Days Gone hype

You guys are getting it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


No. I know a bunch of normie co-workers who probably will and enjoy it for a week or two but even they have complained about the whole "Jesus zombies again? I thought we were giving them a break for awhile."

> Movie games in 2019.


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Damn that looks bland.


Sorry I'm sick of one-and-done Snoy movie games

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>everything is wrecked
>except for the gasoline pumps

great design boys

It looks so fucking bad.

>walking slowly to avoid pop ins


Everything about it just looks so boring and uninspired. Every single decision the developer made was in service of creating a bland game. You'd have to be TRYING to make something as uncreative as this.

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only if it has better than a 85 score on metacritic



>tfw have preorder for collectors edition which is incredibly rare in my country
>either enjoy the game and keep the CE
>or resell it for almost twice as much, because demand is big for it

it is win-win situaton

Looked like shit when we first saw it and it still looks like shit now.

>Open world

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wow, that looks worse then I could ever fucking imagine.

>Zombie trying to bite you
>Headbutt it
What kind of retarded shit is this?

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When Yea Forums said that Sony stealth shills on here, I thought they were lying


Did I just watch a strange mating ritual? Those zombies looked like they were trying to hump the MC not rip him apart.

this one is my personal favorite

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>itt salty pcfags because nobody is making big AAA games for their toyboxes


We have a thousand games exactly like this in Early Access and everybody got bored with them by 2017.

has nothing to do with politics, if anything /pol/ should be shilling for this game since it stars a straight white semi-masculine male

>writes this
>then proceeds to play DayZ

>How do you know it'll be bad they could've changed staff and there's no staff that worked on Bubsy 3D?
>watch webm
I think I know all the staff that worked on Bubsy 3D worked on this game.

It's Watch_Dogs all over again.

Literally whom the fuck is playing DayZ? Everybody dropped that game years ago.

>thing thats never happened

I really hope this is before 17gb patch that came out yesterday
I love how you leave out the fuact, that after bubsy they were making syphon filter

I own a ps4 but nice try

Preordered it 90 days ago

and yet you don't even own a playstation, pkek

>survival elements
>gets hit
>qte to break free
>shoots exploding barrel
I hope the guy who made this webm doesn't think this looked good.

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Sorry this is your job. Try being a wageslave, or don't because whatever you're doing is way better. Hopefully anyway.

>days gone is red dead but with zombies
>Yea Forums suddenly hates open world western environment because zomibes again
the Yea Forums mob mentality is real

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yes, day 1 buy for me

Sony is trying so hard to shill this game with their social media team and they are failing lol...this is not how you do zombie games ..I have no clue who in the fuck gave this gane the green light


>can't argue so resorts to dismissive false assertions

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How will the fact that future games are mostly going to be set in China affect the American audience?

And I am sick of when devs make shitty MMOs, MOBAs, RTS, plane simulators and other mainly PC genres, but I am not fucktard who complains about existence of games that I don't enjoy

>Yea Forums has hated zombie games due to the fatigue of being flooded with zombie games for years
>Resident Evil 2 only got a pass because it was a remake of an old game
>Surprised Yea Forums is hating on yet another zombie game
Yea Forums has literally been bemoaning this on Steam for years, except with the included tag "Early Access."

>It's just like this other open world game, except it isn't, WHY DON'T YOU LIKE THIS GAME, VEE?!?!
"it's just like fallout with guns" isn't a reason to buy any game you shit-slurping, no-opinion having faggot

Well somehow they managed to go back to just after Bubsy 3D was finished. I mean fucking hell, they're showing off fancy ass cinematics and voice acting and the game isn't even fucking working right. How fucking lazy can you get?
>17gb patch
Finish the fucking game before you add the extra shit you lazy sluts.

Why am i a bleeping bleeptard?

holy shit

>old brand good new brand bad

The four horsemen.

Don't care, I'd gladly take a gen of Romance of the 3 kingdoms and Journey to the West games since it wouldn't be ANOTHER FUCKING 3RD PERSON SHOOTER.
It'd be a welcome change.

Cant afford a pc can you ...or you lack the iq to use a keyboard and mouse

Says who? You know the chinks love stereotypically American shit like Transformers right? If anything this is their type of game.

What the fuck are you even blathering about, stop talking in fucking memes and pretending like it's an opinion, you shitposting dullard

i played a demo a couple days ago, it doesnt really stand out a lot. we played two missions, one was stealth and the other was killing a big pit full of zombies. the stealth one wasnt very interesting and the melee combat is basically just mash R2 to win. it ended pretty quickly and the human enemies at the end were kinda dumb. the guns feel really weak as well, there's not much impact since enemies dont give out much blood and there's not a gore system like re2 remake had.
the other section was a lot fucking harder and got irritating since i had to constantly kite the huge horde everywhere whilst blowing up explosive stuff that was lying around. it was pretty entertaining when i put mines on a gas tank and it blew up when they went around it. the shotgun was fucking useless against the horde, it didnt have much ammo and im fairly certain i didnt have anything else aside from the mines and a pistol so i was pretty much just running away until we ran out of time. i wouldnt get it, honestly. a zombie game with huge hordes in this style sounds fun but the execution isnt that good. the graphics are also kinda ugly at times. the bike felt nice to drive at least.

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>3rd person

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>days gone is shit, I-I didn't play it but that's what user on Yea Forums said!

>zombie has no reaction to getting shot multiple types by an AK
lmao at this garbage

>days gone is good, I-I didn't play it but that's what trannys on resetera said!


nahh, pass for me

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Oh wow a glitch how crazy

No you don't understand they're totally new and unique this time! We call them freakers now!

I literally didn't even call the game shit in any of my posts, but you're so fucking incapable of conversating in something that isn't a console war or a meme that you can't help but greentext like I did anyways.

Get fucked and get off this board, you're ruining everything for everyone else.

>it's a "Yea Forums laughs at a game that hasn't received its release patch yet" episode

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You never have been on steam have you there are thousands of high quality games ..ps4 are for children and youtube reviewers pc are for adults

>hit a person with a motorcycle, not even at terribly high speed
>person is sent flying
>motorcycle doesn't even wobble

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>days gone is red dead but with Zombies

We already had that and at least they had the deceny to end it short.

is the game being uninspired and generic a glitch too?

I’m not claiming it’s good or bad, just that Yea Forums is full of it’s own type of npcs

Cute snekko.

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>spamming memes in every post
Take a break

Holy shit those ps1 textures are bad I'm glad I skipped this gen I didnt this this gen was even a upgrade over last but next gen should finally be on par with pc graphics with a 1080 level or graphics hopefully

Why does every zombie game that tries to do something at least a little interesting always come out broken and unpolished?

part 3 kinda sucks, hopefully part 4 focuses on best girl again.

as fo

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The front page is full of indie shit dude fuck off with that bullshit

cope nincel

>its a "underage kid gets upset that Yea Forums doesnt buy movie shit" episode
I hate these reruns.

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whats the story about this retards shitposting with this shitty offscreen gameplay ?

Does Yea Forums have any actual criticism other than

You have to reason to seethe at a post unless you were personally offended by it. Responding like a mindless drone to everything attacking it only paints you as a defender of brands.


It's too by the numbers and the tags it checks off have been done to death already and I'm not talking about the zombies.

>f-fuck off shill

Sliding melee attacks, the epitome of laziness

>Y-you're the NPC's!

Did you by any chance remember that Red Dead Redemption with zombies already exists? It's called Red Dead Redemption.

Again, not actual criticism.
Thank you.
It’s like instead of reviewing a movie you say other movies have already done aliens before so it’s automatically bad

Again, literally not what they said.

You're absolutely incapable of trying to articulate the point you want to make without resorting to greentexting, and it's actually sad to watch you strain.

Oh nvm I thought I was talking with someone older then 18. Carry on then child.

So what makes days gone bad and red dead good, because red dead is multiplat?

Again mind


Good. Fuck realistic physics. We need to go back to GTAVC physics.

Horizon 2.0, i feel sorry for anybody who goes to the webm threads

That is a legit criticism because it does nothing new despite being a new IP. Shut the fuck up.

Why aren't the zombies on fire?

>Glitchy is not a valid criticisms
Do they pay you per post or per hour?

Not really, just another zombie game

Im sure when the game comes out there will be plenty legitimate criticism that goes in depth. but for now its perfectly acceptable to have a lack of interest in this game because what has been presented to us is mediocre at best.

>Yea Forums shown as the hivemind they are
It’s god of war all over again

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Show me a second glitch

I don't know are you looking for more things that aren't allowed to be criticized so you can add it to your list in the next thread you make?

Days Gone looks like buggy shit, has shown literally nothing unique about the protagonist, the gameplay, or the world beyond "you can ride a motorbike", and has constantly been pushed back in signs of what's probably an incredibly troubled development, backed by a developer with no real history behind them.

It'd be harder to ask "What is good about Days Gone?"

its time to bring Vampires back

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what is this

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>bawww Yea Forums is a hivemind
Go back to wherever you came from.

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>humans are the bad guys again
no hype at all

This. VTMB2 is next year and it's for them to shine again. Bring me Nazi Vampires in CoD, Open world Vampire survival games, and some open world Vampire action/adventure game

Reminder that this is how this niggers lives lmao

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>red dead
>not buggy shit
>still praised as kino by the Yea Forums collective opinion

Sorry for browsing a shit board while I take a shit, sweaty

another zombie game?

Days Gone looked uninteresting in its first teaser trailer and it looks uninteresting now.
Why Sony decided to greenlight a second zombie shooter, beats me. Did they really learn nothing from Resistance vs Killzone? At least MS learned from Forza vs PGR and killed the right franchise to let the other blossom.

imagine getting sweaty from taking a shit, how fat are you?

>Yea Forums before gow release
>i-its for soilent boys
>game of the year

>fire does nothing
>dont even react to bullets in the head

who the fuck is excited for this garbage?

Reminder that you can be IP traced on Yea Forums too you massive anglo nigger

>game is called Days Gone
>it actually counts the Days Gone

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Is it on steam?

I'm not defending RDR, you stupid shitpost addict. Quit resorting to memes and greentexts in place of your opinion.

Maybe on black friday when it's 20 bucks, same as Mortal Kombat 11. The only game coming out for the rest of the year that I'm interested in is Borderlands 3, and that's just because I haven't had a decent co-op shooter to play with my friends in a while.

>that struggle


Yup we’re the one’s with good taste right bros?
All those sony npcs just inflate their numbers!

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>wh*te male protag

>People think Days Gone looks like shit?

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>Are ya winnin', sssson?

This looks shit fucking hell. The gun play looks like it's all over the place.
>zombies in 2019

>wat is good about days gone
Looks like there’s a lot to do in the world, lots of different enemy types
>lots of zombie variants
>human beans
Looks like it has good stat progression
Missions could get crazy with all the zombies they can put on screen

Now tell me, what is bad about these aspects?

literally nothing wrong with zombie survival if its actually a good and polished game

>shaky motorolla webm
>indicator of quality
Yup, Yea Forums‘a got the right opinion boys, pack it up sony’s finished


But overdone!!!!
I already played the early access games on pc which are just as good console peasant!!!


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>hasn’t played it
Yup, that’s Yea Forums

the shilling is so fucking obvious it hurts

>he has a deriving opinion from the flock, shill!!!

don't try to twist my statement into defending garbage, cucksole subhuman

Still waiting on an actual articulate response here, Yea Forumsirgins fags

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personally it not the zombies that the problem, but just how generic the design for them are.
like use your imagination man go wild it a video game

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Notice how shill replies in greentext all the time.
Don't forget to report for advertising.

btw yes I am a shill, can you still articulate a debatable response knowing that?
Or are you just going to give Yea Forums npc response #42526 “fuck off shill”

the textures haven't loaded yet
you can see a wall suddenly becoming higher quality at the end


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You cannot seriously be using "Multiple enemies and stats" as fucking points in the games favor.
The only actual unique point in the game's favor is a theoretical one of "Maybe they'll use tons of zombies in an interesting fashion".

Then why the fuck haven't they shown that off yet? There's literally nothing to this game that looks interesting.
Stats and enemies don't make an interesting game.


>character not centered
>epic walking simulator
the sony experience

I preordered the game and plan to enjoy it

What we could have gotten instead of another generic zombie shooter
>Ape Escape 4
>new Jak and Daxter
>Motorstorm 4
>new Sly Cooper
>Legend of Dragoon 2
>new Ratchet and Clank
>Bloodborne 2
>Demon's Souls 2
>Gravity Rush 3
>new Forbidden Siren
>new WipeOut
>new Syphon Filter

What the fuck does the webm being shaky have to do with anything? You can still see the gameplay.

Stat progression != stats
Maybe they’re saving it to not blow their load on trailers like based kojimbo?
They have shown that there are many enemy types and that’s variation on the game to make it not boring.
Again articulate a better response that isn’t “s-sounds boring”

>they don't catch fire
>don't react to bullets to the head
>"do not take damage"QTE
>"animations are ps3 tier"
>character takes a half of the screen
>can hit 20 times before the axe is breaking
>"""rpg""" elements
jesus it looks so generic

but not in a game that pushes """realistic graphics""


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When was this touted?

>autists pissing themselves because things aren't centered
Get help

never, but does Days Gone look like stylized graphics to you?

I’m pretty sure they’re keeping the graphics low to make up for the set pieces.


holy batman those textures, this can't get any worse than th-

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Maybe he can't but I can and I am also done with shitty cash grabbing Mobile game style online games and garbage simulators on steam. Having a bit of fucking diversity in your library is a good thing. That's why I own a PS4 and a Switch along with my PC because I ain't-a piss poor PC bro who can only afford a Walmart gaming pc like you

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The esrb description

>Content Descriptors: Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language
Rating Summary: This is an action game in which players assume the role of Deacon St. John, a biker trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. Players complete various missions, help survivors find homes and food, search for loved ones, and battle humans, animals, and hordes of Freakers (i.e., mutated humans) in frenetic combat. Players use firearms (e.g., shotguns, machine guns, assault rifles) and melee weapons (e.g., axes, spiked bats, machetes) to kill several enemies; large blood-splatter effects occur when characters are attacked. Cutscenes also depict intense acts of violence: characters tortured with blowtorches; a mutant's head exploding from a gunshot; characters getting their throats slit; a man getting his ear cut off; a bag full of severed ears. The game contains some suggestive/sexual material: a woman dragged into an empty cabin by marauders (implication of attempted sexual assault with dialogue stating, “This one's a biter!”); dialogue such as “Wow, she is a looker. I'd hit that” and “…only if you promise to ride me as much as you ride your bike.” The dialogue briefly references drugs (e.g., “...doc's got me on some Oxy” and “…jacked up on some PCP...”). The words “f**k,” “sh*t,” and “a*shole” appear in dialogue.

>game has full drag woman into a shed sexual assault but jap games need the censoring

hypocritical fucks


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The power of slow PS4 HDD

who is that whore?

to be fair anime visual novels are cringe and should be treated as such

>Maybe they’re saving it to not blow their load on trailers like based kojimbo?
Considering that Sony hasn't actually revealed official live gameplay after so many years of wait, shoved the game off the E3 main stage last year to focus on other projects, I'm actually not sure what point they would be saving it for.

>Stat progression != stats
>They have shown that there are many enemy types and that’s variation on the game to make it not boring.
What variation, what enemy types? How's it different, what's different about it? I'm literally asking "What's good about the game" and you give me vague claims of variation or enemy types?

I can't articulate a good argument if you bring fucking nothing to the table to argue against. For somebody who's supposedly interested in the game, you may as well know about as much as I fucking do about it.

Also shit. There are lots of categories of shit derivative games. Citing one does not displace another.

A jezebel

Why Zombies?

>you may as well know about as much as I fucking do about it.
2bh, I haven't been keeping up on the trailers because I don't gorge on them because that ruins the experience, but I'm going off of what little they've been promising.
I honestly can't even afford it but they've been working on it for years, sure there's quality control going on.

We'll just have to see if the mechanics work out the way they look, fuckboy
catch you when the reviews come in, anti-shill

same. If its that horrible, Ill just sell it and move on

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>"peace out lol"

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Am I the only one who thinks this looks like a CLEAR ripoff of RDR2 except with a walking dead theme instead of wild west?

>very similar UI/weapon wheel
>similar animations for many things
>hunting and skinning animals almost 1:1 like in RDR2
>even the bear attack QTE looks completely ripped from RDR2

I've literally never once heard anybody compare the two and its all i can fucking see

holy kek you literally have no argument

none of us know enough about the game to have a proper discussion, retard, you said it yourself brainlet faggot.

bike > horse
change my mind

You bought fallout 76 and anthem I guess.

change my mind

Sorry, I don't support white supremacists developer teams and their propaganda games.

have another (you)

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>Zombies coming out of nowhere

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no (You)

I mean considering the game started development way before RDR2 released, there's no way it's a straight rip-off. Maybe they did tweak the UI after playing RDR2 though.

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The game looks amazing from a technical point of view but the whole zombie premise is just so abused and used up. It really has run its course.
There are a thousand possibilities how to portray a post-apocalyptic world. They could have made it about cannibals, marauders, finding shelter, food, trying to survive, build traps.
Imagine a game like Fallout 1+2 (I mean the originals for all you zoomers) combined with S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
But they chose the most generic things to appeal to the lowest common denominator and play it save instead.
Also I've probably seen 1-2 hours of gameplay by now and it's all the same and extremely repetitive, playing out after a scheme just like any Rockstar open world trash.
Funnily even the normies got sick of the zombie trend and the train already left a couple years ago.

That looks janky af.

uhhh rats?

Well, Yea Forums is complaining about zombies when that doesn't matter, apocaliptyc worlds can be fun.
The problem here is the bugfest
>21 GB day one patch
Be prepared for a buggy mess.

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Not that user but I wish I'd stuck with what I heard and saw about fallout 76 but two of my friends managed to talk me over. Got the key cheap from some key site. Worst 15 bucks I've spent in a long time.

What have they promised lmao

I just want to see the horde mechanic play out, you have to admit it looks impressive


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read nigga, oh wait niggers can't read sorry for assuming

I don't have to admit shit-all anything about your terrible, forgettable faggot

ooh-wee smells like somebody left an eventual metacritic score of 65 in here

Rats would unironically make for a more interesting enemy faction than zombies, assuming there were a bunch of distinct types.

>update game
>its fixed
wow ye, what a mess

its more than that, there was a gameplay vid that leaked a few days ago that was taken down, and it literally looked like red dead. Very surprised nobody is making the connection. This game is what anthem was to destiny. After it releases there will be reviews that make the comparison for sure. "Days Gone is the Zombie expansion that we've been waiting for for RDR2!!!!"


based but a little retarted nigger pilled

Hey guys I bought my first iPhone today and I cant see webms on it. Any solution?

I mean like litterally an infestation of generic rpg starting quest rats

Carry on




buy merlin on the appstore

>its fixed
Yeah no, they delayed the game to fix it and now you're getting a day one patch of 21 GB, Its no fixed and it won't be.

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shut up nigger

Can i customize my ride though?

I don't need to admit shit because they half-assed it on the gore and satisfying weapons which is literally the only thing they needed to get right on the horde zombie shit.

The only interesting part is it seems finally wildlife and AI aren't ignored by the zombies. Wolves attacking and then getting killed by a mass of zombies seems cool

wipe my ass

the same kind of retarded shit as when someone punches a zombie in the face.

have sex

Sony is no stranger to this marketing tactic so you might actually be onto something

Im sure that wasn't the original intention but that could certainly be the advertising gimmick they run with

Like how Horizon Zero Dawn got so many comparisons to BOTW, it doesn't matter how different the game actually is, everybody comparing the two is good for word of mouth and recognition

wiping my ass is a sexual fetish

I don't need to, Days Gone will be better than sex, fuck off you anti-shill cuck

I like the idea of comfy end of the world travel scenario, but I don't think it'll deliver. Plus TLOU already scratched that itch and did so in a better way

>Kids games
>on MY mature console?!

In delayed time they added more side stuff, more quests, and polished what they had, Im fine with day 1 patch if it fixes some stuff

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It's called Days Gone as a metaphor for the time you could have spent on better games

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This game, unironically, looks soulless.

Please dude, if all we got was sequels, you would cry where the fuck are new ip's. I would love to see some of that stuff, but lets be real

It's called Days gone because it's about the days since anybody last cared about Days Gone

days gone is gonna be shit, niggerbitch.
I'll just play state of decay because Yea Forums reccomended it.

Bix Nood Days Game Gone Be Shit, Niggga.......

more like gays done lmao

More like Game's not Done

>fuck niggers and fuck freakers
Geez I can't believe it's another white protagonist

Why do normies keep falling for E3 "trailers?"

I prefer playing good games, thank you very much

Black female romance interest

Who the fuck decided on the name "Days Gone" desu

It's such a weird ineffective, vague title

Kinda like Horizon : Zero Dawn desu

>“I take thee, to be my wedded Husband; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for cuck fetishes, for generic protag and in bad reviews"
wow, seriously sony?

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It wasnt e3 trailer for me

Why do Sony games always follow the stereotype

>Cinematic game about being a protagonist man but it's also a family man, there's a message about masculinity in there and family c:

Seriously they've been doing this shit since Resistance 3 in fucking 2011

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>Muh talking points

Kill yourself Xcuck

The black Queen will help you to forget about that roastie

>sony goes non diversity token ethnic caricature for once
>it's a bad thing
Yeah, no. Give me a boring as possible personality for my zombie game. I want to play not care about what he's feeling. Going to be skipping cut scenes if I ever do get it either way.

Here's an actually worthwhile zombie game for those interested.

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>Goalpost moving
Typical Xfaggotry.

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>99 bullets to kill a zombie on both easy and normal, scripted bosses that require "x" amount of bullets before attempting or walk boss into specific area then shoot one for epic cutscene where you do one animation to a boss and win... The game!

KYS, bullet sponge evils 2 is worse than syphon filter one

>posts one of the most safest soft reboot holywood style trusted brand™ Yea Forums approved dog shit

They're zombies dumbass. They're not supposed to be killed easily.

>the freakers are actually just trannies who took too many hormonses and mutated
>Yea Forums suddenly loves it
screencap this dick

>they are supposed to take every bullet in the game in the head to die, bosses are supposed to be rigged to require a set amount of bullets or you fail and don't forget that infinite spawning zombies so you can't clear an area, especially if you wasted 99 shots on that first npc zombie at start of the game

KYS resi cuckold shill, zombies should die in one hit to the head from anything that's bigger than a 9m handgun

That would imply taking hormones changes you fundamentally

>shoot head
>umm sorry sweety we didn't know how to desing levels so we're just going to give them a lot of health ;)

zombies are the most boring overused shit enemy i can think of. game would have to be a 12/10 masterpiece of gameplay and story for me to even consider playing a fucking post-apoc zombie game.

ok but what about lots of zombies

Days gone looks that shit, I actually wasted money on world war z, that's saying something

>that's saying something
Yeah, it says "I'm retarded"

>care only about gameplay
>I'm in the wrong and moving goalposts

mechanics wise it looks very promising
I just wish it had a more interesting setting
there are so many better things you could do then just another boring zombie game.

Awww bless, found the snoys gone shill, yeah I only use ps4 and pc to death and defend Sony sometimes but even I know this game is gonna be worse than l4d2 with third person mods, like I said Im getting more enjoyment from world war z that's a cash grab than snoy movie simulation zombies game

If you losers had actually bothered to play RE2 you'd know about /critical headshots/

name 1(one) setting that would work with the amount of gook population levels of zombies they're showing nigger
and don't say urban environment you fucking neanderthal

I did play it and can't be bothered to do another fucking route of that slow fucking garbage

the motor bike handling looks perfect
took devs something like 20 years but they finally managed to implement vehicles in their action games which are fun
recently mordhau also managed to perfectly Implement horse combat
just lame that both those improvements are stuck in games I have no interest in playing

what would you rather play, there's nothing coming out, and no you and I both know you aren't working on that backlog

>Open world survival crafting plagued with development issues... BUT WITH ZOMBIES!

Attached: sean_murray.jpg (1920x1080, 132K)

>shoot head with preorded dlc handgun that supposedly does 3x more damage, still takes 99x headshots to kill a literal begginer zombie at the start of the game, yet a boss takess 3 shots from standard pistol in a scripted area and it does after 3 shots!

Such a good game, cannon fodder npc zombies takes 99x bullets to kill and can regenerate health and be resurrected is acceptable because zombies take 99x bullets to kill irl apparently

this actually has level design, gay boy

>Same typing patterns
>Same non-arguments
>Same webm filenames
Seething shillfag detected. No one wants your game. Even normalfags think it looks boring as fuck.

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Attached: Screenshot - 4_22_2019 , 5_46_42 AM _v_ - Days Gone hype - Video Games - 4chan - Google Chrome.png (1129x277, 97K)

>mechanics wise it looks very promising
What fucking mechanics? Shooting a lot of zombies from a third-person perspective, or walking around and slowly picking things up from the ground?

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being ignorant on purpose doesn't win you argument points libtard

Based, not even Sony fans like myself want to go near this shitty movie game, being serious, I spent my last coin on bl1 remastered and wwz because this game looks that bad, it's literally last of us without mp and any sort of gameplay besides drive here shoot zombie repeat, it's a gta skin with zombies

Is this meant to look fun?

Here at Sony, we don't use words like ''fun''. We prefer ''immersion'' and ''experiences''.

Fucking bullshit you lying NEET


>literally just monster nests from TW3
it was shit filler content there too

Stfu you onions worshipping cunt, go back to McDonald's and play on those shitty flash games called Mario on their Nintendo McDonald's shitch tablets that's fixed into the resteraunt

this post is dumb on many levels

top of my head. there was this game setting called dark earth. it´s also post apocalyptic but fastly more interesting.
it takes place thousands of years into the future were a once futuristic world was almost destroyed by a supernova.
society has returned to a almost dark age kind setting with a few elements of scifi.
Technology from the past are relics which are barely understood. Weapons from the area before the fall are seen as holy artifacts with incredible destructive force. People live in castle like cities protected by huge walls.
the world outside those walls is a dangerous mix of jungle, swamp and wasteland full of old massive ruins and dangerous humanoid mutants, dangerous scavengers tribes and alien life forms
the game could more or less reuse all the gameplay ideas they have used and even implement more fun gameplay ideas, weapons, enemies, etc with the scifi setting.
they would just have to hire interesting concepts artist instead of just putting a few small run down american villages and gas stations in their game and call it a day
there are a million better and more interesting settings for a game then just seeing the same boring run down middle american town over and over again.

Attached: dark earth.jpg (230x300, 12K)

>sets fire to a brick wall( bricks cannot catch fire) then a crowd of 30 plus zombies pop in from fresh air in a 4x4cm square area in front of the player and attack him, gotta love those skyrim tier spawns and animations

was... that zombie trying to kiss the player?

>smug anime poster
>"analyzes" typing patterns
>muh shill boogeyman
this game looks like shit and I'm not going to buy it but you should give your own farts one last sniff and then neck yourself

use of resources. having to plan out combats scenarios before burning down a zombie nest, being able to use zombie hordes to take out a bandit outpost (i think they at least hinted at that possibility), just the fact that the game is able to use hundreds of enemies at once, quick jump from melee combat to shooting which doesn´t look weird.
and well the driving around in the bike looks super fun

Why because I won't buy a shitty single player bug infested movie game even though I'm a fan of Sony, I don't like movie games that copy mechanics that's been done in far cry 2 and 3, sorry to burst your reverse shill bubble pal, maybe try shilling a game that's not a movie?

rage 2 coming out in may or yes maybe play some older games which I skipped
I wish that game had an awesome looking bike like days gone

It had to try and descipher whether or not that 4x4 cm square area can attempt a scripted attack animation or not (one animation for attacking zombies)

>maybe play some older games which I skipped

Its almost like if you have a lot of experience you can pinpoint bullshit and predict outcomes which will ultimately become true.

Heh, it crazy isn't it?

Attached: oh geez.jpg (709x236, 37K)

i haven´t played the crash or spyro remake yet
that seems like a good way to pass the time

just like how Yea Forums predicted gow, last horizon, and spiderman would fail

This is awfully specific. Projection, perhaps?

oh.... so it didn't attempt something original like the zombies or whatever fucking name they have for the zombies running up to you and attempting to faggot you to death.

Cuz that'd be amusing for a while at least, if not then this game will be the most bland game released this year.

delays gone

That's one thing we definitely see. They suck.

>Yea Forums is one guy
checks out.
Oh yeah and all of those are shit. You are welcome.

40k on some small barely industrialized world at the edges of the Imperium which has a tyranid and ork problem

and sony's doomed right?
yup I know your playbook.

You are embarrassing yourself.


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World War Z is better

all of those games and franchises are getting ruined by sonys sjw policy
couldn´t even be bottered to finish spider-man due to all the feminist revisionism. removing any sense of sexappeal from mj and black cat while also turning peter into a emasculated loser who get´s ordered around and constantly easily outsmarted/defeated by women

>mfw still enjoy open world zombie survival games
I played a lot of State of Decay 2 early in the year so it'll be interesting playing something more narrative driven.

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>only three exclusive games that are out actually worth touching

Post a webm or find me a gameplay video anywhere which shows a zombie taking approximately 99 bullets to kill.

You simply don't know how to fucking play. Stop moving and wait for the reticle to shrink. HOLY SHIT ONLY 3 SHOTS AND HIS HEAD EXPLODED ITS LIKE MAGIC!

Sony's policy has been in effect for almost a year now, nothing major has changed and no big release was ever touched by it.

Attached: madballsdotcom.jpg (1280x1065, 275K)

>When I fart it doesn't make any sound now! So I get my tongue and go like this *pirrt*
What did Deacon St. John mean by this?

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I was debating on getting Days Gone or Metro Redux.

Seems like open world survival is pretty good in both games.

It doesn't look as bland as breath of the wild.

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Attached: It72OjW.webm (720x402, 2.09M)

>only if you promise to ride me as much as you ride your bike.
looks like it's not an accident how his face looks

Hell YEAH brotha choppers are cool af and get me all hyped up just love seeing jacked man driving choppers they are so fucking cool brotha

Good lord that looks bad.

Attached: 1551185012314.jpg (504x470, 56K)

Yeah. Nothing as inspiring as another zelda or mario.

Busywork side quests
Unattractive UI
Tracking melee attacks

>Snek tits game will never come out

Attached: 1336510850504.png (309x323, 195K)

Yea because all of these are made by the same developer.

since when?

>Busywork sidequest
Like what?
>Unnatractive ui
Depends on taste
>Tracking melee attacks
Fair, but not that bad. Hyped bamham games all have that

Attached: IMG_20190420_061236-01.jpg (2048x1152, 1.02M)

This is pretty neat

Why do sony games make Yea Forums seethe?

Because of poorfags who cant aford ps4

When will Yea Forums realize they have zero influence influence over anything?

Because their moms bought them a Switch so they have to cope.

>nobody wants to talk about your flavor of the week exclusive
>better bring up console wars

More like fell for the mustard race meme

>carries a 50 cal rifle AND another rifle on his back no problem

That's one strong nigga

That's pretty cool

If you can afford mustard meme, theres no reason you cant buy ps4

How does it run on the regular ps4?


are you recording with a fucking dashcam?

some try to justify their $4000 port machine too hard

Muddy textures, excessively bright gamma
Play any Ubisoft game where every side quest is a blip on the map that repeats objectives. *Destroy nest* or something to the same effect.
Shit taste
This isn't a Batman game.

>Gameplay is shit
>But hey snow lays on the ground!

How much are they paying you?
Like genuinely, if there’s a job where you do nothing but post shill threads on Yea Forums and violently defend said shill (and it pays good) I’m interested in the work.
Getting paid to shitpost (even soulless shitposts like this) seems fun

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Heres your real time weather bro

Attached: Untitled_01_3.webm (1280x720, 2.63M)

You need 1 year of janny experience MINIMUM

Im getting paid in pleasure of experiencing some of best games in industry

And yes the pay(onions milk) is very good.
The way Sony distributes our daily onions intake is by lining all the shill cucks over a feeding trough of onions milk and whoever slurps the most onions milk gets to suck off tyrone after he’s done cucking us
It’s a very fun and culturally enriching experience!

Days Gone looks fun.

Shut up nigger, put on your shill tripcode before you say compliments otherwise we less collective onions milk in the trough, respect our socialist system of onions milk compensation or find another job

Im buying it just cause i have a huge boner for zombies.
The shooting is the only thing im not sold on, but theres crossbows and other shit plus melee weapons, so aint worried.
Fuck zombie haters, they will always be best

Stop forgetting your tripcode nigger shit, we’re going to starve at this rate!

I don't buy boring games.

I thought it was odd that this is the game GameStop decided to start that consequence free purchase system on. If Yea Forums is right then this game is gonna get returned to hell and back....but then they get to give you store credit and get a used copy that they don't have to give to developers.
But at the same time if it's actually good this policy kinda implies there's not anything good about this game and that nobody's confident in it

Yea Forums on panic mode

>remasters and enhanced version of old games
>3 yakuzas, some of which got replaced with newer ones because they've been ported to pc
>garbage like driveclub, killzone and the order
this list becomes more hilarious the more it gets edited
also you forgot detroit, should remove that

the animations are hilariously bad, actually looking forward to watch this on twitch

I'm guessing 77 on metacritic

nimations are good for characters etc, its just they sometimes interact ..funny

Like dream

sexy poster

t. Seething snoyboys who cant accept their shit games are chores with no replay value

Yeah why n-
>lame 24GBs day one patch
Nah my interest in the game is minimum but I was still thinking about giving it a go. That being said it ain't worth the bandwidth and shit.

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I really hope it turns out good so we can see nincels cope but it honestly doesnt look that great. Hope I'm wrong though.

>Another game for Xcucks to seethe over for the next five years

Don't worry lads, just a few more months until Gears of Woke 5, then you'll get a cinematic game you do approve of.

But look at this alpha footage of the game from 3 years ago, there's some rough animations and graphical glitches.

Yeah they're really worried that Sony will look bad with this game

What are you on limit, pussy?