pasta of every plot point of the OT & TPM (it came out too late to rip off the later prequels)
>universe they created

>Opens with the Sith shooting down a Republic ship, with their target getting away in an escape pod
>Hero is told they have to find a Jedi
>Heroes meet scoundrel+wookie duo in cantina
>Hero has to win a swoop race to free someone from captivity
>Female lead is captured, but breaks free and kills her capturer
>Hero is told they're force-sensitive and this is why they're so good at swoop racing
>Heroes meet a guy in a Cantina who offers access to a ship off-planet, which is named after a bird, supposedly the fastest in the sector and described by the owner as not looking like much
>Hero taken to Jedi Council for training, although some Jedi reluctant to do so due to "person's age"
>There is a Yoda clone
>Sith hire bounty hunter to kill heroes
>Hero built their own protocol droid
>Old Jedi living as a hermit joins the hero
>Awkward personality droid translates Sand People speech for heroes
>Underwater section with a giant fish wreaking havoc
>Ship caught in tractor beam. Crew plan "alternatives to fighting" before being taken in, but end up fighting anyway
>Heroes run around to disable the necessary systems so that the ship can escape
>Villain is disfigured Sith Lord and has some cybernetic parts as a result
>Villain makes surprise appearance. Han Solo type tries to shoot him and fails
>"I am your Father" type reveal. Jedi friend knew
>Jedi friend stays behind to fight main bad guy so that others may escape
>Main threat is a weaponized space station capable of destroying planets
>Republic/Sith square off in front of space station that's being protected by a shield generator disruptor field on a nearby world
>Heroes disable disruptor field, defeating the Sith who were waiting for them
>Hero/villain fight in observation deck overlooking said Republic/Sith battle
>Ends with award ceremony

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why was it not canon?

So which point are you trying to argue aginst here, you illiterate animal?

>Ends with award ceremony
Only if you're a weakling.

Yes, General

>fun twist
The twist is the dumbest thing about Kotor.

>you go to several planets, travel through major cities and interact with hundreds of npcs
>nobody recognizes who you are, even though you almost conquered the galaxy just before the game begins and your face would have been broadcasted on holovids all over the galaxy
>paradoxically, the only people who recognize you are the Rakata who are on a secluded planet cut off from all galactic broadcasts and who only met Revan after he fell to the dark side and started wearing his vader mask (i.e. they couldn't possibly know what your face looks like)

Masterful storytelling, Bioware.

>b-b-but Revan has always worn a mask, so nobody would have recognized him
So you're telling me a Jedi Knight was dressing up like a Sith Lord and nobody bats an eye at this? That's even dumber.

And they were so obsessed with pulling the carpet out from under the feet of their audience with their silly twist that they forgot to make Revan a character. Instead, he's a complete non-entity and nothing more than a vehicle for the twist.

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>Only if you're a weakling.
Doesn't change the billion other plot points that were ripped off from the movies, whether you go lightside or darkside.

The most amusing thing is that Bioware thought that the Phantom Menace was actually a good movie, and they then proceeded to rip off a significant chunk of it. If the other 2 prequels had released earlier, Kotor 1 would have ripped them off too.

The skip the intro level mod is the best thing to happen to this game, goddamn does that level drag on forever
Cut content a close second for best mod

>Apathy is life!

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Revan started wearing the mask during the mandalorian wars, but I get your point.

Peragus is literally the worst part of the game. Nice mindfuck thread.

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Telos is worse, Peragus is good on the first playthrough.

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Jesus Christ the Obsidian one is cringy af.


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Why helping Czerka on Telos is bad? Setting on a journey without some cash would be a silly move.

>tfw playing this on pc years after first playthrough on xbox and finding out about the skip peragus mod

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There's nothing to do, it's 3+ hours of being trapped in an abandoned space station shooting robots and fucking with consoles.
Taris might have been an hours-long forced prologue, but at least it was treated like an actual planet and had plenty of activities and sidequests for you to do.

I somehow remember almost everything in Kotor 1 but nothing in 2 except for the magic stone that becomes like your karma

people who say this game is bad do not like RPGs, Star Wars, or both. Feel free to disregard their opinion.

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its not bad other than killing non combatants. the ithorians were being retarded with their reconstruction efforts, like importing only predatory fauna into the safe zones. having cannoks on the planet eating everything not nailed down was causing even bigger slowdown.

czerka was in the right

>should I help the friendly native ithorians who want to help rebuild restore the planet and rebuild its nature and ecosystem
> or should I help to profit hungry corporatists trying to colonise the planet?

But on the first playthrough where you don't know what to expect and when you find out that Sion is after you is pretty good.

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puit your fucking clothes on

That they took an interesting setting and fucked it up completely. Yes, the original stuff was fine, but there wasn't much, most of it was just a movie ripoff

What if they just don’t like turn based combat?

Maybe if they shortened all the runaround to 15-45 minutes and went straight to the Harbinger after the preliminaries, it might be tolerable whenever you want to create a new character.

Is she autistic or something? Why would she say that with the father?

they are welcome to play games with non-turn-based combat.

I have it on my computer and already beat it more ways than I can count. I have an old copy for the console though and sometimes I want to play it but I end up not playing it due to all the missing content.

Her dad was the Echani general Yusanis, who got killed by Revan.

>There's nothing to do, it's 3+ hours of being trapped in an abandoned space station shooting robots and fucking with consoles.
>Taris might have been an hours-long forced prologue, but at least it was treated like an actual planet and had plenty of activities and sidequests for you to do.
Except Peragus does have NPCs to talk to and optional things to do. Also, Peragus is nowhere near as long as Taris.

Both locations and up blowing up after you leave them. The difference is that Peragus is actually relevant to the story, since it sets up several story arcs: the impending fall of the Republic, exacerbated by the loss of Peragus as a source of fuel, the HK's and their hunt for you and the bounty on your head, etc.

Meanwhile, Taris has no relevance to the story whatsoever. It's Generic Tutorial Location: The Planet, and the side quests you do there are incredibly generic.

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Can you even read, you stupid fuck?
>Their setting doesn't take pretty much anything from the comics
>It's mostly inspired by the movies
>the game's setting does have several unique qualities not found in either the movie or the comics

These were the three points made. Which of these do you think isn't true? What kind of an uneducated waste of life are you?

various reasons
1 for being a MMORPG the same as Star Wars galaxy wasnt canon
2 for contradicting so much with others founts like books, comics and others games, so if your book, comic or game didn't make sense in-universe like TOR did with Vitiatus or changing the entire aesthetic of the Old republic to Clone Wars and the Siths into The Empire then you get relegated to non canon, that was one of the reasons why the game wasn't canned after Disney bought Star Wars, because it was never canon so they could do whatever they wanted.

So basically Kotor 1 and 2 were canon in the old canon but TOR never was

biodrones still exist? lmao at your pathetic resetera ass

"Force healing" is the only legitimate bait for Exile to side with them and Obsidian knew it.
How one can colonize a wasteland under the local gov nose? And how are ithorians native to Telos by the way? I get the joke but it could've been made better or at least with more Kreia cynical commentary.

The setting was estabilished in the EU already
They took this setting and fucked it up completely by copying the movies and taking everything that was unique to it already out
They added a few original things that were kinda good but too little to actually matter.

So basically is not canon because you didn't like it.
Don't get me wrong, I didn't like it either.

What part of Peragus' role in the story would have been compromised if they made the whole level 15 minutes long? It's trash that drags on for far too long. Imagine any story-related RPG dungeon (Baldur's Gate, Elder Scrolls) and make it 10 times bigger with 10 times as much bullshit to do, keys to collect, etc. and see how that adds anything to the game.
>becoming the champion of the arena just before the planet gets destroyed is generic

A simple "no" to the first question would have been enough.

War... is a hunger. And there are spirits in the galaxy whose hunger is never satisfied.

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take it , it's Easter

Seems like some bad writing style forced dialogue tho. Isn't her mother the one you are forced to kill even when she loves you?

Peragus is pretty fun the first time around, though

why play it on console if you have the PC version? is this a nostalgia thing?

>This is the canon face of the Exile, whether you like it or not.
Who asked for this?

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no it wasn't canon because these reasons I posted if you knew how the canon rank worked you would know too for example Kyle Katarn wasn't the guy who stole the Death Star plans because it contradicted a book before and other founts already took that book as the origin of the death stars stolen plans

>In The New Essential Guide to Droids (2006) the Exile is light-sided and female
>In The Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide (2008) the Exile is light-sided and female
>In Star Wars Miniatures: Jedi Academy (2009) the Exile is light-sided and female
>In The Old Republic: Revan (2011) the Exile is light-sided and female
>In Star Wars: The Old Republic (2011) the Exile is light-sided and female
I'm sorry my man..

>tfw I played this game 10+ times but never as a f*male

>Who asked for this?
The Bioware writter who was assmad because Kotor 2 dabbed hard on A New Hope Rehash the Videogame

She's not actually speaking that. You're reading her mind from the other room.

>becoming the champion of the arena just before the planet gets destroyed is generic
It is generic yes, because the arena you fight in and combatants you fight against is bland as fuck.

Kotor 2 actually did that concept mucb better by making the arena fights againstEchani or Mandalorians, giving them some nice flavour specific to their cultures. They even use it to flesh out characters, such as when Brianna the Handmaiden is not allowed to participate in the Echani all-out brawl against you because her sisters looked down on her.

Pretty much yea.

bioware was so fucking mad at obsidian for outdoing them in kotor 2 that they retroactively ruined everything about kotor with TOR.
>ugly exile gets shivved in the back and dies
>t3 gets fucking dusted, literally
>revan gets womped 4 times like a bitch
>hk gets passed around like a cheap whore
>an ancient sith spirit is bound to some dickheads control and is hinted at somehow being kreia
>all the other characters are dead and gone
>bastilas children are ugly
>taris gets fucked again
>entire aesthetic redone to be not clones vs not empire
biowares a bunch of pussies

Dude, the content it added was so badly done. I don't know how people keep pushing that mod

>In The New Essential Guide to Droids (2006) the Exile is light-sided and female
>In The Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide (2008) the Exile is light-sided and female
>In Star Wars Miniatures: Jedi Academy (2009) the Exile is light-sided and female
people complain that the revan book made her female but these were the first who did, it's over bros jedi Jesus isn't canon

for me, it's jedi Jesus for light side playthroughs and blonde sith bitch for dark side

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>Yea Forums is one person

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Jedi Jesus will always have a place in our hearts.

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Besides the bizarre voice acting on Dantooine, what was badly done?

zoomer usually hate it, because its not made for add-kiddies

>"Force healing" is the only legitimate bait for Exile to side with them and Obsidian knew it.
thats the point to it all. its a "light side" choice but its inherently selfish since the real reason anyones picking the ithorians is for the force healing. its why traya calls you out on working for them. no one gains anything but you from working with the ithorians, and you dont know if they can even do anything. better to work for czerka, get tangible rewards and get the restoration back on track than be a selfish dickhead who sides with hippies to maybe get healed by their (((healer)))

Does anyone have the Kotor 2 webm or Youtube video where someone sets up a bunch of mines, Darth Sion walks in during a cutscenem steps on them and the boss fight against him is immediately concluded?

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And they got so mad that made Vitiate into a Darth Nihilus + Sheev Mary Sue that can do anything don't getting that Nihilus was so OP because it was a parody that Avellone did to the EU Siths like Naga Shadow that could summon armies of illusions and black holes with the force

i really wish they kept going with the theme of the old republic in the novels that due to the lack of more advanced technology the force users were more powerful as they were steeped in mysticism and sorcery to overcome the lack of tech

I liked how Kreia confirm that old force users were monsters in comparison with the actual ones and even more compared to Luke in the OT


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Revan book was shit. There was nothing relevant in the book and it literally shit on Revan and Exile as characters made them just fodder to make them appear in SWTOR which also is shit because EA.

dick sucking lips

Alright true Kotor fans raise ya hands if you have this rare item.

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>the two characters that are front and cente are Bastila and...a selkath

I didn't have that but I did have this. Sold it once I got the games on steam during a sale.

Forgot pic.

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Because it IS a good game and some of us were really disappointed that it was unfinished. So many bugs, so many loose plot threads, so many unanswered questions which are vital to understanding the story. After you're done playing, go get the TSLRCM or whatever the latest RC mod is, play it again and see what I mean. It is a pretty good game, but there was an excellent top tier game that ended up somewhere on the cutting room floor.

>can't tell fishmen apart

I always thought a cool selkath is gonna join your party but it never happened

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It's Carth



Do I need to play kotor 1 before I play this?
I played kotor 1 on my xbox as a kid but forgot most of it now, can't be bothered to play it on pc as it's fucked on modern hardware

>Do I need to play kotor 1 before I play this?
No and its better if you play kotor 2 before 1

despite being objectively an unfinished game with messy late game content, it's mostly praised and there's mods that fix most of its problems anyway

Pretzels or something

Attached: Pretzels.png (767x1327, 256K)

It's a pointless deconstruction of a perfectly fine "as is" franchise made by the same hack writers who can't do anything else with their games for 2 decades. Unfortunately beggars can't be choosers so people who love this game and it's writing are reliving a kind of stockholm syndrome when they've been so starved for content that they will eat up any trash related to the franchise and spend countless of hours defending it online to validate it.

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KOTOR 1 gives you all the context on how the current sith empire started, but it's not strictly necessary as most of the characters are original.

>kotor 1 and 2
>battlefront 1 and 2
what's the fifth game?

The Sith Lords!? more like the Kino Lords


>people who liked kotor 2 are people who like modern star wars

what kind of delusional autist world do you live in?

republic commando judging from the boss on the cover

These are actually the games it comes with. It also came with a trial disc for Star Wars galaxies iirc.

Attached: 166276-star-wars-the-best-of-pc-windows-back-cover.jpg (800x1138, 277K)

>Empire at War
based and the expansion was amazing


>i went to the midnight screening and clapped when i saw the x-wings
hardcore Star Wars fans hated KotOR 2
people who like it like Obsidian primarily, not the IP

Not him but that makes perfect sense. Thematically Disney SW movies and kotor 2 accomplish the exact same things and in terms of storytelling and characters they are of the same quality. Liking one would mean there's a good chance you like the other too.

but I am that guy and I love Kotor 2

first was better

shit bait

Haven't played in a while, kind of want to do a dark side playthrough, what should I use and what companions should I grab?

shit brain

Be a single saber master, go Guardian/Lord, do an all droid party.